Two people in Haiti whom I especially admire wrote email responses to the Song/Poem “The Child Is Clever And The Child Is Strong.”
Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul, Principal of the College that she founded in 1974, College Canapé Vert in Port-au-Prince, wrote: 'Magnifique!' Check out, if you wlll, the truly magnficient Mme. FRANCK PAUL, 85 when the photo below was taken, 88 now, and her and her Team’s project to present the ability to read and write across Haiti through digital media—Lèkol Toupatou, or School Everywhere.
Lòlò of Boukman Eksperyans wrote: 'So beautiful! Paul, this one particularly touched me a lot. It will touch a lot of people.... You see clearly what's going on with their "vaccine". They cannot fool us anymore!! Money, Control ...
Thank you Don Paul. The Child is clever and strong!!!'
Above, Lòlò and MANZE and many children in Video for BOUKMAN EKSPERYANS’ 2021 Kananal Song—’Kan’w Pran’w Konen”!
“The Child Is Clever And The Child Is Strong”
The child is clever and the child is strong
The child asks why we can’t see what’s wrong
We children watch on Screens of Internet and TV.
We ask: How many must gasp? How many must die?
How many must clutch their chests,
Or their heads, and then writhe?
How many more Studies? How many more Panels?
How many more Lies?
How many more proofs that Corporations’
‘Vaccines’ for COVID DON’T WORK?
How many more Proofs of Ivermectin
And Hydroxychloroquine?
How many millions lives saved by these Drugs
In India and Peru?
How many millions more lives must be lost
In our Americas?
How many Pilots? How many Actors?
How many Athletes, young and old?
How many Teen-agers, Students, Lovers,
Seized and stricken before their careers begin?
How many Heart-Attacks will it take
Before you Ruling Few
Know that your Shots are NO GOOD for our health?
Ah, but you know—there’s the foul rub!
You knew all along that your shots must kill.
“Seven billion must take it,” said your boy Bill.
Yes, and now: "They don’t have a choice."
You Few order we Many, children too,
To take poisons so that you Few
May again do your worst--”cleansing”, you think,
Of Masses from our Earth.
Ah, but we know you
The small Few of you, now.
Now. We see through your lies
Like fire through glass burns grass.
We see through your Summits
Like private-jets burn gas.
We know how you wish to eat, drink
And be “happy” with us gone from our Earth.
Ah, that’s your dream—Treasures, you think, untold.
A United Nations of chipped slaves
Who won’t know enough to think or create—
Who’ll accept whatever abuse
Is force-fed through those Screens you own—
Who’ll bend and bark like a Biden to your bidding.
Who’ll jump like Trump to lead Operation Warp Speed
Whatever minds they have left a haze and a glaze.
Ah, but we’re HERE, we Young AND Old,
Eight billion indeed strong, surviving your Plagues,
Strong as the Genius given us by God and by Gods,
Centuries long. We’re boons born of our Ancestors.
We’re Promises of our Unborn. We’re so Man
And you in your Castles and silly Tombs
Are forever the Few.
You fear us, we know. We know what to do
We’ll leave your Banks—
Won’t bother so much as to burn ‘em down—
For truly new worlds, new worlds of our own.
Don Paul, First, Nov. 8, 2021. 2:30 a.m.
Below, a few Tools of the Ruling Few and Jokes that they think are fun. The photos and captions are drawn from ‘The Child Is Clever And The Child Is Strong’ and ‘OmniCon’ over on the Website.
‘Freedom from Mandated Poisons and Murderous Shots’
over on the Big Trunk of and its Flipping the Script blog.