"Despite Strong Majorities Who Oppose" Trillions to Banksters "[...] The Country Is Being Wrecked."

Plus, in the Video below, "This Parasite of our life and wealth has two Heads and Bodies [...] One Head and Body of this Coupled Parasite is named Government. The other half we may call Corporations."

The Federal Government doing us wrong for five—no, make that 16—years.

More than t wo-thirds of U.S. citizens opposed the ‘Bail-Out Bill’ when it was more then 10 TIME LESS than the $8.5 TRILLION awarded to supranational Banks by the U.S. Congress, U.S, President, the U.S. Treasury, and the Federal Reserve System as January 2009 began.

“We must therefore see […] the harsh truth that We, the People of the United States, are meant to be more made the unheard Host of a Parasite that’s devouring us.

This Parasite of our life and wealth has two Heads and Bodies that are joined at the hip and elsewhere. One Head and Body of this Coupled Parasite is named Government. The other half of this Coupled Parasite we may call Corporations. Corporations/Government. Government/ Corporations. United and indivisible and far, far from for us all.”