
"Fat Snake Cruise"

Song from the Album 'Fat Snake's Tongue Has Got Talking Heads'

Dec. 24, 2024

Relating to a Post of this Day about how We Masses CAN stop Wars waged by the Ruling Few against the free and prosperous Destiny than the Earth and Creation OBVIOUSLY promise us, please see and hear this Song from 1994. ‘Operation Desert Storm’ was a proximate inspiration for the Song, but it’s really about more long-lived stuff. It look less than a half-hour for Lyrics, Melody, Rhythms and Changes to come out Friend and neighbor LAWRENCE FERLINGHETTI did the favor of posting Lyrics in the front-door window of City Lights Bookstore. The Coaxers of Dhyani Dharma Mas, Myles Boisen and Tom Scandura recorded in soon afterward, 1995, in the Guerrilla Euphonics Studio of mid-town Oakland, California.

The home-recording with Bhodran, above, was done late-afternoon two days ago, Sunday, December 22.

“Fat Snake rolling dry riverbed / Fat Snake cruising over our heads / Fat Snake’s colors pretty as Flags / Fat Snake’s scales falling like rags

Imagine! Dunt-Da-Da-Dun’t / Imagine! Dunt-Da-Da-Dun’t / Imagine! Dunt-Da-Da-Dun’t

Fat Snake so long touches each Pole / Fat Snake so old never was born / Fat Snake’s eyes brighter than Jet’s / Fat Snake’s tongue has got talking-heads

Fat Snake moves like Desert Storm / Fat Snake leaves waste after holes / Fat Snake always hungers for more / Fat Snake bound to eat a Home whole

Imagine! Dunt-Da-Da-Dun’t / Imagine! Dunt-Da-Da-Dun’t / Imagine! Dunt-Da-Da-Dun’t

Fat Snake slithers up to your Child / Fat Snake’s senses bead for the kill / Fat Snake’s skin cold to the warm / Fat Snake coils round the young form / Fat Snake squeezes tighter than tight / Fat Snake chokes and crushes screams / Fat Snake swallows from head or feet / Fat Snake fatter / Fat Snake fatter / Fat Snake fatter / From the end to dreams.”

You can the hear the fine Coaxers’ band and our Track here—

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