Klaus Schwab, the Early Years: 1938-1967--How NAZIS' Success in and after World War II Shaped This Global Thought-Leader
Wernher von Braun, Walter Dornberger, Arthur Rudolph, Erich Traub Are Models for World Economic Forum Precepts and Projects
Yes, ‘a participant in the Global Collaboration Village’, with devices sure to be a b ig hit among child miners in Bolivia and different but alike Congos.
January 21, 2025
One year after publication of this Substack on January 18, 2024, we may want to be On Guard against Hoopla Hurrahing Leaders who want to ‘Annex’ resources-rich territories. Below are screen-shots from the Post recounting KLAUS SCHWAB’s early years in NAZI and Fascist realms … He and many WEF Global Leaders and Strategic Partners have never really left the realms of Technology for Fascism. We may hope that they soon do.
NAZI officials outside the City Hall of Ravensburg, southern Germany, 1938—the year and place of Klaus Schwab’s birth.
Klaus’ father, Eugen, managed the Escher-Wyss factory that produced heavy-water turbines for NAZI designs on nuclear weaponry. Eugen’s was named by NAZIs a ‘National Model Factory.’
Students were urged to support their Fuhrer.
With closing of World War II, NAZI scientists and Military were by the plane-load engaged and employed to help the United States in War and in Space. Herr Wernher von Braun was one.
Another NAZI officer who executed Prisoners-of-War in WWII, Herr Arther Rudolph, was principal in building the United States’ Saturn Rockets.
Herr von Braun so succeeded that he was a Star for NASA and the Walt Disney Corporation.
Yet another superior intellect from NAZI ranks, Dr. ERICH TRAUB, pioneered biological warfare for the United States, nearby New York City.
Forward to 2025. The ‘three richest people in the world’ (according to Forbes magazine), ELON MUSK of Neuralink, SpaceX and Tesla, JEFF BEZOS of Amazon, and MARK ZUCKERBERG of Meta (Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp) stood close by DONALD TRUMP during the Presidential Inauguration, yesterday, January 20. Bezos was a World Economic Forum Global Leader of Tomorrow in 1998; Musk a Young Global Leader of 2008; and Zuckerberg a YGL of 2009, the same year as STEPHANE BANCEL, CEO of the global mass-murderer through mRNA ‘vaccines’ Moderna.
Meanwhile, in Davos, Switzerland, Bank CEOs met again to tell the world how our future must be…. just as they did—albeit more covertly—in Klaus Schwab’s early years.
Above, a Collaboration sure to be big among child miners in Bolivia and different but alike Congos.
Klaus Remembers His Years 1938 to 1945
From my childhood onward I learned how helpful Order is to Unity. Unity toward Purpose under a Government that can Discriminate with Authority is needed for Society’s Success.
(I hope I do not say too much.)
I was born in 1938. Baden in southern Germany is my home Region and Ravensburg is my hometown—hometown as some of you Americans say.
Baden was already a Region of substantial gains by Germany’s National Socialist Party in the Elections of 1929. With the Party’s consolidation of power in 1933, several measures promptly advanced in our Region. For instance, 691 patients in the Weibenau psychiatric clinic were euthanized, Thus, they were freed from pain and the State was relieved of costs. Also, the Sinti population of known transients gained a stable role in our society through a quickly instituted ‘Gypsy Forced Labour Camp’. (1)
The caption reads: Nazi officials in front of the Ravensburg Town Hall.
When I was age five, in 1943, 36 of the Sinti, or Roma, or Gypsy, were deported from our Region, 29 of these unfit went to Auschwitz.
My father, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab, managed the Escher-Wyss Plant or Factory, a very large business in Ravensburg. I visited it while still in short pants. What sleek, powerful and formidable machines those Turbines were, delivered by our Factory to the new Reich!
During World War II Escher Wyss supplied Turbines for Germany’s effort at Norsk Hydro . Our progress was multi-national, The company had engineered a 14,500 HP turbine at Vemork, near Rjukan in Norway. (5) This Norsk Hydro enterprise was the only Plant under German control that could produce the “heavy water” needed for the plutonium that might yet have given us a fissionable nuclear bomb. Escher-Wyss nevertheless produced Turbines of such efficiency that the Party named it a ‘National Model Factory.’
‘Students / Be the Fuhrer’s Propagandists!”
My father, Eugen, of course also managed labor. Here too he produced excellent results. He had first French Prisoners of War, 125 of them, as I understood, and then 150 Russians. Our P. O. W.’s were fed and housed in a Camp close by the Escher-Wyss Plant.
Because our labor at Escher Wyss was subject to everyday, civilian scrutiny, it perhaps less efficient than tghhe labor at other Camps during those years. For instance, the focusing of forces at Peenemunde under General Walter Dornberger and his Officers Arthur Rudolph and Wernher von Braun, a focus that involved luminairies of science such as Paul Schroder, Rudolf Herrman, and Walter Thiel, achieved V-2 Rocketry. Extreme competition compels advances by the fittest. S. S. Major Wernher von Braun at Peenemunde and engineer Arthur Rudolph at Nordhausen employed exemplary measures to hasten work and to discourage sabotage. (6)
Presumed saboteurs were hung from the cranes at Nordhausen’s works.
Lessons after the War—1945 to 1967
My father Eugen’s expertise brought him executive positions after the Second World War. In 1960 he emigrated by Brasil. (7)
Many years earlier, as a child, then a teen-ager, I’d observed German Officers gain safe passage and quick accomplishments through their connections to Allied military. General Walter Dornberger and his lieutenants, the expert innovators and managers. Arthur Rudolph and Wernher von Braun, all were welcomed by the United States. (8)
A handsome man, von Braun—he benefited, like hundreds of top German Military, from Operation Paperclip. Their gain for the U.S. was celebrated in 1945!
Is it chauvinistic for me, Klaus Schwab, an avowed globalist, to say that my countrymen may have in fact led programs for the United States from the 1950s into the 1970s?
Arthur Rudolph, the leader forced to execute starving saboteurs in Nordhausen, was perhaps key for the United States’ Saturn. Rocket, yes? (9)
Herr von Braun was so consistent and industrious a progressive force that he became spokesman for both NASA and the Walt Disney Corporation. (10)
In fields other than Outer Space the invited emigrants excelled.
Dr. Erich Traub took his projects for biowarfare (poisoning cattle in the Soviet Union) on Riems Island in the Baltic to Plum Island on Long Island Sound (poisoning swine in Cuba). (11)
So for me, Klaus Schwab, who tries always to Honor Realities by Following their Directives, the Way Forward. was quite clear. Even before my enriching encounter with Professor Heinz Kissinger at Harvard in 1967, I saw that my the Nation of my birth and the town and Region I called home was not mistaken in their great focus, recognitions, and cleansing. Herr von Braun is but one to be cited.
Herr Kissinger, John Kenneth Galbraith, and Herman Kahn helped me to establish the European Management Forum in 1971. How it has since grown!
Yes, one Recognition of an Inevitable Futures advances through the World Economic Forum!
1. https://www.tracesofevil.com/search/label/Ravensburg
2. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/schwab-family-values/
3. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/photo/poster-studentsbe-the-fuehrers-propagandists
4. https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-script/hitler-gates-versus-those-who-fight-for-freedom
6. FIVE STARS https://history.army.mil/html/bookshelves/resmat/wwii/special-features/VE-day/documents/V-2_and_Slave_Labor_Article.pdf
7. https://www.wikitree.com/photo/jpg/Schwab-1627
10.a .https://wsmrmuseum.com/2020/07/27/von-braun-the-v-2-and-slave-labor/3/
Expose them all for what they truly are!