
Thanks, MICHAEL. Yes, ABBY was there among the 23 unanimously voting to charge GIULIANI and JEROME HAUER with 'Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder'--plua 14 more, including Siilverstein, Peterson, Bremer, and Rockefeller, through Jurors' Presentments. She's on tape, too, leading a March for (/11 Truth and Justice in L.A, soon after the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury. Her shift appears to coincide with RTr raising her profile. Of course it's indefensible to contend that " '9/11' " is NOT an Inside Job. Thanks for the heads-up and the clear slght!

Please Share this one around, if you're so disposed, as Facebook promptly removed it and Twitter/X shadow-bans me.

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Abby Martin huh? Here she is telling us it is "batshit crazy" to think that 9/11 was an inside job at the 20 minute mark. I used to like her schtick, but her throwing 9/11 Truth under the bus was a big wake-up call. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmgzX-GsrN0

Good post, thanks.

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