9/11 Guilt--"One Act of Terror, One War, to the Next"
From the closing minutes of Presentation recording for the 2005 Los Angeles Citizens' Grand Jury. Video and (NON-A.I.-generated) Transcript.
On a weekday evening of late August 2005 Jim Hoffman and I recorded Presentantions for the second convening of the Los Angeles Citizen’s Grand Jury on the Crimes of 9/11/01. The Citizens’ Grand Jury in L.A. was again organized by Lynn Pence and Kathleen Rosenblatt. Jim’s and my videographers were Celestine Star, whom we’d met in Toronto in May 2004, and Ken Jenkins. Our setting was the Humanist Hall, nearby Lake Merritt in Oakland, CA.
Jim’s and my intention always was to create a DVD that would provide undeniable evidence for controlled demolition of the World Trade Center’s 110-story Twin Towers and 47-story Building 7 on the morning of “ ‘9/11’ “ AND to provide multi-layered pathways to “the financiers”, as I say in the video below, ‘who profited most integrally from the terrible crimes of 9/11/01” and from “the even more terrible crimes that followed in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Over the four months following our “live”, say, presentations for the cameras of Ken and Celestine, Jim and I worked hundreds of hours in editing with her. Celestine was (and is) great. Her grandson—then about age 5—was great. He and I often dueled as imaginary warriors, greeting each other with shouted Brand Names that carried, we felt, a nice, martial sound. “Hi-Tachi! To-Shiba! Mit-Su-Bishi!”
The editing was painstaking but gratifying work. It benefited immeasurably from Jim’s already mountainous research and fine eye. It came alive through Celestine’s pacing and through the revealing and sometimes searing images that she chose to illustrate the content of my amateur Chief Prosecutor’s expositions and analyses.
You can see Celestine’s choices below, in the 2:06 excerpted from my, say, summation. They convey, I think, realities that Networks’ News seldom give us.. Awful people’s suffering on 9/11/01 and in the Wars that ensued “ ‘9/11’ “ in Afghanistan and Iraq. Her images help to offset pauses in my talk that owe to its being entirely improvised. “The halting is not bad,” Jim said. “It adds weight, even. It’s a great speech,”
The DVD “9/11 GUILT / THE PROOF IS IN YOUR HANDS” had its “premieres”, say, in northern California, March 2006, after a house-preview that Lynn and Kathleen made happen in L.A. prior to my moving to New Orleans for work with Common Ground. It was pirated quite a lot—37,000+ Downloads on Pirate Bay—and the appropriators in England gave it superior, I thought, packaging—and hundreds thousands took it in round the world.
The DVD remains available through Jim’s great, pioneering Websites, led by wtc7.net.
Excerpts from it can be seen on Celestine’s YouTube channel for her GoldenStar Productions.
Below is my edit, meant to highlight our “truly happy and liberating task” of identifying the CRIMINALS who have plagued us especially from “ ‘9/11’ “ onward.
“And we need to examine what has happened to our United States through its manipulation by the very financiers we can see as profiting most integrally from the terrible crimes of 9/11/01, and the even more terrible crimes that ensued from the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
We really have to look at the very center of the world we inhabit.
And I think that is the truly happy and liberating aspect of our task. Because once we begin to see to the bottom of 9/11/01, we can really begin to consider alternatives that are there for us in terms of changing, ah, our way of life and of somehow combatting the situations we’re put in,
Because I think 9/11/01 was evidence of the entire desperation of the economic system we inhabit. If you look at the amounts of Debt that have been contracted by the world’s leading financial Institutions—JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank—the trillions of dollars in Liabilities that they hold in Debt from Derivatives, you see that they can ONLY go from one Act of Terror, one War, to the next, in order to sustain themselves.
And they can ONLY sustain themselves through SACRIFICING US, sacrificing us on days like 9/11/01, when more than two thousand innocent people perished in the fall of those Towers.
Sacrificing us in Deserts of Iraq Afghanistan and Iraq.
U.S. Servicemen.
And, more importantly, to me, sacrificing so many more thousands and millions of the world’s people, to sustain a basically irrational and destructive economic engine.”