"Prosecute 'Em" 2024. For Our Future and the Justice We Deserve. A Song with Many Links to Evidence, "Hurt Ones", and to "Guilty Actors". Please share.
May an Army of Victims and Those Who Love Them Rise.
(Thanks very much for the Subscriptions and other connections! I’ve worked on this 2024 rendition of “Prosecute ‘Em: for several days as text and performance. I hope it works! That is, I hope you find it useful and that we can move toward the justice that so many of the “young, great and good” are making for our future.)
Prosecute ‘em
For mass murder!
Prosecute ‘em
For our future!
Prosecute 'em
For our freedom!
Prosecute 'em
For the Labs-made, gain-of-function disease
that they named COVID-19—COVID-19—COVID-19
Prosecute ‘em
For their Mandates!
Prosecute ‘em
For their Lockdowns!
Prosecute ‘em
For mass murder!
Prosecute ‘em
For their fanning of fears
And their banning of cures
For their lying and our dying
Prosecute ‘em
For the grandmas and the grandpas
Gulled and killed in Rest-Homes and Hospitals
With Ventilators, Remdesivir, and No Visitors
How many? Hurt ones!
How many! Sad ones!
How many? Lost ones!
How many? Now are with us no more! Unh!—Unh!—Unh! x 3
Prosecute ‘em!
For their ‘vaccines’
Prosecute ‘em
For their Warp Speed
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ ’Spike Proteins’
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ Amyloids and Prions,
Aluminum, Silicon, Sulphur and Titanium
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ Lipid Nanoparticles’ making clots
like plastic snakes that grow and coil and block inside our veins
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ mRNA chips’ Operating Systems
that would turn our life into prisons
of ‘Digital Systems’ that become ‘DNA systems’
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ myocarditis, pericarditis,
Prosecute ‘em
For their shots’ paralysis and heart-attacks
Prosecute ‘em
For mass murder!
Prosecute ‘em
For their fanning of fears
And their banning of cures
For their lying and our dying
Prosecute ‘em
For the young who followed the old,
For the Doctors, Nurses, Pilots, Students, …
Forced to take shots by their Jobs and Schools
For the athletes’ and infants’ seizures on fields and in cribs
For the parents wracked with worries and then wracked with sorrows, too
How many? Hurt ones!
How many! Sad ones!
How many? Lost ones!
How many? Now are with us no more!
Prosecute ‘em!
Ev’ry guilty Actor
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Doctor selling poisons
Prosecute ‘Em
Ev’ry Board approving frauds
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Orderer of compliance
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Thief and Partner
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Agenda Contributor
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Asset Manager
Prosecute ‘em
Ev’ry Bankster Pharisee Descendant
Who would rob and kill our humanity
How many? Hurt ones!
How many! Sad ones!
How many? Lost ones!
How many? Now are with us no more! Unh!—Unh!—Unh! x 3
Prosecute ‘em
For our future!
Prosecute 'em
For our freedom!
Prosecute ‘em
For our future of growing even more food
For our children reading even more books
And their children restoring our Earth
Prosecute ‘em
For the unborn
With gifts as unknown
As plants of Prairies and Amazon
Prosecute ‘em
For the ending of fears
And the coming of cures
For the Brilliance ahead
For the young, great, and good
Who are both our Ancestors
And our Tomorrows
How many? Bright ones!
How many! Good ones!
How many? Great ones!
How many? We have with us today! Unh!—Unh!—Unh! x 3
We have with us today!
"Prosecute 'Em" January to June 2023 and then June and July 2024
In June 2023 I put out a “Prosecute ‘Em” with far move extensive Urls and Endnotes.
These 12 come from the series of Flipping the Script Blog-posts that I put up from March 2020 into March 2022—over 30 there are. The ones linked below aim for Prosecution of Gates and Fauci. But we know there are plenty more Charges to go around!
Some of the Record of Joe as Candidate and President into September 2021.
Every Guilty Actor can only find redemption through seeking remedies.
I still think these steps are primary.
And of course we’d do well to stop all shots!