The G.O.D.D. System of Profits from Wars Ends When We Leave It. G.O.D.D. beingGuns, Oil, Drugs, and Debt). The the First of Several USEFUL ACRONYMS, We Hope.
We can win our future.
November 27. 2024
Today begins Essays, or Sallies, into seven Acronyms that may help us to make sense of events and Agendas (oh, those Brutal Agenda past and future—2030—2050—handed down ON us from Forums and sech-like on High) of the Ruling Few that continue to oppress and endanger We Masses.
G.O.D.D. (Guns, Oil, Drugs, and Debt)
A.L.A.T.T. (All Lies All The Time)
E.B.B. (Evil Beyond Belief)
W.E.T.F.E.F. (World Economic and Technological Forum for Enslavement and Fascism)
A.I. (Assisted Idiocy, Abysmal Intuition, Absurd Impersonations, Awkward Impasses, Antihuman Inexperience, Antihuman Inferiority, et cetera, etc.)
D.I.O. (Doing It Ourselves)
A.E. (The Age for Everyone)
Today’s Acronym arose to me in writing a presentation for the second ‘International Inquiry into 9/11’, held in Toronto, Canada between Thursday, May 27 and Sunday, May 30, 2004. My Talk on Saturday afternoon within a Hall of York University was titled ‘The Financiers behind 9/11’.
May 2004 was 21 months after I first wrote about the ‘ATTACK ON AMERICA’ that many U.S. Newspapers headlined on September 12, 2001. 9/11/01 happened to be deadline-day for my ‘Across the White Divides’ column in the weekly San Francisco Bay View newspaper, the publication based in the still-Black Bay View / Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco. Of course I wrote about the devastations to Buildings, bodies and minds never seen before on U.S. soil—that column grew into ‘The Only Real Solution Is Justice with Compassion.’
Over the following months and years—the book “ ‘9/11’ " / Facing Our Fascist State came out in December 2002—research revealed to me more and more that those few White and mostly elderly men whose Banks and Shares controlled the United States’ leading Corporations and our Nation’s private Central Bank, the Federal Reserve System and its Federal Reserve Bank of New York, were integral both to the World Trade Center Buildings destroyed on 9/11/01 (the Twin Towers’ exploding disintegrations most affecting our collective, global psyche and Building 7’s classic demolition most obvious in its criminality) AND integral to the billions unto trillions of Dollars in Profits made through the ‘War on Terror’ and that U.S.-and-U.K.-led campaign’s mass-murder and serial-thievery on the ground in Afghanistan and then Iraq.
Also, I’d admired Theodore Dreiser’s novel The Financier since my early 20s. Protagonist Frank Cowperwood (yes, the name’s suggesting a poisonous snake is intentional) betrays communities, environments and intimates with a final, calculating coldness I could see in Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
So, ‘The Financiers behind 9/11’. The title extended to the third section of Jim Hoffman’s illustrated book, Waking Up from Our Nightmare.
Here are WUFON pages that get into today’s ACRONYM of G.O.D.D.—Guns, Oil, Drugs, and Debt. You may come to see that Debt—meaning immediately and eventually the gains that Banks make through Acts of Terror and then through Wars—is the most pernicious of the Ruling Few’s pillars of inorganic but material Power.
We may jump to our current decade of the 2020s, defined across the World Economic Forum’s ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ in NATO Nations by our Suffering under Pretexts fomented through ‘COVID-19’.
We have War in the Ukraine, provoked by NATO over eight years and begun across that ‘breadbasket of Europe’ through Russia’s pre-emptive invasion in February/March 2022.
We see War in the Gaza of more than two million Palestinian civilians, begun on October 7, 2023 through the Hamas’ attack that Israel’s Likud Party and its Defense Forces provoked, enabled and allowed.
We see the same weapons-making Guns of G.O.D.D. receiving billions of Dollars in contracts for Bombs, Missiles, Aircraft, and Software in both Wars. We see their CEOa interlocking on many kinds of Boards.
We see that these big Guns are controlled by the Asset Management Firms BlackRock and Vanguard and State Street. And that BlackRock and the Blackstone Group are with many, many Banks among the World Economic Forum’s 100 Strategic Partners.
And we see that new partners for A.I. weaponry to Israel Defense Forces, such as PETER THIEL’s and ALEX KARP’s Palantir Technologies, are also among the WEF’s Strategic Partner Corporations and Foundations.
What we, We Masses, now can see is ALL in our favor. We know that neat nexus of Partners waging war on our health, our freedoms, and our futures and in particular our children’s free future, … gather each January for their Annual Meeting at Davos. Many are represented, too, in the WEF’s Annual Summer gathering in Dalian, China.
So, G.O.D.D.—Guns, Oil, Drugs (Big Pharma rather than illegal narcotics for Banks’ bottom-lines and money-laundering) and Debt—LIVES … But also stands exposed.
‘REBUILDING TRUST’ was the WEF’S Theme for their Davos’ Meeting.
The Ruling Few have already lost the trust of billions hurt by their COVID (how close to COVERT is COVID) Pretexts and ‘vaccines’.
We just have to leave them.