DONALD and KAMALA Talk from Their "Hearts" in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania about the "COVID" Thing and Grow Glad that Some Truths to Go On Have Come Out
A Very Imaginary but Facts-Laden Conversation in the Splendid Poconos
Familiar Boasts and Slurs
The COVID Word-Bomb
A Study from 125 Countries
31 Million ‘Excess’ Deaths, 17 Million from Vaccines?
What Does Bobby Say?
Boosting the “Boosters”
Kamala Matches Donald’s Sorrowing Heart with With Her Feeling for the Victimized Nurses and Doctors …
Donald Is Glad that Kamala Has Pointed Out the Kids Dying Too
“The People Stopped the Shots!”
Remdesivr and Ventilators Still Trouble Donald’s Sleep
And Governors Haunt Kamala
“The Lies We Tell For Those We Serve!”
“What If We Were Free to Do What NONE of the WEF Strategic Partners Want?”
ThIs Parade of Farces Ends Not in Tragedies like “Macbeth” and “King Lear”
Becoming as Big as We Were Born to Be … through the Truths We Know
Townspeople Named This Town for Jim Thorpe Though He Never Set Foot Here
Familiar Boasts and Slurs
DONALD: “The Debate was a very good day for me. We’re very happy with how the Debate turned out. I won it, hands-down, of course, and everyone loved me. Everyone loves me. J. D. has seen his chance and J. D. loves me now. Even Bobby loves me now. Bobby has seen his chance. And everyone who doesn’t love me is a Traitor or a Liberal or a Leftist. Someone this great country doesn’t need.
KAMALA: “Oh, please. Did you join me here, in this perfect little town of Jim Thorpe in the Poconos, so that we could rehash our lines? Although the Debate WAS, in fact, a great day! A great day and night for Democrats. For the working-class and the middle-class of America. The working-class and the middle-class of America. I’m pleased and honored to represent these great people.”
DONALD: “But you’re destroying our Country, Kamala. You and Joe Biden have systematically destroyed over the past four years everything that makes America great. Everything that ”
KAMALA: “There you go with your One Note, Donald. If you were a trumpeter, you would never make the Band. You have only that one False Note of Negation in your Repertoire. Democrats built this Country back, better, after our Administration gave us the worst public health crisis in America’s history. With your abysmal handling of the COVID Pandemic.”
The COVID Word-Bomb
DONALD: “Oh, you said it, Kamala! You said that COVID WORD we avoided over in Philadelphia…. The COVID Monster word that troubles my sleep…. Er, that COVID WORD that opens up Crimes YOU don’t dare talk about! 90 minutes we spent on that Stage, in the Debate, September 10th, arguing about Tariffs and Unemployment and Haitians eating Cats and Dogs in Ohio and Venezuelan immigrants invading Denver and the $85 billion in Military Equipment that YOU and JOE BIDEN left in Afghanistan.
But we spent less than two minutes talking about COVID-19. And the Vaccines that MY Administration brought to America. Brought to the world! My swift action saved millions of lives, Kamala. We moved with Warp Speed and saved millions of lives. One hundred million lives, some people who should know—and who love me, by the way—say. Perhaps one billion.
KAMALA: “Oh, I’ll gladly talk about the COVID, Donald. I’ll talk about it till your orange turns to red.”
DONALD: “I mean, really? Do you REALLY want to talk about COVID and the Vaccines?”
KAMALA: “I’ll be as real as YOU want to be, Donald. As real as you wanna be.”
DONALD: “Oh, that’s very Hip-Hop, Kamala. But now you’re on. We’re on. Because there some things troubling my heart.”
KAMALA: “Your heart, Donald? That’s rich. I would LOVE to know what’s troubling your heart. Without swagger. Straight dope. So that here in Jim Thorpe, the splendid Poconos, I can promise to more than match your heart.”
A Study from 125 Countries
DONALD: “31 million people dying, Kamala, is what troubles MY heart. 31 million ‘Excess Deaths’. I’m a numbers guy, you know. I made my fortune by being very good with numbers. You saw that Study from the three P-H-D’s in Canada? This thing is 521 Pages, Kamala, from 125 Countries. 35% of the Earth’s population, Kamala.
You can look it up, you have a little time here in the Mountains. What they find is pretty interesting, Kamala.
So their number for ‘Excess Deaths’ over about three years is 30.9 million and we can call that 31 million for our talking purposes. For ‘Excess Deaths’, Kamala. Between March of 2020, when the WHO declared the Global Pandemic, and May of 2023, when the WHO said we’re past the Pandemic.
KAMALA: “I saw it. Your man Bobby—your NEW man Bobby—wrote about it on his Children’s Health Defense website
31 Million ‘Excess’ Deaths, 17 Million from Vaccines?
DONALD: “So you noticed—or did you notice?—that the P-H-D’s say 17 million of those so-called ‘Excess Deaths’ around the world came from VACCINES, Kamala.
KAMALA: “You believe that?”
‘Five takeaways from largest pandemic excess mortality study to date—
DONALD: “You see what this Science says, Kamala. This guy, this P-H-D Rancourt—he’s Canadian—Canadian, so he’s close to America—he says it’s the BOOSTERS that KILL THE MOST. The boosters tend “to be more associated with mortality.” The correlation there, Kamala, is ‘stronger and stronger.’
Your and Joe Biden’s Boosters, Kamala. The third, fourth and fifth shots that you and Joe pushed, Kamala.”
Boosting the “Boosters”
KAMALA: “You were with us, Donald. Every step. You were Correct in Endorsing the Vaccines as Safe and Effective.”
DONALD: “Oh, I know. Joe made a Very Big Point of My agreeing with him. We sang that Go-for-the-Boosters Song. Like the Everly Brothers. The Righteous Brothers!”
KAMALA: “There again, you date yourself, Donald. We should say that you and Joe Biden were like Salt ’N’ Pepa. ‘Rare Praise’ was the Media’s line for Joe’s line, as I recall. Gosh, we all have so many lines to remember!
But—. Well, then—if you’re wanting to ask questions, years past the facts, Donald, and it’s a sorrowing heart you want to show—I’m GOING to MATCH you here. I’m programmed—er, ready—to outdo you, whatever BIZARRE turns you take.
Kamala Matches Donald’s Sorrowing Heart with Her Feeling for Victimized Nurses and Doctors
What about the Nurses, then, Donald? Since we’re talking peacefully, here in the splendid, lovely Poconos, where the Middle-Class and Working-Class vacation. What about the Nurses—whose employers compelled them to take the COVID Vaccines?
Do THEY trouble your heart, Donald? The Nurses and the Doctors who warned us, Donald, four and five months months before we sang the “Oh-Oh-Oh Fear the Omnicron Song” . Praising the Boosters in yet another one of our Choruses.
The Nurses and Doctors were ELOQUENT, Donald, they spoke from THEIR hearts and their consciences, and we met their eloquence with silence. That almost rhymes. That pesky Don Paul, who’s watched my moves since I was District Attorney in San Francisco, and he was with Marie in Housing Is a Human Right in Bay View Hunters Point, presented those Doctors and Nurses, Donald. He’s a big Nuisance. Using words like misnomer and Diktat. But the Doctors and Nurses in September 2021.
We knew THEN, Donald, what Nurses and Doctors had to tell us even though they were losing their jobs!
And still, Nurses are DYING, Donald! We can thank Mark Crispin Miller and his team for keeping a record. A sad, sad record. Since you’re big on numbers, Donald. 33 Nurses died suddenly, in one week this past August.
The week before this past week, Donald” 36 Nurses and 27 infants.
Just this past week, Donald—22 Nurses and 50 infants! 50 infants in one week!”
Donald Is Glad that Kamala Has Pointed Out the Kids Dying Too
DONALD: “I’m glad that you pointed out the kids, Kamala.”
KAMALA: “The INFANTS, Donald! Look at the pictures. The Family Photos. Doesn’t your heart break?”
DONALD: “Look, Kamala, it was ME who brought up COVID as a subject. I said my heart IS troubled, Kamala. Troubled so that I lose sleep and go Off-Script, even.
The children—and you have children, three children, like I have children—the loss of children hurts our hearts most of all. We knew it before the FDA approved Boosters—Biavalent BOOSTERS, you may remember< Kamala—for Americans as young as six years old, in December 2022. ! And it was ME who opposed THOSE Boosters, Kamala.
Another Doctor, a Woman Doctor, her name is Nass, warned us about those Boosters back in September of that year. Two years ago, Kamala. Those Boosters came into kids’ arms and bodies’ on your and Joe’s watch. I’m sad to say.”
KALAMA: “It was YOUR F.D.A., too, Donald.
I do research, and MORE than you, I’m an Attorney trained and practiced in RESEARCH, Donald. A Source I often visit is Brian Shilhavny of Health Impact News. Here Brian is in Devember 2022. And Brian is a sincere Christian. Part of my Base.
There were 90 dead and more than 10,000 injured. I can read to you exactly, Donald. ‘Since these Bivalent booster shots were authorized 3 months ago, there have been 10,547 reported cases of harm to the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including 90 deaths. (Source.)
YOU appointed Scott Gottlieb to head the FDA in 2017 and then you appointed Stephen Hahn in 2019, Donald. George W. Bush appointed Marc McClellan back in 2002.”
DONALD: “How did it ALL happen, Kamala? How did such terrible things happen to all of America and especially to the kids?”
KAMALA: “Are you being disingenuous, Donald? If I’m going to outdo you for HONESTY, Donald, let me point to Allies of BOTH of OURS.
Canada, which you correctly identify as close to the United States Donald, and Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland there. Young Global Leaders, chosen by the World Economic Forum (I’ve never been so chosen). So let’s look at CHILDREN in Canada, and children DYING within a time-span of three months, this same 2022 into 2023 time-span that we’re discussing.
Donald, I’m going to text you a Link to this Doctor in Alberta, Dr. William Makis, Donald, and I RECOMMEND that you check him out. Here’s what Dr. Makis posted on February 2023.”
DONALD: “These beautiful young people. In Canada. Our Neighbor and Ally. Athletes. Infants! It’s a tragedy, Kamala.”
KAMALA: “Well, Donald, let me remind you: We weren’t alone. Justin and Chrystia, we can count those two, every step of the way. Macron of France, Merkel of Germany, Ardern of New Zealand. Every step of our shared way. With the Lockdowns. The forced Hospitalizations. The forced Ventilators. The isolation of the elderly. With the Mandates—Mandates with NEVER a PUBLIC vote involved.
Mandates that compelled Nurses, Doctors—all employees of many Companies to take the Vaccines. You know my husband works for Merck. And ALL of our Big Banks and Europe’s Big Banks and Canada’s Big Five—the Banks and Military and Big Medicine—all ordered the Vaccines. Millions and billions of shots. And yet Our Congress and the Federal Courts were exempted.
Oh, yes, Donald, we both know ALL about a heart torn by the advantages you and I enjoy. We’re Candidates, Donald, Candidates to be President of the United States.”
DONALD: “Christine Anderson, a Member of the European Parliament, and a big fan of mine, one of my biggest fans, calls the ‘Vaccine campaign the biggest crime ever committed on humanity.”
“The People Stopped the Shots”
KAMALA: Look—an Indigo Bunting, there in the Dogwoods, Donald. Admit: It was the people who saved us, Donald. The middle-class, the working-class. The Doctors ad the Nurses and those Professors and teachers and student who dared to speak in Universities. The PEOPLE stopped accepting our B.S., Donald, and they stopped taking the shots.
DONALD: “Even Israel couldn’t sell the Omnicron! The People, the Workers—these are MY Base, KAMALA. I was so heartened to see their stand. The Freedom Convoy! In Canada! Those Truckers, and their Families, standing outside in the freezing cold, Kamala! My Base. They love Hockey and they love me.”
KAMALA: “Just say the People, Donald. If we’re being honest. 16 months before the Pandemic was ended, the People had seen what was in the Vaccines and what was happening to them. They were, and are, Real, Not Rare, Donald.
They won—and they have suffered SO many losses. We need to talk about them! I AM talking about them, here and now, in this fabled town of Jim Thorpe, in the splendid Poconos of Autumn, one to one, with you, Donald. Finish your Hamburger.”
Remdesivr and Ventilators Still Trouble Donald’s Sleep
DONALD: “I can tell you, KAMALA, my sleep is not easy. I remember Remdesivir.
Remdesivir! I bought the world’s entire Stock in July 2020! I and the FDA approved it ia October for general use. Tony Fauci told me. Stephen Hahn was with me. But—I was the President! Since I’ve brought this whole COVID Thing Up!
I knew about Ventilators in April 2020. 80% of the supposed COVID patients who went on Ventilators DIED, Kamala.
Yet I keep BOASTING about the Ventilators, Kamala. As if I’d saved lives with the Ventilators! As if I can’t admit—.
And Governors Haunt Kamala
KAMALA: You are not alone. Know that, dear man. You are not alone. We all have known since March of 2020, before I was Vice-President—I may know as much as you.
“The Lies We Tell For Those We Serve!”
DONALD: But these are the things, the facts, the realities, we should have talked about ON STAGE, on September 10th, Kamala. They make my heart hurt!
Instead: the lies! The lies we tell for those we serve! . Wilber Ross, how often have I paid my Debts to Rothschilds and Rockefellers and Deutsche Bank? Deep down, beneath my bluster and bullying, I can FEEL what’s right and true.
“What If We Were Free to Do What NONE of the WEF Strategic Partners Want?”
KAMALA: “Back In January, leading Banks at the World Economic Forum Meeting in Davos predicted that YOU would win the Election. You would be President again.
By this September, with MY becoming the Candidate, sentiments appear to have changed. I’ve been proud to announce that Goldman Sachs—a WEF Strategic Partner just like JP Morgan Chase and BlackRock—favors me.
But now—with the talk we’ve had here, Donald, I’m thinking differently. What if we were free do what none of the WEF Strategic Partners want?
The Parade of Farces Ends Not in Tragedies like “Macbeth” and “King Lear”
DONALD: “You’re seeing me, Kamala. Forever I’ve felt I COULD be BIG like I was tall. That I was born to be rebel and a hero. I would LOVE to be what America really needs and abandon—”
KAMALA: “This Parade of Farces, such as our last Show in Philadelphia, Donald. Poor fellow. I see me in the midnight madness of “Macbeth” and you in “King Lear”, if the truth of our roles should ever merit Tragedy. It ever we told in a Debate the truths we’ve shared here—. Well—Let’s make that bappen, Donald.”
Becoming as Big as We Were Born to Be … Going Outward from the Truths We Know
DONALD: “Then—then, well, we could be as big as we were born to be, Kamala. As big as our dreams. As big as America. Just—”
KAMALA: “Just by starting out with the truths we know and going outward from that basis, Donald. Because you brought up the COVID—and the truths about it we’ve not dared to touch—thank you so much for that—it changes everything. I don’t want to be spokesperson for anoher Pandemic, Donald. I don’t want more War in the Ukraine, or the Gaza, or Venezuela, or anywhere, no matter how much War bolsters Economies.”
Townspeople Named This Place for Jim Thorpe Though He Never Set Foot Here
DONALD: “Well—. Right! You’ve amazed me, Kamala. I’m really glad you gave us this opportunity. That you made this invitation. You may already know, with your liking for research, that this town, Jim Thorpe, is named for that great Indian athlete, the Olympic Champion Decathlete—”
KAMALA: “And Pentathlete, Donald. “Townspeople named this place for Jim Thorpe when the Boroughs of Mauch Chunk, which means Bear Mountain, Donald, and East Mauch Chunk, merged in 1954, the year after Jim Thorpe, who won the Decathalon AND the Pentathalon in the 1912 Olympics. 1954 was the year after Jim Thorpe died.”
DONALD: And they did that, those great people of this place, in honor of Jim Thorpe, who was a great football and baseball player, too, Kamala, despite the fact that Jim Thorpe went to School in Carlisle and never setting foot here!”
By the way, who won this one, Kamala?”
KAMALA: “We won, Donald. Because some truths are now with us, here, to go on.”
DONALD and KAMALA first written overnight September 26, 2024, between 2:50 and 4:30 a.m., and then filled out over this past two days. I hope that it serves at least as a RESOURCE.
Your thoughts are most welcome!