Thieves' Dreams Never Sleep. BP and Goldman Sachs, 'Carbon Tax', 'Climate Change' and Climate Exchanges, John Kerry, Al Gore, Lords Browne and Rothschild: FIGHT THE BLOB, Part 2
We return again to Spring 2010. I was then most engaged in rehabilitating a beautiful but neglected building in New Orleans’ crimes-from-the-Top-down Central City, the former Wesley United Methodist Church, ‘8th-oldest African-American Church in the United States’. Volunteers and I worked to turn this spiritual monument, built by its Congregation’s artisans since 1873, into ‘The Wesley United Digital Arts & Training Center’. We KNEW that CREATIVITY in the neighborhood all around us would FLOURISH within “the Wesley.”
Have a look at how splendid the Wesley upstairs Sanctuary was in Spring 2010, as we worked with Home Builders Association apprentices and out-of-town volunteers. You may have seen the Sanctuary in the photo that DIEGO CORTEZ took of PATTI, SAKURA and me on April 25, that year. You can see through the wide view below how and why we were INSPIRED by the Wesley’s Sanctuary. All of the brickwork was done by the Church’s members. Some of the stained-glass our team had replaced—most of such work was done by HBA apprentices.
A photo of representative volunteers is below. This group visited New Orleans and helped us at the Wesley, housed and sustained through the Room-and-Board provided by United Saints and its Director, DARYL KIESOW. In this photo are MICHAEL FRANTI and some of his band Spearhead and his wife and fellow musician SARAH AGAH FRANTI. Michael is friend since the 1990s in San Francisco. He performed many benefits for Common Ground in New Orleans, facilitated by SAKURA KONE.
Now, back into the brutal and exploitative hells visited on humanity by BP / British Petroleum / the Anglo Persian Oil Company from the early 19th century through to this year. BP is, of course, one of the 100 Strategic Partners of the World Economic Forum and as such is eager to have the United Nations’ World Health Organization take over Public Health in all Nations when the Partners and their W.H.O. engineer the next ‘Global Emergency’ or ‘Pandemic.’ Below, BP smack in the center of Global Predators.
Here, a ‘Legal Brief’ from the World Council on Health .
It presents in graphic form how the WHO’s misguidance regarding COVID-19 caused ten of millions of injuries and deaths.
By Don Paul~Puppetgov, June 7, 2010
(I apologize for the delays with Part Two. Our 'Celebration' of volunteers and others who have helped at the Restore Wesley United project here in New Orleans, last Saturday, was a very good day, but preparations for it took up more time than expected.)
'Fight the Blob, Part One' concluded that crimes of BP and its partners in the Macondo Prospect well that blew out on April 20, 2010, almost seven weeks ago, were most reasonably explained as another attack in a decades-long war against the ability of working-people in southern Louisiana and in fact all over the Earth to sustain ourselves. Millions and billions of us want to grow our own food and maintain person-to-person economies, with some independence from the instruments of Debt and Enslavement wielded by supranational financial institutions.
'Fight the Blob, Part One' pointed out that the series of four crucial mistakes which precipitated the blow-out made no sense as dollars-and-cents decisions for BP and its partners.
Given the $3.5-billion-to-$7-billion of revenues in oil estimated for BP and its Anadarko/Southern Union and Mitsui partners from the Macondo Prospect well in the Mississippi Canyon Block--and the more than $1.4 trillion of revenues in oil estimated more than three years ago by the United States' Minerals Management Service as lying in the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (not counting more billions and trillions of dollars in revenues from natural gas), concerns about the $1-million-per-day in fees for the Macondo drilling and casing operations were trifling unto inconsequential.
These fees were like drops from a 42-gallon barrel.
'Fight the Blob, Part One' also pointed out that the post-blow-out lack of containment and recovery by BP and its partners made no sense as dollars-and-cents decisions that relate to profits from oil and natural gas. It cited oil-field veterans' recommendations of tankers and supertankers to "suck up" the spewed oil.
It also alluded to the banned-in-Great-Britain Corexit 'dispersants' that BP continues to use despite supposed prohibitions from the United States' Environmental Protection Agency. Corexit adds more of alien and possibly lethal elements to the Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Stream, and Louisiana's wetlands, at the same as it hides the size and depth of the oil-and-gas mess in the Gulf. (1) (2)
'Fight the Blob, Part One' found that 'the greater evil and agenda' behind the 'river of oil' now moving beyond the Gulf of Mexico was most credibly explained as 'an attack on the global food supply.'
It asserted that this ongoing tragedy was one more play in a war against the livelihood and future of working-class people.
21st-century executives with BP, current and recent, link to organizations that oppose local economies and freedom and power for workers. Both the current Chief Executive Officer of BP, Tony Hayward, a former offshore engineer who's now notorious for saying that environmental effects of the Macondo gushers were likely to be "modest" because the Gulf of Mexico is "a very big ocean" and other remarks of comparably incredible ignorance and insensitivity (3), and the 1997-2009 Chairman of British Petroleum/BP, Sir Peter Sutherland, the current Chairman of Goldman Sachs International and the London School of Economics and a leading proponent of both the World Trade Organization and 'global warming' (4) (5), are revealing subjects, deserving further study. Both Sutherland and Hayward are attendees are attendees of the globalist Bilderberg Conference.
The amazingly interlocked Sutherland (According to Bloomberg Business Week: 'This person is connected to 122 board members in 7 different organizations across 16 different industries') in particular is a key to tracing objectives behind the Gulf Oil-and-Gas Blob. (6)
Sutherland connects—through Goldman Sachs and 'global warming'—to coupled entities that could profit mightily from the 'Cap and Trade' legislation which may follow fall-out of the Blob in the Gulf and Gulf Stream, the Chicago Climate Exchange and European Climate Exchange. (7)
First, however, let's scan the 102-year-long history of the Corporation that became British Petroleum (1954) and then BP (2001--BP standing for 'Beyond Petroleum').
Its past is prologue, showing its character as vividly as gasoline stains a lake.
Funded from the City of London, the Corporation that would be BP officially began in 1908 as the Anglo- Persian Oil Company. (8) As its name implies, this Company was intended to emulate super-exploitative British holdings in the Far East and Africa and it especially aimed at extracting oil and gas from Persia (later Iran) and the entire Middle East. Its seeming competitors were Royal Dutch Shell and the Rockefellers' Standard Oil progeny.
In June of 1914, three months before outbreak of World War I, urged by 39-year-old Lord of the Admiralty and Member of Parliament and eugenicist Winston Churchill, the British Government acquired a dominant interest in the Anglo-Persian Company (9). The British Government’s controlling interest served the Crown crucially during the contest of bombardments, gassings and starvation that killed more than 20 million over the next five 'awful' (D.H. Lawrence and Thomas Mann, Henry James, James Joyce and Marcel Proust) years. (10)
In 1917, within one year of end of World War I, Lords Victor and Lionel Rothschild, Lord Milner of the Bank of England, and Lord Balfour, forged the Balfour Agreement, legitimating claims for a 'Jewish homeland' to be known as 'Israel' in the Middle East. (9)
Winston Churchill, one of the 20th century's most artful extortionists and mass-murderers (from the sinking of the Lusitania to the prolongation of World War II's Holocaust), also advocated for an armed, Jewish State next to the Middle East’s oil-and-gas riches and next to the Suez Canal. (11) (12)
Following World War I, Governments and Corporations carved up the Middle East for resources much as they had carved up Africa in the 19th century. Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria were created as Nations 'protected' by the British and French Governments. Corporations based in Britain and France continued to extract fortunes in oil and gas from the new Nations’ territories. Persia became Iran and in 1935 the Anglo-Persian Oil Company became the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.
Conditions for oil-field workers in the Middle East were horrific. as they were for slaves in the U.S. South and for indigenous natives in mines the world over.
In All the Shah's Men by former New York Times reporter Stephen Kinzer, the Director of Iran's Petroleum Institute in 1949, Manucher Farmanfarmaian, describes the daily reality of Anglo-Iranian Oil Company workers.
'Wages were 50 cents a day. There was no vacation pay, no sick leave, no disability compensation. The workers lived in a shanty town called Kaghazabad, or Paper city, without running water or electricity ... In winter the earth flooded and became a flat, perspiring lake. The mud in town was knee-deep, and ... when the rains subsided, clouds of nipping, small-winged flies rose from the stagnant water to fill the nostrils. ... Summer was worse. ... The heat was torrid ... sticky and unrelenting—while the wind and sandstorms shipped off the desert hot as a blower. The dwellings of Kaghazabad, cobbled from rusted oil drums hammered flat, turned into sweltering ovens. ... In every crevice hung the foul, sulfurous stench of burning oil ... in Kaghazad there was nothing—not a tea shop, not a bath, not a single tree. The tiled reflecting pool and shaded central square that were part of every Iranian town ... were missing here. The unpaved alleyways were emporiums for rats.' (13)
One official who tried to improve such conditions, Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, elected President of Iran in April of 1951 and ousted through a coup led by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency in August 1953, analyzed the control exerted by the dominant, occupying Corporation in his Nation. Mossadegh spoke to the United Nations Security Council on October 15, 1951.
"It went without saying that as long as a company such as the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company had a monopoly over this source of wealth, the government and people of Iran could not enjoy political independence. Despite its business facade, this company is to be considered as the modern counterpart of the old East India Company, which, in a short period extended its control over India. The former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company had an annual income exceeding that of the Iranian government; the same was true of its imports and exports; it intervened actively in the internal affairs of the country, and threw its weight about in elections to the Majlis and the formation of cabinets, acting in a manner calculated to wring the greatest profits from resources under its control. By a complex organization network within the country, by corruption of government ministries, and the illegal support to native journalists and politicians, it had in fact, created a State within a State, and little by little it sapped the independence of the Iranian nation.” (14)
Dr. Mossdegah's remarks on the 'State within a State' that wrings the greatest profits from resources under its control and that saps the independence of a Nation may remind readers of our supranational Corporate Government now.
After the CIA-led coup of 1953, the newly named British Petroleum Corporation had its share of the oil-and-gas wealth in Iran reduced to 40%.
The remaining 60% of super-profits were divided among interests that had combined in the coup. 40% went to the then five largest U.S.-based gas-and-oil Corporations and 20% to Royal Dutch Shell and France-based Total. (15)
By 1987 British Petroleum was last in profitability among the Big Six of oil-and-gas Corporations. The British Government sold the remainder of its British Petroleum holdings that year as part of the 'privatization' promoted by the Administration of Margaret Thatcher.
Upswings in British Petroleum earnings coincided with the entry of Irishman Peter Sutherland (who at age 39 in 1985 was the youngest European Commissioner ever) and John Browne into the Corporation's upper ranks.
Browne became Chief Executive Officer of British Petroleum in 1995 and Sutherland became the Corporation's Chairman in 1997 (following his 1993-95 years as Director of the World Trade Organization, where he pushed the G.A.T.T, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade).
Browne’s and Sutherland’s ascent accompanied British Petroleum’s advances into North America and its concern with 'climate change'.
Let me bold within the statement that CEO Browne delivered to an audience at Stanford University on May 19, 1997. ‘There is now an effective consensus among the world's leading scientists and serious and well informed people outside the scientific community that there is a discernible human influence on the climate, and a link between the concentration of carbon dioxide and the increase in temperature.'
The CEO warned: 'The time to consider the policy dimensions of climate change is not when the link between greenhouse gases and climate change is conclusively proven ... but when the possibility cannot be discounted and is taken seriously by the society of which we are part.' (16)’
In 1998 British Petroleum absorbed Amoco of the United States and in 1999 it bought Atlantic Richfield (ARCO gas-stations). The Corporation 're-branded' as BP (Beyond Petroleum) through a $200-million Ogilvy & Mather campaign in 2000-02, a change meant to reflect its holdings in solar and wind power and to bolster a 21st-century Green image.
Sir John Browne (he was Knighted in 1998) returned to Stanford University in March of 2002 and to his messages about 'climate change'. He said: ''Climate change is an issue which raises fundamental questions about the relationship between companies and society as a whole, and between one generation and the next.'' He said. "I believe the American people expect a company like BP . . . to offer answers and not excuses.'' (17)
Five years later, the Chairman of British Petroleum/BP at the same time as he was Chairman of Goldman Sachs International, Peter Sutherland, was even more emphatic than his colleague Browne. Sutherland spoke at a meeting of the Trilateral Commission in March 2007 about a campaign that 'arose' coincident with the marketing of BP as 'Beyond Petroleum' and Nobel Peace Prize-winner Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth".
Sutherland, the revealingly connected BP/Goldman Sachs/Royal Bank of Scotland/Bilderberg Conference executive and Honorary Knight Commander of Saint Michael and George, recalled to his fellow Trilateralists that a 'universal battle-cry was called for the world to address "global warming" with a single voice.'
Trilateralists that year heard further echoes. Sutherland's colleague, Lord Charles Guthrie, former head of the British Army (1994-97) and then a Director of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, spoke the 'single-voice' note in that 007 meeting. Lord Guthrie urged his fellows to: 'Address the global climate crisis with a single voice, and impose rules that apply worldwide.' (18)
Is BP itself so clean and 'Green'?
Over the past eight years, since its $200-million re-branding, the Corporation has continued to commit huge, serial crimes against the environment and its workers.
Most prominent was the March 2005 explosion at BP’s refinery in Texas City, Texas that killed fifteen workers. Three more died in separate accidents at this BP refinery over the next three years.
Oh, and between 2006 and 2007 an amount estimated at 5000 barrels of oil and unknown volumes of methanol and diesel came out of corroded BP pipelines nearby Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. (19)
Oh, and in 2007 BP was prosecuted by the U.S. Department of Justice and paid a total of $303 million in Fines for manipulating the price of propane by four of its Traders in Houston, Texas. (20)
Oh, and between June 2007 and February 2010 BP's refineries in Texas City, Texas and Toledo, Ohio 'were responsible for 97% (829 of 851) of willful safety violations by oil refiners between June 2007 and February 2010, as determined by inspections by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.' (21).
Knights and Lords must have been looking the other way.
They must have overlooked their not-at-all Clean and Green BP. Given this Corporation’s record over the past seven weeks in the Gulf of Mexico and and its recrod throughout the 21st century, combined with its history during the 20th century, we may fairly say that this Corporation owes the working people of Louisiana, the entire Gulf Coast, northern and southern Alaska, Texas City, Texas and Toledo, Ohio, and indeed the whole world, far more than it can ever pay.
For us all to come right, BP’s assets and equity (22) should be immediately seized and put into the public's hands for remediation and transformation.
That is, BP should be taken over by an as yet unknown arm of Government that we, the people, can trust. (23)
Perversely, however, the most proximate beneficiary of the Gulf Oil-and-Gas Blob appears to be legislation sponsored by Senators John Kerry and Joe Lieberman, the 'American Power Act'.
The 'American Power Act'.would provide 'cap and tax' and 'cap and trade' mechanisms that invite trillions of dollars of chicanery and theft by the largest oil-and-gas Corporations in combination with their partners in public utilities and financial speculation, as recognized by both 'conservative' and 'populist' media. (24) (25)
Thieves’ minds never sleep. Their midnight musings—across Continents, round the world—concoct crimes that decent people can never dream.
What are the mechanisms of 'cap and trade' and 'carbon offsets'? Firstly, both are based on the premise of 'anthropogenic global warming' which has been most prominently voiced by Occidental Petroleum favorite Al Gore over the past decade and more--the premise that man-made pollution through emission of carbon and other 'greenhouse gases' is the prime cause of supposed rises in the Earth's local and overall air and water temperatures.
That this premise is debatable understates the nearly conclusive evidence now disproving 'anthropogenic global warming', evidence available through multiple sources at (26), and evidence recognized even in Newsweek by late May of 2010. (27)
Allowing the highly debatable premise, however, the mechanisms put forth through 'cap and trade' and 'cap and tax' legislation and 'carbon offsets' through the vehicle of a 'Climate Exchange' actually INCREASE the problem they're ostensibly meant to relieve.
All let their subscribing Corporations receive 50%, or 100%, or an unknowable amount more in credit for off-setting pollution that they might have gained in revenue through the pollutants. That is, they're given incentives to produce but withhold pollutants, or to shift pollutants elsewhere on the planet.
'The Big Rip-off' section of a video by Environmental Protection Agency attorneys Allan Zabel and Laurie Williams makes clear the methods by which polluters can double their gains on a 'cap and trade' basis through producing pollutants.
Husband and wife in the San Francisco Bay Area, Williams and Zabel took the trouble of creating a professionally directed Youtube video to oppose last year's predecessor to the 'American Power Bill', Congressmen Henry Waxman's and Edward Markey's 'American Clean Energy and Security Act'. Attorney Williams made an apt comparison in their video. She said: 'Like the sub-prime mortgages and other creative financial instruments that helped to bring about the current recession, carbon offsets lack integrity." (28)
The Obama Administration EPA subsequently ordered the couple to remove the video from public viewing. (29)
Regarding the sleight-of-hand variation of a 'carbon tax' that was resoundingly endorsed by Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson in October 2009 (30) (31), columnists for the New York Times have advanced their support of this measure as the weeks of 'failures' after the Macondo blow-out have extended.
Bob Herbert wrote on June 1, 2010: 'We also need a carbon tax. The current crisis is the perfect opportunity for our political leaders to explain to the public why this is so important and what benefits would come from it.' Thomas Friedman wrote two days earlier, using Malia Obama, daughter of the U.S. President, as his mouthpiece: 'And, Daddy, why can't you even mention the words 'carbon tax', when the carbon we spill into the atmosphere every day is just as dangerous to our future as the crude oil that has been spilling into the gulf?' (31)
While any tax-based deterrent to our use of fossil fuels and our dependence on oil-and-gas Corporations could be very positive, the proposed 'carbon tax' and 'cap and trade' measures will lead once more to advantages and profits controlled and enjoyed solely by Corporations through Government--the supranational Corporate Government--the largest of polluters and speculators--and once more to diminished powers and freedoms for tax-paying workers.
Both measures lead directly to 21st-century vehicles named the Chicago Climate Exchange and the CCX's formerly subsidiary and now sister Corporation the European Climate Exchange.
The photo above is from November 30, 2009. Twelve activists locked themselves together across an intersection outside the Chicago Climate Exchange and in the heart of downtown Chicago’s financial district. The Chicago Climate Exchange is the first and largest carbon-trading institution in North America.
The CCX describes itself as 'North America’s only cap and trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide.'
The CCX is seven years old. It’s the nominal brainchild of Northwestern University professor Richard Sandor. Two grants from the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation, totaling more than $1 million, helped the CCX in 2000 and 2001. A Board Member of the Joyce Foundation between 1994-2002, prior to his Jimmy Carter-like ascendancy to the U.S. Presidency, was Barack Obama. (32) (33)
Richard Sandor now estimates the potential trade on the CCX to be worth at least $10 trillion per annum by 2020 for its members and those who are empowered to speculate through it. (34)
That is, if you liked the Casino-through-Computers created by trades in 'derivatives' through 'instruments' and 'products' such as 'Credit Default Swaps' and 'Collateralized Debt Obligations', you'll love what the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange offers.
There, CCX members and traders can choose among 'Carbon Financial Instruments' and 'futures and options contracts' based on either the 'California Climate Action Registry' or based on 'Kyoto-complinat GHG reduction credits issued by the UN for approved and verified projects in developing countries.' (35)
Yes! And: It’s all true! It's some of the most nebulous Stuff-and-Nonsense for Boundless Crime imaginable! Mark Twain and Jonathan Swift, Ilf and Petrov and the authors of Dr. Strangelove all would delight in components of the seven-year-old CCX.
Oh, and the largest stockholder in the Chicago Climate Exchange is Goldman Sachs, which purchased 10% of the CCX in September 2006 for $23 million.
Among trading partners on the CCX are Ford Motor Company, Amtrak, DuPont, Dow Corning, American Electric Power, International Paper, Motorola, and Waste Management. (36)
Another player in the CCX is the Generation Investment Management, based in London, England and co- founded by Al Gore and David Blood, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Mark Ferguson and Peter Harris are other Goldman Sachs veterans now acting as executives with the Generation Investment Management. (37)
GIM has a 2.98% stake in the Corporation that now controls both the Chicago Climate Exchange and the European Climate Exchange, the Climate Exchange PLC. (38)
Oh, and BP is among the 80 or so trading partners on the ECX, along with Barclays, Calyon, Endesa, Fortis, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Shell. The ECX is partnered with the European Union Governments in this new, most speculative and manipulable of markets. (39)
Let's see.... BP, Goldman Sachs, the European Union and its complementary organizations of supranational trading partners in NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, ...
Who comes to mind from this combination and from the century-old and recent history we've traced?
Yes! (If only WE could bet on Criminals’ likely associations and deeds!) Peter Sutherland, Knight Commander et cetera, is that figure most representative of the forces likely behind devastations to the Gulf of Mexico and to the Gulf Stream and to those who depend on these waters for their livelihood.
The manifold associations and players make clear that a venture run among complex and twisted stakes now unfolds.
1. 'In Gulf Spill, BP Using Dispersants Banned in the U.K.', Marion Wang, ProPublica, May 18, 2010,
2. 'We are all Gulf victims now', Carl Safina, June 3, 2010, CNN at 06/03/safina.gulf.wildlife.impact/index.html
3. 'Another Torrent BP Works to Stem: Its CEO', Jad Mouawad and Clifford Krauss, New York Times, June 4, 2010 at
4. Biography at The Trilateral Commission website--
5. 6.
7.; and readmsg.aspx?msgid=26605187
8. 'From Anglo-Persian Oil to BP Amoco'. BBC News, August 11, 1998 at business/149259.stm
9. 'Early history', BP Website, at categoryId=9014441&contentId=7027521
10. 'Out of the War', Don Paul, pp. 103-107 in Lawrence and Mann Overarching
11 .
12. 'The Rothschilds, Winston Churchill, and the Final Solution', Clifford Shack at http://
13. All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Terror in the Middle East, quoted in 'Reagan's Legacy of Regregulation Goes Haywire in the Gulf', Bill Berkowitz, Buzzflash, June 10, 2010
14. 'BP: An Unfinished Tale of Imperialism', Frederic F. Clairmont, Global Research, May 13, 2010
15. All the Shah's Men ... at
17. 'How Green is BP?", Darcy Frey, New York Times Magazine, December 8, 2002 at http://
18. 'Oil Companies Support Global Warming Alarmists, Not Skeptics', Paul Joseph Watson, Prison, November 3, 2009, at alarmists-not-skeptics.html
19. 'Back to Petroleum', Kate Sheppard, Foreign Policy, May 3, 2010, at articles/2010/05/03/back_to_petroleum?page=full
20. 'British Petroluem to Pay More Than $370 Million in Environmental Crimes, Fraud Cases', U.S. Department of Justice press-release, October 25, 2007, at 07_ag_850.html
21. 'Renegade Refiner: OSHA Says BP Has "Systemic Safety Problem', Jim Morris and M.B. Pell, Center for Public Intergry, May 16, 2010 at
22. 23.
24. 'John Kerry's Big Business Buy-off', William Yeatman and Jeremy Lott, The American Spectator June 3, 2010, at
25. 'The White House, Big Oil, and the "American Power Act", Michael Collins, The Economic Populist, May 23, 2010, at
27. 'Uncertain Science', Stefan Threll, Newsweek, May 28, 2010, at
30. 'Exxon CEO Tillerson's Argument for a Carbon Tax', Kristen Korosec, BNET, October 2, 2009, at http://
31. 'Oil Companies Support Global Warming Alarmists, Not Skeptics', Paul Joseph Watson, Prison, November 3, 2009, at alarmists-not-skeptics.html
34. 'The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud', Investors Business Daily, April 28, 2010, at http://
35. 'About Chicago Climate Futures Exchange' at Trading_CFIs.pdf
36. 'Carbon Finance--the Next Bonanza', Charles Morand, Alt Energy Stocks, October 29, 2006, at http://
BP was actually the ones who coined the phrase "Carbon Footprint" to deflect from all their mishaps believe it or not. I still remember the millions of gallons flowing into the oceans from their mishap years back. I guess the oil business doesn't mean as much to them these days as in past since all indicators show it's time to cull the earth of the useless eaters.