
Expose them all for what they truly are!

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Thanks, Jan (and Dean). A Simplifying Understanding came to me in researching Schwab and his past and current peers: The WEF Is NAZI. Its 100 Strategic Partners differ not at all in the resourcces they plunder from the Corporations that were partnered behind Allies and Axis during World War II. The WEF at its Board level shares with NAZIS commitment to Elitist Technocracy. The Big Lies that have moved the WEF's 2030 Agenda most forward in the 21st century, " '9/11' " and " 'COVID-19" ", are Big Lies such as NAZIs used. The WEF's 'Great Reset'/NWO is that NWO put forth by HG Wells and Hitler in 1938. What do you think? Do we have a meme here? Is 'The WEF is NAZI' a shock of recognition that can reach many?

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