" '9/11' "--25 Persons Charged by the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury with Crimes Relating to 9/11/01 in New York City. Biographies with Dozens' Links
Please consider this Post as a Resource, dear Readers. Share its parts as you wish. We may THANK again the 23 BRAVE Grand Jurors for Work at San Diego State University, April 14,, 2007.
Sept. 14, 2024
Well, the semi-Hurricane Francine blew through greater New Orleans this past Wednesday. As rain sheeted sideways and even mighty Okra bowed, electricity went out t’ home here about 8:00 … returned yestrerday afternoon. And so this Post with its renewed praise for the Citizen Grand Jurors of April 14, 2007 and its expanded Biographies of Suspects (expanded from last September’s Post on the San Diego Citizens’ Grand Jury at San Diego State University and their “tree-mendous” accomplishment over eight hours of evidence, deliberations, and decisions) is two days’ delayed.
‘Details, details, details,’ Dostoyevsky (who knew something about crime and punishment) enjoined himself. What we have here, below, among the 25 summary Biographies of Suspects charged under five categories of Crimes, culminating in the 16 persons charged with ‘Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder’ under Indictment (two, my chosen suspects, Rudolph Giuliani and Jerome Hauer) or Presentment (14, accused ‘by the grand jury on its own knowledge’, including ‘developers’ such as Larry Silverstein and financiers and Chairmen such as Peter G. Peterson, Maurice Greenberg, and David Rockefeller) … amounts, I think, to a great Testament to both presenters (Chief Investigator JIM HOFFMAN, Expert Witness RICHARD GAGE, Expert Witness pilot TED MUGA, Expert Witnessnes STEVEN JONES and KEVIN RYAN) and to Jurors. You may know some for their journalism—yes, that’s ABBY MARTIN with right arm raised high for the Charge against Giuliani in upper-right-corner of the video-still below. This hard-won Theatrical Event, the San Diego Citizens’ Grand Jury, serves still as a TEMPLATE for citizens anywhere, in any Nation, to investigate the Big Lies that have wounded and—yes, too—murdered humanity so grossly and grievously in this 21st century, from “ ‘9/11’ “ into “COVID-19’ “ and our very present, 2024, … and to demand justice and break free from Criminals’ Tyranny.
The following 12 pages are also printed in the PDF for my late-2008 book, The World Is Turning: ‘ ‘9/11’ “, the Movement for Justice, and Reclaiming America for the World, available on the Ur!Light.com Website.
‘The following Charges, Indictments and Presentments were reached by majority-vote of the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury in the final stage of our proceedings on April 14, 2007.
An Indictment is delivered by the Grand Jury against a person introduced to them by the Chief Prosecutor. A Presentment is delivered against a person by the Grand Jury's initiative. That is, a Presentment 'is an accusation issued by the grand jury on its own knowledge, without any bill of indictment having been previously drawn up by the prosecutor'-- Columbia University Press Encyclopedia.
Our Charges are hybrids, drawn from popular, centuries-old concerns of Common Law and from language embodied in many State and Federal statutes.
Each of the Charges below bear on the perpetration of Capital Crimes:
1. Destruction of Evidence
2. Obstruction of Justice
3. Negligence Resulting in Wrongful Death
4. Conspiracy to Defraud Private Individuals and the Public Interest through Acts of Terror that Furthered Legal and Illegal Profits
5. Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder.
URLs to articles about the individuals whom the Grand Jury wished to further investigate are listed underneath brief biographies of each of these individuals. The articles may help others to research details of definite connections and possible conspiracies among suspected persons. To help with connecting them to each other, the name of any such individual is capitalized and bold-faced in all of the Charges and brief biographies below.
Mayor of New York City between 1994-12/31/2001, collaborating with JEROME HAUER as his Director of Emergency Management between 1996-2000; Assistant U. S. District Attorney in the Southern District of New York 1970-1975, collaborating with Jules Kroll; Associate Attorney General of the United States 1981-83; U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York 1983-89, collaborating with Michael Chertoff, MICHAEL CHERKASKY and ELIOT SPITZER.
Useful articles about RUDOLPH GIULIANI, Mayor of New York City on 9/11/01: http://www.boston.com/news/daily/26/photo_ban.htm http://www.usatoday.com/news/nphoto.htm http://www.china.org.cn/english/2002/Jan/25776.htm http://www.fireengineering.com/login/index.htm
THOMAS VON ESSEN: Fire Commissioner of New York City 1996-12/31/2001.
Useful articles about firefighters' complaints on lack of investigation into the crimes and crime-scenes of 9/11/01:
JAMES KALLSTROM: Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) Agent in New York City between 1971-1997.
Senior Advisor for Counter-Terrorism to the Governor of the State of New York from 2002 to present. Member of Board of Directors of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation from 2002 to present. (According to its Website: 'The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation was created in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 by then-Governor Pataki and then-Mayor Giuliani to help plan and coordinate the rebuilding and revitalization of Lower Manhattan, defined as everything south of Houston Street. The LMDC is a joint State-City corporation governed by a 16-member Board of Directors, half appointed by the Governor of New York and half by the Mayor of New York.')
Please see JAMES ADEN’s very useful article (of October 5, 2001!) about F.B.I. involvement in the 1993 bombing of the Twin Towers and the F.B.I.'s subsequent cover-up of said involvement.
Please also see useful biographies of multiply connected Board of Directors of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation: http:www.serendipity.li/wot/adam.htm http://www.renewnyc.com/AboutUs/board.asp
THOMAS PICKARD: Acting Director of the F.B.I. between June 25, 2001-September 4, 2001.
Special Agent in the F.B.I.'s New York City office 1975-1979. Supervisor and Assistant Special Agent for White-Collar Crime in N.Y.C. 1984-1989. Special Agent in Charge of the National Security Division in N.Y.C., supervising trials of defendants in the first Twin Towers' bombing (collaborating with MICHAEL CHERKASKY, ELIOT SPITZER and JAMES KALLSTROM), and of the Manila Air conviction of Ramzi Youssef, and of the TWA Flight 800 explosion, between 1993-1996.
Useful articles: http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101020603/memo.html www.projectcensored.org/newsflash/unanswered_questions_911.html http://www.democraticunderground.com/articles/ 02/09/26_failed.html
ROBERT MUELLER: Director of the F.B.I. from September 4, 2001 to present.
Useful articles about F.B.I. involvement in the production or confiscation of evidence that bears on the 9/11/01 attacks in the United States:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/articles/ 02/09/26_failed.html http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/speeches/speech041902.htm http://web.archive.org/web/20041030023935/http:/www.philly.com/ mld/dailynews/news/local/10033802.htm
JANET RENO: Attorney General of the United States between 1993-2000.
Useful records about U. S. Government's misrepresentation or confiscation of evidence that bears on the 1993 bombing of the Twin Towers and the 1995 bombing of Oklahoma City's Murrah Federal Building.
http:www.serendipity.li/wot/adam.htm http://www.all-natural.com/oklahoma.html
"Cover-Up in Oklahoma City" video by Jerry Longspagh
MICHAEL CHERKASKY: Various jobs in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office between 1978-94 (Chief of Investigations into crimes of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International and into the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center Twin Towers).
Various jobs at Kroll and Associates security-firm (contracted to improve security at the World Trade Center after the 1993 bombing there). Chief Executive Officer of Kroll, Incorporated between May 2001 and October 2004. CEO and President of Marsh & McClennan insurance-firm from October 2004 to present.
Useful links about the career and connections of Michael Cherkasky, about oversight of security at the Twin Towers from August 2001 to September 11, 2001, and about apparent suppression of evidence after recovery of hard-drives from wreckage of the Twin Towers:
http://www.usatoday.com/educate/college/careers/profile40.html http://www.pbs.org/wsw/tvprogram/20030912.html http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/VonBuelow.html
JEROME HAUER: Director of Mayor RUDOLPH GIULIANI's Office of Emergency Management between February 1996 and March 2000 (where he was primary in building the City's Emergency Command Center on the 23rd floor of the World Trade Center Building 7 and in warning about emergence of the West Nile Virus one year before it appeared in New York City.
Managing Director of Kroll, Inc. on 9/11/01 (when he advised Dan Rather of CBS that demolition had not brought down a Twin Tower and that the day's attacks bore "the fingerprints of Osama bin Laden"; Senior Adviser to U. S. Secretary of Health and Human Services for National Security and Emergency Management between June 2001 and November 2003; coordinator of the National Institute of Health's investigation of anthrax deaths in Fall of 2001, deaths that came from the Ames strain of anthrax thought to be available only at the U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Maryland, the N.I.H. investigation producing no suspects named by Jerome Hauer except Osama bin Laden and al Queda; current Director on the Boards of the companies Emergent Biosolutions and San Diego-based Hollis Eden Pharmaceuticals.
Useful articles about the career and connections of Jerome Hauer, about warnings of attacks on the Twin Towers, and about selective warnings against exposure to anthrax from September 11, 2001 onward:
http://www.saic.com/news/nov99/news11-30a-99.html http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free ww3/121505_jerome_hauer.shtml
post911timeline.org/article006.html http://911research.wtc7.net/cache/wtc/analysis/wtc7/ nty_burningdiesel.html http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/background/wtc7/html
GEORGE W. BUSH: President of the United States 2001 to present.
Useful articles about U. S. Government agencies' confiscation of evidence about the crimes of 9/11/01 and to Presidential resistance toward independent investigation of said crimes:
http://911independentcommission.org/questions.html http://tvnewslies.org/html/covering_up.html
JOHN ASHCROFT: Attorney General of the United States between 2001-2005.
Useful articles about aforesaid confiscation of evidence: http://911independentcommission.org/questions.html http://tvnewslies.org/html/covering_up.html
LOUIS FREEH: Director of the F.B.I. 1993-2001;
F. B. I. Special Agent in New York City and Washington DC offices 1975-1981; Assistant U..S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York 1981-1990; U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York, appointed by President George H. W. Bush, 1991-93.
Useful articles:
www.gnn.tv/threads/11866/ http://physics911.ca/pdf/2005/briley_batf_blocked.pdf http:www.serendipity.li/wot/adam.htm
LARRY SILVERSTEIN: Primary lease-holder of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Buildings 4, 5, and 6 on 9/11/01, as the group he led took official possession of the properties from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey seven weeks earlier; developer and primary owner of World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11/01.
Recipient of insurance-awards worth hundreds of millions of dollars (WTC 7) or $4.55 billion dollars (the Twin Towers) since 9/11/01; interviewee who told the Public Broadcasting System documentary 'America Rebuilds' of September 2002 that he and a New York Fire Department Commander had jointly decided about WTC 7 on 9/11/01 to "pull it."
Useful articles: http://www.wanttoknow.info/070320worldtradecenter7wtc7collapse
http://www.panynj.gov/pr/pressrelease.php3?id=80 http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_ch5.pdf http://physics911.net/stevenjones
ELIOT SPITZER: Attorney General for the State of New York between 1999-2006; disregarded a 'Petition' by more than 14,000 signatories, including dozens of 9/11/01 victims' family-members, accompanied by a Citizens' Complaint, to investigate unanswered questions about that day's crimes;
Assistant District Attorney in Manhattan 1986-92, working with MICHAEL CHERKASKY, at the same time as the current Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, worked with RUDOLPH GIULIANI in the Manhattan U. S. Attorney's office; current Governor of the State of New York.
Useful article: http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20041026093059633
PHILLIP ZELIKOW: Executive Director of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the 9/11 Commission or the Kean/Hamilton Commission) between 2002-2004;
Various jobs with U. S. State Department during the Reagan Administration; member of the National Security Council with Condoleeza Rice in the George H. W. Bush Administration; co- author with Ashton Carter and John Deutsch of the 1998 article 'Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger' in the Council on Foreign Relations' quarterly, Foreign Affairs ('Like Pearl Harbor, the event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States might respond with draconian measures, ...'); selected by Condoleeza Rice to author paper on U. S. 'national security strategy' in September 2002.
Useful links to pieces about misinformation and oversights in the 9/11 Commission Report and within the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States:
http://911research.wtc7.net/post911/commission/report.html http://www.911inquiry.org/Presentations/JoyceLynn.htm http://911research.wtc7.net/post911/commission/report.html http://www.911inquiry.org/Presentations/JoyceLynn.htm
GEORGE W. BUSH: President of the United States 2001 to present.
Useful articles about warnings prior to 9/11/01 of attacks on major targets in the United States: http://www.infoimagination.org/ps/911/index.html http://www.buzzflash.com/perspectives/911bush.html http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0648,lombardi,75156,2.html
RICHARD CHENEY: Vice-President of the United States 2001 to present;
C.E.O. of the Halliburton Corporation between 1995- 2000 (a period in which Halliburton's off-shore tax havens increased from 9 to 44); member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) with Donald Rumsfeld, James Woolsey and several others; U. S. Secretary of Defense 1989-93.
Useful articles about changes to command of U. S. Military in 2001 prior to 9/11/01 and about behavior of the U. S. Vice-President on and after 9/11/01:
http://www.mikehersh.com Bush_and_Cheney_Block_911_Investigation_.shtml http://www.thememoryhole.org/911/911-preventable.htm http://www.geocities.com/kidhistory/bcr911.htm
DONALD RUMSFELD: Secretary of Defense of the United States 2001-2006;
member of the Board of Directors of Zurich-based ABB Corporation during time (1999) that ABB sold two nuclear reactors to North Korea; C. E. O. of General Instrument Corporation 1990-1993; C. E. O. of G. D. Searle & Company during the time (1985) that Searle won approval from the U. S. Food and Drug Administration for aspartame.
Useful articles about changes to command of U. S. Air Defense in 2001 prior to 9/11/01 and about behavior of the U. S. Secretary of Defense on and after 9/11/01:
http://www.geocities.com/kidhistory/bcr911.htm http://911research.com/sept11/trillions.html http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/03/284651.shtml
MARVIN BUSH: Member of the Board of Directors of Securacom, another firm entrusted with security for the Twin Towers as of 9/11/01 (also entrusted with security for United Airlines and Washington D.C.'s Dulles Airport as of 9/11/01) between 1996-2000.
Useful articles: http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0204-06.htm http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3336.htm http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Marvin_Bush
WIRT WALKER: C.E.O. of Securacom (later Stratasec) between 1999-2003
Useful articles: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3336.htm http://www.margieburns.com/blog/_archives/ 2006/2/26/1784217.html
RICHARD MYERS: Acting Chairman of the U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11/01l;
disregarded first airliner crash into a Twin Tower that morning to instead attend meeting with Senator Max Cleland; confirmed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by U. S. Senate on 9/30/01; served as such till 2005; Commander of North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) between August 1998-February 2000
Useful articles: http://www.911independentcommission.org/questions.html http://www.benfrank.net/nuke/modules.php? name=News&file=article&sid=245
RALPH EBERHART: Commander of somehow ineffectual NORAD on 9/11/01 ('NORAD uses a network of ground-based radars, sensors and fighter jets to detect, intercept and, if necessary, engage any threats to the continent'---Canadian Defense website);
Commander of Northern Command at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado, directing U.S, Canadian and Mexican military from October 2002 to January 2005; Commander of Air Combat Command at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia between June 1998-February 2000.
Useful articles: http://www.911independentcommission.org/questions.html http://www.benfrank.net/nuke/modules.php? name=News&file=article&sid=245
L. PAUL BREMER: Executive with the Marsh & McClennan insurance-firm (two-hundred ninety-five deaths in the South Tower) on 9/11/01;
C.E.O. of M & M's post 9/11/01 'Marsh Crisis Consultancy' offshoot between October 2002-May 2003; Presidential Envoy to Iraq and Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority May 2003-December 2004 (where he promoted civil war by antagonizing Shia and then Sunni Muslims and by issuing '100 Orders', among which 'Orders' were 40-year, tax- free ownership of Iraqi business by non-Iraqi Corporations and 'full immunity' from Iraqi laws for non-Iraqi contractors; Chairman of the U. S. Congress' National Commission on Terrorism between 1999-2000, a period in which he too warned of 'catastrophic terrorism' that could cause 'tens of thousands of casualties' and cause 'the American people' to be 'screaming for a response, ... the example we use is Pearl Harbor'; Managing Director of Kissinger Associates between 1989-2000; U. S. Ambassador-at-Large for Counterterrorism between 1986-1989.
Useful articles about the career and connections of L. Paul Bremer and about Marsh & McClennan profits from 9/11/01 and the " 'War on Terror' ": http://www.inthenationalinterest.com/Articles/Vol1issue5/ Vol1issue5Bremer.html
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0403/05/ltm.02.html http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0JQP/is_360/ai_108648125 http://www.fas.org/irp/congress/2004_cr/s091004.html http://demopedia.democraticunderground.com/index.php/ Paul_Bremer
PETER G. PETERSON: C.E.O. of the Blackstone Group, one of three lease-holders (along with Banc of America Securities and the General Motors Acceptance Corporation) of World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11/01, thus sharing in unquestioning receipt of $861 million in insurance payments for the demolished WTC 7 (February 2002);
also Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York AND the Council on Foreign Relations on 9/11/01; the Blackstone Group an Investor in Kroll, Inc. (1993) and an Investment of the American International Group insurance-firm ($150 million, or a 7% stake, from A.I.G. in 1998), A.I.G. then headed by MAURICE GREENBERG, a former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the Blackstone Group a partner with Kissinger Associates and A.I.G. from February 2000 onward. (At the time the latter 'venture' was announced Peter G. Peterson spoke in a press- release thus: "In this new global economy, with its requirements ... for cross-border mergers and acquisitions, for government privatizations of major industries and for restructuring of industries battered by the recent global financial crisis, we believe each of these entities bring some special knowledge and expertise to the table. We at Blackstone very much look forward to working with AIG and Kissinger Associates and capitalizing on these opportunities.").
Useful articles about the career and connections of Peter G. Peterson: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO403B.html
http://demopedia.democraticunderground.com/index.php/ Peter_J._Peterson http://bookstore.petersoninstitute.org/book-store/3837.html http://justanotherblowback.blogspot.com/2006/10/911-revolution-in- military-affairs.html
DAVID ROCKEFELLER: Principal in creating the World Trade Center and in building the Twin Towers as Chairman of the Downtown-Lower Manhattan Association between 1958-1975;
beneficiary of more than $1 billion in public funds for said construction; beneficiary of his brother, the Governor of the State of New York, Nelson Rockefeller, installing more than 20,000 State employees into WTC 2, the South Tower, in the 1970s; his family's interests the potential loser of billions of dollars from renovations necessary to the Twin Towers by the time of 9/11/01; President of the Chase Manhattan Bank 1961-69; C.E.O. of the Chase Manhattan Bank 1969-1981; Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations 1970-1985; co-founder with Zbignew Brzezinski and George Franklin of the Trilateral Commission in 1973.
Useful articles about construction and tenancy of the World Trade Center, about financiers' use of public funds, and about Banks' money-laundering of narcotics-traffic profits: http://people.howstuffworks.com/wtc.htm
http://www.ericdarton.net/html/tallstories.html http://www.city-journal.org/html/11_4_the_twin_towers.html http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005VW2O/ lewrockwell/ http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/asbestos.html http://www.garlicandgrass.org/issue8/Don_Paul.cfm
MAURICE GREENBERG: C.E.O. of A.I.G.--'the leading U.S.-based international insurance organization and the largest underwriter of commercial and industrial insurance in the United States' according to its Website in February 2000--between 1968-2005.;
A.I.G. a major share-holder in Marsh & McClennan (headed by Maurice Greenberg's son Jeffrey on 9/11/01), in ACE International (another insurance-firm, headed by Maurice Greenberg's son Evan on 9/11/01), and in Kroll & Associates / Kroll, Inc.; A. I. G. connected to narcotics traffic and money-laundering by its C.I.A.-funded predecessor the Starr Corporation and by reporters Jonathan Kwitny, Sally Denton and Roger Morris; A.I.G. a beneficiary of the increase in insurance premiums post-9/11/01, its sales increasing by more than 35% between 2001-2003 and its profits more than doubling between 2000 and 2005, exceeding $11 billion in the latter year; Maurice Greenberg a former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1994-1995) and Honorary Vice-Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Useful articles:
http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0401/p03s01-usju.html http://www.onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_1261.shtml http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_1291.shtml http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ciadrugs/part_2.html
(My only regret from our procedures on April 14, 2007 is that the Jurors did not receive from me information which might have moved them to call for the further investigation of at least two other individualson one or more Charges—
Let me now, again, offer congratulations to the Jurors for their splendid courage, deep backgrounds of knowledge, acute questions, and thoroughgoing determination.
Congratulations to them for taking a brave step toward truly countering terrorism.
May their courageous step further Citizens' Grand Juries and even more concrete steps by concerned citizens around the world. May it further an unstoppable movement to reach answers about the crimes of 9/11/01 that prevent more of such crimes--more of such atrocities against civilian populations--in our futures, [ … [
You can download the poster at http://stj911.org/paul/ SDGJWantedPoster.pdf if you want to use it to convey information, provoke discussion, and advance efforts for justice and freedom.)