When OUR Government Takes Over Supranational Banks, We'll Have More Freedoms and Prosperity than Any Generations Have Known.

Doing the Josiah Stamp of 1927 in the United States of 2025

We need now, January 2025, what we needed in January 2009.

We need to take over this nation's largest commercial Banks: JP Morgan
, Citibank, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley.

Already, way back in 2008, the tax-payers of the United States were committed by our Government to expending AMOUNTS on these Banks that FAR EXCEEDEd these Banks' Assets.

More than $5 trillion-and-counting tax- payers gave those supranational Federal Reserve System bettor/debtors.

In short, WE bought those five Banks 17 years ago.

(Please see the realities and solutions put forth in my Five Steps to Freedom and Solvency’ from Oct. 31, 2008, as reprinted in The World Is Turning on page 325 of its PDF over on the Ur1Light.com website.

Let us now in 2025 do with these Banks as WE choose.

Let’s dispose of these Banks as best suits a livable future for our children. Let us turn them into a network of cooperatively owned Banks that meet local and national and international needs without usurious Interest and Gambling-Debts.

Let’s make new Banks to help us produce from the riches of our land.

We already have tremendous resources. We have businesses and solutions that have thrived outside the Vampiric Parasite of hegemonic Corporations-and-Government.

The assets of co-operatives in the U. S. exceeded $1 trillion in 2008. In 2007
Co-op America's 1% in Community Campaign moved 'nearly $1 billion into low-income communities--creating jobs, affordable housing and locally owned businesses.

In short, we have many means to EMPOWER OURSELVES. WE can WIN!

We can win freedom and prosperity for our futures. We have only to throw off the Vampiric Parasite of Corporations coupled with Corrupt Government. We have only to further nurture cooperative alternatives that are already thriving.

We have to 'Only connect', as E.M. Forster repeated in Howard's End, for our own

It's all, still, in January 2025, a matter of our own will and energy.

If we believe in each other, if we love one another at least to the level of respect, and if we act on such beliefs we can change everything.

Our United States of the Americas can yet be a dream fulfilled, a realization of freedom and prosperity that extends throughout the Western hemisphere and across all Hemispheres.

We can be the vision of harmonious empowerment that was shared by Abraham Lincoln and Simon Bolivar, William. Blake, George Eliot (Mary Evans) and Walt Whitman Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., Simone Weil, Marie Curie, Laura Nyro, Joni Mitchell, Nina Simone, Huey P. Long, Malcolm X, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Jeannette Armstrong ... and hundreds unto thousands of millions and several billions of US, more.

Together we can make happen the sure are needed more than ever in our mRNA-riddled and A.I.-invaded 2025.

Now is still as it ever was. Time and Times are ours to have and own and PASS ALONG so that our children and their grandchildren will have more of freedoms and prosperity than any generation, worldwide, has ever known.