Our Anti-WEF Consciousness Won. What Can We Make Happen with Donald John Trump as President--and Elon Musk and Peter Thiel as His Allies?
The hundreds millions of us in the U.S. who now oppose the World Economic Forum's and United Nations' Agenda 30 make up, I think, that greatest "base" for Donald Trump to "do good" as U.S. President.
Our Work Has Won Immeasurable Consciousness
Lockdowns, Mandates, “Operation Warp Speed”, Remdesivir, and “Vaccines”
TRILLIONS-Dollar “Bail-Outs” to Supranational Banks 2008--2011 and 2019-2021
The World Economic Forum’s 100 Strategic Partners Include 22 Supranational Banks
Abraham Lincoln and ‘Government’s greatest creative opportunity’
Donald Trump, Nov. 6, 2024: “I’m going to stop Wars.”
Peter Thiel of PayPal and Palantir Technologies of the WEF’s 100 Strategic Partners
Elon Musk of PayPal and SpaceX and Starlink and Neuralink and Twitter/X.
Donald, Elon, Peter, and Their 2024 Relations to Wars in the Gaza and the Ukraine
Donald Trump, November 6, 2024: “We’re now in a position where we can really help this country. “
Nov. 11, 2024
Our Work Has Won Immeasurable Consciousness
Dozens of Substack writers and tens of millions of people have over the past several years of Plague from the “COVID” connected the World Economic Forum and the WEF’s 100 Strategic Partners among Corporations and Foundations with moves to enslave humanity through ‘The Great Reset’ and its successors and with provoking and profiting from the awful Wars in the Ukraine and in Gaza.
Lockdowns, Mandates, “Operation Warp Speed”, Remdesivir, and “Vaccines”
Donald Trump in tandem with Dr. Anthony Fauci enabled “ ‘COVID-19’ “ to become a completely unnecessary mass-killer from his appearance at WEF Davos in January 2020 to his announcing ‘Operation Warp Speed’ in May and then his approving and heralding in late 2020 the ‘Roll-Out’ of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA ‘vaccines’ that soon became billions of injurious injections across the United States and world. Trump still claims that his ‘vaccines’ have “saved millions of lives.”
Trump especially favored Remdesivir despite findings by Pharmacists early as May 2020 that Remdesivir would prove injurious and murderous, too. He bought all available Dose—more than one billion—of that drug in July 2020.
Of course, those warranting Prosecution for Crimes against Public Health under Pretext of the ‘COVID” are a Gallery and More … of World Economic Forum Partners.
TRILLIONS-Dollar “Bail-Outs” to Supranational Banks 2008--2011 and 2019-2021
Trump and his Administration also served the biggest of supranational Banks with $48 TRILLION between September 2019 and March 2020—dwarfing the Bail-Out that the Barack Obama and George W. Bush Administrations delivered for those same Bettor/Debtor Banks between 2008 and 2011. The earlier Administrations’ Bail-Out totaled about $29 TRILLION, give or take a Trillion. (Ah, to remember Wilbur Mills and a 1960s’ era when one million Dollars was cosidered “real money.”)
The World Economic Forum’s 100 Strategic Partners Include 22 Supranational Banks
Now Donald is again the United States’ chief executive. We may hope despite all the evidence above that he becomes the leader this Nation and the world needs. We may wish him the astuteness and courage of Lincoln when Lincoln was embattled in a Civil War fomented by supranational Banks such as now dominate the WEF’s Strategic Partners, over there in Davos and Geneva, Switzerland (22 of 100 Partners).
Abraham Lincoln and ‘Government’s greatest creative opportunity’
We may hope that Donald works to end the United States’ private Central Bank, the Federal Reserve System, and replaces with funding through Government that need not borrow. Lincoln, in 1862, as quoted in “Getting Rid of the Fed” from September 2008 and The World Is Turning Book of that year: ‘The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Government's greatest creative opportunity … The financing of all public enterprises, and the conduct of the Treasury, will become matters of practical Administration. Money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity.’
Donald Trump, Nov. 6, 2024: “I’m going to stop Wars.”
We may hope that Donald does end all Wars, as he’s already promised.
He noted in his victory-speech from West Palm Beach that no international Wars were begun during his 2017-2021 Administration. He promised to use “a strong military” to prevent Wars.
We must look, however, at What and Who most profit from International and Civil Wars. We see A-PLENTY of these profiteers among the WEF’s Strategic Partners.
Peter Thiel of PayPal and Palantir Technologies of the WEF’s 100 Strategic Partners
We may see above the Palantir Technologies that’s co-founded by Peter Thiel, the biggest funder of J. D. Vance ($15 million for Vance’s Ohio Senate race), and we may know that Palantir Technologies is a weapons-maker earning billions of Dollars through contracts with Governments of the United States, Israel and the Ukraine.
Peter Thiel funded Donald Trump for President with millions in 2016. He announced at the Republicans’ Convention that year that he was “proud” to be gay and Republican and most proud to be American. Donald claimed that Peter was “his friend for life.”
Peter Thiel is subject of a revelatory two-part profile by James Corbett, Oct 20 and 27 of this year. Thiel may be familiar to us as co-founder with Elon Musk of the wildly profitable PayPal. He and cohorts in Silicon Valley have since piled millions into billions of Dollars through enterprises that together forge our 21st-Century Surveillance State.
Palantir Technologies ‘won’ it largest-ever Contract, worth $800 million, with the U.S. Army, in March of 2019.
Through CEO Alex Karp Palantir Technologies was first to newly supply Ukraine’s military in March of 2022, one month after Russia’s invasion. It leapt into the market with Israel’s military in October 2023 and formalized a lucrative alliance in January 2023. PT’s Artificial Intelligance would ‘assist’ Israel’s indiscrimate bombardment of the Gaza.
We could see one year ago, November 2023, the results assisted by Palintir Technologies.
Elon Musk of PayPal and SpaceX and Starlink and Neuralink and Twitter/X.
By 2008, Elon Musk, born 1971 in apartheid South Africa, where his grandfather moved from Canada, had lost almost all of the $180 gained from his selling PayPal to eBay. His fortunes again rebounded due to a U.S. Government contract awarded through Elon’s friend Michael Griffin. Michael, born 1949, had in 2003 declined Elon’s offer to become Chief Engineer within Elon’s newly minted Space-X and its nascent rocket-ships. Michael instead became President of a C.I.A.-funded venture-capital firm named In-Q-Tel, its mission the identification and absorption of ‘cutting edge technology’ into C.I.A. purposes, as Alan Macleod relates in his excellent piece for Mint Press News of May, 31, 2024.
Mike Griffin was appointed Administrator of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Agency) by the George W. Bush Administration in 2005, two year after the U.S. and the United Kingdom invaded Iraq. That year, 20 aerospace companies sought NASA’s Contract or Contracts for a ‘Commercial Orbital Digital Services’ program, according to Wikispooks. Only Mike’s friend Elon and his SpaceX won, the Contract worth $396 million, though SpaceX had yet to launch a rocket. By 2008 Elon was close to broke, having spent tens of millions more on three failed launches of the Falcon X rocket and on Tesla’s model Roadster. That year, NASA gave SpaceX a Contract worth $1.6 billion for ‘commercial cargo services.’ , That year, Elon was among the Young Global Leaders hosted by the World Economic Forum at its Davos Meeting.
Donald, Elon, Peter, and Their 2024 Relations to Wars in the Gaza and the Ukraine
Donald Trump and Elon Musk each met with Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud Party, late last July. Reports showed the the three of them in accord with Israel’s campaign of eliminatiing Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip through uses of A.I. for weaponry.
Benjamin and Donald exactly two weeks after the reported wound to Donald’s right ear.
Donald: ‘"We have a very good relationship," he said, noting policy changes during his presidency including moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and pulling the United States out of the international nuclear deal with Iran.’
Elon Musk attended Benjamin’s address to the combined U.S. Congrress.
The Prime Minister through Reuters and on X, July 24, 2024: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday he met with Tesla (CEO Elon Musk in Washington on Wednesday after his address to the U.S. Congress.
"We discussed the opportunities and challenges in AI, its impact on the economy and society, and explored ways for technological cooperation with Israel," Netanyahu said in a post on X’
The War on Palestinian civilians and especially on women and children in the Gaza and now in Lebanon speaks its volumes, November 9, 2024
November 11, 2024 (Today):
‘BEIRUT — Israeli airstrikes killed dozens of people, including at least 20 children, across Gaza and Lebanon on Sunday, health authorities said, as the human toll of Israel’s parallel wars continued to climb [….[
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has wasted no time preparing for Trump’s next term, revealing in a recorded message Sunday that he has spoken to the president-elect three times in recent days. Trump has simultaneously told Netanyahu to “do what you have to do” in Gaza and Lebanon while promising to bring both conflicts to an end, leaving his Middle East policy an open question.’
Donald Trump, November 6, 2024: “We’re now in a position where we can really help this country.
Donald John Trump said toward close of his ‘Victory Speech’ on Election Night last week that he and his team had worked into “a position where we can really help this country.”
What will “really help this country?” What will “stop Wars”?
Well, of course, ACTIONS that cease the enablement of Wars, wars both named and unsaid, are themselves the most fundamental steps.
Donald, I think, has from childhood onward imagined himself a hero. His size and his athletic gifts and his favoring from mother and father grew his expectations. He wants to be celebrated and remembered like a Lincoln.
Donald at age 78 must know that wars go on in guises not advertised by Headlines. Daily struggles for survival proceed across all Hemisphere. Hungry children are a needless reality across all Hemispheres. Homeless increase across all NATO nations and the millions injured by ‘vaccines’ remain untreated.
Donald and Elon and Robert F Kennedy Jr. know these realities. Donald with a single Press Conference can—like John F. Kennedy with successive Announcements for Nuclear Test Ban and then for Civil Rights in June of 1963—start events moving in the right direction, fast, months before he takes Office. He can help to fix things fast.
We may all hope that he acts this very day on his most positive promises.