"Prosecute 'Em"
A spoken song to raise Charges against those Few who fear humanity's freedom and genius. Lines of lyrics link to images and urls.
We need to fight back. Billions were deceived by the disease named “ ‘COVID-19’ “and then declared a ‘Global Pandemic’ by the United Nations World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. Billions suffered from forms of the disease named “ ‘COVID-19’ “ and hundreds thousands died from ‘treatments’ such as ventilators and forced co-habititaiton and isolation. Billions more were deceived by the more than 12 billion injections of gene-based ’vaccines’ that began to “roll out” against “ ‘COVID-19’ “ in December 2020. The WHO’s own count of Nations’ ‘Excess Deaths’ shows that many more millions died from causes attributed to “ ‘COVID-19’ “ in the mass-vaccination years of 2021 and 2022 than died when “the COVID” filled Network News’ screens during months of 2020.
Now billions know that both the “ ‘COVID-19’ “ disease and its ‘vaccines’ are NOT what Governments and Network News purported them to be. “ ‘COVID-19’ “ was created as a gain-of-function disease in Laboratories of at least three Nations (the United States, the Peoples Republic of China, and Canada), beginning not later than 2003, and design of the worse-than-useless, debiltating and even murderous gain-of-function, mRNA ‘vaccines’ sold in the billions by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna also became patented not later than the early 21st century.
Millions and perhaps billions now know the Big Lies told about “ ‘COVID-19’ “ and its ‘vaccines.’ Millions and perhaps billions still suffer effects from the Labs-made, gain-of-function disease and its ‘vaccines.’ Billions now are conscious survivors of the most sweeping and cruel, physical and psychological, wara ever waged against humanity’s freedoms and our readily achievable future of prosperity apart from the Fascist Corporations concentrated among Banks and other of the 100 ‘Strategic Partners’ of the World Economic Forum.
Millions now are already united in helping each other. Please see the ‘Resources’ linked by realnotrare.com, one website for victims of ‘vaccines.’ We need to unite further. Every one of us know someone hurt by a ‘COVID-19’ ‘vaccine’. Many of us know victims who have “ ‘died suddenly’ “ soon after accepting one or more shots of a ‘vaccine.’ All of us are suffering from the masses of damage done. Every victim should receive the support of voices joined. Every victim should have his or her day in Court. District Attorneys, County Prosecutors, States’ Attorneys, and, even, whole Nations’ agencies for Justice should be engaged. Through such exposure and unity—through such fights born of compassion and carried by courage—our ways forward to independence and prosperity will open up.
We know who are the Few who have made billions’ lives hellish with their “ ‘COVID-19’ “ and “ ‘vaccines’ “ since 2020—and the WEF and its WHO march on with the would-be International Health Regulations in 2023—and we know from Schoolyards onward that oppressors must be defeated and disarmed if we’re to have the freedom for peace and prosperity that we deserve. Prosecute ‘em!
A sound-file for this piece, spoken and semi-sung, is embedded. Musicians, please, make this piece a song of your own. Give it your different kinds of music. Make it sound like, oh, Australia, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Peru, Singapore, South Africa, …
Videographers, please give images to these lyrics. Almost every line connects to a link and image. Make every line particular to your experience. We’re eight billion lights, able to change each minute.
“Prosecute ‘Em!”
Prosecute ‘em!
We deserve it!
Prosecute ‘em
For our freedom!
Prosecute ‘em
For their Mandates!
Prosecute ‘em
For their Lockdowns!
Prosecute ‘em
For our future!
Prosecute ‘em
For mass murder!
Prosecute ‘em
For their fanning of fears
And their banning of cures
For their lying and our dying
For the grandmas and the grandpas
Gulled and killed in Rest-Homes and Hospitals
With Ventilators, Remdesivir, and No Visitors
How many? Hurt ones!
How many! Sad ones!
How many? Lost ones!
How many? Now are with us no more!
Prosecute ‘em!
For their ‘vaccines’
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ ’Spike Proteins’
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ ‘Gain-of-Function’
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ Amyloids and Prions
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ Cobalt and Chromium
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ Aluminum, Silicon, Sulphur and Titanium
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ Lipid Nanoparticles’ making clots
like plastic snakes that grow inside our veins
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ mRNA chips’ Operating Systems
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots that would turn our life into prisons
of ‘Digital Systems’ that become ‘DNA systems’
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ myocarditis, pericarditis,
embolisms and thrombosis
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ paralysis and heart-attacks
Prosecute ‘em
For mass murder!
Prosecute ‘em
For the young who followed the old,
For the Doctors, Nurses, Pilots, Students, …
Forced to take shots by their Jobs and Schools
For the athletes’ and infants’ seizures on fields and in cribs
For the parents wracked with worries and then with sorrows, too
For their lying and our dying
How many? Hurt ones!
How many! Sad ones!
How many? Lost ones!
How many? Now are with us no more!
Prosecute ‘em!
Ev’ry guilty Actor
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Doctor selling poisons
Prosecute ‘Em
Ev’ry Board approving frauds
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Orderer of compliance
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Thief and Partner
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Agenda Contributor
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Asset Manager
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Bankster Pharisee Descendant
Who would rob and kill humanity
How many? Hurt ones!
How many! Sad ones!
How many? Lost ones!
How many? Now are with us no more!
Prosecute ‘em
For our future of growing even more food
For our children reading even more books
And their children restoring our Earth
And for the unborn
With gifts as unknown
As plants of Prairies and Amazon
Prosecute ‘em
For the ending of fears
And the coming of cures
For the Brilliance ahead
For the young, great, and good
Who are both our Ancestors
And our Tomorrows
How many? Bright ones!
How many! Good ones!
How many? Great ones!
How many? We have with us today!
January to June, 2023
We deserve it!
For our freedom
‘our future’
‘mass murder’
‘fanning of fears’
‘banning of cures’
‘their lying’
‘our dying’
’grandmas and grandpas’
‘Nursing homes’
For their ‘Vaccines’
For their shots’ ‘Spike Protein’
‘Amyloids and Prions’
‘Cobalt and Chromium’
‘Aluminum, Silicon, Sulphur and Titanium’
‘Lipid Nanoparticles’ making clots like plastic snakes that grow inside our veins’
‘mRNA chips’ Operating Systems’
‘Embolisms and Thrombosis’
‘Mass murder’
Thanks Don. Prosecute em? NO. HANG THEM ALL ASAP. Quickly too before the evil is rolled out again.
And yet the psychotic mass killers are still breathing🤷♂️