"The great United States must borrow for its livelihood from a Private Cartel of Banks! [...] This robbery is at the root of our material predicament, the root of why families struggle to survive."

"The Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork is a private, money-making institution, [...] funded and insured and in fact wholly sustained by tax-payers of the United States."

‘Corporations through Government feast on the United States and all the Western world. We've come to live to feed them.

In a letter of November 21, 1864 President Abraham Lincoln wrote: 'I see in the

near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the
safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed.'

In the year 2005 the United States' Federal Government spent $76 billion for
Education, $26.6 billion for Natural Resources and the Environment, and $69.1

billion on benefits for Armed Forces' veterans--a total of $181.7 BILLION.

In this same fiscal year of 2005 U.S. tax-payers contributed $927 BILLION to the Internal Revenue Service. Of this $927 BILLION from tax-payers, $352 BILLION was paid toward interest on United States' National Debt, a National Debt that's accumulated over the 95 years since a Ruse giving exclusive power to Private Cartel of Banks, slyly guised as the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, took control of the United States' money-supply.

The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM was created by and for for the Ruling Few in 1913, one year before institution of the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE.


Every working-day, the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK either expands or contracts the United States' money-supply by buying or selling U.S. Treasury bills ... that the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM has ITSELF LOANED AND PRINTED, with a Fee for INTEREST, to the United States' Government.

We may pause in shock. We may pause to be astounded at this obviously unreasonable relationship. The great United States must borrow for its livelihood from a Private Cartel of Banks!

A cartel that likely is controlled by older, ampler, money- lending institutions based in the current European Union and more specifically the City of London and Geneva, Switzerland, Geneva home in 2009 and in 2025 to the United Nations World Health organization and to the World Economic Forum,

So, as we survey prospects for 2009, we may further pause to understand steps of the process that has for nine and now 11 decades defrauded We the People of the United States of our wealth, powers and possibilities.

This robbery is at the ROOT of our material predicaments. It’s at the root of why people in the United States struggle to sustain their families in the midst of the greatest Plenty of Resources humanity has ever known, and at the root of why billions round the must suffer, suffer, suffer to simply

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve System and indeed ALL commercial Banks WIITH the Federal Reserve System accomplish their money-creation through no more than accounting-entries--through no more LABOR than several keystrokes on a computer--and at no more cost to themselves than 4 cents per Federal Reserve Note, if such bills are even printed in 2009 and 2025.

The F.R.S. Banks are then permitted to loan at INTEREST the amounts of 'money' their accounting has created. They are further permitted through 'Fractional Reserve Lending' to gain and loan at FURTHER INTEREST a multiple NINE TIMES MORE THAN THE AMOUNTS their Accounting Sleights-of-Hand, their 21st-century Digital Keystrokes, have created!

Do you wonder that commercial Banks occupy the biggest Buildings in almost all cities and towns of the United States and indeed all of the Americas?

In 1997 two Banks, the then Citibank and the then Chase Manhattan Bank, held
between them 52.84% of the 19,752,655 Shares of OWNERSHIP for the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York-- again, please remember that the Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork is a private, money-making institution, though it and the WHOLE of the Ruling Few's F.R.S. is funded and insured and in fact wholly sustained by tax-payers of the United States.