" '9/11' " and Great People: The 2007 Citizens' Grand Jury at San Diego State University Indicts 16 for 'Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder' on September 11, 2001
One Grand Juror said: " ‘Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder’ really felt like something that was apropos to the magnitude of the Crime that was committed here."
Thanks and praises once more to the 23 volunteers who made up the San Diego Citizens’ Grand Jury on April 14, 2007! Your courage and the perspicacity in your Presentments let the public see deeply into crimes of 9/11/01. Thanks to: Abby, Andrea, Bernie, Cameron, Dane, Dennis, Edward. Erik, Glen, Heather, Herbert, Jeeni, Jeni, Joe, John, and John, Laura, Lucille, Mike, Miriam, Robert and Rob—primary and alternate Jurors. Thanks and praises to the dozens of organizers from San Diegans for 9/11 Truth—Nelisse, Mike, April, Tom. … and to Kathleen, Chris, Sofia, Victoria, and Bart from afar! Thanks and praises to Expert Witnesses Richard Gage, Steven Jones, Ted Muga, and Kevin Ryan and to Chief Investgator Jim Hoffman! Thanks and praises to Ken Jenkins for his insights-grabbing videography and to Rob Leslie for projecting or otherwise providing so much that was apt as Evidence in audio, slides, and video!
It was a great day for—if I may say— People-Power! The Charges upon which Jurors finally agreed endure as guiding lights for understanding and action into 2023. That clarion statement by the Juror around 14:30 of the video available on Between Noontime and around 8:30 that Saturday in the Student Council Chambers of the Aztec Center on campus of San Diego State University, we arrived at Charges that may stand as guides forward. That clarion statement, speaking from a gathered consciousness, I think: “To me, what resonated, ‘Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder’ really felt like something that was apropos to the magnitude of the Crime that was committed here.”
Millions unto billions of us in 2023 have suffered through Big Lies from “ ‘9/11/ “ and its ‘War on Terror’ to nearly four years of “ ‘COVID-19’ “ and “ ‘vaccines’ “. May we in 2023 end those Big Lies!
The core organizing group, San Diegans for 9/11 Truth, added a cross-section of support: Republicans for 9/11 Truth and Progresive Democrats of America, San Diego Chapter and the North County Coalition for Peace & Justice and Amnesty International in its San Diego State University chapter. More than one hundred came together in the Student Council Chambers of the Aztec Center on the SDSU campus.
The Jurors’ decisions regarding ‘Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder’ let us SEE the faces of suspected orchestrators, perpetrators and profiteers whom many had exposed over the preceding five years—New York City officials on 9/11/01 such as Rudolph Giuliani and Jerome Hauer; U.S. Government officials George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the FBI’s Thomas Pickard; U. S. Military Commanders Richard Myers and Ralph Eberhart; and financiers and Insurance-Policy holders close to the World Trade Center before and after the WTC Twin Towers’ and Building 7’s demolitions: Larry Silverstein, Peter G. Peterson, Maurice Greenberg, L. Paul Bremer, and David Rockefeller.
Scholars for 911 Truth & Justice greeted the ‘Historic Results’ with a banner.
Ken Jenkins was principal as videograher of the more than six hours. Rob Leslie handled the transitions to slides and videos. Richard Gage of the then new Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Ted Muga of Pilots for 9/11 Truth were Expert Witnesses present with Testimony and presentations at San Diego State University. Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan were Expert Witnesses present through videos. Jim Hoffman served as Chief Investigator and I was Chief Prosecutor. Mike Copass was Convener of the Grand Jury and Nelisse and Ted Muga and a host of more from San Diegans for 9/11 Truth did all the phone-calls, emails, preparatory meetings, and gathering of supplies for the day—remembering them and their efforts and sincerity swells my heart,
Above, Jim Hoffman and Richard Gage.
Acting like a Prosecutor during an off-weekend from building a house of Structual Concrete. Integrated Panels, with Rebuild Green, in the Upper 9th Ward of New Orleans.
Above, Mike Copass, Convener of the Citizens’ Grand Jury.
Ted Muga of Pilots for 9/11 Truth.
Remarkably detailed Biographies of the indicted Conspirators grew like hives of wasps or spiders’ nests, both before and after April 14, 2007. Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice published these pages with hyperlinks on the researchers’ Website.
Below you can see eight of the 16, including the very consequential, busy and misleading JEROME HAUER.
Clicking on any one of the Charged ‘ “in-di-viddles” (Thomas Mann in Tonio Kröger) will bring you to that person and the whole lot of the 16 recommended for the “most apropos” Crime of ‘Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder, including the afore-mentioned JEROME HAUER, along with MICHAEL CHERKASKY and LARRY SILVERSTEIN of the Kroll, Incorporated. company and/or “tree-mendous profits from Insurance Policies instituted in 2001 before September 11.
Read the five Biographies above and you may see what a WEB of Set-Up and Cover-Up was woven toward millions and billions of Dollars from destruction of the World Trade Center and its Twin Towers and Building 7 and the ensuing “ ‘War on Terror.’ “ Kroll and Associates and Kroll, Inc is key with Giuliani, Hauer and Cherkasky from the 1980s into 2004.
Further Biographies, of the 11 below, may show you MORE how Commanders in the U.S. Military such as Myers and Eberhart with U.S. Cabinet heads such as Cheney and Rumsfeld and an interlocking, foundational Network of long-time Principals in the Council of of Foreign Relations and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York such as Maurice Greenberg, Peter G. Peterson, and David Rockefeller to make happen the Whole Play of Construction, Destruction, Terror and Wars that so robbed Afghanistan and Iraq before AND after 9/11/01; that so diminished individual capacities and freedoms across NATO Nations; and that so enabled the following Big Lie of. “ ‘COVID-19’ “ and ‘ ‘vaccines’ “ to save Banks from their losses and carry out the enslaving Agendas of a ‘New World Order’ cum ‘Great Reset’. See particularly, please, L. Paul Bremer of Marsh McLennan before and after 9/11/01.
The San Diego Citizens’ Grand Jury also offers a stack of 54 Endnotes for ‘further reading’ about the 16 charged with ‘Conspiracy …’
Now you, reading here, have them, too, (for the samizdat kind of communication that may await us unless our rebellion overthrows tyranny and re-opens the Internet). As the marvelous wit Casey Stengel was wont to say: “You can look it up.”
Those with even more appetite for examining criminals and their ‘Obstruction’ and ‘Negligence’ can read 15 pages devoted to them (Kallstrom, Freeh, Reno of the F.B.I.. Zelikow of the 9/11 Commission Report …, and more), pages 262 to 277, in the PDF of my book The World Is Turning on the Ur1Light.com Website.
What I MOST want to convey in 2023, however, beyond the lists and connections that you may find useful above, is: Celebration of of the 23 volunteer Grand Jurors! Their conscientiousness and perspicacity! Their example!
Please jump to this selection from Ken Jenkins’ video as it’s posted on YouTube.
Please skip my introduction and jump further to 8:45 in the video.
From thereon you can take in brilliant moments, I think, as Jurors arrive at their own advances and conclusions. Around 11:39, one says she’s heard that Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was warned 20 minutes before collapse of the South Tower to move from his location nearby the Tower.
We in proceedings then watch Giuliani incriminate himself by telling Peter Jennings on ABC that his team indeed left their Command Center at 75 Barkley Street after they received warning that the South Tower would soon collapse.
Who would anticipate the unprecedented collapse of a steel skyscraper with 47 huge core Columns and only minor fires, around 9:45 a.m. on 9/11/01? Who could know and how would they know? Why didn’t Giuliani radio warning to the ‘Brave Firefighters’ of Battalions 7 and 9 and Ladder Company 15 who were scrambling to bring two more “lines” (hoses) to “knock down” a few “pockets of fire” on Floor 78, the Sky Lobby, around 9:50 that morning … 8 minutes prior to the South Tower’s fall? Why did Giuliani let these firefighters die without a warning?
Jim Hoffman than cites a transcript in the Washington Post that places the warning to Giuliani and team at 10 minutes before destruction of the South Tower.
Jim Hoffman and Richard Gage around 12:50 in the YouTube video.
Around 14:30 another Juror says: “To me, what really resonated, ‘Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder’ really felt like something that was apropos to the magnitude of the Crime that was committed here.”
Around 15:20 I ask whether there is agreement among the Jurors that we should charge “one or more, or many, of the individuals { … } with Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder"?”
All Jurors raise their arms in the vote that follows.
We next agree that only an individual who has had evidence presented against him or her can be considered for the Charge of ‘Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder.”
I ask then if the Jurors and I can ”go through a list of individuals” so that “each can be voted Up or Down by the Jury.”
I ask next, unintentioanlly shortening the Charge: “Jurors, do you choose to indict for ‘Conspiracy to Mass Murder’, Rudloph Giuliani?”
See below, at 16:49, all arms are again raised in unanimity.
In our next hour or so, the Grand Jurors continued forward to vote by Majorities of at least 15 in favor of the remaining principals who would occupy our Poster of the Wanted.
Why do the volunteer Grand Jurors’ decisions matter now? What bearing does this whole theatrical proceeding—a Citizens’ Grand Jury, for goodness sake—on a College campus—among a motley of the Public with a motley of backgrounds and ezpertises—matter to us in 2023?
Let me submit, still speaking like an Attorney, that the volunteer Jurors and organizers in southern California—the Witnesses and Testimony from across North American and round the world—matter more than all the Titles and millions and billions of Dollars represented by the 16 Indicted in the Wanted Poster. They matter more due to their concern for humanity. They matter more for the risks they took in showing up as public Jurors and in their subsequent Presentments. They serve as examples for us now.
Do we now not feel even more assailed by ‘Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder?’ Does that Charge “resonate” with us? 22 years after “ ‘9/11/01’ “ and the ‘War on Terror’? 20 years after ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’. Three years and nine months after the Global Campaigns of “ ‘COVID-19” “ and “ ‘vaccines’ “ officially began.
Are we more assaulted than ever by Big Lies? Are we more subjected than ever by crimes of “ ‘Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder’ “
Yes and Yes and Yes, I think and feel.
Thanks and praises, then, to the MILLIONS and BILLIONS more of us who are already naming Crimes and pursuing Criminals and acting like those great volunteers in San Diego. In 2023 the Big Lies leave us wide, open spaces in which to really move forward. Our courage, compassion and genius can provide the just and free futures that we all deserve. Saludos, Grand Jurors!
Thank you very much for the Restack, KW! I'm feeling that the Grand Jurors' courage will move many at this Hilt of Big Lies in 2023.