Bill Gates, Sham and Shambles after 24 Years: Prosecuting the Most Destructive Person Alive
Let's Go Get 'Em
Sham and Shambles
Gates 2017 and 2020
Gates '98 in His Deposition
Gates 2015 and 2017--His 'Next Epidemic' and 'Next Great Epidemic'
Gates' and Colleagues' 2021 Profits from the " 'COVID' " and Its Pretexts
Gates 2022: 'How to Prevent the Next Pandemic'
Gates Unchecked by Facts
Gates and I-D Tracking
" ... we're using vaccines to kill people or to make money or, you know, we started the pandemic"
Our Community of Resisters Is Great and Growing; The Keys in Our Hands Come through Millions' Suffering; The Jolts We Deal Will Make the Waves for Spiritual Revolution.
Sham and Shambles
Sham and Shambles
Bill Gates has for decades invaded societies with means and forces that enable him to control and exploit human beings. The force he wielded with Microsoft in the 1980s and 1990s was software for both monopoly and surveillance.
The force that Gates proposed for his 'Next Epidemic' at Technology Entertainment Design (TED) and the World Economic Forum) (WEF) in 2015 was a 'Global Alert and Response System'. Or: G.A.R.S.
The force that he proposes for 2022 at both TED and WEF with his 'Next Pandemic' is a Global Emergency Response Mobilization. Or: G.E.R.M.
Clever, obsessive Bill. We may see that even his Acronyms scarcely change. Crazy Bill,
you're sure to see from his more and more revealing, public statements, below.
Over decades Gates' pursuits persist unto reasonless monomania. He appears less and less in control of his gestures and other behavior. His hands fly up like birds of prey. His fists suddenly sweep up and pump. He ignores realities (the fatal failures of 'Lockdowns' and 'Vaccines' during our past three years of 'COVID', one reality) that refute his fantasies and manipulations.
Bill Gates to me most represents the Lunatic Few who would rule our world and end human freedoms and creativity. The Few really want to enslave us with their ongoing adaptations of 'The Great Reset.'
The piece below is my latest effort to help us (we Eight Billion Survivors of the Great
" 'COVID' " Scam of the past 34 months) get these Lunatic Few off of our beautiful necks (A poem begins: 'Genes wend to necks like swans / Alabaster and onyx. /Myriad! / ...)
We all may have seen more of Bill Gates since January 2020 than we would have wished. He's visited Big Media platforms at will over 34 months. Neither a Physician, Epidemiologist, or Virologist, he was treated as Expert Authority.
Bill Gates had, after all, "predicted the Pandemic." The Philanthropist had "warned us" specifically through TED and the WEF and the United Nations' World Health Organization since 2015 ... over seven years ... and earlier!
And in 2020--and early as 2017!--Bill Gates offered Solutions that were specific as "a novel vaccine, called the DNA/RNA vaccines" (January 18, 2017) and then the "mRNA vaccines" (April 30, 2020) to which he and colleagues Dr. Anthony Fauci of the United States' National Institutes of Health, Dr. Albert Bourla of Pfizer, Dr. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Larry Fink of BlackRock and the World Economic Forum's Board of Trustees, ... already were invested.
Gates in JANUARY 2017, speaking from the World Economic Forum on CBS News, pitched for the mRNA vaccines that have injured and killed millions.
Now, October of 2022, Bill Gates' lies about 'vaccines' are cause for wincing wonder. More and more evidence of the destructiveness. of these 'vaccines' mounts. More in Alberta, Canada died of 'Unknown Causes' in 2021 than any other diagnosis.
Day after day the count of Deaths and Injuries after 'vaccination' rises higher into the millions across Europe and North America. The Sham of the Great " 'COVID' " Scam is now in Shambles.
Yet Bill Gates in his Public Statements and his Platformed Pursuits of 2022 appears unchecked--oh, grim humor--by facts. You can see and hear below Gates persist in absurd non-remedies such as lockdowns (Australia's in particular) and
" 'vaccines' " that we can "inhale". You can hear him plump for his invasive Global Emergency Response Mobilization 'innovation' ... his G.E.R.M. of an idea ... that the W.H.O. would control ... beyond the reach of Nations' citizens and even Governments.
We see astonishing gaffes by Gates in 2022. His perhaps conscious guiltiness comes out in facetious but gratuitous statements such as these at TED in April 2022: " ... we're using vaccines to kill people or to make money or, you know, we started the pandemic".
Bill Gates tells his TED interviewer, Helen Walters, that it's "somewhat ironic" that he's accused of such crimes as "using vaccines to kill people or to make money", when his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Gavi have "saved tens of millions of lives ...."
Does Gates not recall the Indian Government's charges of crippling, or sterilizing, or killing poisons in his 'vaccines' ... the evidence of harming 100,000s of injectees ... that drove the BMGF and Gavi out of India? Does his mind not retain that he now faces Charges in the High Court of Bombay, India that his co-sponsored Covishield 'vaccine' killed a 33-year-old Dentist, Dr. Snehal Lunawat, who took the shot in order to keep her job, in March 2021?
Who will prosecute Bill Gates in the United States?
His victims are beyond number. We who have survived the Great " " 'COVID' " Scam of the past 34 months, whether 'vaccinated' or 'unvaccinated', now hold the Keys to our Self-Defense and to Justice. We all may know people among the many millions who have suffered from COVID " 'vaccines' ". We all know now that these billions of injections were "rolled out" at " 'Warp Speed' " under a blanketing blitzkrieg of Corporations' and Governments' lies. Neither the 'novel' mRNA shots sold by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. nor the later, still gene-based shots sold by AstraZeneca/Oxford University and Johnson & Johnson's Janssen Pharmaceutical Company, could EVER prevent infection and transmission of the 'novel', viral disease that the United Nations' World Health Organization named COVID-19 on March 11, 2020.
Millions unto billions of our Eight Billion have suffered needlessly due to the Great
" 'COVID' ' Scam. We may know that millions of lives TRULY could have been saved through Early Home Treatments and Focused Protection. We may know more than one person injured by COVID " 'vaccines' ". We may suffer from such injury or injuries ourselves. We may know, too, people who have died soon after they accepted into their bodies one or more of the COVID " 'vaccines' ".
We all are victims of Bill Gates and a Criminal, Lunatic Few. We all have the means to fight back. Those of us who have suffered most from Gates' and colleagues' profitable lies have the readiest means for fighting back through Lawsuits.
Lawsuits can be numberless as there are victims of COVID and its Pretexts. Those of use who have lost loved ones in Nursing-Homes and Hospitals due to COVID Pretexts hold heart-rending means for gaining some closure and justice ... Those of us fired from our life's work due to COVID Pretexts--Doctors, Nurses, Firefighters, Police, Airlines' Pilots and other Personnel, Military, ... have grievous grounds for fighting back with Lawsuits.
We all can engage in the most public and the most inclusive acts of retribution, justice, and--perhaps above all; 'We are each responsible to all for all,' said Father Zossima--compassionate unity among both 'vaccinated' and 'unvaccinated.'
We now hold the keys to our future. We can wrest the Few off of our billions of beautiful necks.
Gates 2020 and 2017
Bill Gates is a partly pitiable monster. He's appears so sickly and tortured. He appears so unhappy within his skin. He's so limited and predictable in his attributes. We may see him like Ancients' myths of the Hydra.
Like the Hydra, Bill Gates has grown many Fanged Heads throught his investments in Corporations and Governments over more than 30 years.
Gates' investments in Agencies and Alliances--in land, food, water, ...--and in" 'vaccines' ", ... let both his resources and his Fanged Heads multiply. Like the Hydra, too, Gates in his powers for conquest seems to never rest. He arises from lairs--crosses Oceans secretly as Gulfstream G650ER private jets may carry him--and changes shapes to attack States of India, Nations of Africa, even whole Continents (Australia, ...) for more control and exploitation ... a more whole and perfect World Economic Forum of his and fellow platformed Partners ... the more accurately titled World Enslavement Forum ... or more fully titled World Economic and Technological Enslavement Forum.
Bill Gates said early-on in the Great " 'COVID' " Scam--on April 30, 2020--that seven billion of us human beings "have to get" his recommended " 'vaccines' " into our arms.
Please see Bill's 'Gates Notes' of 31 months ago. (1)
On this date and thorugh multiplied Platforms (CNN, Reuters,etc.) the investor points again to the "mRNA vaccines" whose like he promoted ... three years earlier, in 2017, at the WEF and through CBS News.
How did the one we call "Dollars Bill" know so much about our predicted plight back in late April of 2020, less than two months after the WHO named 'COVID-19'?
Further, how was Bill Gates able to say more than five years ago, in January of 2017, on CBS News and from the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting at Davos that year: "The idea is to take a new way of building vaccines that can let us develop in less than a year a novel vaccine, called the DNA/RNA vaccines ... " (2)
A Tycoon is always close to Tyrant. Bill Gates' childhood shows a fears-ridden but very ambitious and coddled boy. We may see nurture of the confidence that’s grown increasingly incriminating. We may see that Bill Gates has imagined instruments for dominance since his adolescence. We may see, too, delusions that his privileged intelligence can be all-conquering, however limited his body and his experience?
Bill Gates mingled with few as a child. He stumbled in other boys' sports. He was as much sheltered as he was privileged. Also, he was aloof by choice. He supposed that pursuits in his own home were far more powerful in their potential (1970s' Dawning of the Computer Age!) than schoolmates could imagine. He would dwarf them. He might even "piss on" on any peer. He would have women, too. He would fulfill his elitist class's destiny ... and his personal destiny ... to be like an Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon ... without his ever leaving home, desk, Office, Corporation … for any stupid battlefield.
He would enjoy revenge--and how!--forever!--against those who dared to slap him upside-the-head with a pie for his and Microsoft's efforts to monopolize control of computers' software and the Internet. Those who dared to cross, or even endanger, Bill Gates … They would become dead or they would become robots.
Gates '98 in his Deposition
More than 20 years ago, the Federal Judge who presided over Bill Gates' Deposition in the U. S. Government's Anti-Trust Case against Microsoft, Thomas Penfield Jackson, compared Gates' ambitions and arrogance to the Emperor Napoleon's.
You can watch through links below the 36-year-old Gates endure questioning from attorney David Boies in 1998. Dan Goodin of Ars Tecnica recalled the 'spectacular failure that was the Bill Gates' deposition.'
'Two decades ago, the US Justice Department, 18 states, and the District of Columbia sued Microsoft on allegations the Windows operating system represented a monopoly that the company was wielding to prop up its then fledgling Internet Explorer browser, in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. (3)
Gates stated that of course exclusive dominance--in this instance to the disadvantage of Netscape--"would have the most interest" to Microsoft.
Also, Gates said "I don't recall" so often that Judge Jackson laughed. Microsoft submitted two video-tapes that were shown to be altered for exculpation.
It was judged Guilty in 1999 and ordered to be broken into two enterprises. In 2001 another Court affirmed Facts in Judge Jackson's Finding.
That year, the BBC quoted Jackson in its comparison of Gates with a 19th-century battlefield General and and self-declared Emperor, Napoleon (4)
Gates 2015 and 2017-- His 'Next Epidemic' and his 'Next Great Epidemic'
We may say that the past is always prelude for Bill Gates' fixations.
Even his Acronyms scarcely change.
In 2015 Bill talked at TED about a percursor to his Global Emergency Response
Mobilization--his G.E.R.M. of 2022.. In 2015 what the Philanthropic Investor wanted was a 'A GLOBAL ALERT RESPONSE SYSTEM.' (5)
Gates wanted this G.A.R.S. to be deployed like Military. He told his TED and hence global audience--in his typically fragmenting syntax--that: ' 'The best lessons, I think, on how to get prepared or again, what we do for war." '
Below is a slide from Gates' 2015 TED talk. (6)
In 2015 Gates also used the World Economic Forum to advise us and set stages. Bill's heading at the WEF was: 'How to fight the next epidemic.' (7)
The boldings that follow in Gates' 2015 proposals through the WEF are mine. 'Compare all this to the preparation that nations put into defense,' Gates wrote. 'Armies have systems for recruiting, training and equipping soldiers. NATO has a mobile unit that is ready to deploy quickly. Although the system isn’t perfect, NATO members do joint exercises where they work out logistics like how troops will get food and what language they will use to communicate.
Few if any of these approaches exist for an epidemic response. The world does not fund any organization (not even the W.H.O.) to coordinate all the activities needed to stop an epidemic. In short, in a battle against a severe epidemic, we would be taking a knife to a bazooka fight." ' (8)
H'mm ... March of 2015. We know that Bill Gates had by 2015 already funded the United Nations' WHO with billions of tax-deductible USD over more than a decade, through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and achieved a position of individual dominance. He could imagine the WHO coordinating his fancied 'mobile unit' from NATO ... This military unit would invade Nations and regions (Africa, India, ...) that Gates' 'vaccines' had already plagued with mass sterilizations, injuries, and deaths. Please see Christina England's and others' detailed histories of Gates' damage. (9)
In 2017 Gates was back at the WEF's Davos meeting. His 'Next Epidemic' had become 'The Next Great Epidemic'.
CBS News offered the non-Physician, non-Epidemiologist, and non-Virologist another platform. (10)
Gates' foresight here in 2017 was specific as to 'novel' remedies that soon would profit him. He pre-programs exactly the scripted realities of 2020-2021 from which millions of people are still suffering: "The idea is to take a new way of building vaccines that can let us develop in less than a year a novel vaccine, called the DNA/RNA vaccines ... You can get into manufacturing quite rapidly." (11)
Gates' touches his his left ear around 0:35 into this video. He touches his glasses around 0:50. He looks so pained and strained that he's almost pitiable.
The most up-voted Comment on this video, viewed by more than 405,000 on YouTube, is: 'Easy to predict the future when you write the script.' (12)
You may want to glimpse some part of the Profits that have accrued to Bill Gates through the "COVID" that he in 2022 bemoans as "awful". In 2021, four years after promoting "DNA/RNA vaccines" over CBS News, Gates was among 10 'Big tech' multi-billionaires whose net worth grew by more than 360 billion during the first 12 months of " 'COVID' ", March 5, 2020 to March 2021. (13)
Gates' recommended investment in vaccines during December 2019.
Pfizer and Moderna and their mRNA 'product' exploded in Profits during 2021.
Pfizer/BioNTech's Comirnaty 'vaccine' gained $36.9 billion in Sales, Moderna's Spikevax $17.7 billion. (14)
Here for Substack readers concludes this excerpt from the piece that’s published infull over on the website. The piece there is titled ‘Bill Gates Debugged after 24 Years: Prosecuting the Most Destructive Person Alive'
The piece continues more fully into 2002. I hope that you’ll read on, there, and absorb more of Gates’ crimes and his astonishing gaffes this year.
Here again are the headings for PART TWO.
Gates 2022: 'How to Prevent the Next Pandemic'
Gates Unchecked by Facts
Gates and I-D Tracking
" ... we're using vaccines to kill people or to make money or, you know, we started the pandemic"
Our Community of Resisters Is Great and Growing; The Keys in Our Hands Come through Millions' Suffering; The Jolts We Deal Will Make the Waves for Spiritual Revolution.
The Substack community is a very large part of our ‘Great and Growing’ ‘Community of Resisters’. Throught the Internet we can encounter dozens unto millions every day. Earlier, last August, in a piece about the World Economic Forum’s ‘Soft War’ on humanity being like NAZIs’ ‘Hard War’, I thanked several of the Substack writers or sources to whom I subscribe.
'Joel Smalley is one of scores of authors telling truths on Substack. My window of Subscriptions on this online platform looks to more than 30 writers (47); Dr. Paul Alexander (48), Dr. Pierre Kory (49), the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance as a whole (50), Dr. Robert W. Malone (51), Celia Farber (52), Margaret Anna Alice (53), Karen Bracken (54), Edward Slavsquat (55), eugyppius (56), Steve Kirsch (57), RESCUE with Michael and Teresa Capuzzo (58), Peter and Ginger Breggin (59), Sage Hana (60), Dr. Tess Lawrie (61), and Mark Crispin Miller (62) ... are just some MORE who give facts, insights and inspiration, often with élan and humor and always with heart.'
Now we have more reason for thanks and praises. The full piece about ‘Bill Gates Debugged’ notes more of positive connection and emergence, looking again to Joel Smalley and Margaret Anna Alice and then to Reignite Freeedom and once more to the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (whose October 2022 ‘Educational Conference’ reached out specifically to those millions hurt by ‘vaccines’ with its focus on ‘Understanding and Treating Spike-Protein Induced Diseases.’
We can be glad and heartened in moving forward. ‘Joel Smalley, the England-based data-analyst who's quoted above, regarding COVID-hospitalized in New South Wales, Australia, recently passed 15,000 subscribers on Substack. Margaret Anna Alice recently passed 20,000. A worldwide 'Reignite Freedom' movement (50) is emergent, starting this past September from Victoria, Australia, and already has posted eight Steps for Global Walkout. (51) Also, the tirelessly helpful Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (the FLCCC) hosted more than 300--most of them Physicians and Nurses--(52) at the FLCCC's Educational Conference in Orlando, Florida, October 14 to 16. (53)’
The whole ‘Bill Gates Debugged after 24 Years’ piece over on leads, too, to a total of 55 Links and finishes with appreciation of the most popular movie in the United States during mid-September 2022, “The Woman King.”
We keep “pooshing”! ‘We are each responsible to all for all.’ And we all have beautiful necks!
Endnotes and Urls for PART ONE
8. Ibid.
10. 9. CBS News
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.

Please continue with PART TWO of ‘Bill Gates Debugged Over 24 Years: Prosecuting the Most Destructive Person Alive’ by clicking HERE.