Thank you for your thank you poem & song!!! And YES Beautiful in form and soul.

And I give thanks, pausing now - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for Yesterday gathering here / house full /feeling home again/for Birthdays' Celebration....Daughter 40 Grandson 16/it's not a score but there was music no score and three year old (not quite)hugging knees and legs and joy cries because family Family that's what she feels. Random family all of us random once and new together. Evening now/ drinking leftover champagne/ listening to Jim Pepper. I gave Asher 6 CDs included were Herlin Riley and the Meters.

Blame it on champagne if I said too much in the wrong place. I give thanks for all my mistakes.

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There is and there are a PLENTY to THANK ... First of all, YOU here, NANCY YVONNE!

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