" '9/11' "--KEVIN RYAN's Foreword to my book The World Is Turning: " '9/11' ", the Movement for Justice, and Reclaiming America for the World
Kevin: 'How will we choose to live? Will we finally throw off our fears and throw off the vampires to our fears? I think that we may finally achieve such a transformation.'
The World Is Turning: " '9/11' ", the Movement for Justice, and Reclaiming America for the World combines two earlier books by Don Paul and much other material into a single volume.
This book of books, including pieces that expose 2008's bail-out of commercial and investment Banks, altogether takes us on a crucially revealing journey into realities and lies that shape our present.
Each of the two earlier books by Don Paul uses an odd orthography in its title." '9/11' " / Facing Our Fascist State from 2002 and To Prevent the Next " '9/11' " / Abandoning the 'New World Order' of Financiers' Corporate State from 2005 bracket that short-hand for September 11, 2001 and for EMERGENCY into double quotation-marks.
Paul explains why in Facing Our Fascist State. The ‘double quotes around 9/11’ are meant 'to represent the echo-effect of Government officials and Corporate media on public consciousness.... The information thus repeated in our dominant media-scape thus forms one big echo-chamber or mirror for Corporate Government.'
A large part of what we gain from the two books--and from the three interviews that are also included in this volume--is knowledge that those responsible for our multi-national 'Corporate Government' are most likely responsible for at least the cover-up of the crimes we've come to know as 9/11. Most importantly, this record of seven years' work gives us tools to penetrate layers of deceit, to perceive guilt, to arrive at justice, and to free ourselves.
Don Paul quickly sensed that something was amiss in the Official Story for our 21st-century Day of Infamy. He wrote in a September, 19, 2001 column for the San Francisco Bay View weekly newspaper: 'I think the best protection we have now, the best antidote we have to vengeful hysteria among a sadly under-informed public, is to consider and investigate as fully as we can the possibility that at least one part of the U. S. Government at least allowed the attacks of September 11.'
One year later, Paul’s FOFS book reiterated 'the undeniable proofs' for'three defining facts' that disproved the Official Story. The last of these 'facts' became of special, life-changing interest to me and many others who were later able to offer compelling physical evidence in support of the basic assertion that Don Paul put forth in 2002: '... the World Trade Center's 110-story Twin Towers and 47-story Building 7 COULD NOT have fallen as they did unless they were demolished by explosives set off within their structures.'
Now, recognition of that 'fact' of the three Buildings' demolition on 9/11/01, a 'fact' multiply substantiated over the past few years, may itself be so traumatic, challenging and daunting, that its reality must be denied, unless the recognition is accompanied by an analysis that allows one to make sense of that very provable fact's causal forces and to thereby fight back against those forces.
What do we do with such a shattering, staggering fact and its implications?
The gift of this single volume is that it lets us see how one person's understanding went forward. Interviewed by Bob Feldman in 2003, Don Paul pointed to 'a skein of conspiracies that have benefited a tiny super-elite within the U.S. over at least the past 40 years--from "Dallas" to "9/11" and beyond.... These conspiracies' endgame, I believe, is a "New World Order" that will rob everyday people of their rights and powers to resist the super-elites' accelerating degradation of once natural environments.'
In 2005 Paul began to write an introduction to a planned second edition of FOFS. The writing grew beyond its expected bounds and became the subsequently published To Prevent the Next " '9/11' " / Abandoning the 'New World Order' of Financiers' Corporate State.
To Prevent shows us what Paul has learned (an education partly conveyed in the 2004 book that he co-authored with Jim Hoffman, creator of the 911research.wtc7.net Website, Waking Up fromOur Nightmare / The 9/11/01 Crimes in New York City) about roots of our post-9/11 predicament during years of deepening United States' occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Paul goes far and wide in this book that was meant to augment FOFS
Its first section, titled 'The Ruling Few Put Down We Masses' starts with a lengthy quotation from a letter written by the Rothschild Brothers investment-bankers of London, England to an associate firm on New York's Wall Street during the U. S. Civil War.
The June 23, 1863 letter from the Rothschild Brothers in London cites a U. S. Senator, 'a Mr. John Sherman' of Ohio, as speaking in support of the 'profits that may be made in the National Banking business under a recent act of your Congress', an act 'Apparently ... drawn upon the plan formulated here last Summer by the British Bankers Association' and an act that 'would prove highly profitable to the banking fraternity throughout the world.'
The Rothschild Brothers letter quotes John Sherman thus: 'The few who can understand the system,' he says, 'will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (adverse) to their interests.'
[ …]
In To Prevent ... Don Paul helps us to comprehend how this system of debt-based servitude and rule by financiers over Governments has come to dominate 'the developed world' and to ruthlessly exploit resources of 'the underdeveloped world ' " from the Colonial to Neo-liberal eras.
He shows how mass-media’s lies since 2003 have served as post-9/11 traumas, further duping and demoralizing our nation's public. He makes clear, too, that 'the enemy is us', whether we bear our increasing 'burdens' without complaint, or whether we're 'so interested' in the 'profits' or 'so dependent' on the 'favors' of an inimical system that we choose not to oppose it.
A few years ago, I found myself in a position to speak out about one event in what I came to identify as continuing, increasing efforts for deception and domiance by a Ruling Few. I had come across information that allowed me to bring attention to the absolute discrepancy between evidence and findings by my employer, Underwriter Laboratories, about the fire-resistant capacities of structural steel within the Twin Towers. Through the Internet and through the cooperation of far-flung allies, the discrepancy that I brought up, one which made the National Institute of Standards and Technology's ultimate treatment of the evidence seem like surreal nonsense, received millions of readings.
It was, I suppose, another step on our collective journey toward arriving at accountability for the crimes of 9/11/01.
In April of 2007, two years after To Prevent ... and one year after the "9/11Guilt" DVD that he co-produced with Jim Hoffman and Celestine Star, Don Paul served as Chief Prosecutor for the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury on the Crimes of September 11, 2001 in New York City.
Jim Hoffman was that one-day inquiry's Chief Investigator. Architect Richard Gage and former commercial-pilot Ted Muga were in-person Expert Witnesses. Physicist Steven Jones and I were Witnesses presenting on video-tape. 23 U. S. Citizens from southern California volunteered to be the Grand Jury and almost the same number attended the proceedings at San Diego State University as Alternate Jurors.
The 'Chief Prosecutor's Record of Findings, Charges, Indictments and Presentments from the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury on the Crimes of September 11, 2001 in New York City' makes for a fitting conclusion to this book's narrative of pursuing realities and justice.
The detail and depth of this Record exceed a rejection of the Official Story for 9/11. The Findings, Charges, Indictments and Presentments move boldly through politicians, Generals, Attorney Generals, F.B.I. Agents and Directors, and come--in the'Indictments and Presentments for Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder'--to several businessmen who have sat at the head of the United States' most powerful Banks and secretive groups. These businessmen were heavily invested in the New York City's World Trade Center, their connections more or less direct, and they shared in more or less ways from the tremendous profits that ensued from the " 'Attack on America' ', the destruction in Lower Manhattan, and the invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.
That the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury --We Masses--stepped up with such an enlarged map of crimes and such a roster of possible criminals was exhilarating.
The courage shown in San Diego is a sign that we, the long- deceived public of the U. S. and elsewhere, may be ready to 'refuse denial, abandon illusions, shake off the traumas that have been visited upon us, throw off repression, and pursue remedial justice that includes everyone in our society', as Don Paul supposes toward the close of To Prevent the Next " '9/11' "
Once we expose, understand and repudiate them, the true atrocities of international terrorism may move us to both rebellion and cooperation, the liberating 'all-world America' that Don Paul imagines as our alternative to elitists' and plutocrats' 'New World Order.'
How will we choose to live? Will we finally throw off our fears and throw off the vampires to our fears? Will we finally see that helping others to develop most helps ourselves--that 'One for all does one most good', as Paul wrote in his novel, Good Intentions?
I think that we may finally achieve such a transformation. I think that the global growth of our movement for truth and justice foretokens a brighter though difficult future.
We can't go on as we have been. We must change. That 'We Masses' remain prey to crimes of 'the Ruling Few' is crystal-clear in 2008's bail-outs of major 'bettor/debtor' financiers of the Western world (some of them key beneficiaries of the 9/11/01 demolitions), as Paul stresses in the recent 'Getting Rid of the "Fed", ...' and 'Five Steps to Freedom and Solvency’ that he includes toward close of this book.
The 21st-century world is indeed turning. Choices are especially demanded of us in the United States. As crucial parts of the interdependent, increasingly conscious system that is our life on Earth, we may proceed as Don Paul urges-- 'from courage with compassion.' We may thus come to the humbling but empowering realization to which he arrives: 'There is no Other.'
The journey contained within this book speaks for our moving toward justice and for our thus choosing freedom.
Kevin Ryan
November 2008
(Kevin Ryan is co-editor with Dr. Steven Jones and Dr. Frank Legge of the Journal of 9/11 Studies (journalof911studies.com).
He contributed to the 2006 book 9/11 & American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out, edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott, and to the 2006 book The Hidden History of 9/11, edited by Paul Zarembka.
His latest publications are available at Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice (stj911.org) and an extensive list of his contributions is available at ultruth.com.
Read MORE of KEVIN through his DIG WITHIN Blog.
‘Since 2006, I’ve been the co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies and a founding member of several action groups. I’m also a board member for the International Center for 9/11 Justice and a former board member at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.’
He lost his latest job because he refused a ‘vaccine’ for the successor Big Lie to “ ‘9/11’ “, that Lie “ ‘COVID-19’ ". His lessons from the COVERT-19 Big Lie are expressed in his Blog of July 2024, ‘Outside the Spectrum of Acceptable Opinion.’
‘In my experience discussing state crimes I’ve had to be very careful about what I say, double checking my facts and being very precise in my wording. That’s because the crimes I’ve spoken about, if revealed, have the potential to bring down much of the corrupt system we live in.’
Kevin can be seen among James Corbett’s 2019 profiles of “9/11 Whistleblowers” and several other documentaries.
He and I were interviewed by BOB FELDMAN on the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11/01 crimes.
Kevin is the inspiration of two earlier Substack Posts by me.
Let me also celebrate again the 23 and MORE who stood up as the San Diego Citizen’s Grand Jury. Thank you ALL, then and here and now.
The decreasing attention spans and memories of Americans and the World - leads us to the danger that subsequent crimes by the US Government, and the powerful Globalists, may attract our attentions, like shiny objects. But we should never stop in our pursuit and propagation of the truth, regarding past criminal events - like “9/11” and the OKC Bombing - on back to the public murder of JFK, and beyond.
We must move forward in the positive directions that Justice and Freedom require, without any fear of looking backwards.
Tiocfaidh ar la.