Directed Energy Weaponry (D.E.W.) in Lahaina, California, Oregon, Greece, Australia, ... Fire that Melts Metal but Does Not Burn Trees.
Lasers Are Short Goods for 2024 Warfare (They Can't Combat Hypersonic Missiles), but Lasers Can Produce Precise Ruin for Natural Environments and Incinerate Communitites. Know Our Enemy.
One year ago I brought out ‘The Lahaiana Massacre’ after 18 days of researching devastations to that paridisdal coastal Town, Lahaina, on the Island of Maui, Hawaii.
The whole Post can be read here
Its Contents are:
What I want to bring you today, August 23, 2024, are the sections on ‘Heat that Burns Metal and Not Trees’ and on ‘Directed Energy Weapons …’
Then I hope to show you that even the most capable of ‘laser weapons’, or ‘Directed Energy Weaonry’, up to 500 kilowatts in their beams, as advertised by Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman and RTX (Raytheon), can’t so much as divert, much less explode or otherwise stop, the ‘hypersonic missiles’ deployed in, say, the Ukraine.
That is: ‘In late July, Lockheed Martin announced plans to field a 500kW-class laser which will offer a number of new defense possibilities but will still fall well short of being able to stop an inbound hypersonic missile.’
That is: The D.E.W. sold by Lockheed Martin et cetera have negligible utility in modern warfare between the major Nation-States. These D.E.W. can, however, produce unprecedented ruin and carnage in natural and civilian environments.
Let’s jump, then. back to what we may learn from evidence available in August 2023.
Let us now compare ‘wildfires’ and their ‘aftermath’.
Let’s look first t the “damage done” by the ‘Camp Fire’ that destroyed 18,800 buildings and took at least 84 lives in Butte County and the town of Paradise, Calfornina in October 2018 … the Camp Fire for which Pacific Gas & Electric pled Guilty.
NBC News reported.
‘California utility company Pacific Gas & Electric pleaded guilty Tuesday to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter for causing the deadly and massive Camp Fire, which tore through communities in the northern part of the state in 2018 in what is considered the worst wildfire in modern state history [ …. ]
The deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California history claimed more than 18,800 structures, including 13,696 single-family homes and 528 businesses.’ (16)
[We can learn much from the voluminous and many-linked Chemtrail Planet Website and its Directed Energy Weapons tab. ]
‘An Australian researcher has gathered hundreds of videos and print documents on his webpage, Directed Energy Weapons. He writes: ‘The evidence I present on this page to back up my writings is massive--many pictures and screen captures, links, pdfs and 103 videos. (17)
Many of the video-stills on this page are remindful of destruction to Lahaina.
You may remember the screen-shot above from CBS News on August 23, with reporter Jonathan Vigliotta inset beside a swath of incinerated lots in Lahaina Town. (18)
Look now, please, at the aerial photo of homes’ lots in Paradise, California after the ‘Camp Fire’ of November 2018. Read the commentary, too, please.
Another pair of images from Paradise, California show an even starker cut-out of houses incinerated while Douglas Fir and Pine tree stand intact. What kind of fire in a forest during height of “the dry, hot season’ in the Sierra Nevada does not burn Conifer trees such as these. Lots with buildings whole are arrayed in the Before-Fire aerial photo. Lots are destroyed to bare ground in the After-Fire photo. While the Doug Fir and Pine trees stand the same, Before and After.
On August 12 the BBC presented Before and After aerial photos
The BBC, you may read, ascribes the incinerated lots of Banyan Court to ‘a wildfire that tore through the heart of the Hawaiian Island.’
A link from the Directed Energy Weapons web-page takes us to video of a homegrown experiment that may explain how vegetation endures while metal and concrete burn or disintegrate.
A YouTube poster named Max Mogren placed grass, pine needles and aspen leaves from his Wyoming home country into a microwave oven in November 2018. His demonstration-video is titled How to Start a Catastrophic California Wildfire with Microwaves: DEW 101 .
The grass and needles and leaves did not burn throughout their two minutes in the microwave, whereas metal ignited within a few seconds.
What kind of heat sets fire to metal and not to vegetation?
Physicist Dr. Claudia Albers in her video below points to Directed Energy Weaponry—such as already tested and publicized by Lockheed Martin and Northrup Grumman and Raytheon—whose lasers are accelerated to frequencies with enough energy to liquify metal and “dustify” concrete.
Around 6:10 in her video. Dr. Alberts presents ‘Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) which generate high energy laser beams at various frequencies, mounted on aircraft.’
Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman and Raytheon have tested Directed Energy Weapons and competed since the 1980s, at the latest, for contracts with the United States’ Department of Defense, Air Force, Army and Navy. Their DEWs fire from airborne and land-based sources and can even be shot by hand-held guns.
Each contractor boasts of improving its DEWs during our COVID years.
Lockheed Martin in July 2022, according to EurAsia Times. (22) ‘In July this year, U.S. lawmakers asked the armed services to expedite efforts toward developing Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs). The U.S. defense industrial complex has been testing High beam laser weapons in conjunction with the military at an unprecedented speed.
U.S. Defense giant Lockheed Martin recently revealed that it had delivered a 300-kilowatt laser to the Defense Department for use in future Army high-energy laser demonstrations. It is the highest-powered laser to date for the U.S. Department Of Defense.’ The Motley Fool treat this advance as an investment-opportunity. (23)
Northrup Grumman,on August 2023 website presents new ‘Directed Energy’ weapons. (24)
Raytheon, Autumn of 2022 into June 2023. ‘MCKINNEY, Texas, June 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Last fall, the U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center and Raytheon Technologies successfully tested the Air Force's first palletized high-energy laser weapon during four days of continuous live-fire exercises at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
The new palletized laser weapon was the first 10-kilowatt laser built to U.S. military specifications in a stand-alone configuration that can be moved and mounted anywhere it's needed. Known as "H4," it is the fourth operational laser weapon system that Raytheon Technologies has delivered to the Air Force and is the eighth total system the company has delivered to the US Department of Defense.’ (25)
Yes—Yes—and Yes….
We return to Physcist Dr. Claudia Albers. She offers several other sizes and modes of DEWs.
Dr/ Albers shows an SUV from a California ‘wildfire’ of 2017, burnt-out to blackened shell on a road before trees that are still green … with metal from the SUV’s right rear-wheel assembly liquified and hardened into tongues of silver. She says that to liquify metal fire must rise hot as 2700• Fahrenheit—not possible for a ‘wildfire.’
We return to Lahaina.
We look more closely at cars burnt-out and steel buildings mangled beside the Harbor’s wall at 2:41 in the KITV video of August 22. We againt see trees standing.
We remember the trees standing by house-lots incinerated to their foundations in Paradise, California.
We remember the trees standing beside an evident house-lot incinerated during one of Warren Buffett’s PacificCorp fires in Oregon, 2020.
We crop and zoom to examine a sedan burnt-out among the crumpled jumble and straggle trapped along the Lahaina harborside road.
We zoom more on the sedan’s left rear tire wheel-assembly. We see escaped from it same liquified and then hardened silver metal.
We remember victims’ stories. We remember victims caught within the inferno that visited Lahaina. CBS has told us about them.
Keyiro Fuentes, 14, was found by his adoptive mother, Luz Vargas, on Thursday, August 10, inside their house. The young teen-ager was clutching the family’s dog. Both were dead. We recall that Kevin Tanaka as a son-in-law, brother-in-law and uncle lost four relatives, … as ‘his wife’s parents, sister and 7-year-old nephew all died in the wildfire "while attempting to flee." ‘ We remember Kevin and his wife Saane are ‘now sheltering the rest of the family who was able to evacuate in time in their own home. With now 16-20 people living in their house, Kevin is concerned with keeping everyone safe, especially given the traumatic circumstances." ‘
We receive the stories, we see the evidence, and we know we’re witnessing a massacre.’
August 2024 What
The piece by Alex Hollings of October 5, 2023 in The National Interest includes praise for advances in laser weaponry.
‘Today, solid-state lasers are an increasingly promising technology, with numerous developmental efforts ongoing and a number of laser systems already deployed on U.S. Navy vessels.
The U.S. Navy first installed a laser on one of its warships in 2014 in the 33-kilowatt AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System (LaWS), with the stronger 60-kilowatt HELIOS, or High-Energy Laser with Integrated Optical Dazzler and Surveillance system, following in 2019. The Navy believes HELIOS will eventually be able to output as much as 150 kilowatts. It wants to begin testing the 300-kW HELCAP, short for High Energy Laser Counter Anti-ship Cruise missile Program, next year.
In September of last year, Lockheed Martin delivered the most powerful tactical laser fielded to date, the 300-kW-class Indirect Fires Protection Capability-High Energy Laser (IFPC-HEL), to the U.S. Army. This system delivers only about 1/3 of the power output provided by the massive MIRACL from the 1980s, but is compact enough to be carried by a single truck or inside the fuselage of a variety of aircraft.’
BUT ‘several serious technological limitations’ prevent lasers ‘from being used to take down incoming hypersonic, or even ballistic, missiles.’
They lack enough power to quickly disable even a cruise missile.
They need a sight-line to attack their target. ‘Hypersonic weapons like China’s DF-ZF may be traveling at 2 miles per second or even faster, meaning there would be precious little time to actually destroy the weapon by the time it appeared in the lasers’ line of sight.’
Their beam diffuses due to pollution and turbulence in an atmosphere.
Lasers’ own heat ‘ultimately defocuses the laser beam.’
When and where lasers—Directed Energy Weaponry, or D.E.W.—can attack a people who have no suspicion, much less defense, against such attack—a population sleeping, say. or attending School, say—or starting work on Monday morning in skyscrapers of Lower Manhattan—or enjoying surf and sun, say—Directed Energy Weaponry, D.E.W., can work like the Devil’s own most overwhelming and ruthless tool.
Please see, for more about wonderful people of Lahaina, the August 2023 Post.
Dr. Albers is known for her research on planet X and she hasn't posted since May. Your links from this article are no longer viable sources on her comment on DEWS and I cannot find anything on line with her discussion of DEWS. I suggest looking into Morfius, a more likely candidate responsible due to its small size and capability.