Wrecking the United States, circa 2005. 'Seeing through Our Captors' Eyes'
'By now you may be thinking about the Ruling Few: What monsters! [...] The answer may be that the United States [...] is meant by largely hidden forces to be finally undermined and wrecked.'
Below is a straight-up excerpt from my short-book-with-a-long-title of 2005, To Prevent the Next “ ‘9/11’ “ / Abandoning the ‘New World Order of Financiers’ Corporate State, as the excerpt is reprinted in 2008’s book of 337 pages, The World Is Turning: “ ‘9/11’ “, The Movement for Justice, and Reclaiming America for the World. The World Is Turning book of book can read as a PDF on the Ur1Light.com site.
July 3 of 2024, we may see many confirmations and parallels in the excerpt. We still suffer from a Ruling Few intent on a ‘New World Order’ under guise of ‘The Great Reset’ or some Other Hooey. We are even more bogged in Wars contrived to sustain the Ruling Few’s system of Guns, Oil, Drugs and Debt (G.O.D.D) for their Profits and Power Alone (P.A.P.A.) We in the United States and elsewhere of N.A.TO. are even more imperiled by Public Debt that’s mounted over four 21st-century Presidencies. We face an Image of the Superior in Biden the Feeble even more demoralizing than “W” the Puerile. We’re far more surrounded Big Media and Big Tech and their parroting and platforming of Surreal Unreality—witness coverage of the ‘Debate’ between Biden the Feebly and Trump the Vicious Divider from June 27 onward.
Differences between 2005 and now are, however, hopeful. We know INFINITELY MORE now about the Ruling Few, our would-be enslavers and masters, through the cruel deprivations and provable depopulations that their ‘ ‘COVID’ “ Pretext Plague has visited across Continents. They’ve lost that huge roll of their dice. Their game stands exposed as plainly as the 100 ‘Strategic Partners’ of the World Economic Forum. Farmers, truckers, students, teachers, code-makers and code-hackers, and hands in every trade and task essential to every society’s prosperity ON THE GROUND and OUTSIDE THE INTERNET now are uniting and rebelling in what’s really an epochal Populism. We Masses are taking control of our destinies through taking control of our finances from Alberta to Malaysia to Kenya to Haiti to France to the Netherlands to Sahel Africa.
Leave the Circus and all its Bad Actors and Worse Theater will fall.
Bodies undergoing Fast mutation Spread in lines
Compact with dispossession From the U. S. casting
Into ev'ry heart Ev'ry mind And ev'ry eye--eye-I-I-I-eye
With the spurious perk of a Pop jingle
A-mer-i-Modern! It does things for you--
AmeriModern, 1977-1982
By now you may be thinking about the Ruling Few: what monsters!
You may be thinking: What totalitarian realities already surround us in the U. S.!
You may be thinking: What a Corporate State already watches and enfolds us!
You may be thinking: What a future of disasters, repression and regimentation appears to be plotted for us!
You may also be pausing with wonder at the reasons why.
Why is so much devastation, pain, loss and trouble evidently ahead for 'people' in the world? How does any of this make sense?
We must learn to see, I think, from the Ruling Few's points of view.
What reasons might these Few have for the obviously foreseeable bog of bloodshed that this Bush Administration has made in Iraq? Why might financiers whose institutions remain European at their bases want the George W. Bush Administration to extend the already struggling U. S. Military into more war in the Middle East? Why would an already strapped military invade Iran or Syria?
Why are We Masses here in the U. S. still being offered lines of credit to pile on our mountains of debt when the amount owed on home-buyers' mortgages here has risen by $3 trillion since 1999?
The answer may be that the Ruling Few intend to gut the last remnants of the public's power in the U. S.
The answer may be that the United States which many of We Masses have always hoped would be--the 'America' of democracy, freedom, choice and opportunity, the home to working-people's hopes that wave like grass throughout Walt Whitman's multiracial cosmos, the American 'Eagle' of William Blake's whose revolutionary Demon was to leave Europe's 'Guardian overthrown' (AmeriModern) --that ideal of 'America' which has never been realized during our actual history of mass murder, slavery, theft and exclusion under an eternal oligarchy of successive gentry and gangsters ... the answer may be that such a hoped-for ideal of a truly 'New World ... America' is meant by largely hidden forces to be finally undermined and wrecked.
European financiers have always coveted the wealth of natural resources in 'America'.
These families of financiers, based primarily in Europe, have always feared natives' genuine self-determination anywhere.
European financiers have three times used agents to impose control of United States currency by private Banks. 'Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country?" Andrew Jackson said in vetoing a second charter to the Bank of the United States in 1832 (73). And we know that share-holding control of the key, interest-setting Bank in the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, extends from JP Morgan Chase and Citibank back to institutions in the City of London and elsewhere in Europe.
The present burden of debts on the United States and its people may make perverse sense to you if seen as the grounds for two objectives.
First is maintenance of the supranational systems of credit that lets the West's major private Banks and other financial pillars stand despite trillions of U. S. dollars in liabilities (liabilities noted with some detail in the books “ ‘9/11’ “ / Facing Our Fascist State and Waking Up from Our Nightmare.
Second is the ruin of the general, mortgage-holding public of the U. S. when Banks again--as in 1857, 1894, 1929 and other years-- refuse more credit, demand payments, and then balance their own liabilities by sweeping up debtors' properties for nothing or next-to-nothing.
Financiers who have long proved their allegiance to no nation-- their State may be said to be of Profits-And-Power-Alone (PAPA), just as their system is of Guns-Oil-Drugs-Debt (GODD)--may also devalue the U. S. dollar for their ends.
Since 1971 the U. S. dollar has been cut from the gold-standard or any other solid, material basis. Despite rising U. S. deficits and debts the value of the U. S. dollar has been kept up because U. S. military might and other economies' co-dependence on illusions compels the world's most traded commodity, oil, to be purchased in U. S. dollars.
Massive influxes of U. S. dollar-buying capital from the Far East have also sustained our credit-economy.
[ … ]
In the scenario of a Dollar suddenly devalued by financiers and Markets around the Earth, the heaps of paper wealth housed on suburban Hills of the U. S. will be subject to disappearance like homes in fire and flood.
In this scenario, too, the supranational Corporate Government's intention of reducing an already traumatized U. S. public (recall the Rothschild Brothers' letter of 1863: ' ... the great body of people, mentally incapable ...') to credit-enslaved servitude can be more fully realized.
With the crash of the U. S. Dollar and that crash's accompanying wreckage, possibilities for natives' resistance to Bankers' control can finally be disarmed.
The U. S. can be made more like Third World societies of a managerial Few above laboring Masses.
Recall also the American Bankers Association memo of 1891 and its intentions: 'We will foreclose and become mortgagees in possession. We can take two-thirds of the farms west of the Mississippi, and thousands of them east of the Mississippi as well,’ the ABA envisioned. ‘Then the famers will become tenants as in England...'
If such ruin and re-ordering (the New World Order is 'both fascist and feudal at its roots', FOFS observed) is the Ruling Few's objective, the permitted vote-fraud of 11/2/04 and the past four U. S. Presidencies' especially destructive and thieving policies make sense … for the Ruling Few.
If such ruinous objectives are among the Ruling Few's goals, the bloody bog in Iraq and a further miring of the U. S. in the Middle East make sense for … these Few.
'The New World Order will have to paid for in blood as well as diplomacy and economic policy,' Harvard Professor of History Arthur S, Schlesinger, adviser and biographer of John F, Kennedy and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, said in 1995. (74)
If such final pillage of the public's posterity is the Ruling Few's objective, the Clinton and two Bush Administrations' looting of social services ($1.9 trillion taken away during the Clinton Administration's eight years, $1.5 trillion taken away during the first GWB term as U. S. President) makes similar sense. (75)
If a Crash and a Draft and other violent assaults on personal well- being are intended for the U. S., the police-state powers of the Homeland Security Bill, PATRIOT Act I, and the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 make sense.
And if such further ruin and definitive repression are intended, nothing makes better sense for the Ruling Few than the execution of another " 'Attack on America' ", another 'terrorist attack' that could fulfill Dick Cheney's prediction of the loss of ' "tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives" ', in order to blind We Masses as to the real causes of the devastations we're to suffer.
Such are the prospects we must act to prevent.
Auld Crow: Well. Sid. Friend. How are yuh feelin' down there?
Sid the Elephant: I feel cold and hollow and angry at the same time, Mr. Crow. I feel betrayed as if my master stole my children. I am seeing with straight eyes. I am ready to charge, Auld Crow.
Below, the back-cover of To Prevent the Next “ ‘9/11’ “ '[ …] and the front- and back-covers of The World Is Turning: “ ‘9/11’ “, The Movement for Justice, and Reclaiming America for the World.
Again, the PDF available on Ur1Light.com is a book-of-books that includes 2002’s “ ‘9/11’ “ / Facing Our Fascist State … In Caracas, VZ, November of 2008, interviewers for Cuban radio asked: “Why are you so obsessed with 9/11?” I said then: “Well, I think that uncovering the real crimes on that day will, u’hm, expose the crimes that have ensured due to that day, say. The War in Afghanistan. The War in Iraq. What’s happening on Wall Street now. Much more.”
All three of the books are also available from several sellers online, I think. I recommend BOOKS as a precaution against our losing—per World Economic Forum predictions—what remains of our Internet. Samizdat may soon be our resort for communication … unless we take back our Internet!