9/11 Guilt--EXPLOSIONS. Jim Hoffman's slides of FDNY and EMS workers reporting "Boom-Boom-Boom" sounds like "Bombs" as each WTC Twin Tower fell. His and Celestine's exquisite and harrowing video!
JIM HOFFMAN assembled statements from Fire Department of New York and Emergency Medical Technician workers who survived 9/11/01. He and CELESTINE STAR touch deeply.
As Jim and Celestine and I progressed with our “9/11 GUILT / The Proof Is in Your Hands” DVD between September and December 2004—and I exchanged martial greeting with Celestine’s grand-son every visit to the makeshift editing-studio set up by her kitchen—we came to want more for our Contents.
More that 1) brought out Firefighters’ and Emergency Medical Technicians’ responses as the Twin Towers’ unimaginable destruction as that destruction literally exploded around them and 2) chronicled entities (to wit, the United States’ Federal Reserve System, begat in 1913, and the Council on Foreign Relations, spawned in 1922, one year after Great Britain’s Royal Institute of International Affairs) that our research had identified as benefiting from destruction of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building 7 and the consequent “ ‘War on Terror’ “ as well as benefiting from “ ‘Pearl Harbor’ “ and other False-Flag Attacks.
Thanks again to Jim and Celestine—and to the HUNDREDS MORE who worked with us, regarding crimes of “ ‘9/11/01’ “, circa 2005.
Please see Substacks from September 2023 about “Brave Firefighters in the Twin Towers’ and similarly ‘Brave’ folks in the San Diego Citizens’ Grand Jury on the crimes of September 11, 2001 in New York City.