(Travel back with me, please, to early February 2022—a high rising for the sudden mass-movement by Canadian truckers and their fast-growing supporters, known worldwide by then as the Freedom Convoy. What I aim to impart in the piece, then and now, is how RIGHT AT HAND are the steps we can readily take to free ourselves … from those Few who would make us suffer from more of their Nonsensical, Debasing and Enslaving Contrivances … such as “ ‘COVID-19’ ' “ … and the United States’ two-person Presidential ‘Debate’ of June 27, 2034.)
You may have noticed that We Masses, we eight billion or so human beings who do work that produces real goods on Earth, are caught up in attacks against our freedoms, our homes, and out potentialities that amount to World War III.
The pretexts for this THIRD World War in the past 107 years—its stealthy Casus Belli—is the disease named ‘COVID-19’ and its already many ‘Variants.’
The operational forces for waging World War III against We Masses are both national and international and ultimately supranational. The relative handful of human beings acting on behalf of these supranational forces executives within the upper reaches of Corporations and Governments.
They’re Chief Executive Officers, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Premiers, Chancellors, … Chairs of Boards and Chairs of Parties … Partners and Strategic Partners.
These Few at the public apex of ruling bodies are almost all men. They serve under the not-so-secret Orders of controllers of Finances far, far larger than any Nation’s annual Budget, annual Gross Domestic Product, or indeed any nation’s total wealth in natural resources and cumulative assets.
These actors and their more-or-less Background Controllers form the Ruling Few of the industrialized and the still-to-be industrialized Earth.
They gather in public and private groups. One, the essentially secretive Bilderberg Group of Banks’, Governments’, entreprenurial and and media principals. Bilderburgers meet each June under some Government’s military protection.
Two, the less secretive and more declarative World Economic Forum, that meets each January in Davos, Switzerland and in mainland China in June to announce the Few’s intended regimens for humanity.
Three, the gatherings of Heads of State—the G7, G20, COP26, et cetera convocations—for more exact announcements as to how populations are meant to proceed under the Few’s completely arbitrary, undemocratic Agendas.
The Few want to reduce our populations by factors far beyond any prior World Wars—by the “10 to 15 percent” of Bill Gates’ to the “nice number” of “two billion people on Earth” advised by Ted Turner on CBS News in 2008. The Few want We Masses of creative, hopeful humanity, minded toward our loved ones above all, to be dead and gone or to be Useful Robots and Programable Consumers.
The Few are mad. They’re crazy as can be. Their pathological hubris imagines themselves more powerful than any tyrants in our Continents’ histories. They would rule the Earth forever … through nonsensical Jack-Offery such as ‘The Great Reset’; transparent deceits such as ‘Carbon Credits’ and 'Green Energy’; and the combination of intrinsic surveillance and defenseless vulnerability at the core of‘ ‘Crypto Currency’. The Few’s 21st-century guises and games aim to bind We Masses more to neo-feudal control through techno-fascist tools.
Their Agendas of course mean more riches for them, more prisons and suffering for us, as their 6000+-pound-electic-cars devastate more of our environments and the wealth in Nature we share—bounties of riches on every Continent that might be explained as a Gift from God or as Gifts from God or Gods.
Oh—and yes—the 21st-century Ruling Few are also as materialist—as opposed to reverential toward Nature and Spirit, reverential toward the supremacy of God and Gods beyond elitists' Agendas—as any Tyrants in our Continents’ history.
Ah, but good news follows.
For every action must be a reaction and reactions. This we know from more than one scientist and/or prophet.
The Ruling Few have power only because We Masses give them power. If we leave them, they fall. They collapse more certainly and dramatically than certainly and dramatically than World Trade Centers.
The systems of Credit and Debt that they use for at least 10-to-1 profitability depend entirely on We Masses’ buying into these systems of Credit and Debt to our own disadvantage. If we withdraw our money and other assets rom the Few’s national, international, and supranational Banks, those Banks fall.
Thus, WE make those Banks fall before their moves to make us ‘cashless’ and yoked to these Banks’ dictates can be carried to their imminent conclusions.
All of Nations' Central Banks and all of the industrialized and neo-Colonial world's most privileged and prominent commercial Banks are moving intently behind COVID pretexts to chip or digitally tattoo us to their yokes and make us be 'Happy' to 'Own Nothing.'
However, if WE grow and share, sell and buy OUR OWN FOOD apart from supply-chains that supranational Bank ultimately control, we free ourselves from those chains, too.
Create our own means of local exchange and our freedoms to prosper and we step away, step away in fell swoops, from the slavery intended for humanity.
We're stepping to our freedoms now, this month of February 2022, as we recognize more and more the lying and mass-murderous binds in which we've been held. Now we rebel. Now our Freedom Convoys, led by tens of thousand of truckers in Canada and their millions of active supporters worldwide, demand that individual choices be respected. Now the global Freedom Movement wrenches off chains of our oppression.
The COVID-pretext World War III against a creative, free and prosperous humanity could not be more stark--unmasked, say--and threatening than it is in Feburary 2022.
Thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, and now millions of our lives have been needlessly lost.
For two years now every supposed anti-COVID measure by the most major Governments of the West has devastated our public health.
Every one of these Governments 'Mandates'--City, State, Provincial, National, International--has hurt us. Every one has kept us from the Early Home Treatments that show more than 10-to-1 improvements in dozens of Nations. Every one has kept us from the Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin that work so well in Africa. Every one has kept us from the Great Barrington Declaration's 'Focused Protection' of the elderly and otherwise most COVID-vulnerable. Every one has kept us from achieving natural herd-immunity through our individual immune systems' adapting and combining and adapting in mutual self-defense.
Every one of these Governments' top-down, undemocratic and often illegal 'Mandates' has worsened the fear, isolation, vulnerability, and--truth be told--mass death among us.
Lockdowns preclude our immune-systems’ natural capacities and synergy. Lockdowns preclude communication and cooperation. Lockdowns worsen loneliness, paranoia, segregation and suspicions among us..
Masking does not prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 viral particles. A micron is 70 times smaller than a human hair. 'The virus that causes COVID-19 is about 0.1 micrometer in diameter. (A micrometer (µm) is one one-thousandth of a millimeter.) The holes in woven cloth are visible to the naked eye and may be five to 200 micrometers in diameter. '
Closures of Schools, Shops, Stores, Restaurants, … deprives students and teachers of each other’s health-giving company and small-business owners and employees of their livelihoods.
Governors’ orders that forced elderly COVID patients from Hospitals into Rest-Homes in New York, in New Jersey, in Michigan, in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, compelled straight-up mass-murder.
U.S. Federal and States officials’ denial of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, along with cocktails of Azithromycin and Zinc, to Hospitals and Doctors requesting these treatments in April, June and July of 2020 … so that they could continue to save more dozens or hundreds of many thousands of lives, … was and is another form of mass-murder.
The big four Corporations ‘vaccines’, rolled out like Juggernaut or Blitzreig within the most major NATO Nations after the Trump Administration’s “Operation Warp Speed’, are even plainer evidence of a shared Agenda. The Agenda wants debilitation and decimation of potentially arms-bearing populations.
None of the big four drug-dealing distributors’ injections against COVID-19— neither Pfizer’s, nor Moderna’s, nor Johnson & Johnson’s. nor AstraZeneca’s—prevents infection or transmission of the mysterious, gain-of-function disease that the WHO has named for us “ ‘ COVID-19 ’ ”.
'Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines have caused injury and death on an unprecedented scale, This short article explains from first principles why adverse events must be expected not just after the first injection of such a vaccine but after each booster shot as well. The argument is not limited to SARS-CoV-2 or its spike protein but applies generally to any non-self antigen introduced in the form of mRNA. Accordingly, not only must the COVID mRNA vaccines be stopped, but mRNA vaccines should never be used again.’
Tens of thousands AT THE LEAST have died from the Big Four's 'vaccines. The website nomoresilence.world counts from the Untied States, the United Kingdom and the 27 Nations of the European Union more than 61,000 deaths and more than 5 MILLION 'adverse reactions' in the 14 months since Governments "rolled out" Big Four’s shots into their populations. The tally from 27 European Nations is below.
Nothing could be plainer now than the World War III being waged against potentially arms-bearing populations of the industrialized world.
A little study reveals that orchestrators of our current, ongoing, 21st-century World War are largely the same would-be ‘elite’ of financiers who conspired to make inevitable and then to trigger World Wars I and II.
Yes, the Central Bankers. Yes, the choke-holders of oil, gas and food. Yes, the colonial and post-colonial and neo-liberal owners of Africa’s, Asia’s, Australia’s, the America’s most vital or remunerative resources. Yes, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warbucks—er, Warburgs, Windsors, … the families integral to every effort for World Government, under their loan-sharking control, since at least the early 20th century.
These Few have never made such a desperate and transparent play for absolute power as their COVID play of the past 24-and-counting months.
They had to make some play. Their Stock Market were tottering under REPOs despite trillions of dollars of Central Banks’ infusions. Nations’ peoples were gaining ever more clarity as how control must become national, not globalist, for local communities to prosper. BREXIT had passed. The European Union was fracturing. NAFTA was failing….
The inbred loansharks and lazing royals needed to act fast to carry out a ‘trans-humanist’ future, a diseased and diminishing future as dull and narrow and constricting as their own lacks of empathy and imagination.
They had to throttle humanity's emergent powers for creativity, community and prosperity, whether those powers were emerging in Great Britain, or Tanzania, or Venezuela, or the United States, or elsewhere.
The difference now, February of 2022, as we pass into more than 14 months of mass-murderous 'vaccinations’ and destruction of our human possibilities, is that We Masses KNOW.
We've had the Courage to look. We have the Clarity to see. We maintain the Compassion to help one another on mass scales. We keep enough Humor toward our own mistakes and foibles that we may care for one another more. We have a growing, exponential Courage to act on what we now know to be true and humane.
We're seizing our tomorrows today and every day forward.
Compassionate Unity Wins!
Don Paul, Feb. 11, 2022, from a piece first written November 26, 2021
Below, a video that you may find especially informational.
‘MONOPOLY: Follow the Money’
Thanks again, DEAN. You are so right about B. G. Two night ago I said to MARYSE, as she played me a flip of BG's frenzy over cows' farts heating up the Planet dangerously: "He shouldn't be part the conversation. He should be in an Institution."
All things as they are, if we Leave the Circus, we can build our our Ships.
It's always about power, money, and control. David Sorensen, a Pastor runs Stopworldcontrol.com. He firmly believes we are going to win against this tyranny. I do not know if he received some divine revelation but today it seems anything is possible. Never forget creepy Bill Gates said prior to Convid with better reproductive health care and a good vaccine we could lower the worlds population by 15% in 10 years. He is invested in every anti human project under the guise of Philanthropy, a new word for evil there ever was. Why he isn't being brought before Congress and imprisoned is beyond me, but most likely he as bought everyone in DC. He matches contributions to the WHO through his foundation what the U.S. does as a country.