No More Big-Lie Plagues! No More Fake 'Pandemics'! Posts from Flipping the Script during the first 3 Weeks of the "COVERT"
No More of Mass Murder, as Led by WEF Strategic Partners and their WHO
Hello, friends! Thanks very much for the responses and all communication!
Please find below excerpt from Posts of mine in the Flipping the Script blog on the We Are Revolutions & You Are Here to Shine website.
Reviewing these Posts from early Spring 2020, you may see again how the Fiendish Few’s Game was immediately ON against Public Health in all N.A.T.O. Nations.
Bill Gates and his Alliances turn up repeatedly, setting forth precedents from Bangladesh to M.I.T, over the six months prior to March 2020. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, a private preserve of privileged Dealers among overtly commercial, U.S. and European Banks, lends out $ TRILLIONS to cover these Banks’ gambling debts due to their REPO Loans. Then Donald Trump’s Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin begins to dole out $TRILLIONS more through the C.A.R.E.S (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act.
The $TRILLIONS funneled to Wall Street were MANY MULTIPLES MORE than the Amount of Funds needed to REMEDY to Elderly and Others in the U.S. (and across N.A.T.O.) who were vulnerable to the respiratory and vascular disease, named by the World Health Organization COVID-19 on February 11, 2020 and declared a ‘Global Pandemic one month-to-the-day later.
The three Posts below cite Doctors often. Remedies were readily accessible en masse. Information to help health could easily been broadcast and streamed across Continents. Dare to imagine a Fireside Chat with Dr. Anthony Fauci that offered uncensored Calls, Texts, and Debate. An Informational Clinic that also involved Dr. John Iannidis, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Karina Reiss, Dr. Mike Yeadon! Teach-Ins! Speak-Outs! Democracy! Freedom!
We’ve learned, haven’t we, friends? We won’t let our Societies be led into mass murder, Mass Murder of the Most Vulnerable through ‘disease’ or ‘vaccine’, will we?
Our chance is coming. Our chance for a 21st-century revolution—one of the most complete, profound, and positive in our millennia—is coming.
Below, please see Excerpts from the first three Flipping the Script Posts. You can click on Banner-Images and on links to read the Posts whole.
The first Post is dated as actually written on March 18, 2020
'COVID 19, Realities and Remedies: Never Fear What We Can Defeat', aims to lay out clarifying and calming information about this 'novel coronavirus.'
'Realities and Remedies' offers links to five articles that readers can explore. Its overriding goal is to show that measures involving common sense and cooperation, ample nutrition such as as extra-dose vitamin C, traditional medicine from both East and West, and anti-viral drugs already available (such as Interferon Alpha 2B) can conquer COVID 19 with a loss of life no more than we suffer from seasonal flu.
The most urgent purpose of this first piece is to prove that we don't need new vaccines to defeat COVID 19.’
The most urgent purpose of the second piece, titled 'COVID 19: The ID2020 Agenda Is Far More Dangerous than the Virus', is to show that a global 'Public-private' partnership' is barreling forward with its intention to use COVID 19 as reason for implanting populaces with RFID (Radio Frequency ID) chips carried by ostensible vaccines.’
‘The partnership's intention, I'll assert, has advanced fast since mid-September 2019. Last September 19 the ID2020 Alliance held 'a summit' in New York City. The ID2020 Alliance began in 2017. Three of its major 'Partners' are the Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft, and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization began in 1999 with $750 million in 'Seed Money' from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The 'summit' on September 19 announced that ID2020 and GAVI were funding vaccinations-with-identity-chips for the public in Bangladesh and for homeless in Austin, Texas. ‘
Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, and Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University co-sponsored the simulation ‘Event 201’ in October 2019. You can see: Vaccines, vaccines, …
‘The post-simulation 'Call to Action' of Event 201 was particularly telling. ' ... 2. Industry, national governments, and international organizations should work together to enhance internationally held stockpiles of medical countermeasures (MCMs) ... The World Health Organization (WHO) currently has an influenza vaccine virtual stockpile, with contracts in place with pharmaceutical companies that have agreed to supply vaccines should WHO request them.... this virtual stockpile model could be expanded to augment WHO’s ability to distribute vaccines and therapeutics ... This should also include any available experimental vaccine stockpiles for any WHO R&D Blueprint pathogens to deploy in a clinical trial during outbreaks in collaboration with CEPI, GAVI, and WHO....' In other words, Event 201 recommends vaccines upon vaccines: 'stockpiles' of existing vaccines from 'pharmaceutical companies' that 'could be expanded to augment WHO's ability ...' and that could 'include any available available experimental vaccine stockpiles for any WHO Research & Development Blueprint pathogens to deploy .. in collaboration with CEPI' (the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, co-founded at the 2017 World Economic Forum by the British Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), 'GAVI and WHO.'
‘March 27, 2020
We watch [ …. ] We watch numbers of Cases and Deaths rise on mass-media screens. We call to friends. We check on each other. We do what we can to help. We're as a species disposed that way, Social Darwinism to the contrary. We're also schooled by Religions' precepts. ' "Each one is responsible to all, for all," ' Father Zossima repeated in Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. 'One for all does one most good,' someone else repeated. "You are responsible. You are, each one of you, responsible and valuable," says the Okanagan poet and educator Jeannette Armstrong.
] …] We watch as the National Guard rolls out in more than 20 States of the U.S. and wonder what Military forces can do for health-care and societal well-bring that could not be done with greater knowledge by students who have been sent off-campus [….] We may wonder why the largest portion of the $2-trillion 'Coronavirus Aid Bill' that passed Congress yesterday is again to be received, with scant or no oversight, by the nations' most consequential Corporations
{As the purported ‘Plague” rolls on, unending across Big Media screens, I noted again in March 2020 three means that can help our health, whether everyday or in a ‘crisis’.
‘1. VITAMIN C HELPS. It helps as a prevention in the 200 milligram to 2000 milligram dosages available in Supermarkets and Drugstores. It helps with recovery among infected patients through high-dose and intravenous ingestion.
2. VITAMIN D HELPS. Vitamin D is most readily available through sunlight. Thus the French Government's prohibition of 'walks' is particularly unhealthy.
The Seattle Times published advice from two psychologists on March 17, accompanied by photo of a stalwart walker and his dog.’
I turned next to Wall Street and the City of London and to author Ellen Brown for explanation as to WHY ‘COVID-19’ and is special Windfalls of $TRILLIONS were happening.
We saw requisite Fear-Mongering through Big Media (CNBC).
We saw what Fear-Mongering and Desperate Gambling reaped.
‘The 'Coronavirus Stimulus' bill passed by the U.S. Senate on March 25 gives its largest portion of an actual $2.3 trillion to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, $510 billion. Mnuchin (Goldman Sachs 1985-2002) and Republicans had earlier maneuvered for six months of secrecy as to what and to whom he allocated the Treasury Department's portion [ …. ]
And—for Humans are Resourceful as we’re Rational—we saw Solutions after Inside Games were explained by author (The Web of Debt) and organizer (The Public Banking Institute) Ellen Brown.
‘Ellen Brown explains further. ‘Repo trades, although technically “sales and repurchases” of collateral, are in effect secured short-term loans, usually repayable the next day or in two weeks. The risky element of these apparently-secure trades is that the collateral itself may not be reliable, since it may be subject to more than one claim. For example, it may have been acquired in a swap with another party for securitized auto loans or other shaky assets – a swap that will have to be reversed at maturity [….].
Ah-hah. You may now remember 'products' such 'Credit Default Swaps' and 'Collatorized Debt Obligations' as they're exposed in movies such as "Inside Job", "Margin Call", and "The Big Short".
Those 'products' and their failings caused the U.S. middle-class to lose 1/3 of its net worth by 2013, while the Administration of President Barack Obama transferred more than $4 trillion to the United States 12 largest commercial and investment Banks between 2009 and 2014 [ …. ]
What way out is there from the vile re-run that we see again picking taxpayers' pockets while workers lose jobs, the public loses its ability to gather and protest, and we worry about our mortal lives as well as our material livelihood?
Ellen and colleagues have worked for decades on the Public Banking option. Their remedies have, I think, many intrinsic gains for ... us the public. Most essential of the benefits for us is that Public Banking's plans remove private lenders and their Bonds and the like from Federal, State and Municipal operations and projects.’
She writes.
'The U.S., too, could create a network of publicly-owned banks backed by the central bank, which could lend into their communities at below-market rates. And this is the time to do it. Times of crisis are when change happens. When the Covid-19 scare has passed, we will have a different government, a different economy and a different financial system. We need to make sure that what we get is an upgrade that works for everyone.'
Check out Ellen's and her THOUSANDS of colleagues' detailed plans for Public Banking here.
This third post of mine about COVID 19 presents many maps and charts and numbers. As an old distance-runner, I incline to numbers as proofs. There's no Agenda in a stopwatch. It looks to me like humanity's race with the disease named COVID 19--among at least seven strains of Coronavirus active in the world--can be a much quicker and ultimately healthy contest, the more that facts and proofs and consequent truths are offered against the huge measures of fear and repression currently perverting Western societies.
We may, in short, I think, come out of all this Poisonous Hooey "better off", as Lenny Bruce joked about the Chinese waiter's turning-on-a-dime with him. We just have to inform one another and treat one another as best we can.
The numbers that I cite below come from Establishment sources--the United Nations' World Health Organization, the United States Government's Centers for Disease Control; or from a group of 29 institutional partners in 26 European nations, their full title 'European monitoring of excess mortality for public health action' and their shorthand name Euro MOMO.
The map is part of the WHO's Situation Report 70, March 30, 2020. Since January 21 the WHO has issued such a Report daily. You can visit its web-page to see the map more closely. Does it look like a 'global pandemic' to you?
It does indeed depict the 'worldwide spread" of cases attributed to the 2019 Coronavirus now named COVID-19. The spread, however, is so unevenly distributed as to not deserve such suggestive designation. That is, more than 99% of the Deaths attributed to COVID are in the Northern Hemisphere. Of the 33,106 deaths shown by the WHO yesterday, a mere 218 come from the African and South-East Asia Regions.’
July 25, 2024
AH-HAH! AGAIN! OUCH, AGAIN! We, however, must puzzle. I, at least, why have the COVID-Pretext Attacks of Labs-Made, Gain-of-Function Disease and Labs-Made, Gain-of-Function ‘Vaccines’ so disproportionately injured and killed masses of us in Nations of N.A.T.O. and Nations of former Colonial Empires? Is this Huge Disproportion of Injuries and Deaths—compare Europe and Africa, say—an intention of the Fiendish Ruling Few whom we identified as Central Culprits (as central to the COVID-Pretext Attacks as to their Central Banks, such as the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Bank of England, Bank of France, et cetera) as early as connecting ‘Event 201’ of October 2019 with the ‘Global Pandemic’ of March 2020? If so, why such an intention? Maybe because we in ‘the West’ and ‘the North’ still are most armed with weapons that can resist enslavement to the WEF’S ‘Digital Future’/
What do you think, dear Friends? Please Comment. Please share your Knowledge and Ideas.