We Need to Stop Our Suffering / Help the Five Billion Shot
A Post from January 2023 about pains still in our hearts.
We Need to Stop Our Suffering / Help the Five Billion Shot!
Watching people die Chills the soul. Watching the misled, credulous and/or unwitting Be stricken, mid-life, mid-breath, and without a fight In Bitchute, Odyseee, Telegraph Channels’ Reels of victims Anguishes and hurts our collective hearts and minds.
Watching TV broadcasters Suffer gradual or violent seizures to their hearts— The CTV reporter, standing dutifully with her microphone, Stammers, apologizes, searches for words, Then lurches and stares with her eyes glazing to freeze At her apprehension of that brutal, sudden abyss No one in seeming health fully foresees—
Scenes such as these, Repeated, chill the soul And hurt our hearts and minds.
Watching athletes topple On Fields and Courts and Pitches-- These superbly fit performers Falling forward or backward. Their legs buckling and/or their hands clutching their chests. As teammates gape and alarms sound, Shocks and chills our souls and hurts our minds. Scenes such as these, now repeated over two years, Demand that we act to stop more attacks.
Watching young people suffer injury and death Especially kills humanity's purpose and destiny.
We witness now on screens Of TV, Computer, Phone, Tablet, … A Plague that's not of our making Except as we endure its woes.
We need to stop our suffering! We need to fight back With compassion and for justice! We need to help the more than five billion Who were and are injected and infected With calculated, gain-of-function poisons For which God and Gods give remedies! (Autophagy, say Dr. Beem and Dr. Marik and the FLCCC; Empathy and community, too, say the 26 Partners Of CanWeTalkAboutIt).
And we need to check, charge and punish forever Those who have orchestrated And profited from the most boundless and shameless Mass murder of the present and future In all our history.
Bill Gates on his recommended mRNA 'vaccines', April 30, 2020.
Don Paul, January 21 and 22, 2023
This past Monday, January 23, Facebook imposed nebulous ‘Restrictions’ on my account that have prevented my posting of this piece with its images and links as it’s presented on the Ur1Light.com. Please have a visit it to that presentation and let me know how it comes across.
Dr. Moyeed Been cites a Stanford study in March 2022
Have just begun to explore https://www.ur1light.com/. What a massive amount of interesting and important information.