David Rockefeller wrote then: ‘Broad human interests are being served best in economic terms where free market forces are able to transcend national boundaries.’
The Trilateral Commission’s premise was, however, a lie.
The basic concept of ‘free market forces’ is a lie--another form of ‘Big Lie’, whether it’s voiced consciously or not.
‘Free market forces‘ have nothing to do with the ability of Western economies to take more each year in interest from Southern nations’ debts than the principal of said debt.
As capitalism depends on exploitation, money-lending and speculation to sustain itself (through Banks, Exchanges of commodities and stocks), it depends on brutal and material power (through legislative bodies, Police, Sheriffs and international Armed Forces) to carry on its inequities.
The forced, worsening imbalance between Northern and Southern nations’ economies means that Southern nations’ revenue from resources (oil, bananas, bauxite, coffee, copper, diamonds, gas,
gold ... manganese, nickel, titanium, zinc, ...) and their people's 12- hours-a-day labor are ultimately cost-free to their exploiters. It means that these nations and their peoples can never escape debt. That is, their people can never escape the crushing, grinding, distorting pressures of poverty.
The supranational exploiters’ methods are thus to me worse than local mafias. The supranational exploiters and their means never let a farm or shop or workers and families gain a penny or peso against debt.
They have old and new Laws on their side. Their methods of loan- sharking, theft and degradation are sanctioned by international Agreements (the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or
G.A.T.T., the North American Free Trade Agreement or N.A.F.TA.) that are never put to a vote by the working people they affect.
Further, supranational groups (the World Trade Organization foremost) have sought more and more to ‘transcend’ any control by local or national Governments.
These groups want to be a law among themselves.
They want, in fact, return to a feudal order that will be extended across continents.
Their intentions are at best arrogant and mistaken, blinded by their removes from the poverty, suffering and rebellion that their further, depriving means--such as the International Monetary Fund’s ‘Structural Adjustment Programs’ (SAPs)--engender in billions of working families worldwide.
Their markets are NOT ‘free’, their trade is NOT ‘fair’, and their ‘neo-liberal’ New World is really an old one. Their world is of neo- colonial imperialism: A New World for Corporate Empires.
David Rockefeller, for one, he who’s now 86, he the “unelected if indisputable chairman of the American establishment”, he who still sits “at the hub of a vast network of financiers, industrialists, and politicians whose reach encircles the globe”, he one of the most capable, confident and powerful beings of his generation, used the same anti-democratic methods to get the World Trade Center built as he’s used to direct the course of all humanity over the past 50 years.
And yet David Rockefeller's methods, his game, we’ll see, isn’t working for even his grandchildren and their grandchildren.’
“ ‘9/11’” Facing Our Fascist State, back-cover, 2002
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