Trump, CNN, NY Times, ... Caught Red-Handed! A Close Look at 92 seconds in the Attempted Impersonation of a Defiant Hero Shows Contradictions and Absurdities Galore
Let's not accept even a little Big Lie after all the B.L.'s we've been dealt in this century.
August 1, 2024
(Good news—much good news from music and the garden—tomorrow, but for today some images that may help to keep more Record of the Cartoonish Lies, Big and Small and Serial, that Big Corporate Media tries to sell so that all of its Anti-Human Nonsense, Bad Actors and Worse Theater, including Stock Puppets such as Donald Trump, is perpetuated.)
From July 13, 2024 onward, Headlines on Networks and on newspapers’ Front and Home pages have repeated, regarding gunshots that seemed to aim at Donald Trump during his Rally in Butler, northwest Pennsylvania: ‘Attempted Assassination’ or ‘Assassination Attempt’. One part was unvaried: ‘Assassination’ in the Headline.
The Candidate, U.S. President #45, had ‘survived’, Big Corporate Media and Big Social Media alike echoed, the ‘Attempted Assassination’ or “Asssassination Attempt’ by another lone-gunman (oh, Oswald; oh, James Earl Ray; oh, Sirhan; oh, Bremer; oh, Chapman; oh, Hinckley Jr.; oh, …). named Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20 years old, firing, it was reported, an ‘AR-15 style’ rifle. One Remington .223 bullet shot by Crooks, it was reported by Donald Trump and much Media, ‘pierced’ the former President’s right ear and left a wound 2 centimeters side.
The Event that favored Trump’s campaign. It immediately preceded Republicans’ National Convention the next week in Milwaukee. There nominee Trump, announced that J.D. Vance Ohio, 39-year-old Senator from Ohio. was his choice for running-mate and potential Vice-President.
Several crucial contradictions, however, belie the Official Story that the Trump campaign and Big Media of all means (do you doubt that X is any less Corporate than CNN or that Meta (Facebook) is any less a surveilling Strategic Partner of the World Economic Fortum than Microsoft or Dell) wishes to sell.
Let’s review them for our own Record. Let’s have fun with how absurd the fakery is. be
Below, please see Donald Trump’s right hand in the first second of his response to a trio of popping gunshots. You can watch, too, the whole 92 seconds of Trump’s essential performance on a video from ‘Tim Truth’ on his Bitchute channel, beginning at 10:29 and concluding with a farewell fist-pump form the Stage at 11:51, here.
Let us see what we can see. No red (‘blood’) on Trump’s right hand. No grimace, either, on the Candidate’s right cheek.
Look: Still no red (‘blood’). Still a cheek free of grimace. too.
Ah. but look again! Overnight, courtesy CNN and the New York Times et cetera: Red (‘blood’) on the index finger and middle finger of President 45’s right hand. A grimace to his profile is new, too.
There! Red (‘blood’), you see, and now it’s spread to one more finger of the grimacing President 45’s right hand.
Repeat, for emphasis, via CNN and NYT.
More detailed footage and exposure of lies is in the July 21 ‘Stands the Human Being’ Substack. The streaks of red defy Gravity … if there to be believed as blood.
Here’s a closer study of the ‘Magic Bullet’ for the Trump ‘Assassination Attempt’ 2024.
The New York Times and photographer Doug Mills are again Stage-Center
BELOW, however, is the Whopper among Whopper among Big Media’s inevitable Contradictions when they try to sell lies.
This one, I think, publicized and hyped by CNN, New York Times et cetera, presents two Beautiful-because-so-Clear Revelations of Nonsense..
ONE, the bullet supposed to be represented by that fingernail-width Whisp of Whiz behind Donald Trump AT LEAST 2 INCHES BELOW the upper right ear (hidden, or course) that it’s said (by the former President, no less) to have ‘pierced’ a milli-second earlier.
TWO, Trump’s right hand, palm front. Clean and clear of blood, of course. And just as clean and clear of blood as it showed in every one of the 92 seconds you may view again in Tim Truth’s video-analysis, 10:10 to 11:51.
For our Records, again. Forever.
By the way, you may be glad to see how fully recuperated is Trump’s right ear, 14 days after it was ‘pierced’ and—as he also wrote—’Much bleeding took place.’
Trump met Israeli head Puppet Benjamin Netanyahu on July 27.
Please view his right ear.
The right ear close-up, below. Remember that Trump’s M.D,, Ronny Jackson, wrote that the shooting, the ‘Attempted Assassination’, had left a ‘wound’ 2 centimeters wide (wider than a U.S. Dime)
Close-up from July 27 courtesy the Associated Press and Tim Truth. For our Records. Forever.
It seems to have been faked, yes. That's how I felt pretty much from the start. Still, many questions remain. Though it does looks like the ruling class and their uni-party politicians etc. have decided to select Trump as next POTUS - to further their globalist democide. I watched the Tim Truth video and I also subjected myself to at least an hour of reading comments - some of which were really insightful and interesting to me. The video was worthwhile. But for awhile I need to spend more time in the garden and spend my evenings reading novels...! It's so exhausting the LIES, LIES, LIES.