Whether Trump or Harris is U.S. President, Shall WE MASSES Promise to Act for Three Remedies?
Shall We, still the People, Stand for Three Remedies against " COVID-19" ' and 'that disease's " 'vaccines' ", Including the Banning of mRNA anything, Regardless Who Becomes the U.S. President?
Concerns vital to tens of millions in the United States are never addressed by Kamala Harris and Donald Trump on Big Media’s platforms, nor anywhere else, save in wholly imaginary and idealistic dialogues. See Donald’s and Kamala’s admissions and proposals re. “ ‘COVID-19’ “ and mRNA “ ‘vaccines’ “ in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania on September 28. Concerns regarding Corporations’ Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Tech and above all Big Finance remain front and center to daily lives across our 50 States.
We feel for those suffering from Big Medicine’s prescribed injections. We reject more abuses through Mandates and Drugs. We want Public Investigations and Discussions of the ‘Attacks’ and ‘Bailouts’ that have so undermined Freedoms, Trust and Well-Being across our Nation since “ ‘9/11/ “ … and that accelerate as the unelected World Economic Forum barrels forward with Deprivations and Depredations toward its Agenda 2030. We want Public Control of United States’ money-supply. We want much more funding for Education, Health-Care, Infrastructure,. We want more Investigation of ‘Natural Disasters’ that are themselves revealed to be more of Calculated Attacks. We want to know and trust our neighbors. We want more, not less, of cooperation among communities. We want NOTHING to do with the generations-ending NONSENSE of Project 2025 and/or Agenda 2030.
So, shall we promise, this Saturday, November, to get busy with Three Actions for the Well-Being of Us All, remedying harms done and threats posed by the disease WHO-named “ ‘COVID-19’ “ and the “ ‘vaccines’ “ sold and injected by hundreds millions unto billions under COVID Pretexts. Done by US and for US, these Actionscan be effected through media and meant that remain OPEN to us. They can go forward regardless the official Outcome of the ‘Election’ whose results will “ ‘roll out’ “ on November 5 … and that will likely foments Conflict meant to advance the Ruling Few’s intention of more distressing and dividing We Masses. United, in short, we can trip up traps set to provoke something more like Civil War in the U.S.
1. ACT to gain Treatment and Compensation for the MILLIONs in the USA who have been injured and even killed by ‘vaccines’ promoted as preventing infection and transmission of “ ‘COVID-19’”? This past week, October 30, the Children’s Health Defense website reports that the U.S. Vaccines Adverse Events platform shows more than 1.6 MLLION in the U.S. hurt or killed by COVID “ vaccines’ “.
‘As of Sept. 27, there were 1,604,710 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports of injury or death following a COVID-19 vaccination.
VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before confirming the reported adverse event was caused by the vaccine. VAERS has historically been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.
2. ACT for Public Investigation and Discussion as to whether the “ ‘COVID’ ‘ disease originated as a Virus and as to whether the admittedly cells-altering COVID ‘vaccines’ contain toxic Spike Proteins, blood-clotting metals, and nano-technology that turns human beings into “Operating Systems”.
that have particularly caused heart-disease and heart-attack among thousands of injected children between the ages of six months and 11 years old.
3. ACT to ban ALL mRNA injections—whether as supposed medicine or as additives to food and drink—from our Nations.
Yes, I stand for all three.
Yep, and thank you, ANDREW--Post Election Day, it all will come down to all of us acting on what we know to be true and just. That's a good thing!