Jump like Happy Dolphins into Santa Klaus Schwab’s Lap, Spouting Algorithms and Lassos that Will Turn His Would-Be World Upside-Down … Jump into Our Fight against the World Economic Forum in 2024
Hello to you from January 5, 2024.
May your new year be as full of victories for freedom as humanity’s knowledge of global crimes and criminals is now full unto overflowing with desires for remedies and justice. Oh, how much more we know about Evil now than we did four years ago!
Millions unto billions of us have suffered from the complete and calculated fraud named ‘COVID-19’ and that disease’s subsequent ‘Vaccines’.
Those shots began to “roll out” in their hundreds thousands, unto millions, unto billions in December 2020. Some of us had alternative platforms from which we could offer true experts’s warnings. My post from Dec. 27 of that year in the Flipping the Script blog of the We Are Revolutions website is titled ‘Pfizer’s, Moderna’s mRNA Shots Aren’t Needed, Won’t Protect, Do Harm, and May Change Humans’ DNA Forever.’
As the shots began their kill-count in Rest-Homes, Norway, Israel, Gibralter, … during January and February 2021, … hundreds of of Physicians, Scientists, other researchers spoke outside the 24/7 fear-mongering Barrage of Bamboozlement broadcast through Big Corporate Media. The Lies of Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Tech—all of these big Bigs of course controlled by the Shares-holding Banks and Asset Fund Managers that dominate the World Economic Forum’s 100-or-so ‘Strategic Partners’—oh, BlackRock, AIG, Bank of America, Barclays, Citi, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase&Co, …—-were countered by courageous and insightful voices. They pointed to t Dooms of Fatal Abuse that came with the " ‘vaccines’ “.
By Summer 2021 all who had access to alternative information could see and feel our species’ pain. Even Governments’ and Corporations’ steady round-the-clock line of Bubbleheads delivering All Lies All The Time (ALATT the acronym sounding like GATT and SAP as supranational “tools” against humanity) could not hid true Statistics mounting toll.
We heard from Nurses and Doctors and victims’ families so many poignant tales of remedies frustrated by this or that State and so many loved ones lost. In September 2021 I tried to mark and ‘Celebrate’ the ‘Downfall of the Cruelest Trick in Human History … the Big Lies of COVID-19’.
Rebellions and resistance rose. We welcomed the years-overdue ‘Undoing of Evil’ during Winter 2021 and 2022. We cheered the great courage and camaraderie of Canada’s truckers in their Freedom Convoy. We supported, as much we could through the Internet, other Convoys multiplying across Europe.
But we saw, too, the same Officials of Nations, the same Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governors, stifle truths and perpetuate frauds … so that the crippling COVID shots were carried into teen-agers and infants with each ‘new Variant’. We learned more that ancestors of Klaus Schwab, Executive Director for life of the World Economic Forum, and of Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Finance for Canada and Trustee of both the WEF and the Bilderberg Group, were Nazis, totalitarian in their pasts as were the present-day COVID-pretext Mandates and the theft of millions Dollars from supporters of Civil Disodedience and Democracy.
We saw one body, one logo, one organization repeat as we looked into sources of our sorrows. The World Economic Forum showed up from 2019 and its table-top ‘Event 201’ simulation of a ‘Global Pandemic’ precipitated by a Coronavirus, co-sponsored with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (another WEF Strategic Partner) and Johns Hopkins University,
We saw the WEF claim grounds for more crippling of us through ‘The Great Reset’.
We saw the WEF and the United Nations ever-active for Central Banks’ Digital Currencies and and an all-Digital Future.
We saw and see the WEF all over grabs for control of land, food oil and gas in the Ukraine and the Palestine. Through its Strategic Partners among Banks and Asset Management Funds and the Weapons-Making Corporations that these Banks and AMFs control through their holding hundreds of millions of Share, the WEF sits at heart of Profits reaped from Massacres of women and children by the dozens, hundreds and thousands.
We saw and see featured speakers at the WEF such as Ursula von der Leyen and Roberta Mettsola alight at once to pledge their solidarity with the oil-and-gas potential from the Israeli Government’s bombing away any place for people to live in the Gaza Strip.
We saw and see one body, one logo, one WEF.
Now more—millions unto billions more, we may think—given the 9.9 million Views on TikTok of this well-rendered Parody Animating WEF-Speak Nonsense.
You’ll note that detail, that devilish variation on the WEF logo—
Like the graphic from Posts last Summer about the mining of Cobalt, Coltan, Lithium, et cetera in Africa, Peru, Oregon …. so that the West may enjoy ‘Smart Phones’ and ‘Electric Vehicles' galore.
That graphic paired with a. Trio of sharp-looking Robots on the Ur1Light.com website. (You are, by the way, Many Lights … Your Lights in their Moments an Infinity of Possibilities, no matter what Dr. Schwab says about future humans being fit-only-to-polish robots.
Aren’t they ‘Aryan’, the WEF-touted robots? Ain’t they White, in a word? White as the Klan. White as the ‘Leaders’ dominating WEF Panels and Partners. See above. White as the Berlin Conference of 1884 that cut up Africa for the next 30 years.
We. the World’s Peoples, Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, White and and All of Mixed Races for Sure—We Masses who’ve so suffered frauds and abuses, injuries and deaths, over the past “ ‘COVID’ “four years in particular—know what we need to do.
We know when and where we can act to effect remedies and justice in 2024. Mark the dates and mark the place.
Converge on Davos, however you can. Come as a physical body. Come as a moral force. Come as a happy warrior, if you choose and if you will. Adopt tactics you think deserved, in person or from afar.
Farmers in Germany won, this first week of 2023, with 1700 Tractors and tens of thousands supporters in Berlin. The Government abandoned plans to tax farmers’ diesel and gas. French and Dutch farmers have already in 2023 taken power away from WEF Agenda Contributors Emmanuel Macron and Mark Rutte.
Imagine how gatherings might block Davos 2024. Have the families who control Strategic Partners mpy blocked food to masses of for centuries? Are you irish? Are you German? Have not WEF Partners ‘censored’ Platforms of alternative information into oblivion, from 2020 onward in particular. Yes, Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, …. are Strategic Partners, too.
Might parties hack the WEF and its Davos 2024, … as a reverse turn against WEF Partners’ dictating an All-Digital ‘future’ for us … the Digital IDs of more than 50 million individuals, including 22 million needing such for their daily living in Peru (‘It is the sole ID document recognized by the authorities in Peru for a range of things fundamental to people’s everyday life: “judicial, administrative, commercial and civil transactions,” as one article put it’) were deprived and jeopardized this past Christmas season.
The WEF’s Strategic Partners may be countered every hour and everywhere. “I think about it all the time,” said a 26-year-old Manager at a Best Buy last Sunday. “Every second of every minute of every day, millions of people are losing money due to scams over the Internet … They’ve sold my personal information since I was 13 years old.”
We can act against the WEF Partners’ theft. We know where Strategic Partners live. We know their Headquarters. We know how they do business. We know they need compliance from customers at the least. We know how vulnerable such concentrations of seeming powe are. Have a look below.
You see 35 of the 100 Strategic Partners above. You may have ideas about what can be done to free yourself and your loved ones from dependence on one or more of these Partners.
We know they can fall like dead wood. Their seeming power conceals a rot of inertia from their corruption and their closed systems. They can’t create from compassion and cooperation. They can only seek to cripple and control. They can only kill from their fears. We know how they speak and act from the examples Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and Yuval Noah Hariri.
Happy New Year! Thank YOU very much for the feedback and support!
mRNA Shots … Harm https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-script/pfizer-s-moderna-s-shots-arent-needed-dont-protect-do-harm-and-do-change-dna
mRNA Shots … “Doom” https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-script/refusing-the-doom-of-mrna-shots-and-winning-freedom
The Cruelest Trick in Human History https://www.ur1light.com/celebrate-downfall-of-the-cruelest-trick
Canada’s Freedom Convoy https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-script/undoing-evil-4-stand-worldwide-with-the-freedom-convoy
Europe’s Freedom Convoys https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-script/undoing-evil-5-proving-vaccines-lethal-boycotting-mandators-and-the-freedom-convoy-is-international
WEF/ BMGF/ Johns Hopkins 201 Event 201https://www.weforum.org/communities/strategic-partnership-b5337725-fac7-4f8a-9a4f-c89072b96a0d/
‘The Great Reset’ as Global Techno-Fascist State https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-scriptthe-great-reset-is-a-global-technofascist-state
WEF Leaders as NAZIs Past and Present https://donpaul.substack.com/p/the-wef-files-nazis-past-and-present
CBDCs https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/05/achim-steiner-undp-digital-inclusion-tech-policy-davos2022/
The ’Scramble for Africa’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scramble_for_Africa
Santa Klaus Schwab Animated
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German Farmers Have Won as French and Dutch Farmers Have Won
Hack WEF Davos … as Digital ID’s were tellingly hacked this past Christmas season. https://reclaimthenet.org/the-digital-id-rollout-is-becoming-a-hackers-dream
WEF Strat Parts https://www.weforum.org/communities/strategic-partnership-b5337725-fac7-4f8a-9a4f-c89072b96a0d/
Three ‘Thought-Leaders’—Klod Swab https://donpaul.substack.com/p/three-thought-leaders-satires-of