Workers' Day Special: Blind Willie Johnson and Willie B. Harris; Johnny Cash and Joe Strummer; Bob Marley and Haile Selaissie; Laura Nyro; Cyndi Lauper; Los Bunkers; Anya Parampeil;
Langston Hughes; Boukman Eksperyans; John Sinclair; Tennessee Williams reading Hart Crane; Cacri Jazz
A loaded Hour from the ‘Spiritual As Music’ series of Music, Interviews, Photos, Video and Stray Ads that MARYSE PHILIPPE DEJEAN initiated
May 1st is Worker’s Day around the world. It came about as such through Communists and Knights of Labor and International Workers of the World and many more of the Ancient Persuasion who celebrate the necessity and value of Collective and Individual Accomplishment.
In Haiti May 1st is the Day of Agriculture. There the Loa particularly celebrated on this Day is Kouzin Zaka, patron saint of peasants. Kouzin Zaka wears a straw hat and swings a brilliant sash from his waist. Kouzan Zaka may smoke the big cigar from the tobacco that he raises. Kouzin Zaka will draw from his sack of hemp to share fruits of the earth and his brothers’ and sisters’ labor. They'll all celebrate with some whiskey, too, this Day.
Freedom is another name for the justice that we should gain from a fair share of the fruits of our labors.
May 1st happens with or without mansions on the hill. There is no high and low but only us.
1:37 BLIND WILLIE JOHNSON and WILLIE B. HARRIS, "What Is The Soul Of A Man", 1930;
Click on photo below to LISTEN.
Again you can CLICK on IMAGE below to LISTEN and SEE.
The sublime LAURA NYRO and her “Lu” you can HEAR with a CLICK.
LANGSTON was among the writers and readers JACK KEROUAC admired most.
One of the strongest and most tender.
"Speaking of Africa, and Freedom, and the Philosophy of Plunder, and the Rights of Man and Woman, news came this May 1st, 2019 of another ludicrous but dangerous move in Venezuela. Yes, the United States likely assisted in another failed coup-attempt [….] The self-declared President of Venezuela, World Economic Forum ‘Young Global Leader’ 35-year-old Juan Guaido, junior member of a party that holds a mere l4 of the 167 seats in Venezuela's National Assembly, Juan Guaido recognized somehow by more than 50 should-be-ashamed-of-yourselves Ntions, took to a freeway overpass in Caracas with 24--count them, too--of his followers, some of them armed.
Afterward Tucker Carlson of FOX News interviewed journalist Anya Parampil of The GrayZone"
ANYA talks about the CECM's (Corporations Empowering Corporations Media) distortions and omissions regarding the latest fizzle of an attempted "coup" in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, May 1, 2019.
JOHN SINCLAIR reads HUGO CHAVEZ’ United Nations’ speech of 2007 with his (John’s) 2010 International Blues Scholars.
From CHILE, LOS BUNKERS perform in Mexico City the banner song “La Exilado del Sur” by PATRICIO MANNA and VIOLETA PARRA, both of them exiles due to the mass-murderous Coup of September 11, 1973.
“Power To The People / En Todos El Pueblo” with Cacri Jazz in Caracas, Venezuela, November 17, 2008, from the last Track, “Stains Of Blood / Power To The People”, of our album Alive In Caracas, recorded just after the National Library’s Festival del Libro there. Cacri Jazz in this recording are Pablo Garcia saxophones and flutes, Armando Lahbara bass, Manual Miranda drums-set, and Lenin Vladimir electric guitar.
“Ave Maria.” Boukman Eksperyans and additional singer Freedom, from the band’s Isit E Kounyea La (Here And Now in Haitian Kréyol) album.
57:12 'To Brooklyn Bridge' by Hart Crane read by Tennessee Williams on Caedmon label recording of TW reading HC, 1960. 'Implicity thy freedom staying thee!'
A very fine biography of Hart, 800+ pages strong, by my friend JACK UNTECECKER.
We conclude this Workers’ Day Special with a Video ‘Proem’ by Professor Suzie Hanna, collaborating with Sally Bayley and Tom Simmons, of Hart Crane’s poem as read by Tennessee Williams.
Best in the eternal future to everyone whom we’ve been lucky to cite here! Special remembrance to Chuck Kinder and Diane Cecily and their family and friends, Jerry Anomie and Jane Duncan and their family and friends, and to John Sinclair and his family and friends.