Thanks again, DEAN. You are so right about B. G. Two night ago I said to MARYSE, as she played me a flip of BG's frenzy over cows' farts heating up the Planet dangerously: "He shouldn't be part the conversation. He should be in an Institution."

All things as they are, if we Leave the Circus, we can build our our Ships.

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It's always about power, money, and control. David Sorensen, a Pastor runs Stopworldcontrol.com. He firmly believes we are going to win against this tyranny. I do not know if he received some divine revelation but today it seems anything is possible. Never forget creepy Bill Gates said prior to Convid with better reproductive health care and a good vaccine we could lower the worlds population by 15% in 10 years. He is invested in every anti human project under the guise of Philanthropy, a new word for evil there ever was. Why he isn't being brought before Congress and imprisoned is beyond me, but most likely he as bought everyone in DC. He matches contributions to the WHO through his foundation what the U.S. does as a country.

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