
"Your Body Rich As Night" #1 of Three Love Songs, spoken on Feb. 1, 2025

Spoken today. Recorded 34 years ago for the Love Is The Main Flame album with The Suspect Many band at Olde West Studio in San Francisco. Lyrics that mean more to me than ever.

February 1, 2025

This song came to me while driving South along Interstate 5 nearby Bakersfield—about 20 miles Pacific Ocean Westward of Bakersfield as the concrete stretchs—and was pretty much complete in half-an-hour. Romantic, you know, and Ecologically Conscious. Heading then, once more, for Los Angeles and the United States TAC Track and Field Championships, June of 1990.

I got with DHYANI when back in San Francisco and he worked up much more music from my melodies. We recorded it with a very fine version of the Suspect Many band at Olde West, one Sunday afternoon, January 1991, in the process of making the Love Is The Main Flame album. JOHN BAKER as always on Keyvboards, MARTY HOLLAND on Electric Bass, KENNY BLACKMAN. on Drums-Set, and JAMES HENRY on Congas and other Percussion. PETER ECKART of Olde West was again our Engineer.

The song’s title was longer then, as my memory was greater, too: “Your Body Is A Nurturing I Ride Into Night / New Cars And Power-Lines Are Strung Out To L.A.”

In 2014 KIDD JORDAN on Tenor Saxophone and MORIKEBA KOUYATE on Kora reocrded this song for our album Women Center Earth, Sea And Sky. The great young videographer caught that Take (we did 16 Tracks in 16 Takes that July 24, 2014, our two hours closing my six hours at the Marigny Studio with engineer Rick G. Nelson that midday-into-evening.

Kidd and I also performed “Your Body […] in the Louisiana Music Factory, and the LMF included us in its Video from November 5, 2016.

I’ll post links to the earlier, audio or video toward end of this Post.

Enough! To today’s spoken version. The lyrics mean more to me now than ever. Do let me know how it comes across. Comments and Exchanges are great!

“Your Body Rich As Night”

Your body is a nurturing 
I ride into night 
Your body is of spirit things 
To bring soul's delight
	Hi-dee-High Hi-dee-High 

Your body is replenishing 
Source gives back to thirst 
Your body is of healing things 
From it wants are burst
	Hi-dee-High Hi-dee-High 

New cars and power lines 
Are strung out to L. A.
How we use the time we have 
Is our means our light

Birds are mired in the oil
Palms and firs shrink by Bays 
How we meet the calls of life 
Is our play with paradise

Damage is a constant 
As cars run round the clock 
Dying can't be accident 
If we boil in our own pots

Politicians banning Art 
Scumbags wash to shore 
No shame in Nature's gifts 
Naked 's where it starts

Your body is a nurturing 
I ride into night 
Your body is of spirit things 
To bring soul's delight
	Hi-dee-High Hi-dee-High 

Your body is replenishing 
Source gives back to thirst 
Your body is of healing things 
From it wants are burst
	Hi-dee-High Hi-dee-High 

	An-other world! Another world!
	Another world is there for us
	Starry, fleshly night.

“Your Body Is A Nurturing I Ride Into Night / New Cars And Power-LInes Are Strung Out To L.A.”

with The Suspect Many of DHYANI DHARMA MAS Guitar, JOHN BAKER Keyboards, KENNY BLACKMAN Drums-Set, MARY HOLLAND Electric Bass, and JAMES HENRY Congas and other Percussion. January 1991 in the Olde West Studio of San Francisco with PETER ECKART as Engineer.


with KIDD JORDAN and MORIKEBA KOUYATE, July 24, 2014, in the Marigny Recording Studio, Rick G. Nelson our Engineer. Video by ARISTIDE PHILLIPS.

with Kidd in Louisiana Music Factory, Novemver 5, 2016—thanks the LMF for that two hours to also perform with CARL LEBLANC, ROGER LEWIS. KIRK JOSEPH, MARIO ABNEY and JOHN from France.