'Roll Out' of mRNA Poisons and Operating Systems, November and December 2020
Always remember / Days of November, / December, January, February, March, .../ Orchestrators, Perpetrators / Profit-Makers, Undertakers / ...
December 16, 2024
May we forever keep in our minds Who did What, Where and When, as the Campaign of “Everybody Must Be Vaccinated” moved from ‘Warp Speed’ to ‘Roll Out’ between November 2020 into March 2021.
I offer today a Start of Highlights (I hope) from my Posts on the Flipping the Script blog, over in the Big Trunk of the website titled We Are Revolutions and You Are Here to Shine. (We are revolutions, you know, in every instant of every one of our lives; you may also know that YOU ARE in this current life of yours to SHINE—SHINE—SHINE.)
My 14 ‘COVID-19’ Posts on the Flipping the Script blog ended in September 2020. There followed 10 Posts under the heading ‘The Choice Are Us.’
Today I’ll offer the first part of Highlights (again I hope) from the last “The Choice Is Us’ Post. It’s titled ‘Pfizer’s, Moderna’s mRNA Shots: Aren’t Needed, Won’t Protect, Do Harm, and May Change Humans’ DNA Forever’. It was published on December 27, December 27, 2020 and it can be read WHOLE through this LINK or by clicking the BANNER for it below.
My first wish for this Review of SOME of our Collective Suffering during the ongoing ‘COVID’ years (ongoing in that infants are STILL being injected with poisonous ‘vaccines’ under the Pretext of ‘COVID’) you may already know, too. That wish is that ARM ourselves with knowledge, vigilance and commitment so that we never again undergo the Mass-Murderous Abuse that became COVID-Overt in early 2020.
May we be wise. May we be kind. May we arm ourselves against anyone trying to BAMBOOZLE us into harm of ourselves and our loved ones and EVERYONE.
Picking up the Post of December 27, 2020.
[ … ]
‘We're now, I think, at a most dangerous stage of the Nightmares of Nonsense we've undergone under cover of "the COVID.". The messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines of the Pfizer and Moderna Corporations are rolling out in doses of hundreds thousands, meant for hundreds millions, across the U.S. and U.K.
Already Pfizer's mRNA vaccine has done harm that no free people should accept.
On December 19 the U. S. Centers for Disease Control issued a update. (3) The CDC's reported presented lines of information. It showed that 112,807 'registrants' had taken their '1st dose' of the Pfizer's two-shot schedule and it showed that 3,150 of these registrants had undergone 'Health impact events'.The CDC document defines 'Health impact event' as meaning that those subjected to Pfizer's shots were 'unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.' (4)
Anaphylaxis is one ‘adverse effect’ suffered by those shot in the U.S. during the first Week of ‘Roll-Out’ of Pfizer’s ‘vaccine.’
Above, results from the first five Days of the Approved and Ballyhooed Pfizer injections against ‘COVID-19’ in the United States: 112,807 were injected and 3150 suffered ‘Health Impact Events’, a hugely unprecedented percentage (2.78%) of such Events form any shot ever approved in the U.S.
On December 21 Jop de Vrieze in Science magazine examined a particularly serious reaction undergone by those subjected to Pfizer's shot.
That potentially violent and fatal, allergic reaction is anaphylaxis. The suspected source of anaphylaxis in this report is a compound, polyethylene glycol, that's also key among Moderna's mRNA ingredients. (5)
Science writes. 'Severe allergy-like reactions in at least eight people who received the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech over the past 2 weeks may be due to a compound in the packaging of the messenger RNA (mRNA) that forms the vaccine’s main ingredient, scientists say. A similar mRNA vaccine developed by Moderna, which was authorized for emergency use in the United States on Friday, also contains the compound, polyethylene glycol (PEG).
PEG has never been used before in an approved vaccine, but it is found in many drugs that have occasionally triggered anaphylaxis—a potentially life-threatening reaction that can cause rashes, a plummeting blood pressure, shortness of breath, and a fast heartbeat.'
The U.S. National Institute of Health website writes about anaphylaxis. 'For fatal drug anaphylaxis, previous cardiovascular morbidity and older age are risk factors, with beta-lactam antibiotics, general anesthetic agents, and radiocontrast injections the commonest triggers.' (6)
Based on the results from five Days that we see above, the injections promoted as preventing and protecting against ‘COVID-19’, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and endorsed by Presidents Trump and Biden, SHOULD HAVE BEEN STOPPED THEN.
That is—
‘We can see from the CDC's December 19 update, then, that about three out of 100 people (2.78% to be exact) who were subjected to Pfizer's first dose have undergone 'Health Impact Events' severe enough to keep them from 'normal daily activities', including work, … Events that may have required a Doctor's care. At least eight of the shot were more seriously harmed and threatened.
Why such an extraordinary incidence of disability?
Why such a truly terrible incidence of life-threatening reactions?
Why such pains and such risks for a Coronavirus that scarcely affects anyone under age 80 and that has at least a 99.4% rate of recovery?
Why such pains and risks for 'vaccines' unprecedented in their rush to the public, their polyethylene glycol, and their messenger RNA? S
Why, when such shots, as you see below: 'Aren't Needed, Won't Protect, Do Harm, and May Change Humans' DNA Forever'.
(The December 27, 2020 ‘The Choice Is Us’ Pos proceeds to cite Bill Gates on mRNA ‘vaccines’ and then Dr. Charles “Andy” Morgan, then of Yale. Dr. Murray tells a class of students within West Point’s Modern War Institute about research in mainland China and in U.S. that uses injections of nanoparticles, ‘their acronmyms CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats for 'genome-editing technology') and DREADDS (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs) to "engineer anything." The pull-quote from the CIA-connected and DARPA-connected Dr. Murray is: “Why use a Digital System when you can have a DNA System.’ Again, you see more of this upbeat Dr. in the Flipping the Script blog.”
I continue in that Post of two days after Christmas, four years ago, to speculate as to how nefarious the Pfizer and Moderna ‘vaccines’ may prove to be.)
‘Thus, Pfizer's and Moderna's mRNA shots may travel to a last stop in the Global Agenda of a Ruling Few.
These Few, whom we've met through all 14 of the COVID-19 series and all 10 of 'The Choice Is Us' series (9), believe, we may say, that they know what's best for us.
In this year 2020, at last ending now, the Tiny Few have distorted 'Public Health' as never before (as never even in the decades of John D. Rockefeller's planned destruction of organic agriculture and medicine) into a multiplier of the very Few's profits and of We Masses' degradations.
The Few are, we may say, busy in their burning--intent unto being demonic toward making We Masses serve their sick and narrow will. I'll hazard something further: that these Tiny Few want to render We Masses as lacking in life, love and choice as they, the physically unfavored Few, appear to be.
Yet we must know, on this day of Christ and other prophets tender toward all humanity, that the Few suffer as we all do. Their ill health is obvious. Bill Gates' hands fly up as if in agony to make reality conform to his dictates. Bedevilment is plain in the rictus of faces such as George Soros' and Anthony Fauci's.
The Tiny, Ruling Few envy We Masses' vitality, I think. They fear our capacities for creation. They fear, too, our just causes for rebellion.
Uneasy rest the thrones built on lies. Demons suffer perhaps most of all due to the lack of love. Some day they may awaken. Some day they may see they're no more superior to human potential than any Borgia was to Michelangelo, or James de Rothschild was to Honoré de Balzac and George Sand, or David Rockefeller to Amy Winehouse, or Prince Charles of England to the next genius raised in a Trenchtown.
In the meantime, we must fight them! Rebel, good people! Our present and our future have never been more threatened. Defeat the Few through abandoning their mad and degrading systems and thus help the Few to compassion and righteousness. We may all be much happier and more accomplishing.
Let me return to Christmas Day and other Prophets' Days. Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Erzulie, ... all celebrate each individual's divine potential. They're present still to help us be fulfilled as unique and reflecting lights. Everyone, enjoy each other! Enjoy your loved ones' eyes! Know you're as perfect as Creation made you! A Leonardo da Vinci, a Rosalind Franklin, a Bob Marley may be your free child, or grandchild, or great-great-great grandchild ... IF we fight like revolutionaries for our freedom.
December 25-27, 2021
1. 'Corona, False Alarm?, https://www.organicconsumers.org/blog/introduction-to-corona-false-alarm-fact-and-figures
3. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/allergic-reaction.html
4. https://thenewamerican.com/covid-vaccine-adverse-reactions-noted-bio-buttons-to-monitor-results/
5. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/12/suspicions-grow-nanoparticles-pfizer-s-covid-19-vaccine-trigger-rare-allergic-reactions
6. Ibid
7. 'Gates Notes'
8. Morgan of Yale at West Point,