A Pox on More of Mass Murder
Again using the United Nations World Health Organization, the WEF's 'Strategic Partners' Try Once More to Rule the World for Their Own Profits
We Know Far Too Much Now to Accept More of Mass Murder
August 18, 2024
You may be among the hundreds millions who know through out Internet (still our Internet by virtue of our mass use for it sharing of information and resistance) that the United Nations’ World Health Organization through its Executive Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has declared MPOX (the former “Monkey Pox’)to be an ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern’ this past Wednesday, August 14.
Above, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Mike Ryan of the WHO. In 2024 and 2022, as in 2020, the WHO is ready to serve its masters among the World Economic Forum’s 100 Strategic Partners. Below, a Link to see and hear “Prosecute ‘Em" for a Brief History of Monstrous Scam that Humanity has undergone through ‘COVID-19’/
Four years and eight months ago, on January 30, 2020 the as yet unnamed ‘COVID-19’ was declared by the WHO to be ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern.’
We may review who and what were players in the horrors that Public Health in the United States and Europe and elsewhere suffered early in the Pretext of the diseases that the WHO named COVID-19 February 11, 2020. My Substack of February 2023 gets into the record/
Here we go, recounting dates in early 2020.
‘Dr. Anthony Fauci, 79, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, has been lead spokesperson for the White House Coronavirus Task Force in press-briefings since March 10.
Dr. Fauci's roles in alignment with actions by President Donald Trump make for an exactly coincidental timeline.
Fauci and nine others were named to the White House Task Force by Donald Trump on January 29.
The following day, the United Nations' World Health Organization declared the coronavirus named novel in 2019 (SARS-CoV-2) to be a 'Public Emergency Health of International Concern'.
The World Economic Forum was already concerned. On January 24, as part of its Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, the WEF issued this prescient headline of Problem-AND-Solution.
January 24, 2020. [ ‘… the Wuhan coronavirus and urgent plans to develop a vaccine.’
So … Problem was ‘the Wuhan coronavirus’. Solution was: ‘urgent plans’. Further Solution was: ‘to develop a vaccine’. The WEF-plumped endgame was always: 'a vaccine.'
Speakers at this WEF Annual Meeting.in Davos, 2020, were Donald Trump; Head-of-State Angela Merkel of Germany; Christine Lagarde of the European Central Bank, aeronautical engineer Winnie Byanyima of Uganda and the United Nations, actress and activist Deepika Padukone of India, and Greta Thunberg, then 17, ‘Climate and Environmental Activist’.
The day after the W.H.O. declared SARS-CoV-2 to be a 'Public Emergency Health of International Concern'--that is, on January 31, 2020--the Trump Administration declared a national Health Emergency and banned travelers from mainland China to the U.S.' (9)
Thus, step by step over the first four months of 2020, the Trump-and-Fauci Duo [ … ]set in motion for their masters among the WEF's 100 'Strategic Partners' the evasive deceit of 'the Wuhan coronavirus' and the end-game of 'a vaccine.'
Bill Gates was another player. The non-Physician advised us on Networks and Platforms that reached hundred millions. Bill was big on Lockdowns.
I wrote about Gates in the ‘Eugenics [ … ] Post of April 7, 2020 on my Flipping the Script blog.
‘On CNN on March 26 and in the Washington Post on March 31, Gates was absolutist about ‘Lockdown’ for the USA. He said that there was ‘no middle ground in the coronavirus fight.’
One week later, speaking on Fox News, April 5, Bill had the WEF’s January 24, 2020 Solution ready. For his ‘Normal’ to return, we MUST get ‘A Vaccine Out To The Entire World.’
Gates had in fact ready on March 18, 2020 the recommended ‘Digital Certificiates’ for Proof of accepting the … ‘Vaccine’ that was still two months away from Donald Trump’s announcing “Operation Warp Speed.’
Staying within the year preceding ‘Roll-Out’ of the COVID-Pretext ‘vaccines’, we may recall with anguish and anger how many elders died from Governments’ use of Isolation and Ventilators and Remdesivir.
All ‘Vaccines’ Approved by the WHO and its Partner Agencies Have Failed to Prevent Infection and Transmisiion of the Disease Named COVID-19. They’re Instead Linked to ‘Excess Deaths’ Everywhere and to Fatalities Counted at 31 Million Worldwide from COVID-Pretext Injections
We may review the self-admitted failings of the mRNA (messenger RiboNucleicAcid) ‘Vaccine’ from Pfizer and the mRNA ‘vaccine’ from Moderna . Bill Gates recommended ‘vaccines’ as an investment in December 2019. He especially recommended the mRNA ) ‘vaccines’ from Pfizer and Moderna.
Three of the 100 Strategic Partner Corporations and Foundations within the World Economic Forum’s select manufactured Governments-approved ‘vaccines’ against COVID-19. These three profited many millions of Dollars from said shots. So too profited another investment of Bill Gates and the United States’ National Institutes of Health, the Moderna Corporation, headed by a 2009 Young Global Leader selected for attendance at the WEF’s Annual Meeting in Davos, Stéphane Bancel.
By Summer of 2021, Pfizer and Moderna and the WEF Strategic Partners AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson admitted what their own Trials had told them in 2020. Their ‘vaccines’ DID NOT PREVENT INFECTION and DID NOT PREVENT TRANSMISSION of the disease named “COVID-19’.
By November 2021, Brasil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, entreated Tedros of the WHO to stop the injection of anyone, most particularly children, with COVID-Pretext ‘vaccines’.
By February 2023, the count of Injuries and Deaths following COVID-Pretext ‘vaccines’ exceeded 5,000.000, according to reports from 27 Nations of the European Union to the European Medicines Agency. Pfizer and Moderna led in ‘Adverse Reactions’.
Oh, No, No, No—We’ve Been Through This Movie Before!
Now, August 2024, the world’s peoples are asked to believe another Alarm from the WHO—another ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern.’
‘On August 14, an emergency committee met to advise WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on whether the disease outbreak constitutes a "public health emergency of international concern," or PHEIC, news agency Reuters said in a report.’
Now Monkeys, not Bats, are the carriers identified by Geneva’s WEF and WHO and their Agencies. Now dark Congo is the place of the Origins Story. Earlier this Summer, Bird Flu in Texas, Bird Flu in Mexico, didn’t fly as the WEF’s predicted ‘Disease X’ for 2024.
We need further in the report platformed to millions on livemint.com, ‘Mpox can spread through close contact. Usually mild, it is fatal in rare cases. It causes flu-like symptoms and pus-filled lesions on the body.
The Africa CDC previously said that mpox, also known as monkeypox, has been detected in 13 countries this year, and that more than 96 per cent of all cases and deaths are in Congo. Cases are up 160 per cent and deaths are up 19 per cent compared with the same period last year. So far, there have been more than 14,000 cases and 524 people have died.’
So: a 2024 death-rate attributed to ‘mpox’ of less than 90 per month across Africa, Africa a Continent whose size is nearly 30 million kilometers, Africa a Continent 25% larger than North America, Africa a Continent of 1.4 billion people, constitutes a ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern.’
Don’t worry. ‘Vaccines’ are ready. ‘Vaccines’ against ‘mpox’ for children are in fact ready.
‘Mpox vaccine maker Bavarian Nordic today said it plans to seek European regulatory approval for its vaccine for children ages 12-17 after the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday declared a global public health emergency.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted the vaccine an “emergency use authorization” for adolescents during the 2022 global mpox outbreak, according to Medical Xpress.’
Lines from a Bob Dylan talking-blues of 1964 recur to me. Bob’s ‘Dream’ in this song, his Humorous ‘Motorpsycho Nightmare’, references Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 movie “Psycho”. Specifically name-checked is the Cross-Dressing Murderer, Norman Bates, played by Anthony Perkins in “Psycho.” Norman/Tony inhabits his mother’s presumed HATE with knife-wielding savagery. Bob’s dream finds that his hoped-for Rita indeed invites him to take a shower with her, but that her new guise “looks just like Tony Perkins.” The singing hobo, so credulous and hopeful earlier, lights out of this Nightmare fast as he can. The Nightmare leaves him one exit: Abandon It!
“Oh, no, no, no! / I’ve been through this Movie before!”
We, We Masses from whom the great majority of Humanity’s material and spiritual progress has arisen over millennia, have also far too much to DO, from what we know now, to suffer ANY more attacks from Lunatic Few who would rule our world.