Warnings from 2007--'Precursors of a U.S. Police-State' and 'Precursors of Financial Meltdown', Both of Which 'May Be Preciptated by Another Terrorist Attack'
Excerpts from The World Is Turning book. Many of us know by the year 2007 that Sources of 'Another Terrorist Attack' Were Most Likely to Plot and Act within Governments that We Didn't Own
October 19, 2024
Whatever the ‘outcome’ of the United States ‘Presidential Election’ on November 5, just 17 days away, we may be sure that ‘Results will be Contested’ and that those Few who rule ‘Elections’ from their perceived heights far above Polling Stations and Democracy have already, planned years ago, options for carrying out an 'ATTACK’ that will more roil this Nation and afford them means for Martial Law, more Seizures of Property, more Arbitrary Arrests, and more Obfuscation and Advancement of their Crimes—Crimes that have plagued We Masses for 200+ years.
The Whole of The World Is Turning can be read as a PDF on the Ur1Light.com Website.
Thanks VERY MUCH again to TED MCMANUS for use of his percipient and principled American Crusade 2001 Trading Cards—graphics that enhanced '‘ ‘9/11’ “ / Facing Our Fascist State back in 2002. Ted’s Cards WERE available for Download at http://yorick.infinitejest.org:81/1/cards.html, but that Site appears to be gone.
In late 2006 and in 2007 acts of Federal legislation and Presidential Directives and Executive Orders combined with both utterances from high Government officials--in particular Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff--and reports from mass-media to further prepare the United States for martial law in response to another " 'terror attack.' "
At the same time as (there's that darn a.t.s.t.a again!) these Directives, Orders and alarms were happening, U/S. home-buyers' woes increased and the Federal Reserve System and other nations' central Banks printed hundreds of billions of dollars to support big businesses.
In September 2007 I participated in events with 9/11 Truth groups in Sacramento, California and Houston, Texas. The events were accompanied by hand-outs of the informational timelines for 'Precursors of ... Another Terrorist Attack' that are printed below.
Let us immediately proceed with courage and compassion.
Michael Chertoff, Director of U. S. Department of Homeland Security
•October 17, 2006: Two new measures, Public Law 109-364 and the Military Commissions Act, are signed by President George W. Bush. The former 'allows the President to declare a "public emergency" and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the
272 Precursors 2006--2007
consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to "suppress public disorder." http://www.towardfreedom.com/home/content/ view/911/"
•May 9, 2007: George W. Bush signs National Security Presidential Directive NSPD 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive HSPD 20. The Washington Post writes: “The prospect of a nuclear bomb being detonated in Washington without warning, whether smuggled in by terrorists or a foreign government, has been cited by many security analysts as a rising concern since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks... The new directive gives the job of coordinating policy to the president's assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism -- Frances Fragos Townsend, ...”
•May 11, 2007: Coincidentally, the San Francisco Chronicle reports on a conference co-sponsored by Stanford and Harvard Universities three weeks earlier. The conference was titled “The Day After” and its subject was responses to a domestic nuclear attack on the U. S.
•May 11, 2007: Coincidentally, the Council on Foreign Relations website features an article on “The Next Attack”.
•July 10, 2007: Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff tells editors of the Chicago Tribune that he has a "gut feeling" that al- Qaeda will attack on U. S. soil by the end of Summer 2007.
•July 10, 2007: Coincidentally, USA Today features an Associated Press piece that begins: “U.S. counterterror officials are warning of an increased risk of an attack this summer, given al-Qaeda's apparent interest in summertime strikes ...”
•July 11, 2007: Coincidentally, ABC News reports: “Senior law enforcement officials said today that growing signs of a “Summer of ‘07” terror attack on the U. S. have led the FBI to dispatch dozens of agents ...”
•July 16, 2007: Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the
U. S. Treasury in the Reagan Administration, writes in a column
that's titled The End of Constitutional Democracy: 'Bush has put in place all the necessary measures for dictatorship in the form of "executive orders" that are triggered whenever Bush declares a national emergency. Recent statements by Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, former Republican senator Rick
Santorum and others suggest that Americans might expect a series of staged, or false flag, "terrorist" events in the near future.'
• July 17, 2007 and August 1, 2007: George W. Bush signs Executive Orders that empower seizure of assets of anyone who opposes U. S. efforts in Iraq (“Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq” - July 17, 2007) or who acts to destabilize the government of Lebanon.
• MARCH 23, 2006: The Federal Reserve System, the private, un-audited banking business that determines interest-rates and money- supply to the U. S. public, ceases to publish its M3 index, thereby hiding the amounts it itself is purchasing in bonds or printing in fiat currency to postpone failures from mounting U. S. debts. These debts include Federal, State and local Governments', individual consumers', and (by far the biggest debtors) major financial institutions' such as Jp Morgan Chase. The U. S. Federal debt, risen from $0.9 trillion in 1980 to $5.9 trillion in 2004, has grown by more than 20% each of the past two years, while major Banks' liabilities due to derivatives has grown to exceed $300 trillion by the end of 2005.
• DECEMBER 31, 2006: U. S. trade-deficit is $860 billion for the past year.
• FEBRUARY 2007: The New York Times writes: 'The slump in home prices from the end of 2005 to the end of 2006 was the biggest year over year drop since the National Association of Realtors started keeping track in 1982.'
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• MAY 2007: U. S. consumers' credit-card debt rises 9.2% during this one month.
• JUNE 2. 2007: Widespread reports of United Nations' prediction that U. S. dollar must suffer devaluation due to the nation's ' "unsustainable" ' debt.
• AUGUST 10 and AUGUST 11. 2007: Responding to a
" 'liquidity crisis' , the Federal Reserve System and other nations' central Banks pump more than $300 billion of fiat currency into faltering businesses. The Wall Street Journal reports that the FRS has created $62 billion for ailing lenders/debtors in these past two days, that the the European Central Bank has added $213.56 billion (166 billion Euros), the Bank of Japan $8.3 billion (1 trillion yen), the Reserve Bank of Australia $4.18 billion, and so forth. Martin Weiss in the online Market Oracle notes that the Bank of International Settlements 'calculates that the total "notional" value of all derivatives outstanding in the world is a mind-boggling $415 trillion.' Or: 'Over eight times the GDP of the entire world economy ... twenty times the total value of all U.S. stocks ... and fifty times all the Treasury debts of the U.S. Government.' He also notes that the U.S. Officer of the Comptroller of the Currency finds that 'Just FIVE Banks control 97.1% of the derivatives in the entire U. S. banking system', led by JPMorgan Chase, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Citibank, and Bank of America.
* THE FORESEEABLE PRESENT: The U. S. public stands liable to lose homes and savings due to a ' "Crash" ' that owes directly to major money-lenders' schemes and failings.
The U. S. military stands bogged in Afghanistan and iraq in occupations that owe directly to the pretext of " '9/11' ".
The Bush Administration is sinking under low-approval ratings, much like it and Stock Markets (Big Oil, Big Arms, Big Drugs, and above all Big Banks) were sinking in August 2001.
The situation of both the U. S. public (we, the people, the masses) and our elitist rulers is very like our/their situation immediately before the " 'Great Depression' " and " '9/11' ".
Therefore we must act to remedy our situation.
The need for clear sight of our realities and for radical, compassionate change is more urgent than ever.