BP was actually the ones who coined the phrase "Carbon Footprint" to deflect from all their mishaps believe it or not. I still remember the millions of gallons flowing into the oceans from their mishap years back. I guess the oil business doesn't mean as much to them these days as in past since all indicators show it's time to cull the earth of the useless eaters.

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Yes, DEAN--same Evil, new Guises with BP. Regarding ALL of the WEF's 100 Strategic Partners, let me hazard to say that they're happy to hold onto exploitation and profits through oil-and-gas, but that they prefer the Green fraud of EV vehicles and the like as a means for more complete ('Kill-switch') control. Thank you again! We are many--they are few--and we can WIN in any Week we choose to abandon the Few's systemsic abuses of us. Please, everyone, let's share ideas and means for REBELLION.

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I often share Pastor David Sorensen's site Stopworldcontrol.com as it exposes crimes committed by the elites post Covid and what can be expected down the pipeline. In politics I look at both parties being heads of the same evil beast it's just one pretending to be a little nicer. It's about divide and conquer. Trump did some good things for the country and I remember him speaking at the WEF talking of progress of the U.S. and said respect our sovereignty as we respect yours. This was the straw that broke the camels back I believe. He still continues to pat himself on the back over the disastrous covid vaccines when it's estimated 14 million have died from taking them. Sorensen says Trump has to do this and explains why in this jam packed website of his. There was a polio vaccine when JFK was POTUS that had a cancer element to it and it's been said that Eli Lilly had C I A take him out because he wanted it halted. Just don't know what to believe these days anymore and I am quite sure the powers that should not be like it this way. The time to take action seem to be right now. The freedom convoy in Canada and the Dutch Farmer protests did not seem to go very well in the people favor. But through alternative news like what you and others have we are getting the message out there. I have personally never written a thing and if I did it would be what I am writing here and I think there is enough of that already. Just got to keep spreading the news and not remain complacent and try to wake other people up, because nobody is going to save us and we must save ourselves.

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