" '9/11' "--Mountains of Illumination. Introduction to the Treasures in Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers'
Pure text today, celebrating and treating Kevin's so welcome and invaluable study. 118 Endnotes and Urls will follow the second Part of this Introduction.
In February of 2010 I published an Introduction to my colleague Kevin Ryan’s revelatory series about ‘Demolition Access […]’ to the Twin Towers. Websites active then, such as 911blogger.com and 911ruth.org and their admirable Editors, carried both Kevin’s study and my Introduction. Jim Hoffman presented both on his 911Review.com—one of three Websites that Jim has maintained as treasures of credible information themselves. I felt then as now: Kevin with his series take us into the heart of crimes.
The monumental whole of Kevin’s breakthrough is also presented by Jim—HERE.
Tomorrow will conclude my Introduction to Kevin’s monumental findings.
This Introduction is also published, whole, between pages 89 and 135 of my 2015 book Animals Are Always Making Music. The 118 Endnotes and Urls come in Hyperlinks over there in the book’s PDF on the Ur1Light.com Website. All, as usual there, for free!
(A physical copy of AAAMM can be purchased through Abe Books here.
Thank you, KEVIN!
Animals Are Always Making Music 89
Good Riddance to the Big Lie: Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ... 'Lights the Shadows
'Everyone knows what. The question is why.'
Dashiell Hammett, author of The Maltese Falcon, The Glass Key, The Thin Man and other classic, murder-mystery novels
" ... Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited? Who has the power to cover it up? Who?"
Mr. X (based on L. Fletcher Prouty, the U.S. Air Force Colonel who headed the U.S. Air Force's 'Military Support of the Clandestine Operations of the C.I.A ' between 1955 and 1964) in Oliver Stone’s 1991 movie "JFK"
'Who could have placed explosives in the World Trade Center towers?'
Kevin Ryan in his 'Demoltion Access to the World Trade Center Towers', 2009-2010
'We become heroes when we stand up
for what we believe in.'
Muhammad Ali in his The Soul of a Butterfly (written with his daughter Hana Yasmeen Ali), 2004
Demolitions for the Rule of Terror
Eight and one-half years after September 11, 2001--that day of atrocious shocks whose serial and collective trauma we, the public of the United States, early came to know through Corporations' mass-media by its date's convenient shorthand for emergency, " '9/11' "--the U. S public's understanding of the most consequential crimes of September 11, 2001 and these crimes' cover-up is most crucially an issue of and for our mental health, as well as it is an issue of and for our moral well-being and our descendants' futures.
We need to step up and say aloud what we know to be true. We need to confirm to each other what we know to be true about the crimes of 9/11/01, crimes whose fraudulent attribution to " 'al Qaeda' " continue to most direct the 21st- century " 'War on Terror' ". We need to step up to key questions and answers no matter how horrific or challenging the conclusions that follow.
Kevin Ryan's book-length, four-part, extensively footnoted study, 'Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers', throws light onto dozens of figures and relationships that have been previously obscured.
Ryan's work provides for us cavernous mountains of illumination. We can gain clarity and courage from Kevin’s ‘Demolition Access […] study.
First, let's look back at September 11, 2001 and changes to our world that ensued from that day.
Eight and one-half years ago we, the TV-viewing public, had to gape and grieve as Networks' TV repeatedly showed us one Boeing 767, American Airlines Flight 11, fly into the World Trade Center's North Tower and United Airlines Flight 175, another Boeing 767, fly into the other 110-story Twin Tower.
Oh my God, it's not an accident!
Then we saw the Pentagon itself gaping from another reported airliner's crash. My God, the Pentagon, hit too!
Then the second Tower that was struck by an airliner, the South Tower, World Trade Center Building 2, burst into unprecedented disintegration. How many thousands
must have been killed by that Tower's collapse, we thought. One half-hour later the first Tower that was hit, WTC Building 1, also exploded and collapsed, smashing into Lower Manhattan in less than 15 seconds' time of fall. How many more thousands now were dead? Our shock could scarcely assimilate what had happened.
A review of September 11, 2001 in New York City, including the fall of a third skyscraper, World Trade Center Building 7, at 5:20 in the afternoon, can be seen through more than 10 minutes of survivors' and Network commentators' spontaneous reports in a youtube video that has had more than 14 million viewings.
In this 10-minute video, scores of eyewitnesses remark on "explosions" and "demolition" and TV Network anchors also describe the explosive collapses as resembling "demolitions." [1]
A contrary analysis, one of uncanny exactness, came to millions on the day. It came from Jerome "Jerry" Hauer. Jerry Hauer was then a Managing Director of Kroll, Inc., one of the 'Security' firms examined by Kevin Ryan in Part Two of his "Demoltion Access ...' study,. Jerry Hauer was also a Senior Adviser to the United States' Department of Human Services.
Most pertinently, Jerry Hauer had been Director of New York City's Office of Emergency Management between 1996-2000 under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, a span in which the City's 'Command Center' was installed on the 23rd floor of World Trade Center Building 7.
Jerry Hauer told told Dan Rather of CBS that the seeming "demolitions" were not caused by pre-positioned explosives, as Rather has suggested, but were instead the result of airliners' impact and jet fuel's fire.
Further, Hauer, standing in dust-shrouded Lower Manhattan soon after the Towers exploded, told Rather that the attack was likely not "State-sponsored", as Rather had suggested, but instead bore "the fingerprints of Osama bin Laden." [2]
What a guy!
After leaving New York City's Office of Emergency Management, Jerry Hauer was 'Associate Director of the Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis' in the employ of another contractor that figures integrally in Kevin Ryan's study: the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). [3]
Late in the September 11, 2001 afternoon, as George W. Bush stayed in his Nebraska refuge of Offutt Air Force Base (somehow the scene of a 'charity event' hosted by financier Warren Buffett for at least one South Tower-based Cbief Executive Officer earlier in the day [4], [5], [6]), World Trade Center Building 7 also fell, its 47 floors imploding into its own footprint at nearly free-fall speed [7], its "collapse" somehow predicted by CNN [8] and reported by the BBC [9] 65 and 26 minutes respectively before WTC 7's actual destruction.
And within the next three days we found that 18, then 19 Arab hijackers (Hani Hanjour, the supposed though incapable pilot of American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon, came last in the 18, then 19) were there for billions of the public to blame, materialized into a TIME cover-sized row of 'al Qaeda' perpetrators through marvelously rapid efforts of the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation [10],
The Official Story for the 'Attack on America seemed as readymade as the PATRIOT Act that swiftly accompanied it. [11]
And the echo-chamber of Governments and Corporations' media, forming the CIA’s Wurlitzer organ for Corporate Government, chorused us into war in Afghanistan.
And we had a new Homeland and another, new and more insidious War all around us.
That war, the borderless and expanding, domestic and international " 'War on Terror' ", has only grown more into the "new normalcy" [12] [13] that Dick Cheney announced in October 2001. Invasions of privacy and curtailments of civil and Constitutional liberties [14] have only increased with the " 'Change' " from the George W. Bush into the Barack Obama Administrations and the Barack Obama Ad.'s salesmanship for preventive detentions [15], Fusion Centers [16], troop-surges [17], body-scanners to thwart explosive underwear that are manufactured by clients of the former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertof [18] and that emit more radiation than medical X- rays [19], et cetera, et cetera.
In June 2009 President Obama repeated in Cairo, Egypt the lie that has explained the need for U.S. troops in Afghanistan for eight and one-half years: 'I’m aware that there’s still some who would question or even justify the events of 9/11. But let us be clear: Al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people on that day.' [20]
Thus we still live under a fundamental, degrading deceit. Into the future we may see that the half-Black agent of " 'Hope' " is to become more the patsy for a further, de facto Rule of Terror, his arc and that of White woman Sarah Palin coupled in the aim of them toward civil war in the United States [21], the kind of war that financiers most favor for profits and control, as Abraham Lincoln learned and the New York Times noted more than 140 years ago. [22]
As counter to the shocks and lies we've received from Governments and media that serve a ruling few (the Ruling Few, let's say), we, the working masses (We Masses,
let's say), have produced and absorbed a tremendous amount of compelling, alternative information over the past eight and one-half years.
Through courageous and compassionate researchers such as Kevin Ryan we've gathered plenty of facts to counter the Rule of Terror by, for and of supranational Corporations.
In particular we've learned a lot about events of September 11, 2001. The most revealing fact widely known now about " '9/11' ", I think, is that the Twin Towers and World Trade Building 7 must have been 'demolished by explosives set off within their structures.' [23]
In 2002 and 2003 " '9/11' " / Facing Our Fascist State stated primary phenomena, proving Twin Towers' demolition, over Berkeley, California's KPFA and Los Angeles, California's KPFK. By 2004 Jim Hoffman's 911research.wtc7.net had tens of pages of text and photographs and videos that depicted the Towers' destruction [25]; that analyzed the North Tower's dust-cloud [26]; and that refuted the U. S. Federal Emergency Management Agency's 'World Trade Center Building Performance Study'. [27] In May 2004, to the amazement of one caller, demolition of the Twin Towers was discussed on Canadian network TV. [28] In November 2004 chemist Kevin Ryan of Underwriter Laboratories exposed online that the 'summary' by the U. S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology completely misrepresented findings by U L about the capacities of Twin Towers' steel to withstand the effects of fire. [29] Less than two weeks later, Kevin Ryan was fired by U L. [30]
In 2005 the 2004 911 Commission Report by the United States' National Commission on Terrorist Attacks was rebutted by Dr. David Ray Griffin as a 'lie' more than 560 pages long. [31] Dr. Griffin remarked that the best-selling Report completely omitted mention of WTC 7's destruction. From 2005 to 2008 many more pages of Reports from the U. S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology were found to be a 'Mirage' by Jim Hoffman [32], regarding the Twin Towers, and to rely on be unverifiable 'computer models' by a 16-member team of professionals, regarding WTC 7. [33] [34].
In 2005 physicist Steven Jones began to publish results that pointed to thermite as causal in the Twin Towers' and Building 7's wreckage.[35] Dr. Jones and subsequent colleagues especially highlit the molten metal that burned in the footprints of Twin Towers and WTC 7 for many weeks after 9/11/01. This molten metal was not explicable as the issue of fire from jet fuel or office furniture. Instead, it indicated the use of thermitic or nano-thermitic explosives. In 2006 architect Richard Gage began the outreach that has led to 1025 architects and engineers joining him in the call for 'a truly independent investigation' into the crimes of September 11, 2008 on the website of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (ae911truth.org)., as of February 1, 2010. [36] Videos about NIST's reliance on 'computer models' alone [37] and on the presence of molten metal as not an al Qaeda concoction [38] can be seen on youtube, as can
be seen in the more than 10 minutes of survivors' and Network commentators' spontaneous exclamations about "explosions" and "demolition". [39]
In April 2009 a team of nine authors published their most conclusive findings about nano-thermites in the WTC wreckage, its title 'Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe' [40]. One author, chemist Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen, discusses the paper in an interview on mainstream Danish TV. [41]
The public has been mindful. The U.S. and the world's peoples have heeded the credible evidence that's mounted over the past eight and one-half years. Hundreds of millions unto billions now doubt Governments' and Corporations' mass-media stories about the leading pretext for the " 'War on Terror' ". In November 2004 89% of 10,641 respondents in a CNN poll answered 'Yes' to the question 'Do you believe there is a U.S. Government cover-up surrounding 9/11?' [42]
A poll begun by the Washingtonn Post on September 7, 2006 asked: ‘Do you believe of any the conspiracy theories suggesting the U.S. Government was somehow involved in 9/11?’ 67% of of 96,937 respondents have so far voted: ‘Yes. The government has left many questions unanswered about that day.’ [43]
In October 2006 a New York Times/CBS telephone poll pf 983 adults found that 81% believed that the Bush Administration was 'Hiding something' or 'Mostly lying' about foreknowledge of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. [44] In October of 2007, a Zogby Poll of 1000 adults found that 67% were informed enough to want an official investigation into the destruction of WTC Building 7. [45]
In short, we in the U. S. who doubt official explanations for " '9/11' " are a steadily more informed majority. Our majorities are like the majorities who still doubt the Official Stories for the murders of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.
'Pancake collapses' and 'truss failures' work no better against clear-eyed reason than a "pristine bullet" (Senator Russell Long) that somehow produces seven exit-wounds (JFK) and an indigent, globe-hopping '"lone gunman" such as James Earl Ray (MLK) do.
Strong skepticism regarding official explanations for " '9/11' " also exists in many nations outside the U. S. [46], combined with interest in alternative findings. Google 'architects engineers' and see what comes up first (ae911truth.org as of February 1, 2010). Google '911 investigations', '911research', or '911 guilt', and see which websites or other media lead the lists as most visited.
Now, as we move toward the second month of 2010, many hours' worth of detailed, peer-reviewed analyses and proofs are available at the sites journalof911studies.com and stj911truth.org (Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice) as well as at ae911truth.org (Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth) and at 911research.wtc7.net and its companion 911review.com. For readers who want a quick review for themselves or others, the homepage of ae911truth.org admirably condenses 'characteristics' of 'demolition' of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building 7. [47] A 10-page 'Brief Guide to Proofs ...' in my 2009 The World Is Turning looks at these areas of phenomena in the Twin Towers' destruction: Explosiveness, Pulverization, Speed, Symmetry, and Molten Metal. [48]
Any child, or anyone with an open mind, can see what's obvious in looking at footage of the falling Twin Towers and WTC 7. Buildings do not explode into dust of themselves. Nor does a 47-story skyscraper (WTC 7) implode into its own footprint of itself.
110-story skyscrapers, each weighing more than 485,000 tons, do not plummet through their central structures and paths of greatest resistance at nearly free-fall speed due to their potential gravitational energy. Nor do they instantly pulverize tens of thousands tons of concrete due to jet fuel or their own weight--100,000 tons of concrete slabs in each Twin Tower were blown to 100-micron-or-less bits within two seconds of collapse. Nor do truss-failures fling 60-foot- long steel beams 400 lateral feet. 200,000 tons of structural steel in each Tower, including 47 central columns that were as much as 52 inches wide at their bases, along with 236 perimeter columns,were all brought to ground in less than 15 seconds on September 11, 2001. [49]
The fact of controlled demolition of the WTC Twin Towers is, however, difficult for compassionate people to accept. This fact carries with it the deeply disturbing recognition that more than 2600 people--479 of them public-service personnel and 343 of these personnel New York City firefighters--thus were the victims of premeditated mass-murder. [50]
Who could have committed so awful a crime? So calculated and cold-blooded a crime? Why? And what more might they do? What more might they do to everyday, working people such as the thousands who died on September 11, 2001 and the thousands who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq every year of invasion since?
Now that we know, what can we do?
Contemplation of what the fact of the three World Trade Buildings' demolition means may be as unsettling to our innards as were the shocks that we suffered in the first hours of " '9/11' ".
Also, fear of what the fact means may be as vital and premeditated a part of the the Rule of Terror as any other part of this ongoing psychological-operation.
Kevin Ryan helps us to face facts. His 'Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers', heroic in the breadth and depth and detail of connections it presents, confronts squarely the investigation that needs to follow from eight and one-half years of researchers' probing holes into the absurd Official Story for " '9/11' ".
His four installments repeatedly ask for us: 'Who could have placed explosives in the World Trade Center towers?'
This crucial question produces a corollary that was also asked by ex-U.S. Military officer "Mr. X" as he assisted District Attorney Jim Garrison's understanding about the assassination of JFK: "Who has the power to cover it up? Who?"
Answering these questions of placement and cover-up and acting on our answers can free us from the Rule of Terror.
Our answers can turn from Dick Cheney's "new normalcy" and turn from Barack Obama's selling of more war, debt and repression into our futures.
We can turn instead to a 21st-century that's alive beyond reckoning with local yet multi-national self-empowerment and cooperation. We can make a renaissance.
Now we do have the tools for all to be free.
Part One of Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' presents 'Tenants' of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7. His Part One especially investigates those tenants of WTC Buildings 1 and 2 that occupied airliners' impact-zones on September 11, 2011. His Part One also examines tenants' means, motives, and opportunities for profiting from the " 'War on Terror.' "
Twin Towers' tenants could of course provide access to the confidential planting of explosives in their spaces. Among the tenants with the most enabling occupancy for demolition in both of the Towers were the world's largest insurance broker as of 9/11/01, Marsh & McClennan, the world's then-largest Bank, Mizuho Holdings, and the multi-armed Primark Corporation.
A previous article by Kevin Ryan, 'Another Amazing Coincidence Related to the WTC', published in January 2008, tracked the exact or nearly exact parallels between floors of the Towers that were upgraded before 9/11/01 and the floors that were then subjected to airliner-impact and explosive failure on 9/11/01. [51
For the North Tower, WTC 1, struck by American Airlines 11 at 8:46 a.m. and destroyed at 10:28 a.m., the parallels are inclusive. The North Towers' floors 93-99 were areas of impact, fire and failure on 9/11/01. Coincidentally, floors 93 to 100 of WTC 1 received 'upgrades' between 1995 and 2000 by Marsh & McClennan, Marsh & McClennan then occupying more than 361,000 square feet on these floors. [52]
Marsh & McClennan was headed on " '9/11' " by CEO Jeffrey Greenberg. Among other principals in Marsh & McClennan companies during 2001 were former Goldman Sachs partner Stephen Friedman (a Board member of the Central Intelligence Agency's investment-arm In-Q-Tel) and Craig Stapleton (a partner with George W. Bush in the Texas Rangers), and Mathis Caviallavetta (former President of the Union Bank of Switzerland, this UBS the nominally Swiss Bank that in 2008-2009 garnered $5 billion from the United States' Federal Reserve System through the Federal Reserve System's bail-out of gigantic insurer and speculator the American International Group). [53]
Perhaps most interesting among Marsh & McClennan executives on 9/11/01 is L. Paul Bremer (Chairman of the National Commission on Terrorism in 1999-2000 at the same time as he was Managing Director of Kissinger Associates), for Kevin Ryan relates that L. Paul Bremer also served on the international advisory board for Komatsu, a Japanese mining and machinery company which shared with its Texas-based partner Dresser Industries in the 1996 patenting of 'a thermite demolition device that could 'demolish a concrete structure at a high efficiency, while preventing a secondary problem due to noise, flying dust and chips, and the like.' [54]
In 1998 Dresser Industries merged with the Halliburton Corporation that was then headed by CEO Dick Cheney.
On April 14, 2007 L. Paul Bremer was indicted by the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury on the Crimes of September 11, 2001 in New York City for the 'Charge' of 'Conspiracy to Defraud Private Individuals and the Public Interest through Acts of Terror that Furthered Illegal and Legal Profits.' [55] L. Paul Bremer was also one of 16 executives wanted for questioning by the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury ... for the 'Charge' of 'Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder.' Among others so wanted were George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Maurice Greenberg, the afore-identified Jerome Hauer, Peter G. Peterson, and David Rockefeller. [56]
Arms of the Primark Corporation also occupied both Towers, having offices on floor 78 of the South Tower (Baseline) and floor 11 (Primark Decision Economics) of the North Tower. Coincidentally, the South Tower's impact-zone on 9/11/01 was floors 77 through 85; the South Tower's major fires on the " '9/11' " morning were on floors 79-83; and its floors of primary, explosive failure were 77-83. Supposed fire-proofing upgrades of floors 77 and 78 in the South Tower occurred in 1998. Primark's subsidiary Baseline is recorded as specifically upgrading the southeast corner of floor 78--the exact place that United Airlines Flight 175 hit WTC 2.
On 9/11/01 Primark's CEO was Joseph Kasputys, an honorary U. S. Navy Commander who had at least 20 years of close relations with the U. S. Department of Energy. The D.O.E has funded much and received much funding for research into nano-thermites). Coincidentally, another Primark subsidiary, Triad International Maintenance Company, modified Boeing 757s and 767s, we learn from Kevin Ryan.
Floors 79-82 of the South Tower's impact-zone were occupied by a Corporation large among the assets of Mizuho Holdings: the Fuji Bank. Coincidentally, the Fuji Bank 'modified' all four of its WTC 2 floors between 1997-2000, according to Kevin Ryan's reference to a report by the Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology, 'NIST NCSTAR1-1H, table 13-2, in footnote 33 of his 'examination of Twin Towers' Tenants'.
In 2000 the Fuji Bank merged with the Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank and the International Bank of Japan to form the then largest Bank in the world, Mizuho Holdings. Coincidentally, the Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank occupied floors 48 to 50 of the North Tower, WTC 1, for Mizuho Holdings. Prior to its merger in 2000, Fuji Bank's largest investors were Union Carbide, Mobil Oil, and Raytheon. Fuji Bank Chairman Toru Hashimoto now sits on the Board of Deutsche Bank with Lockheed Martin Chairman Norman Augustine. During the 1990s, we learn from Kevin Ryan, all three Mizuho Holdings Banks were implicated in fraudulent loans, some of these transactions involving executive-level members of the yakuza.
As a sidelight, all but 10 of World Trade Building 7's obviously imploded 47 floors had the financial-services firm Salomon Smith Barney as their major tenant. SSB's immediate ancestor, Salomon Brothers, had in the 1980s INVENTED'mortgage-backed securities' and in 1991 had received the largest FINE ever levied against an Investment-Bank at that time, $290 MILLION. [57] Salomon Smith Barney was on " '9/11' " wholly owned by Citigroup.
In November 2008 Citigroup's award of $306 BILLION in gurantees from the U.S. Treasury Department made it the largest single recipient of U.S. Government bail-out funds to Banks so far. [58]
Part Two of Kevin Ryan's 'Demoltion Access' study examines companies and individuals that provided presumable 'Security' for the two Towers and other property in the WTC complex.
At least 29 individuals are named in this part as executives in Corporations' or Governments' offices (whether Federal, New York State, or New York City) that were nominally responsible for protecting the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan between 1973 and 2001.
Among the firms most responsible for security at New York City's WTC before " '9/11' " were Kroll, Inc. (since 1993 23% owned by the American International Group), Stratasec or Securacom (whose executives or Board members included George W. Bush's brother Marvin and their evident, mysterious cousin Wirt Walker), the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) that somehow envisioned the 1993 bombing of the Twin Towers and that provided the most non-U.S. Govermment investigators to the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology after the 2001 demolition of the Towers, and the BDM/TRW subsidiary Ensec of Brasil.
The reach of even this SHORT list of Corporations that profit from 'Security' travels from yakuza-partnered businesses in Japan to the training of Militaries across the Middle East to the opium-into-heroin laboratories of Afghanistan and Pakistan and thence back to the money-laundering and credit-creating Banks of New York City, Washington, DC and the City of London (Bank of America, Barclay's, Chase, Citigroup, ...) [59]
We meet many of them again and again in the third and fourth installments of Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' study .
Four Leading Players
Part Three of Kevin Ryan's study is a relative encapsulation, titled 'Caryle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence', focusing on four of the more well-known Corporations or individuals integral to New York City's former World Trade Center and the " 'War on Terror' ".
The Carlyle Group is a holding company of various global investments that was headed on 9/11/01 by former Central Intelligence Agency Deputy Director (1978-81) and former U.S. Secretary of Defense (1987-89) Frank Carlucci. Frank Carlucci's decades-long service to the supranational Corporate Government also had an evident role in the overthrow of national Governments in the Congo and Brasil during 1960 and 1964 respectively and a role in the devastation of Black inner-city neighborhoods through the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare between 1972-74 [60]
On September 11, 2001 the Carylyle Group was 'the eleventh largest' recipient of U. S. Department of Defense contracts, according to GlobalSecurity.org. [61] Among the Caryle Group's Board of Directors on 9/11/01 were former U. S. President George H.W. Bush, former U.S. Secretary of State and former U. S. Secretary of the Treasury James Baker, and Osama bin Laden's brother Shafiq of the billionaire bin Laden family, all of whom were coincidentally present for a Carlyle Group meeting at the Washington, DC Ritz-Carlton on September 10-11, 2001.
The Caryle Group's holdings benefited multiply from the mass- murder on 9/11/01. Dan Briody of Red Herring magazine wrote on January 8, 2002: 'As the Carlyle investors watched the World Trade towers go down, the group's prospects went up.' [62]
Henry Kissinger is the former U.S. Secretary of State (1973-77), the orchestrator of massacres in Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile, East Timor and elsewhere between 1969-1976 [63], and a recipient of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize. Through his lead role in Kissinger Associates, founded in 1982 'with $350,000 lent to him by Goldman, Sachs and a consortium of three other banks', [64] Sir Henry (the German immigrant and long-time Rockefeller beneficiary was named a Knight Commander by the British Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1995) was part-owner of several Corporations that profited directly from destruction of the three WTC Buildings on 9/11/01. [65]
These Kissinger- partnered Corporations on 9/11/01 included the Blackstone Group (headed on 9/11/01 by Peter G. Peterson, who was then the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York [66], the American International Group (headed on 9/11/01 by Council on Foreign Relations' and Federal Reserve Bank of New York eminence Maurice Greenberg [67]), and Kroll, Inc.. (headed on 9/11/01 by Michael Cherkasky, the former Manhattan District Attorney who was Chief of Investigations into the 1993 bombing of the WTC Twin Towers [68], a bombing that became lethal due to the insistence of FBI Special Agent John Anticev to FBI informant Emad Salem, as revealed in a tape- recorded conversation that was published by the New York Times and Washington Post and Atlantic Monthly and then covered up. [69]
Michael Cherkasky was another person wanted for further questioning by the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury ... on the 'Charge' of 'Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder' as well as the 'Charges' of 'Destruction of Evidence' and 'Obstruction of Justice.' [70]
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is the San Diego-based 'intelligence contractor' that Kevin Ryan ranks as having received 'more individual government contracts than any other private company in America' and a firm responsible for advising New York City's World Trade Center on measures for security before and after the 1993, FBI-assisted bombing of the Twin Towers as well as a firm with expertise in nano-thermites. Among employees of SAIC or members of its Board of Directors before 9/11/01 are the Bush/Obama Administrations' Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, former CIA Deputy Director and U. S. Navy Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, former Director of New York City's Office of Emergency Management Jerrome Hauer (1996-2000), whom we know was also a Managing Director of Kroll, Inc. on 9/11/01, and Jerome Hauer's close associate Steven Hatfill, a supporter of South Africa's apartheid in the 1980s and a prime suspect in the September/October 2001 anthrax attacks in the U.S [71], and Duane Andrews, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Defense under Dick Cheney during the 1991-92 Gulf War.
The Halliburton Corporation and its subsidiaries on 9/11/01 of Dresser Industries and Kellogg, Brown, Root share a history of branching out from the supply of oil-field drilling services to the supply of logistical support and surveillance to overseas U.S. Military Forces.
The latter expansion of Halliurton's business increased when Dick Cheney was Hallliburton's CEO, 1995 to 2001. Cheney appointed to Halliburton's Board of Directors Kissinger Associates' Lawrence Eagleburger (U.S. Secretary of State under George H. W. Bush) and Charles DiBona, a former Special Assistant to U.S. President Richard Nixon, DiBona also President of the American Petroleum Institute for 19 years and a close associate of the head of companies that had offices in the airliners' impact- zones of both WTC Towers, Joseph Kasputys.
Like the afore-identified Joseph Kasputys, Charles DiBona was and is also a Commander in the U.S. Navy.
Clean-up and Cover-up
Kevin Ryan's fourth installment concerns companies and individuals responsible for 'Clean-up' at the " 'Ground Zero' " site in Lower Manhattan.
We meet individuals and Corporations new and old to the 'Demolition Access' study in its concluding part.
Control of clean-up of a crime-scene is of course vital to cover-up of the crime or crimes in question. Three municipal officials are reported through different media to be principal in the clean-up/cover-up, according to footnotes 70, 71 and 72 in Kevin Ryan's 'Clean-up' installment. These officials are: Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, the city's Office of Emergency Management Director Richard Sheirer, and Executive Deputy Commissioner Mike Burton of the city's Department of Design and Construction.
Overseeing the most immediate possible removal of mounded, tangled and molten steel, along with other WTC evidence, for the City of New York was LZA/Thornton Tomasetti, headed by engineers Charles Thornton and Richard Tomasetti. Charles Thornton later joined the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Board of Advisors regarding the 9/11/01 destruction at the World Trade Center. His partner Richard Tomasetti took responsibility for the removal and/or recycling of hundreds of thousands of tons of steel and other evidence taken from " 'Ground Zero' ". Regarding this speedy and secretive removal of evidence from the most important and mysterious crime-scene of the 21st century, Richard Tomasetti has claimed to not know "the direction that investigations ... would take", Kevin Ryan relates.
Five major contractors were under LZA/Thornton Tomasetti for the WTC clean-up: AMEC Construction Management, Bevis Lend Lease, Tishman Construction, Tully Construction, and Turner Construction. The parent Corporations of AMEC Construction Management and Bevis Lend Lease are based in London, England. These five major contractors employed numerous local sub- contractors for hands-on waste-removal. Kevin Ryan finds that some of the latter are connected to Italian Mafia felons. Bevis Lend Lease received $277.2 million from the U.S. Government for its efforts, AMEC Construction Management received $65.8 million, Tully Construction $76 million, and Turner Construction $39 million.
These private contractors' earnings loom large when compared to the $600,000 allocated by the U. S. Government for FEMA's 2002 'Building Performance Study' and the $20 million allocated for NIST's three-year 2005 draft of a 'Final Report'.
Turner Construction was a tenant on the North Tower's 38th floor. Coincidentally, Turner Construction was also the contractor responsible for supposed fire-proofing upgrades on floors of the Twin Towers that were most hit by Boeing 767 impacts and/or that were most affected by fires and faults on 9/11/01, a statistically implausible pair of coupling coincidences at which Kevin Ryan also marveled in his 'Another amazing ...' piece of January 2008. [72]
Turner Construction was also the contractor responsible for demolition of Seattle's Kingdome on March 26, 2000, in partnership with another Corporation that cleaned up at both " 'Ground Zero' " and at the 1995 demolition-site of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Controlled Demolition, Inc.
Coincidentally, Turner Construction is also intimately connected to nano-explosives through its building of the 1997-completed headquarters for the Naval Sea Systems Command, said command's Indian Head Naval Surface Warfare center being the 'only reliable source for aluminum nano-powers in the U. S', according to the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in 2001[73].
Turner Construction is also a champion of 'Green' building in U. S. Public Schools, praised by the U.S. Green Building Council and the Clinton Global Initiative, and Turner Construction is a proponent of reducing 'greenhouse gases'. [74]
Turner Construction is also since 1999 a subsidiary of Hochtief of Germany, a firm whose website recounts its 'increasing use of forced labor' from 1939-40 onward while Hochtief served the Nazi Government [75].
Coincidentally, in 1999 Tom Leppert, later Mayor of Dallas, Texas and now a close neighbor of George W. Bush's, became CEO of Turner Construction under Hochtief. [76]
The 'Clean-up' installment of Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' reports new accounts of criminality by the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FBI agents Richard Marx, Pasquale ("Pat") D'Amuro, Kevin Donovan, Edwin Cogswell and Barry Mawn are found by admissions within their own ranks to have stolen significant pieces of steel and other evidence from the Fresh Kills landfill to which WTC wreckage was hauled (footnotes 105, 106 in Kevin Ryan's 'Clean-up' installment).
Pat D'Amuro was the lead FBI Agent into investigation of the 1993 FBI-assisted bombing of the Twin Towers and--according to FBI Director Robert Mueller's commendation in promoting D'Amuro to be the Bureau's Assistant Director of Counter-Terrorism on January 31, 2002--also headed 'the PENTTBOM investigation' that somehow identified all 18, then 19, supposed Arab hijackers (Hani Hanjour, the incapable, supposed pilot of American Airlines Flight 77, was a latecomer, you may remember, to the FBI's list) within 72 hours of the 9/11/01 morning.
PENTTBOM, it should be noted, is the FBI's OWN ACRONYM for its self-described investigation.
The little-known FBI designation of PENTTBOM stands for: 'Pentagon Twin Towers Bombing' [77]
The FBI-designated 'Bombing' of the Twin Towers also brought the Science Applications International Corporation back into New York City's World Trade Center crimes. As related by Kevin Ryan, SAIC 'supplied the largest contingent of non- governmental investigators to the WTC investigation conducted by NIST.'
Coincidentally, the story of Special Forces expert John Blitch and " 'Ground Zero' " began on the FIRST DAY of his employment with SAIC: September 11, 2001.
According to Wired magazine, on 9/11/01 John Blitch happened to be leaving his position as a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army's Special Forces to direct the Center for Intelligent Robotics and Unmanned Systems at the Science Applications International Corporation facility in Colorado [78].
Over the preceding three years, John Blitch had been charged by the U.S. Army's Special Forces with heading the Defense Department's Tactical Mobile Robots Program within the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA.
Kevin Ryan relates that John Blitch had also been EARLIER in his U.S. Army career the chief of unmanned systems at the U.S. Special Operations Command (US SOCOM), a Command which conducts ' "covert and clandestine missions" ', and that John Blitch had also won an award for his 'ground- breaking research in robot assisted search and rescue conducted during the Oklahoma City Bombing response.'
According to the Association for Computing Machinery, John Blitch used his Oklahoma City research to 'develop many of the robot platforms that were eventually used at the WTC.' [79]
Many readers already know that the DEMOLITION of the Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995 by internal explosives--causing 168 strictly civilian deaths--and the subsequent cover-up of that demolition and mass murder, accompanied by Governments' and mass-media's use of it as a pretext for more repression against " 'terrorism' ", is in many aspects a precursor for the true crimes of and after September 11, 2001. [80] [81]
Wired magazine wrote in its May 2002 issue that on 9/11/01 the 43-year-old John Blitch scrapped his 1500-mile drive from WashinGton, DC to SAIC's Center for Intelligent Robotics and Unmanned Systems in Littleton, Colorado and instead 'donned his fatigues, dug out his military ID, and worked his cell phone, summoning colleagues from Florida to Boston to pack up their finest robots and rendevous at Ground Zero.' [82]
Honoring John Blitch in March 2002 with the $5000 Eugene Lawler Award for Humanitarian Computer Science, the CEO of the Association for Computing Machinery, John White, said: "John Blitch helped the New York community apply robot-assisted search and rescue technology at a critical time in our history." The press-release for the Association for Computing Machinery notes: 'Eighteen hours after the attacks, robots were on the rubble pile.' [83]
What might be an ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATION for John Blitch's and the robots' swift " '9/11' " work?
Kevin Ryan quotes James T. Thurman's Practical Bomb Scene Investigation: 'Regardless of how efficent the initiator is, all the explosives are never entirely used or destroyed.' [84]
Kevin Ryan then offers this interpretation of John Blitch's background and amazing coordination of activities amid the Twin Towers' molten wreckage: 'Therefore, Lieutenant Colonel Blitch of SOCOM and SAIC had the means and opportunity to neutralize any unwanted explosives that might have been buried in the pile at Ground Zero.'
Another immediate arrival to the demolitions' crime-scene was David Griffin of North Carolina.
A laudatory article in the Asheboro. North Carolina News and Courier reports that the 34-year-old Griffin, son of the founder of D.H. Griffin Companies, was like James Blitch in driving promptly to New York City after the " '9/11' " attacks.
Ostensibly without credentials, the 34-year-old Griffin is reported to have somehow walked through check-points at the clean-up site on Friday, September 14, 2001 and given crucial advice about dismantling a steel overhang remaining from Building 7.
The next day, the newcomer from North Carolina was reportedly asked by 'New York City authorities' to 'become overall head of the demolition teams at the disaster area.' The younger Griffin came to be called "Carolina" by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, the newspaper's story relates. [85]
The D. H. Griffin Companies had 'worked closely' with the United States' Department of Energy and Department of Defense as early as 1994, according to Kevin Ryan.’
TOMORROW, SEPTEMBER 19, 2024, I’ll conclude the 24 remaining pages of this Introducion to Kevin’s invaluable study of Corproations, Departments and Agencies involved in DEMOLTION of the Twin Towers and Buiding 7 with a Chapter titled