SERGEY, ELON, A.I., and Transhumanism for 21st-Century Eugenics and White Supremacy. Ten Men of the WEF with $5 TRILLION in Wealth in 2 COVID Years
We may see A.I. as 21st-century means for the Anti-Human nonsense like Eugenics. "He's a good guy, really--he just ain't lived much", LOUIS ARMSTRONG is said to have said of bandleader BOB CROSBY.
SERGEY BRIN and ELON MUSK, ‘Young Global Leaders’ chosen by the World Economic Forum, and their shared backgrounds in privileged bubbles (the Dot-Com Bubble, one)
$Billions unto $Trillions for Big Tech ‘Global Leaders’ during “ ‘COVID-19’ ” and the WEF’s “Great Reset’
‘BrinBots’ 2010 and A.I. Hallucinations Proving Fatal in 2024
Sergey’s and Elon’s and Their Sponsors’ Unrelenting Hype
A.I. keeps on Failing as White Supremacy Remains the Fallacy
‘Eugencis’—Never Again!—By Any Name!
Calling folks by their first names helps to make them more human, say, don’cha think? To distinguish them as individuals with shaped by their pasts and the dimensions or circumscriptions of their environments. Each adult of us was once 6 years old and each adult of us once 18.
Thus Sergey and Elon here. Thus Buster Worley, Jack Presley, and Jack Groves of the woods and oil-field in a Post from the past ‘Stands the Human Being’ week. Seeing each other as individuals who each aspire and suffer, somehow, may help to bring us solutions that enrich each and all our prospects … as humans, don’cha know?
Artificial Intelligence won’t and can’t help our individual minds and hope and divine, say, sparks. Nor can $5 TRILLION in Profits to ten Men (all White, and all connected intimately, if not overtly, to the World Economic Forum, I should add) in just two COVID Years, 2020 to 2022, help with solutions that will advance the work-a-day and creative well-being of the eight-billion-plus of us, human beings, now on Earth … unless those ten choose to invest their wealth in nurturing the individuality and hence the prosperity of hundreds millions … oh, let’s just call it ALL OF US.
Sergey and Elon; Computers and the Internet Ascendant; Growing $Millions of Funding into $Billions in Assets with Paypal and Google;
Sergey Brin was born 1973 in the then Soviet Union. Elon was born 1971 in apartheid South Africa. Both are immigrants to the United States. Sergey left Moscow at age 6, 1979, with his “refusenik”, academically accomplished parents. His father was at once assisted into becoming Professor or Mathematics at the University of Maryland. His mother became an analyst at the Goddard Space Center. Sergey attended Stanford, graduating in Computer Science, and there wrote Code and built with LARRY PAGE one company, eventually named Google, as search-engine for the burgeoning Internet. Elon left his abusive father and apartheid South Africa with his Canadian-born mother, Maye, a model, in 1989. and studied at Queens University in Ontario before shifting to the Univeristy of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School (also alma mater for DONALD JOHN TRUMP), where he graduated with Bachelors’ degrees in Science and Economics. Emeralds from his father’s dealings in Zambia helped to fund the young Musk.
Sergey Brin and Larry Page selected Eric Schmidt, a 1997 WEF Global Leader of Tomorrow as Google’s CEO. The company’s Initial Public Offering in 2004 exceeded expectations … into a valuation of $2 TRILLION 20 years later.
2004 was also the year that Sergey began to attend the WEF’s Annual Winter Meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
Elon received $180 million as his share in the sale of Paypal to Ebay.
How many Black or Brown faces do you see above? As many as attended the Rockefellers-sponsored Eugenics Congresses in London 1912, Cold Harbor, New York 2021, and New York City 1932.
He partnered wtih Michael Griffin of the CIA’s venture-capital arm In-Q-Tel in 2002 and between 2008 Griffin, selected to head NASA by George W. Bush in 2005 gave Elon’s SpaceX company two Contracts worth a combined $1.96 billioni despite SpaceX’s absence of any successul rocket-launched in three attempts. Below is the very useful website Wikispooks’ listing of Sergey’s WEF presences.
2008 was Elon’s year as a Young Global Leader at the WEF’s Annual Meeting Davos. He was far from the ‘World’s Richest Man’ then. That entirely fictitious title was held then was exchanged between WEF Global Leader of Tomorrow (1993) BILL GATES and Bill’s fellow Trustee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, WARREN BUFFETT.
The next year, 2009, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp … Meta and Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel followed Sergey and Elon into the Y. G. L. elect.
$Billions unto $Trillions for Big Tech ‘Global Leaders’ during “ ‘COVID-19’ ” and the WEF’s “Great Reset’
The several WEF Global Leaders are notable, for the hundreds billions of Dollars they gained from our suffering during LESS THAN TWO YEARS of “ ‘COVID-19’. “ FIVE TRILLION DOLLARS is that total, reports CNN in January 2022. Elon led that pack.
Do you see any Black or Brown faces above?
‘BrinBots’ 2010
In 2010 Google’s Sergey Brin volunteered for a Transhumanist Experiment. The New York Times described it as follows.
‘On a Tuesday evening this spring, Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, became part man and part machine. About 40 people, all gathered here at a NASA campus for a nine-day, $15,000 course at Singularity University, saw it happen. While the flesh-and-blood version of Mr. Brin sat miles away at a computer capable of remotely steering a robot, the gizmo rolling around here consisted of a printer-size base with wheels attached to a boxy, head-height screen glowing with an image of Mr. Brin’s face…The BrinBot was hardly something out of “Star Trek.” It had a rudimentary, no-frills design and was a hodgepodge of loosely integrated technologies. Yet it also smacked of a future that the Singularity University founders hold dear and often discuss with a techno-utopian bravado: the arrival of the Singularity — a time, possibly just a couple decades from now, when a superior intelligence will dominate and life will take on an altered form that we can’t predict or comprehend in our current, limited state. At that point, the Singularity holds, human beings and machines will so effortlessly and elegantly merge that poor health, the ravages of old age and even death itself will all be things of the past.’
The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network and Wesley J. Smith, J.D., aptly scoffed, then: ‘Please. We can’t even stop a catastrophic oil leak but in a few decades we will substantially defeat death? I think not. But it is a good myth to create that New Time Religion.’
Sergey’s and Elon’s and Their Sponsors’ Unrelenting Hype
In 2017 Brin was back at the WEF’s Davos and expressing surprise at the supposedly prodigious progress of ‘A.I.’ .
We may note the ever-faithful WEF-based Hyperbole. We may question. A.I. here to stay in 2017? A.I. without limits.?A.I. with ‘incredible possibilties.’
Elon was doing his Part, fulfilling his role … in 2016.
The Irish Independent reported in Junr 2016.
‘Elon Musk, the billionaire boss of Tesla and SpaceX, has said that humans need to become cyborgs to avoid becoming “house cats” for vastly more intelligent robots.
Musk said that as artificial intelligence advances, people will need to augment their brain power with digital technology to prevent them becoming irrelevant.’
“Under any rate of advancement in AI we will be left behind by a lot. The benign situation with ultra-intelligent AI is that we would be so far below in intelligence we’d be like a pet, or a house cat. I don’t love the idea of being a house cat. The solution that seems maybe the best one is to have an AI layer. A third digital layer that could work symbiotically [with your brain].” ‘
Elon was afforded platforms for his Pitch much like Bill Gates was in Gates’ 2020-2022 span of demanding Lockdowns and endorsing ‘vaccines’.
A. I. 2024: ‘Hallucinations’ and a ‘common occurrence of wrong answers’ and ‘multiple crashes’ costing many lives.
Six years after he announced the’ limitless possibilities’ of A.I. at Davos 2017, Sergey Brin returned to Google to help its answer, Gemini, to its rival, the already faults-ridden OpenAI ChatGPT, perform simple tasks, such as email, without the wildly mistaken interpretation that are sometimes called ‘AI hallucinations.’
Below is the review by outright fanboy of Tech, Tech Target, as to how these Giants of the Industry are doing. ‘GenAI is still rapidly evolving, and models don't always return correct answers. Despite the common occurrence of AI hallucinations -- wrong answers generated by AI -- …’
Full text below from DAVE RAFTO.
‘ChatGPT and Gemini are largely responsible for the considerable buzz around GenAI, which uses data from machine learning models to answer questions and create images, text and videos [ … ] GenAI is still rapidly evolving, and models don't always return correct answers. Despite the common occurrence of AI hallucinations -- wrong answers generated by AI -- in both ChatGPT and Gemini, the tools are being adopted by businesses and consumers seeking to automate time-consuming tasks.
Why in 2024 would anyone want a “tool” for our future that made a ‘common occurrence’ of ‘wrong answers’?
Why would anyone trust a robotic vehicle whose (whose?) mistakes have already killed many human beings? What’s then Game here?
Why is humanity being force-fed A.I.? Much like we were assaulted by Big Media’s, Big Tech’s, Big Government’s and their ruler, Big Finance’s, universal insistence on ‘vaccination’ to belong and survive in our societies, we’re surrounded and circumscribed by A.I. Is A.I. let another try by bigoted lunatics—that is, the Ruling Few who command the WEF’s Strategic Partners—to reduce into incapacity our real diversity and genius.
‘Eugencis’—Never Again!—By Any Name!
A Canadian journalist, Paris Marx, who at age 32 is about 20 years younger than Elon and who identifies as “they”, wrote in April 2023 about the phenomenon that Elon represents most flamboyantly among Big Tech multi-billionaires.
Eugenics and its racist prejudices is again a main root of this seeming movement.
Paris Marx wrote. ‘Elon Musk has been warning about population decline and smaller families for years. In his 2015 biography, he’s quoted as saying, “if each successive generation of smart people has fewer kids, that’s probably bad.” Musk is explicit that “smart” people need to be having more kids — he has nine living children, that we know of — but doesn’t go so far as to say that other people should be having fewer [ … ']
The narrative Silicon Valley crafts about itself has long distracted us from its history and the reality of the impact it has had on the world. { … } In Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World, Malcolm Harris unearths this history, and in particular the promotion and even championing of eugenics by many of the prominent people that set the foundations on which the industry was built.’
We here may remember Stanford University during World War I and into the 2nd and 3rd ‘International Eugenics Congress.’
We remember the Carnegie Institute’s study on the ‘Cutting Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the Human Population’. We remember how benign were Eugenics’ images and language.
We remember how Frederick Osborn, head of the Eugenics Society and partner with Rockefellers before and after World War II, became President of the Population Council in 1952. We remember that Osborn’s book The Future of Human Heredity stated: 'The goals of eugenics are most likely to be attained under a name other than eugenics.'
We read new terms and concepts that Paris Marx relates are vogues in Silicon Valley, Big Tech and Big Finance: ‘Effective Altruism’ (cited by felon Sam Bankman-Fried) and ‘Longtermism’ and ‘Pronatalism.;
Paris Marx wrote: ‘In a similar way as longtermism seeks to allow the wealthy and powerful to shape the future of humanity, there’s a clear desire among pronatalists to do something similar by spreading their genes — which they believe are superior — throughout the human population. [ … ]
Through effective altruism, longtermism, and pronatalism, they’re trying to have us believe that they should remain in charge and we should let them set the course of our collective future. The idea is that since they’ve built large tech companies and accumulated sizeable bank balances that they’re best placed to set societal priorities. Yet nothing could be further from the truth — and more people are recognizing it.
In recent years, the public has turned on the tech elite. Mark Zuckerberg is a laughing stock, Jeff Bezos is despised, Elon Musk has fallen from grace, and even Bill Gates’ attempts to use his fortune to clean up his reputation aren’t working so well anymore. That’s exactly why we’re seeing them ramp up the pressure to sell us on their superior intelligence and natural place at the top of the hierarchy. But we must reject them and everything they stand for at all costs.’
Sergey, Elon, and the Eight Other Men with $5 TRILLION+ in COVID-Years’ Profits May Start to Right Wrongs TODAY
Five TRILLION U.S. Dollars is an amount so HUGE it beggars COMPREHENSION.
The revenue generated to SERGEY, ELON, LARRY PAGE, JEFF BEZOS, BILL GATES, STEVE BALLMER, LARRY ELLISON WARREN BUFFET, MARK ZUCKERBERG of the United States and BERNARD ARNAULT (‘Luxury Goods’ such as Vuitton and the world’s second-largest food distributor, Carrefour) of France) EXCEEDS by about ONE TRILLION the 4.3 TRILLION generated by the entire U.S. Gross Domestic Product in 2023.
These ten men, many times multi-billionaires, must KNOW what they could to relieve the world’s real ills TODAY. They must KNOW how silly, deficient and anti-human, at best, They must KNOW that 21st ‘Transhumanism’ equates to 20th-century ‘Eugenics’. They must know that such reductive ‘tools’ and fantasies reduce US ALL.
We, the eight billion surviving WEF-sponsored COVID years, surely know now.
Grow our Whole. We all have work to do that will raise the Plenty readily potential for us here on (much nicer than Mars) Earth.
And over in the Big Trunk of the WeAreRevoltutions (and You Are Here to Shine) website.