6 Whoppers from the WHO. The 'CDC Museum Timeline', 2019-2020, Gives Us Ample Facts to Rout Executives from the WHO, May 27 to June 1, 2024.
Oh, the crimes unwittingly revealed by the United States' Centers for Disease Control!
The WHO Tells Us What. The CDC Heeds.
The WEF (the World Economic Forum) Tells Us What to Do: ‘Urgent Plans for a Vaccine.’
Donald John Trump nd the CDC Heed. The WHO Heeds. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Enables the CDC.
LOCKDOWNS … Make Multi-Billionaires More Than One Trillion in 12 Months.
DRUG DEALS … The Rush to ‘Vaccines’ and first in Billions of Dollars for Remdesivir, Pfizer and Moderna.
‘VACCINES’ RULE … Messenger RNA ‘Vaccines’ Are Approved by the FDA, the CDC and the WHO.
While writing another Substack post meant to further expose misdeeds by Executives of the World Health Organization such as Director General Tedros Adhanon Gebreyesus, I happened yesterday on a treasure-trove of a ‘Timeline’ from the United States’ Centers for Disease Control, the CDC Museum COVID-19 Timeline.
Below I group the Revealing Chronicle, its admissions and its omissions, into six chronological sequences. The Criminality and Stupidity that’s exposed should help the world’s public reject WHO executives grab for more powers to invade Nations and serve their masters in the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates principal.
As Dr. Meryl Nass and attorneyThi Tuy Van Dinh related this past April: ‘The current draft of the IHR Amendments would allow the Director-General of WHO or Regional Directors to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), or the potential for one, without meeting any specific criteria (Article 12). The WHO would then assume management of the PHEIC and issue binding directives to concerned States.’
Review, please, the WHO declarations and approvals that brought millions of needless injuries and deaths into our world ,,, outside non-compliant Africa.
Africa has 17% of people on Earth and 4% of all deaths attributed to COVID-19. Africa is, as you see above from August 16, 2022, by far the least ‘vaccinated’ Continent.
The WHO Tells Us What. The CDC Heeds.
The WEF (the World Economic Forum) Tells Us What to Do: ‘Urgent Plans for a Vaccine.’
Donald John Trump nd the CDC Heed. The WHO Heeds. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Enables the CDC.
LOCKDOWNS … Make Multi-Billionaires More Than One Trillion in 12 Months.
DRUG DEALS … The Rush to ‘Vaccines’ and first in Billions of Dollars for Remdesivir, Pfizer and Moderna.
‘VACCINES’ RULE … Messenger RNA ‘Vaccines’ Are Approved by the FDA, the CDC and the WHO.
Again We Stand before a Choice. Billions’ Suffering Tells Us What to Do with Executives Guilty in the WHO, May 27, 2024 and onward.
The U.S. CDC’simeline’ fulfills its caption’s promise.
It does provides ‘select’ moments’ from the ‘Global Pandemic’ declared by the United Nations’ World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, one month to the day after the WHO named its designated Corooavirus SARS-Cov-2 (Southeast Asia Respiratory Syndrome …) the easily remembered “COVID-19’.
The CDC Museum’s Timeline extends from December 3, 2019 to July 8, 2022.
The WHO and the People’s Republic of China Tell Us What. The CDC and the FDA Heed.
The WEF (the World Economic Forum) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Let Us Know about Another Global Health Crisis and ‘Urgent Plans for a Vaccine’.
Omitted from the CDC Timeline are events centered in the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that bear directly on the WHO-declared ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern.’ The WEF and the BMGF co-sponsored, with the Bloomberg School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, on October 18, 2019 a ‘Table-Top’ simulation of a ‘Global Pandemi’ from 18 months’ spread of a Novel Coronavirus. That simulated Pandemic killed 65 million people.
On January 24, 2020, the WEF’s Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland issued into remarks that revealed the WEF’s agenda starkly and stupidly (‘What we know about the Wuhan coronavirus and urgent plans to develop a vaccine’) (and the clumsy cartoons supposed to explain origins of the ‘Wuhan coronavirus’. (Seafood market. Bats. Et cetera. 3)
The WHO Heeds. The Trump Administraton and the CDC Heed. The WHO Declares a ‘Pandemic’ with 4.291 Dead in 9 Weeks. Trump Ad. Issues Travel-Ban. New York Closes Schools. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Enables the CDC to Diagnose COVID-19 without testing.
LOCKDOWNS … California’s Stay-at-Home Order. Trump Admin. Extends Social-Distancing Measures. Fauci and Birx Predict 100,00s Deaths. Humans’ Eyes Found to Transmit ‘COVID’…. LOCKDOWNS Make Multi-Billionaires More Than One Trillion in 12 Months.
DRUG DEALS, March to August 2020 … The Rush to ‘Vaccines’ and first in Billions of Dollars for Remdesivir, Pfizer and Moderna. Moderna in play by March 17 2020. FDA approves Remdesivir on May 1. The CDC Launches More Acroynyms (SPHERES) for Tracking Americans. Cats found to transmit COVID-19. The WHO re-convenes and re-affirms ‘Emergency’. Trump trumpets ‘Operation Warp Speed’ on May 14. Gilead charges $520 per Vial for Remdesivir. Trump Ad buys all available Remdesivir. Trump Ad gives $100 million to Moderna and U.S. Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense give Pfizer $100 million their ‘Vaccines’ in progress.
Trump acutally announces ‘Operation Warp Speed’ on May 14.
‘VACCINES’ RULE … Messenger RNA ‘Vaccines’ Are Approved by the FDA, the CDC and the WHO. One month into 2021, the number of dead from the ‘vaccines rises fast into the hundreds.
The CDC Advisory Committe on Immunization Practices, 13 or so Physicians and/or Medical Professors, top-lists ‘health=-care professionals’ and elderly ‘in long-term cae facilties’ for ‘a vaccine;.
The FDA and the ACIP chime.
Moderna is next.
Pfizer receives order for 100 million more doses from Trump.
The U.K. chooses the remarkably ready (530,000 doses) ‘Oxford University/ AstraZeneca COVID=19 VACCINE.’
The WHO once more is true to its private funders, giving Pfzer /BioNTech the WHO’s ‘first emergency use validation for a COVID-18 vaccaine.’
The WHO indeed ‘opens the door’ across Continents, one month after the WHO announced findings from Wuhan City.
The WHO’s Emergency Use Listing (EUL) opens the door for countries to expedite their own regulatory approval processes to import and administer the vaccine. It also enables UNICEF and the Pan-American Health Organization to procure the vaccine for distribution to countries in need.’
Countries report over 100 dead, most of them after their COVID-pretext shots, by the end of January 2021. I recount them in the ‘Monsters Mentor Monster’ piece that’s #3 in my ‘Refusing the Great Reset’ series on the Flipping the Script blog of donpaulwearerec.com Website.
Then indeed was a fraught time of millions unto billions being bamboozled and bullied. On Christmas Day of 2020 I’d written warnings meant to wake up the endangered, #10 in ‘The Choice Is Us’ series.
‘The merriest of Christmases and happiest of Holidays to all!
May you be gathering with loved ones! May you be laughing without masks!
All of us are, however, suffering under pretexts from "the COVID" in this season.
Health-care workers are suffering from contradictions, knowing how limited in protection but perhaps boundless in injury Pfizer's and Moderna's mRNA shots are. Small-business owners, shut down again by Governors' and Mayors' orders, suffer from loss of livelihoods. Patients locked down in Nursing Homes remain the most vulnerable of all affected by "the COVID" and its pretexts. All across societies are the millions unto billions deprived and isolated since "the COVID" came up as an Act of Terror and Tyranny last February and March.
We're now, I think, at a most dangerous stage of the Nightmares of Nonsense we've undergone under cover of "the COVID.". The messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines of the Pfizer and Moderna Corporations are rolling out in doses of hundreds thousands, meant for hundreds millions, across the U.S. and U.K. Already Pfizer's mRNA vaccine has done harm that no free people should accept. On December 19 the U. S. Centers for Disease Control issued a update. (3) The CDC's reported presented lines of information. It showed that 112,807 'registrants' had taken their '1st dose' of the Pfizer's two-shot schedule and it showed that 3,150 of these registrants had undergone 'Health impact events'.The CDC document defines 'Health impact event' as meaning that those subjected to Pfizer's shots were 'unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.'
Again We Stand before a Choice. The Billions Who Have Suffered from ‘COVID’ Pretexts, January 2020 into Now, Tell Us What to Do with Executives Guilty in the WHO, May 27, 2024 onward.
Across Africa, Nations are removing Troops and Currencies that had held them in thrall to Colonial Empires. Burkina Faso, Mail, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone, … South Africa is already joined with 19 other Nations for systems of Trade outside the dominion of Banks based in city that’s home to the United Nations’ World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum. We may fast be seeing more of new dawns everywhere—as soon as May