Helen Hai of Binance, the U.N., the W.E.F., and the P.R.C. Here's the 2nd Half of 'Crypto Casinos Burn and Sink as Workers Make Shoes and Mine Coltan'
Helen Hai--Binance's Head of Charity and Fiat Currency, the WEF's Young Global Leader, and the United Nations' Goodwill Ambassador for the PRC--Links Together So Much of Techno-Fascism.
Helen Hai of Binance, the WEF, the UN and the PRC
Now let's turn to Helen Hai. Now is time to introduce her into our chronicle of players. Helen Hai links together Binance, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the Peoples Republic of China. Now 44, she was born in the northern province of Jilin. She rose from relative poverty to became the youngest Chief Actuary (analyst of risks and benefits) in England. She served with Zurich Insurance from 2006 till July 2011, when she shifted to becoming 'Group Vice President, CEO of Overseas Investment' for the Huajian Group and assumed management of a new shoe-factory in suburban Addis Ababa, Ehtiopia. China Daily summarized Huajian in 2018: 'Established in 1996, Huajian Group is one of the biggest women’s footwear manufacturers in the world.' (21)
Helen Hai's prominence now is international. She's since 2014 a United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Good Will Ambassador, 'representing the Chinese region.'
As such an Ambassador, she's geographically charged with the 'Industrialization of Africa.'
She's a 2015 WEF Young Global Leader. (22) You may remember that current Heads-of-State Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand and Emmanuel Macron of France are YGLs of 2014 and 2016 respectively. (23)
Helen Hai is since March of 2018 'Head of Binance Charity Foundation.'
Her roles and responsibilities within Binance have expanded greatly. She became 'Head of Africa' in October 2019 and 'Head of Global Fiat exchange' in January 2020 ... the month that Mainland China initiated the Total Lockdowns of its public in Wuhan City ... Lockdowns that were Model for subsequent, disastrous and mass-murderous policies toward the Physiological Impossibility of 'Zero-Covid' in Australia, New Zealand, France.... Lockdowns that have led to so much suffering in the world
Helen Hai and Binance Charity claimed in March 2021 to have achieved by the end of 2020 '$10 million Donations' to '1 million End-beneficiaries'. That transfer, you may be quick to caluclagte, amounts to $10 per 'End-beneficiary' ... out of the Hundreds
Billions worth in U. S. Dollars moving through the Binance exchange during 2020. (24)
Now let's turn to Helen Hai in Ethiopia.
In 2011 she left Zurich Insurance. She's told media online that Justin Lin of the World Bank inspired her toward finding "purpose." One month after leaving Zurich, Helen accepted invitation from Zhang Huarong, President of the Huajian manufacturer of
women's shoes, to become 'Vice President, CEO of Overseas Investment' and to head Huanjian's new factory in a nascent 'Shoe City' of suburban Addis Ababa. (25)
Helen Hai ran her factory as if it were an Indoctrination-Camp. CNN and France's 20 Heures documented conditions for Huanjian's Ethiopian workers. They wore requisite
red shirts and trousers. They marched in drills under Chinese with bullhorns.
They listened to lectures with anxious eyes.
They worked under huge signs and Chinese supervisors with bullhorns.
Most materially, Helen Hai's Huajian Ethiopian workers were ill-paid. They made on average $45 per month in a city, "Addis", that required $109 per month for a person to meet his or her basic needs. They were paid about 10 times less than their Huanjian counterparts in mainland China. (26)
In April 2018 the Associated Press reported that conditions and disparities for Huajian's Ethiopian workers were little-changed over the years in which Helen Hai has served
as a United Nations GoodWill Ambassador. The AP piece considered a feature-length film, "Amazing China", 'produced by China Central Television and the state-owned China Film Group Co. Ltd.'
Let me bold from the AP piece. “Amazing China” portrays the Huajian Group as a beneficent force spreading prosperity — in this case, by hiring thousands of Ethiopians at wages a fraction of what they’d have to pay in China. But in Ethiopia, Huajian workers told The Associated Press they work without safety equipment for pay so low they can barely make ends meet....
“Amazing China” presents Huajian as an inspiring example of China exporting the success of its own economic miracle by creating transformative jobs for thousands of poor Ethiopians and sharing China’s knowledge, language and can-do discipline to build a new industrial foundation for Ethiopia’s economy.
The company is celebrated as a model of the inclusiveness at the heart of a much larger project: Xi’s signature One Belt One Road initiative, a plan to spread Chinese infrastructure and influence across dozens of countries ...
“In opening to the outside world, China’s pursuit is not to only make our lives better, but to make the lives of others better,” the narrator says....
The Chinese-owned Eastern Industrial Zone effectively took fertile land from Ethiopian farmers and handed it over to foreign investors — a strategy the Ethiopian government is rethinking, according to Nemera Mamo, a teaching fellow in economics at the University of London.
“You can clearly see that these industrial zones are absolutely favorable to the Chinese investors, but not to the local communities or the local private investors,” he said. Huajian workers told the AP they made 960 Birr ($35) to 1,700 Birr ($62) a month. A basic living wage in Ethiopia is about 3,000 Birr ($109) a month, according to Ayele Gelan, a research economist at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research.' (27)
In 2012 Helen Hai criticized Ethiopian workers lack of discipline, as quoted by a valiant defender of Bitcoin as a promised means of liberating cooperative human beings from the rule of Central Banks and Stock Exchanges. (28)
This earnest investigator and defender goes by his given name of Tyler and his YouTube Channel Host name of 'Crypto Chico'.
He's posted three passionate videos about Binance and Helen Hai since 2019. (29) All carry indignant information. His videop of May 2022 is titled 'I Uncovered Binance's Billions Are Protected By China CCP! (China Communist Party)'. (30)
You or I might find living hard if we received $45 a month in wages ... beside our peers' average of $109 ($109!).... We might feel like slaves reduced to living for work. We'd likely live, too, with constant hunger in our bellies.
Helen Hai of Binance Charity Foundation and Blockchain
We return further to Helen Hai and Binance. She's introduced by Binance in 2018. The bolding is mine. 'Helen is a true believer in the Foundation''s mandate: Blockchain for social good. Blockchain can make charity transparent, hence using technology and innovation to support the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.'
We can hear Helen Hai speak for Binance and herself two years later, September of 2020. Helen addresses a sub-gathering of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly. This sub-gathering is the United Nations' Global Compact's UNGC Global Impact Forum (yes-sir, that's the actual language). Binance Charity was there as 'the sole representative of the blockchain industry', Its own summary can be read on
on the Binance Blog. (30)
Again I'll bold. 'Helen Hai, head of Binance Charity, made her remarks in an address titled “Building Sustainable and Resilient Healthcare Infrastructure for Our Shared Future." Helen shared with the global audience the huge advantages of blockchain in advancing healthy new infrastructure and sustainable development [... When addressing what technology can do for today’s society, Helen points out that mankind is facing a unique period in history. “We are witnessing a moment where we pivot from an industrial economy to one defined by technology. The use of technology can promote human rights, aid in the progression of humane assistance, and contribute to solutions of personal identification and human trafficking, ... The most exciting thing in this technological era is the birth of blockchain technology. The emergence of blockchain technology can help revolutionize the true value of freedom and help solve issues of trust, transparency, and inclusiveness, according to Helen ... Blockchain has its specific advantages. For example it offers opportunities for all community members to own their own identities and be a part of community governance. It provides all parties and participants in general with a layer of traceability and global transparency, which inherently promotes the behavior and responsible use of resources. It guarantees precision in the surveillance of actions through the use of smart contracts, and validates the actions that occur within blockchain.'
Amid that flow of Binance mimicking WEF-Speak and vague, Schwabian premises and promises ( '... advancing healthy new infrastructure and sustainable development ... we pivot from an industrial economy to one defined by technology ... technology can promote human rights, aid in the progression of humane assistance, and contribute to solutions of personal identification and human trafficking, ... blockchain technology can help revolutionize the true value of freedom and help solve issues of trust, transparency, and inclusiveness, according to Helen ...') you may pick out 'blockchain technology' as 'the most exciting thing in this technological era.' Blockchain 'offers opportunities for all community members to own their own identities ...' and provides 'traceability and global transparency' and thereby 'promotes the behavior and responsible use of resources' and it 'guarantees precision in the surveillance of actions'. (31)
What is Blockchain? Investopedia defines it below.
'A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party....
A database usually structures its data into tables, whereas a blockchain, as its name implies, structures its data into chunks (blocks) that are strung together. This data structure inherently makes an irreversible timeline of data when implemented in a decentralized nature. When a block is filled, it is set in stone and becomes a part of this timeline. Each block in the chain is given an exact timestamp when it is added to the chain.' (32)
Regarding Investopedia's statement above that 'Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions...., we should note that Binance and Binance US are centralized, not decentralized, crypto-currency exchanges. Neither is any more decentralized than the New York Stock Exchange.
We should note that all 'Blockchain technology' is now liable to hacking (33) and that
'centralized' crypto-currency exchanges are more liable to hacking than 'decentralized' exchanges. (34)
We may remark on Binance's relative size after FTX's 'downfall.
Binance is more than five times larger than its nearest competitor in trading volume. Its 'Trading volume' over the past 24 hours on this day of December 15, 2022
is $9,872,424,322, compared with $1,674,530,206 volume on Coinbase Exchange. (35)
Binance and Binance US together represent over 10 TRLLION USD in Trading volume
over this 24 Hours, dating from December 15, 2022--while their eight listed competiors amount to about 4.5 TRILLION USD in such volume. That is, the two
Binances make up an enterprise more than twice the size of their eight rivals.
The two B's power would be called 'Monopoly' and 'Hazard' in earlier eras' Courts.
Their dominance might raise suspicions among players in their Crypto-Currency Casino as to their capacities for unfair manipulation.
We return to Helen Hai, 'Head of Binance Charity Founation' and 'Head of Binance Global Fiat', citizen of the People's Republic of China, and Young Global Leader World Economic Forum as she, also Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization since 2014, speaks to the 2020 United Nations' Global Compact's UNGC Global Impact Forum on (hang with these titles, please) ''Blockchain for Global Sustainable Development'. (36)
Please see and hear Helen Hai talk, there in September 2020, in Binance's YouTube video,
She speaks in echo or paraphrase of United Nations and World Economic Forum Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), She speaks in WEF-Speak, as said--Schwabage-like premises and promises of the Chief Executive for Life of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, born 1938. See and hear Helen between 0:29 and 0:41. Again I'll bold.
"Can Blockchain Technology help to advance human rights? Provide access to food and humanitarian aid? Help combat Climate Change? Address the issues of identiy and human trafficking? The answer is YES!"
You may see and here that Helen sounds Eminentlly Sincere. In gaze and gestures she does indeed appear to be the 'true believer' introduced by Binance Charity as its new Head in 2018.
Helen Hai at the United Nations then gets into the capacities of Blockchain for
ingesting people's Capital and monitoring people's 'actions.' From 0:57 to 1:46: '"Perhaps the most exciting solution in the technological economy we are talking about is blockchain, a technology that creates a new chapter of social contract, provides true freedom of value, and helps solve the issue of trust, transparency and inclusion all over the world. It offers opportunities for all community members to own their identities and be part of community governance. It provides all parties and participants in general with a layer of traceability and global transparency which inherently promotes behavior and the responsbile use of resources. It guarantees precision in the surveillance of actions through the use of smart contracts and
validates the actions that occur within blockchain.'
In other words, Blockchain is a more perfect instrument for more perfect control
of human beings "all over the world" than any device or acceptance imagined by Orwell or Dostoyevsky or Dante. It defines 'identities' and 'provides ... a layer of traceability and global transparency which inherently promotes behavior and the responsible use of resources.' It's mainland China's system of Social Credit scores written as binding
across Continents. 'It guarantees precision in the surveillance of actions ... within blockchain.'
For all of its subscribers under the technology extolled by Helen Hai, blockchain
within Crypto-Currency Exchanges such as Binance is the voluntary end of freedom and private identity for all all those 'parties and participants'.
Casinos Burn and Sink as Workers Make Shoes and Mine Cobalt and Coltan
We may look now at a final aspect of the Enslavement or Destruction of Humanity that the Great Game and Con of Centralized Crypto Exchanges portend.
That is, you'll likely remember, the amount of real-time, real-life energy from material sources that exchanges of crypto-currency burn. Again I'll bold.
'According to Digiconomist’s Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index, a single Bitcoin transaction can consume up to 1752.79 kilowatts hours (KWh) of electrical energy on average to complete.... Over the span of a year, the amount of power Bitcoin mining ends up consuming is about the same as all of Sweden. But, unlike Sweden — where nearly half of the energy produced comes from renewable sources — Bitcoin rigs are currently centered in countries where the primary source of electricity generation is the burning of fossil fuels like coal.' (37)
Please look now at the failures of Helen's and Huajian's shoe-factory in Ethiopia
to meet top-tier 'Sustainable Development Goals' of the United Nations, the WEF, and
Binance Charity, thanks to a graphic provided by Tyler/Crypto Chico. We may
laugh or wince at how thoroughly NOT represented the ' SDG goals' of 'No Poverty and Zero Hunger ... Good Health and Well-being" are in the treatment of workers in
the Chinese Eastern Zone of Addis Ababa.
Then there are the outages that hold the liability of irrecocverable losses. (38)
Then there are the abuses and inequities that grow more gaping each year--the gaping, yawning, devouring spaces between those making digital fortunes at the top of Crypto (38) and those scraping (39) to survive (40) as they produce the goods that enable profits far from them, profits that are ruining Earth's environment for everyone. (41) The miners, the shoe-makers (42), the ...
The Conversation online presented Alain Libondo, 17, and Nsinku Zhinidula, 25. digging into solid rock for cassiterite and coltan in Szibira, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, nearby the nation of Rwanda, on May 29, 2022, three days after the WEF's Davos 2022 concluded. (43)
Workers at the Huajian shoe-factory in the Chinese-owned Eastern Zone of Addis Ababa chant under drill from a bullhorn in 2012, Helen Hai managed the factory.
Then there are the absurdities and hypocrisies and racist exploitation of of WEF-Speak gone Crypto, at at Davos 2022 apart from Samuel Bankman-Fried as a featured Speaker and Partner there.
'Blockchain Hub Davos 2022 became the stage for insightful discussions revolving around the nonfungible token universe. Veritic CEO Stephan Holzer and Seal Storage Technology CEO Alex Altman talked about the importance of NFTs, their role in society and how the community can attract the mainstream to the technology.' (43)
The Great Game and Con goes on. Centralized Crypto-Currency Exchanges are Money-from-Nothing multiplied. Their 'products' represent no goods. Their 'industry' burns times more in energy and materials than even the non-stop Money-from-Nothing of brick-mortar-and-flag Stock Exchanges. Their workings at the level of Metals exploit Poor People of Color to extents equal to Neo-Colonial or Neo-Liberal slavery. They're infinitely inhumane. They turn their 'true believer' advocates into Propounders of WEF-Speak Gibberish and Fraud. They 'block' into place forever 'chains' of 'surveillance.' Their transactions create implants in themselves. They're vehicles outside the control the 'communities' that pay fees to be 'participants.'
They're the perfect apparatus for making Mussolini's Techno-Fascist 'Corporate State' ('The Fascist conception of life ... accepts the individual only insofar as his interests coincide with the State') a global New World Order through their engagement and rule of finance. Digital Currencies and the Digital IDs embody the end of human freedoms, individual creativity, and families' chances at prosperity.
Lucky for us that we're smarter than Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk, and the driverless cars that cause wrecks more than twice as often, relative to use, as cars driven by us. Lucky for us that we know Centralized Crypto-Currency Exchanges are as obviously evil as they're obviously silly and contrary to reason and our well-being. Lucky for us that all we have to do is leave them outside and behind what we ourselves--the abiding, abounding genius of our species--can do.
Please pass along your thoughts and suggestions to Stands the Human Being. Let's have a discussion!
Don Paul attended Stanford, too, after a fashion—a Stegner Fellow in 1971-1972. He later was a logger in southeast Alaska and a roughneck in the Gulf of Mexico and a writer in Tanzania, Nicaragua. Chiapas and Venezuela. He held the World Road Best for running 50 Kilometers (2:50:55, 1982-1988) till that record was vastly surpassed by former miner Thompson Magawana of South Africa.
Thompson Magawana won major races in apartheid South Africa.
Albums with which he was very lucky to be involved can be found at Ur1Light.com. He now co-directs Sticking Up For Children in Haiti and New Orleans with brilliant partners, including the most delightful. his wife, Maryse Philippe Déjean.
1. https://www.cnbcevents.com/wef2022/
3. https://www.lyrics.com/lyric/2134508/Phil+Ochs/Talking+Vietnam+Blues
4. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/11/cryptocurrency-us-midterms/
5. https://www.reuters.com/technology/exclusive-behind-ftxs-fall-battling-billionaires-failed-bid-save-crypto-2022-11-10/
6. https://www.coindesk.com/layer2/2022/11/22/who-is-alameda-researchs-caroline-ellison/
7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019–2020_Hong_Kong_protests
8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Hong_Kong_local_elections
9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_national_security_law
10. https://siliconangle.com/2022/01/31/cryptocurrency-exchange-ftx-raises-additional-400m-32b-valuation/
11. https://www.disruptionbanking.com/2022/07/14/sam-bankman-fried-ceo-of-ftx-effective-altruist-is-building-a-crypto-empire/
12. Ibid.
13. The World Is Turning: “ ‘9/11’ “, The Movement for Justice, & Reclaiming America for the World, Irresistible/Revolutionary, 2008, pages 178 and 201, https://www.ur1light.com/the-world-is-turning
14. https://www.trustnodes.com/2022/11/07/billions-withdrawn-from-ftx-nodes-hit-capacity-cz-announces-divorce


17. https://www.wsj.com/articles/bankrupt-ftx-fires-three-of-sam-bankman-frieds-top-deputies-11668825607
18. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-14/binance-ceo-cz-zhao-bids-to-replace-ftx-s-sam-bankman-fried-as-crypto-savior
22. https://www.weforum.org/people/helen-hai
23. https://pharos.stiftelsen-pharos.org/world-economic-forums-young-global-leaders/
24. https://www.binance.charity/posts/2020-Binance-Charity-Recap
25. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/apr/30/chinese-investment-ethiopia-shoe-city
26. https://criptomonedaseico.com/en/news-en/the-dark-side-of-the-bitcoin-stock-market-helen-hai-of-binance-is-said-to-have-operated-shoe-factory-in-ethiopia/
27. https://apnews.com/article/ethiopia-ap-top-news-ivanka-trump-international-news-movies-32a6999825f44d3b869e62f2718a10af
30. https://www.binance.com/en/blog/all/binance-charity-at-the-ungc-global-impact-forum-2020-421499824684901040
31. Ibid.
32. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/blockchain.asp
33. https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/cryptocurrency/cryptocurrency-exchanges/
34. https://www.epiqglobal.com/en-us/resource-center/articles/blockchain-can-be-hacked
35. https://coinmarketcap.com/rankings/exchanges/
37. https://www.businessinsider.in/cryptocurrency/news/a-single-bitcoin-transaction-has-a-bigger-carbon-footprint-than-100000-hours-of-youtube-videos/articleshow/84373569.cms
38. https://www.businessinsider.in/cryptocurrency/news/crypto-traders-are-clamoring-to-recoup-losses-after-a-binance-outage-left-them-unable-to-dump-tokens-during-a-recent-sell-off/articleshow/84362811.cms
39. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnhyatt/2022/04/05/the-wealthiest-person-in-crypto-climbs-into-worlds-20-richest/?sh=6cdc67e1dd19
40. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/drc-mining-industry-child-labor-and-formalization-small-scale-mining
41. https://theprint.in/world/laptops-to-phones-cobalt-demand-is-booming-congolese-miners-need-more-protection/557944/
42. https://theconversation.com/what-coltan-mining-in-the-drc-costs-people-and-the-environment-183159
43. https://cointelegraph.com/news/wef-2022-may-25-latest-updates-from-the-cointelegraph-davos-team