Who and What Want War ... in the Ukraine and the Gaza ... and How Boycotts and Divestment Can Pull the Plugs on Banks
We've won before. We can win again!
July 13, 2024
July 2024 is looking a lot like ‘the Summer before’ the World Wars that began in 1914 and 1939 in this month’s expansion of military forces and threat. It’s also remindful of the observation of poet and soldier Edmund Blundenafter the first day, July 1, 1916, of the Battle of the Somme: ‘The war had won, and would go on winning’
(‘In his 1934 essay collection, The Mind’s Eye, Blunden writes of the first day of the Battle of the Somme (July 1, 1916), which would rage for four and a half months:
“By the end of the day, both sides had seen, in a sad scrawl of broken earth and murdered men, the answer to the question. No road. No thoroughfare. Neither race had won, nor could win, the War. The war had won, and would go on winning.”
On that first day, the British suffered 57,470 casualties, including 19,240 killed. The French Sixth Army had 1,590 casualties and the German 2nd Army between 10,000 and 12,000 losses.’)
Wars centered in the Ukraine and in the Gaza Strip are both enduring and expanding. The United States, the United Kingdom and France increase the power and range of weapons involved in the Ukraine. As reported by Joe Lauria of Consortium News, on July 11 U.S..Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told a ‘public policy forum at the NATIO Summit’ in Washington, DC: “As we speak the transfer of F-16 jets is underway coming from Denmark, coming from the Netherlands and those jets will be flying in the skies of Ukraine this summer to make sure that Ukraine can continue to effectively defend itself against the Russian aggression.”
Blinken says about F-16 fighter-jets, first manufactured by General Dyanmics in 1976” “Those jets will be flying in the skies of Ukraine this summer to make sure that Ukraine can continue to effectively defend itself against the Russian aggression,”
Allies contributed to the F-16s re-deployment. ‘The U.S., Denmark and the Netherlands announced during the NATO Summit in Washington on Wednesday that the two latter countries had sent over the aircraft, though they did not say how many.’
Also in motion to Germany and Poland for firing into the Ukraine are Missiles whose deployment was banned by 1987’s Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, a Treaty abandoned by the Trump Administration in 2019 . These Missiles involve technology/weaponry from Raytheon (SM6 missiles) and Lockheed Martin (MK1 vertical launchers), each costing many millions of U.S. Dollars. too.
Russia responded to the new threats with counter-threats on July 12. “Without nerves, without emotions, we will develop a military response, first of all, to this new game,” said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov. He called the US decision “destructive to regional safety and strategic stability.”
Meanwhile, in the Gaza Strip Israel is bogged in a mire that buffets its invasion with more and more IDF deaths from Palestinian ‘Brigades’, while its Air Force’s attacks continue to massacre civilians in areas that it had declared ‘Safe Zones’.
Last Autumn this Substack looked at the Asset Management Funds (BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity, …) that are largest Shares-holders of Banks, Weapons-Makers, and Coffee-Shop franchisers.
Above, Palestinian and Israeli victims of the ‘War’ that again profits Banks most of all.
In May of 2022 Paula Reisfort wrote for Corpwatch.
‘Three months after Russia invaded Ukraine, the winner and losers are apparent. The losers are civilians in Ukraine and soldiers on both sides of the conflict, while the winners are weapons manufacturers like BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon Technologies and Rheinmetall.
These companies have weapons for sale in the war. BAE offers howitzers like the M-777, which can fire 155-mm shells at targets 30 kilometers away. Lockheed Martin and Raytheon make infra-red guided Javelin missiles that have a range of 4 kilometers that are used to penetrate armored vehicles. Raytheon also makes Stinger missiles. Rheinmetall has offered to provide 50 old Leopard 1 tanks to Ukraine as well as 35 Marder infantry fighting vehicles. Meanwhile, Northrop Grumman’s RQ-4 Global Hawk has been making regular surveillance flights over the Ukrainian border.’
Early in Israel’s bombardments of civilians in the Gaza Strip, the power of Boycotts rose across NATO Nations.
Targets for boycotts and divestment may be as numberless as Assets of the Wrold Economic Forum’s 100 Strategic Partners among international Corporations and Foundations. German Farmers Have Won as French and Dutch Farmers Have Won
Hack WEF Davos … as Digital ID’s were tellingly hacked this past Christmas season. https://reclaimthenet.org/the-digital-id-rollout-is-becoming-a-hackers-dream
WEF Strat Parts https://www.weforum.org/communities/strategic-partnership-b5337725-fac7-4f8a-9a4f-c89072b96a0d/
Three ‘Thought-Leaders’—Klod Swab https://donpaul.substack.com/p/three-thought-leaders-satires-of
Targets for divestment may be as nearby as CHASE BANK and as supranational and thus accessible as … CHASE BANK.
Campaigns for Boycott and Divestment WORK.
Go to the BANKS, Students and Workers! Divest from the 20-some BANKS that sit among the Boards-interlocked Bastion of Thievery composed by the WEF’s 100 Strategic Partners.
As we stopped “ ‘COVID’ “ by refusing any more of the much-worse-than-useless mRNA-and-other-genes-altering injections, we may really and truly STOP WARS in the Ukraine and the Gaza Strip before these Wars escalate more!
Go to the very visible Heads of the Criminal Lunatics, or Lunatic Criminals, of Hypocritical Parasites, or Parasitical Hypocrites, … who so oppress and threaten our humanity, students and workers.
We are the Very Many indeed—BILLIONS, we are—and more than 5 BILLION of us suffered from injurious-unto-fatal ‘vaccines’ over the past 44 months.
We have the power now—with the Internet and more—to do any amount of Good that we choose to do! We may even rid our lives of any injection or other element of mRNA!
URLS for this Post—
https://scheerpost.com/2024/07/13/biden-or-not-u-s-policy-on-palestine-stays-the-same/ (‘Israel has been escalating its attacks, openly targeting schools, dropping bombs on children playing soccer, and moving hundreds of thousands of largely homeless Palestinians from one place to another and bombing all of it.)
https://www.palestinechronicle.com/gaza-resistance-changes-tactics-again-why-analysis/ (‘In a single operation, Al-Qassam said that they “eliminated 10 Zionist soldiers in a complex operation east of Al-Nazaz Street in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood of Gaza City. ”
Though the number of Israeli soldiers killed or wounded in the Al-Quds Brigades operation remains unclear, a video documenting the daring operation suggests a shift in the Resistance tactics.
The Resistance seems to have moved from a state of defense into a state of attack.’)