And BEAUTIFUL, beautiful, beautiful

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YES INDEED !! ALL PRAISE to each and every one whose combined musical and lyrical powers have created these LOUISIANA STORIES. ( I concur with Kate Smith quoted above that this album deserves an award in NOLA Hall of Fame and placement in its Historical Archives of Louisiana -

because it is so comprehensive, original and visionary. ) This album just cannot be resisted! The invitation to enter its richly imagined - and lived- world is just too strong. The incantatory power of the poet's voice joined with the sensitivity and genius of the collective talents of these fine, beloved musicians/singers is so exciting, moving, intimate, free....down-to-earth and sky soaring, river flowing and soul scorching. Everything coming together on the verge of falling apart. The new world we want to birth but bringing with us all the knowledge of the ancestors. I will listen and listen and dream and believe. Much gratitude for the generous gifts and truly marvelous achievement.

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WOW! This is wonderful as expression in itself, YVONNE, and I so look forward to passing your response along to RIVERS ANSWER MOONS. YES INDEED, indeed, they're G-R-E-A-T--ROGER LEWIS, KIRK JOSEPH, DON VAPPIE, HERMAN LEBEAUX, and ALEXEY MARTI. Plus our guests from Acadiana, LOUIS MICHOT and ANDRE MICHOT. Plus, HERLIN RILEY MICHAEL TORREGANO JR., ERICA FALLS, and LYNN DRURY. Big, big GIVERS. Like your words here!

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