Our Fascist State, 2002 and 2005. 'The Next Terrorist Attack Is "Virtually a Certainty" '
This Post continues excerpts from To Prevent the Next “ ‘9/11’ “ as this short book was reprinted in The World Is Turning; “ ‘9/11’ “, the Movement for Justice, and Regaining American for the World.
Please use it, I hope, as a reference and resource. The Ruling Few are far from going away. They’ve reared descendants. We have still a Kerry and a Gore and we likely have a Bush or two more in store. We have most certainly a WEF loaded with dominance by the ‘international bankers’ whose ‘ruthless decrees’ ruled the Treaty of Versailles after World War I, according to David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The Few are mad as they’ve ever been. Exploitative as a Bush and a Harriman were with NAZIs’ Auschwitz slave-labor for coal-mining in their Silesian-American Corporation into 1942. Racist, fraudulent and delusional as 20th-century ‘Eugenics’ and 2024’s ‘Transhumanism’. Deceitful as a later Bush and John Kerry were in their 2004 Presidential election. Crazy as Prince Philiip and Prince Bernard ever were among Bilderbergers for Depopulation.
Never before, however, have the Few been as desperate for absolute power to protect them from consequences of their Big Lies. They look again to the United Nations and that Rockefeller-funded and Gates-funded body to help them with ‘peace-keeping’ Military and/or the World Health Organization, but that game, too, is foundering.
Never before has Warren Buffet’s 2002 prediction that ‘that a terrorist attack on American soil is “virtually a certainty” more been a pretext that we should beware. How many times have the Ruling Few used a false-flag attack to fool We Masses into fighting the wrong enemy and diverting ourselves from general prosperity.
Look backward to look forward, people, and rise!
We pick up To Prevent [ … ] as it’s presented in The World Is Turning [ … ] on page186. You can read the whole of both books as a PDF here.
Clubs of the Ruling Few
The vote-fraud of 11/2/04 resembled " '9/11' " in its blatancy and intended effects, I think. Such a massive psychological operation or "psy-op" has been the study and practice of private institutions (England's Tavistock Institute and its U. S. beneficiaries such as the Stanford Institute and Rand Corporation) and Government agencies (such as England's M-6 or the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency) since middle of the 20th century.
All of these private Institutes and Government agencies share leadership who come from the most endowed of colleges and the most subsidized and inbred of families: the Ruling Few. Their leadership also belong to organizations outside State Government whose rules swear members to secrecy. These same organizations
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(among them the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group) also contain and provide leaders of the United States' Democrat and Republican Parties.
John Kerry, George W. Bush, Al Gore, and George Herbert Walker Bush come from private clubs at Ivy League colleges. Earlier, Democrat W. Averill Harriman, a beneficiary of Rockefellers and Rothschilds, and Republican Prescott Bush, grandfather of George Walker Bush. were also brothers in the Skull and Bones secret-society at Yale University. Kerry (1966) and the youngest Bush (1968) were Skull and Bones brother two years apart. Both Prescott Bush and W. Averill Harriman were investment-bankers whose mutual partnership with Nazi Germany extended into 1942, as Facing Our Fascist State observes, After World War II Harriman became Governor of New York State and Prescott Bush became a U. S. Senator from Connecticut,
It's about these imperious, ruthless Few and their larger, deeper plot--a plot combining financiers, so-called nobles, and politicians across more than 250 years---that I have here, three years after FOFS, more to tell.
Against these Ruling Few we who make up great majorities, We Masses, have our courage and compassion to mount as virtues or weapons in opposition
The very obviousness of the criminal Corporate Government that we face may compel the resistance we need.
Behind the Scenes
More than a dozen pages in the 'Lords of a Feudal 'New World Order' ‘ section of ; " '9/11' " Facing Our Fascist State survey pretexts that have been used by the United States' rulers to enter wars, invade lands and steal resources.
The survey travels from from 1898's " 'Remember the Maine' " to 1915's sinking of the Lusitania to 1941's attack on Pearl Harbor to 1964's fraudulent " 'Gulf of Tonkin incident' ".
The March 13, 1962 memorandum from the U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, presenting 'pretexts' which would provide justification for U. S. military intervention in Cuba', is reprinted on page 39 of ... The World Is Turning.
Deceitful 'pretexts' led to our nation's terrible roll of dead soldiers in World Wars I and II, in Korea and Vietnam, and in Afghanistan and Iraq.
We should also recall the many more millions of other nations' dead--56 million in World War II alone--and many more than one million in Iraq since 1991.
Behind these 'pretexts' for war and these dead in war we can see the same kind of criminal partnerships and often the same partners' surnames as we noted among the profiteering beneficiaries of the U. S. Revolutionary War and U. S. Civil War.
We can see that partnerships between financiers, nobility, and politicians form a skein or train through two and one-half centuries of bloody carnage and exploitation.
We can see partnerships between Mayer Amschel Bauer or Rothschild, William IX of Hesse, and King George III of England. Between 19th-century James [Jakob] de Rothschild and Napoleonic Emperors. Between Lionel Rothschild, Palmerston. Disraeli and Queen Victoria. Between Alfred de Rothschild and Edward VII of England. Between Rockefellers, Morgans. Paul Warburg and Woodrow Wilson.
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Between Max Warburg, Averill Harriman, Prescott Bush and Adolf Hitler. Between Bernard Baruch and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Between James Paul Warburg and David Ben Gurion and Dwight David Eisenhower. Between David Rockefeller (former Chairman of both the Chase Manhattan Bank and the Council on Foreign Relations) with heads-of-state from Richard Nixon to Lyndon Johnson to Jimmy Carter to Anwar Sadat to Shimon Peres to George H. W. Bush to William Jefferson Clinton to Nelson Mandela, with Henry Kissinger serving as David Rockefeller’s international Go-Fer since World War II. Between Guy de Rothschild and Francois Mitterand and Jacques Chirac. Between Jacob Rothschild and Warren Buffet and Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair and Arnold Schwarzengger.
In every one of the Wars listed above We Masses--the working- class--have fulfilled our " 'patriotic duty' " of killing one another.
And financiers have meant every one of these Wars to leave us and our families more fearful of chaos and more subject to their Banks and rule. Why? They want a more complete 'novus ordo seclorum' ('a new order for the ages'), the motto that Franklin Delano Roosevelt directed in 1935 should be printed under a pyramid and ancients' all-seeing eye on the U. S. $1 bill.
Their Few’s rewards are plain. 'The fact that the House of Rothschild made its money in the great crashes of history and the great wars of history, the very periods when others lost their money, is beyond question', E. C. Knuth wrote in The Empire of the City. (45)
Their powers are imperial. After World War I, the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister, Lloyd George, spoke about the Treaties and terms that would bring about shortages and chaos to We Masses and great profits to leading bankers (along with fascism, the " 'Roaring 20s' ", the " 'Great Depression' ", and World War II) in the 1920s and 1930s.
David Lloyd George said: 'The protocol which was signed between the Allies and the Associated Powers and Germany is the triumph of the international financier. Agreement would never have been reached without the brusque and brutal intervention of the international bankers. They swept statesman, politicians and journalists to one side, and issed their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs, who knew there was no appeal from their ruthless decrees.' (46)
An internal memo of August 1941 that was circulated within the United States' Council on Foreign Relations--the CFR a private, secretive body created in 1921 just after the Royal Institute of International Affairs was formed in England, Bankers at the head and politicians among the body of both organizations--said as regards the
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the Unted States' entry into World War II on England's side: 'If war aims are stated which seem to be concerned solely with Anglo-American imperialism, they will offer little to the people of the world ... The interests of other people should be stressed... This would have a better propaganda effect.' (47)
Four months after this August 1941 memo within the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR member Franklin Delano Roosevelt allowed, with precise foreknowledge, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the pretext for U. S. entry into World War II. This earlier' "Attack on America" ' killed more than 2000 unsuspecting people. (48)
Auld Crow: You are breathing a l'tl' hard, friend Sid.
Sid the Elephant: That is because I am stamping my foot.
Auld Crow: But, friend Sid, we s'll have to do more than snort and whistle and stamp our feet. We s''ll have to do more than peck and gnaw, too. Aye, Buddy!
Looking at the above, abbreviated record of cold-blooded, calculating plans and murderous wars, We Masses, the great majority of 'ordinary, intelligent and compassionate people' in the world, must steel ourselves and ask: What lets the Ruling Few think and behave as they do?
What gives them the 'imperiousness of absolute monarchs'? How can they be so cruel? What lets them plot and execute the murder of unknown thousands and millions?
The term and concept 'New World Order' may help us to understand the belief-system behind the Ruling Few's crimes. We've seen that 'novus ordo seclorum' ('a new order for the ages'), is the motto printed under a pyramid and ancient societies' all- seeing eye on one side of the U. S. $1 bill.
'New world order' also figures in leading politicians' stated goals.
On September 11, 1990 George H. W, Bush spoke to the U. S. Congress about 'a new world order' emerging from the " 'Gulf War' ". 'The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective--a new world order-- can emerge' George Herbert Walker Bush said. (49)
Facing Our Fascist State quotes more from this GHWB speech on its prefatory page--beneath a quote from John D. Rockefeller Jr. in 1941 that included his belief 'love is the greatest thing in the world, ...'
11 years later, on September 14, 2001, Democrat Gary Hart, former Senator from Colorado, spoke about the second Bush resident and " '9/11' " to a General
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Meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations. Democrat Hart told his fellow CFR members: ' "There is a chance for the President of the Untied States to use this disaster to carry out ... a phrase his father used ... and that is a New World Order." ' (50)
66 years ago, on the eve of World War II, H. G. Wells brought out The New World Order, a book that envisoned a body like the United Nations as essential for governing humanity. (51)
At the same time-- and there's that coincidental phrase again, at the same time ....-- another secret-society member and beneficiary of Western financiers, Adolf Hitler, extolled the totalitarian homogenity of his society, a vision whose global reach he articulated during World War II.
Adolf Hitler promised: " National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing a new world order." (52)
And 70 years ago novus ordo seclorum was first printed on the U. S. $1 bill.
Secret Bodies for 'Population Control'
What may we gather to be general objectives of the 'New World Order' as foreseen by the Ruling Few and those they fund?
One goal they've often stated is extermination of much of the Earth's human population.
Literal Lords have offered their ideas about the mass killing of homo sapiens. Prince Philip of Britain, husband of Queen Elizabeth II and a White Anglo Saxon image-of-the-superior on supermarket tabloids for decades, is also a famous opponent of 'overpopulation.'
Prince Philip told People magazine in December 1981: 'Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival.... The more people there are, the more resources they'll consume, the more pollution they'll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no option. If it isn't controlled voluntarily, it will be conrtrolled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.' You may note that His Royal Highness, Duke of Edinburgh, regards people as 'they'--as if 'they' were something apart from him.
Seven years later, in August 1988, Prince Philip spoke through Germany's Deutsche Press Agentur about a hope of his. This Prince said: ' "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation." ' (53)
In 1961 Prince Philip--himself descended from a 19th-century King of Denmark and a British-installed King of Greece--enlisted another European noble, Prince Bernhard
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of Holland, to head the British chapter of the newly formed World Wildlife Fund. The WWF has since become famous for protecting elephants and worrying about the environment.
Sid: All this time, I thought those people really did care about me!
Auld Crow: Sh'oor, friend Sid--then look at what's in your feed-bag.
Prince Bernhard was an early and honored NAZI. He joined the German NAZI Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei0 in 1934 and helped it and other intgerests by gathering intelligence for the I. G. Farben cartel, Standard Oil's main partner in supplying oil to the German military during World War II.
After WWII, a professionally rehabilitated Prince Bernhard promoted the United Nations. And in 1954 he hosted a first gathering of financiers, nobility and politicians that subsequently became annual and known as the Bilderberg Group. (54)
Princes Bernhard and Philip had much in common apart from their titles. All four of Prince Philip's sisters married NAZIs.
The two Princes shared ties to international Bankers. David Rockefeller, for instance, his generation's most visible Banker, has attended every meeting of the staunchly secretive Bilderberg Group.
Such B G meetings must be helpful and productive. For instance, European nobles such as Philip and Bernhard and Western financiers such as Rockefellers have been concerned for more than a century with ‘selecting’ the number and kind of poeple on Earth.
Eugenics was one of their efforts. The so-called 'science' of Eugenics descended from lies and prejudices of British East Company theorist Thomas Malthus in the early 19th century. Malthus wrote in his Essay on the Principle of Population as It Affects the Future Improvement of Society': ''We are bound in justice and honour formally to disclaim the right of the poor to support'. Malthus' notions were further popularized by Sir Francis Galton in the late 19th century.
Eugenics proposed to improve society through Governments’ mass sterilization of physically handicapped or otherwise disadvantaged children, Among the Directors of the first International Congress of Eugenics in 1912 were the patricians Winston Churchill of England and U.S. Forest Service-founder W. Gifford Pinchot.
The movement for " 'Eugenics' " attracted more Ruling Few sponsorship after World War I. Prescott Bush and W. Averill Harriman gave Nazis passage aboard their
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Hamburg-Amerika Line to 1932's Third International Congress on Eugenics in New York City. The Third International ... unanimously chose a Rockefeller-funded psychiatrist at Berlin's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and Demography, Dr, Ernst Rudin, to be President of the International Federation of Eugenics Societies.
Dr. Rudin had already founded the German Society for Race Hygiene. Rudin later wrote the salubrious-sounding 'Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases in Posterity' soon after NAZIs assumed Emergency Powers due to their covert burning of the Reichstag.
Rudin's Law sterilized more than 250,000 of the 'unfit'. (55)
'Eugenics' persisted under new names and different guises after World War II.
In 1952---at the same time as the Rothschild-funded and Warburg-led Tavistock Insitute in England continued with designs for mind-control—Rockefeller Foundation millions begat the Population Council under the impetus of John D. Rockefeller III and John Foster Dulles. Dulles and his brother Allen had been attorneys for NAZIs. In 1953 John Foster took office as the U. S. Secretary of State.
The Population Council in Manhattan became home to the American Eugenics Society, as the A E S moved its base from Yale University.
Following World War II, too, the slavery-enriched Gray family in North Carolina, owners of the R, J, Reynolds Tobacco Company and founding donors of the Bowman Gray Medical School, spearheaded mass sterilizations. Several hundred children in Winston-Salem were robbed of fertility between 1946 and 1947. Alice Shelton Gray and James Hanes (yes, underwear) founded the Human Betterment League of North Carolina.
In the 1980s Alice's great-nephew, Boyden Gray (whose father Gordon was National Security Advisor in the Eisenhower Administration and a golf-partner of the U.S, President and Prescott Bush) served as George H. W. Bush's chief legal counsel.
Ruling Few families stick together over generations. In 1988, while George H. W. Bush was U.S. Vice-President, William H. Draper III (whose father, General William H. Draper Jr., was yet another NAZI collaborator and also a promoter of mass sterilization through the 1930s' Eugenics Congress and the 1960s' U. S. Agency for International Development) became administrator of the United Nations Development Program. Said U. N. Program has carried out millions of sterilizations in the Southern
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Hemisphere at the same time as ravages from the disease known as AIDS have killed many millions more.
The Bush, Gore and Kerry families all trace lineage to European nobility. FOFS quotes Burke's Peerage on the supposed genealogies of George W. Bush and Al Gore respectively descending from England's Edward I and the Holy Roman Empire's Charlemagne.
Auld Crow: Little boys! Little boys with ponies and titles and castles and costumes that make 'em feel fit to rule the world.
Sid the Elephant: Oh, Auld Crow, how I wish I had looked up!)
[ … ]
Clubs Wielding Clubs
[ …. ]
To Prevent 217
Laws passed since " '9/11' " allow unprecedented control of 'people' in the United States by our Government.
One such law allows forced vaccination of anyone in this nation.
Section 304 of the Homeland Security Bill, passed by Congress in November 2002, lets the U. S. Secretary of Health and Human Services declare 'that an actual or potential bioterrorist incident or other actual or potential public health emergency makes advisable the administration of a covered countermeausre to a category or categories of individuals.'
According to Jennfier van Bergen's 1/14/03 article 'Smallpox in America', the National Vaccination Information Center maintains that Section 304 is the 'fulfillment of a federal plan in development for several years to allow public health officials to force vaccination and medical treatment on Americans without their informed consent while removing all accountability from drug companies and those who participate in enforcement of the policy.' (62)
Regarding 'drug companies', my October 24, 2001 column for the San Francisco Bay View relates information about Bayer and BioPort, the exclusive suppliers of vaccines against anthrax within the U. S.
An earlier Bay View column (10/10/01) supposed that the 'Next Wave of '"Terror" ' to strike us might be the "bio-chemical warfare" that Dick Cheney had named in December 2000 as the last of three threats confronting the new Bush Administration.
A recession and an attack by terrorists on domestic U. S. targets were the first two threats that Dick Cheney somehow foresaw then,
Another law passed immediately after " '9/11' ", the PATRIOT Act 1 from October 2001, says in its Section 802 (a) (5) that 'domestic terrorism' is defined as 'activities that that 'appear to be intended ... to intimidate or coerce a civilian population' or 'to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion'. (63)
Thus, protests such as won the vote for women in the U. S.-- protests such as led to passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Bill--and protests such as helped to end the U. S. occupation of Vietnam-- may now be judged a form of 'coercion' meant 'to influence the policy of a government'.
Thus, those who engage in 'domestic terrorism' may be considered 'enemy combatants'--like Jose Padilla--and arrested and detained without charges, counsel or trial for indefinite lengths of time.
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The Next Terrorist Attack Is "Virtually a Certainty"
Leaders in the Bush Administration, in media, and in high finance continue to anticipate that another, even more deadly "terrorist attack" will soon strike within the United States.
In January 2004 Vice-President Dick Cheney, he the former Draft-dodger and Secretary of Defense, he the descendant of five prior members of Yale's Skull and Bones Society, told the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles that the next 'terrorist attack' in the U. S. might cost ' "tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives" ', according to the Los Angeles Times. (64)
The night after Cheney's forewarning, on 1/15/04, the then Secretary of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, met with the heads of the News Departments of the ABC, CBS, CNN and FOX Networks along with Network anchors Aaron Brown, Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings at Steven Brill's home in Manhattan.
According to the New York Post, Ridge and the Network heads and anchors met 'to discuss how they'll cover the next terrrorist attack'. (65)
In December 2004, following the obvious vote-fraud and theft of another Presidential election, huge majorities in the U. S. Senate and House of Representatives passed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. This Act requires domestic passports and checkpoints for all within the U. S. if the Head of State declares a National Emergency. Skull and Bones brothers John Kerry and George W. Bush joined again to support this Act.
What and who would profit from a "terrorist attack" that used "bio-chemical warfare" within the U. S.?
Part of a four-page tabloid that I wrote in February 2003 and published with the help of Betsy Culp of the online sfcall, the Fight Back Bugle, relates the partnerships between Western pharmaceutical Corporations for exclusive control of vaccines against anthrax and smallpox in the United States. (66)
Three of these partner Corporations, BASF, Bayer, and Hoechst, emerged from NAZI Germany's central cartel, I. G. Farben, the Standard Oil and General Electric partner whose Zyklon B gas accelerated concentration-camps' mass murder of Jews, Roma, Leftists and others, with U.S. approval after World War II.
BASF, Bayer, and Hoechst belong to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) along with these colleague Corporations: American Home Products, Eli Lilly, G. D. Searle, and GlaxoSmithKline. Donald Rumsfeld, the current (and former)
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U. S. Secretary of Defense, was the CEO of G. D. Searle & Co from 1977 to 1985, a span in which Searle brought poisonous aspartame to the public via NutraSweet and Equal.
In November 2001, two months after " '9/11' ", the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America formed a task-force 'to deal with the health consequences of terrorist activities.' The PhRMA task- force, headed by Richard Markham, CEO of Hoechst subsidiary Aventis, the licensee for smallpox and anthrax vaccines in the U.S., subsequently met with U. S. Government officials.
For ostensible reasons of national security, these meetings were private. (67)
Since September 2001 more than 30 of the world's leading microbiologists--researchers whose knowledge might combat or refute supposed sources of a new " 'plague' from a viral or other bacteriophage--voices who might point to the real sources of "bio-chemical warfare" in a '"terrorist attack'--have died due to causes termed 'suicide' or 'accident.' (68)
The next "terrorist attack" might alternatively use nuclear weaponry, a 'dirty bomb' such as brown-skinned Jose Padilla is supposed to have intended for a target within the U. S.
Warren Buffett Figures Again
In May 2002 another financier linked to major events of the 9/11/01 day, Warren Buffett, spoke to shareholders of the Berkshire Hathaway company that he heads.
Nine months earlier, on the morning of 9/11/01, Buffet, ranked by AOLTimeWarner's FORTUNE magazine as the 'second richest man in the world', coincidentally hosted a breakfast party for fellow CEOs at Offutt Air Force Base nearby Omaha, Nebraska. Offutt Air Force Base is home to the U. S. Strategic Air Command Center. It was also the refuge for George W. Bush on the 9/11/01 afternoon. On May 5, 2002 Warren Buffet told media after a meeting with Berkshire Hathaway shareholders that a nuclear attack by terrorists in the United States was ' "virtually a certainty." '
Four months later (September 16, 2002) Warren Buffet was photographed with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lord Jacob Rothschild at a meeting on Rothschild's English estate of investors in Buffet's NextJet company.
Buffett has since called the threat of a nuclear attack in the U. S. "the number-one problem of our time." (70)
Berkshire Hathaway was a big financial winner after 9/11/01.
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In 2002 Berkshire Hathaway's insurance holdings saw revenue from their post-" 9/11' " premiums rise by more than $6 billion and thus more than triple 2001's revenue.
It joined other giant Corporations such as the American Insurance Group or AIG (headed by Maurice Greenberg, the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York) and Marsh and McClennan (then headed by Maurice's son Jeffrey and the corporate home to 295 fatalities from the South Tower's destruction) in enormous profits from insurance-premiums post " '9/11' ". (71)
Executives Jump to Opportunities
To better understand minds of the Ruling Few, we should look here at how 'opportunities' for 'price increases' have concerned high-level executives immediately after human disasters.
On the night of the day that their firm had 295 deaths, 9/11/01, Marsh & McClennan Vice- President Charles A. Davis sent a FAX to his President, Jeffrey Greenberg, which 'suggested the formation of a new subsidiary that would underwrite corporate policies', according to the Wall Street Journal of November 15, 2001. The Journal quoted Davis: ' "We were absolutely thinking about the impact of the attacks and what the opportunities were in front of us." '
Nine years earlier, Jeffrey Greenberg, then a Vice-President in his father's AIG, saw similar boons to be had. In the wake of Hurricane Andrew's devastations to Florida, the younger Greenberg wrote in an inter-company memo that the disaster offered AIG 'an opportunity to get price increases now.'
The Wall Street Journal wrote two months after " '9/11' ": 'Insurance stocks have jumped 7% since the attacks, outpacing the broader market, and the atmosphere in the industry is one of eager anticipation.' (72)
To Prevent 235
1. 'What is Fascism?' at www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/mussolini- fascims.html from entry in 1932 Italian Encyclopedia by Benito Mussolini and Gemmi Gentile.
2. 'Central Banking and the Private Control of Money', Eric Samuelson, Nexus, December 1998--January 1999, pg. 12
3. The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Eustace Mullins, Bankers Research Institute, 1984, pg 3
4. The Control of Oil, John M. Blair, Pantheon Books, 1976, pp. 144-46, 149; Power, Inc., Morton Mintz and Jerry Cohen, The Viking Press, 1976, pp. 297-303
5. Waking Up from Our Nightmare, Don Paul and Jim Hoffman, Irresistible/Revolutionary, 2004, pg. 62, endnote 11, quoting
the New York Times of 10/28/93 and the Washington Post of 10/29/03 as well as 'Troubling Questions in Troubling Times' by James S. Adam at http://www.serendipity.li/wot/adam.htm .
6 .The 9/11 Commission Report, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, W. W. Norton & Company, 2004, pg. 72
7. Alan Waldman, 'How the Grinch Stole the White House ... Again', Online Journal 11/20/04, archived with additional footnotes by Dave Ratcliffe at http://www/ratical.org/ratville/2004Waldman.html .
8. http://www.betterworldlinks.org/book109h.htm .
9. htto://www.buzzflash,com/alerts.04/11/The_unexplained_exitpoll- discrepancy_v00k.pdf .
10. q=cache:FITtOTCZVzYJ:www.uscountvotes.org/ucvAnalysis/US/ USCountV otes_Re_Mitofsky-Edison.pdf+uscountvotes+edison +mitofsky&hl=en .
11 'Voting Machine Controversy' Jule Carr Smyth. Cleveland Plain Dealer, August 28, 2003, reprinted at http:// www.onlisareinsradar.com/archives/001684.php12 .
12, http://www.betterworldlinks.org/book109h.htm . 13.http://911research.wtc7.net/papers/dustvolume/volume.html
16. Atlanta Journal-Constitution
17. George magazine November 1996, cited in Everything Is under Control, Robert Anton Wilson with Miriam Joan Hill, HarperCollins, 1998, pg. 1
18. http://www.prouty.org; Understanding Special Operations ... interview with L. Fletcher Prouty by David T. Ratcliffe, rat haus reality press, 1989; 'The JFK Assassination', David Giacometi at http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread2065/pg1 .
236 To Prevent
19, http://www.questionsquestions.net/docs04/0526_donpaul.html 20. ... and the truth shall set you free, David Icke, Bridge of Love, 1998, pp. 81-83, quoting from the Congressional Record of the 76thU. S. Congress and from Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, pg. 169.
21. www.leftgatekeepers.com; Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, Dr. John Coleman, America West, 1992, pp. 235-36.
23. http://teacher.scholastic.com/researchtools/researchstarters/ women; http://www.bessel.org/foundmas.htm
24, http://www.constitution.org/cs_found.htm; 'The Evolution of Suffrage Institutions in the New World', Stanley L. Engerman and Kenneth L. Sokoloff, 2005
25. http://www.sptimes.com/2005/01/19/Columns/ Debt_games_could_sink.shtmlhttp://www.forbes.com/home/ strategies/2005/01/07/cx_da_0107topnews.html
26. http://www.prudentbear.com/archive_comm_article.asp? category=Guest+Commentary&content_idx=40498
27. http://www.jewish-history.com/Salomon/salo01.html, excerpt from 'A Casual View of America: The Home Letters of Salomon de Rothschild, 1859-1861'
28. Judah P. Benjamin: The Jewish Confederate, Eli N. Evans, The Free Press, 1988, pg. 237
29. 'The House of Rothschild', Chapter 5, pg. 53, in Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Eustace Mullins, published online at http:// www.federal-reserve.net/secrets.htm .
30. 'Reconstruction Carpetbaggers Money Fund', New York Times, 10/31/1866, quoted in Lightning over the Treasury Building, John Elson, Meador Publishing Company, 1941, pg. 53
31. http://americaondebt.com/quotes.htmlson, pg.
32. On "greenbacks" and Lincoln quote, see The American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War, Bruce Catton narrative,1960, pg. 395; The Creature from Jeykll Island, G. Edward Griffin, American Media, 1994, pg. 384; and http://www.perfecteconomy.com/ principal---historic-parable-of-perfect-economy.html
33. 'Abraham Lincoln and the "Greenback" ' in Chapter 2.1 ('National Bank of the United States') of the Modern History Project up at http:// www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/ArticleDisplay.php? Article=FinalWarn02-1#Greenback
34. Rule by Secrecy, Jim Marrs, HarperCollins, 2000, pg. 213
35. The New Encyclopedia Brittannica, Volume 8, pg. 320.
36. Memo printed in the U. S. Congrressional Record of 4/29/1913, quoted in The Money Masters, 1995 and 1998, Bill Still and Patrick S. J. Carmack (an overview of how 'International Bankers Gained
To Prevent 237
Control of America'), video script posted by Peter Myers at http:// users.cyberone.com.au/myers/money-masters.html .37. Rule by Secrecy, pg. 57
38. The Money Masters, video-script, pg. 46
39. Rule by Secrecy, pg. 45
40. The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. pg. 3
41. Waking Up from Our Nightmare, pg. 40, quoting from http:// www.documentationexpress.com/article7-about-money.html .
42. Nexus, December 1998--January 1999, pg. 12
43. At this and many sites on the Web; http://centre.telemanage.ca/ links.nsf/articles/668DD4CD677629EF85256FA500663E9A49.
44. U. S. Federal and total debt in 'The U. S. Economy/ The Other Side of Prosperity', Marshall Auerback, San Francisco Chronicle, 2/20/2005 at http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/ chronicle/archive/2005/02/20/INGG9BBCVK1.DTL&type=printable; U. S. consumers' debt as of January 2004, according to Federal Reserve Board, at http://www.wsws.org/articles/2004/jan2004/debt- j15.shtml
45. The Empire of the City, E. C. Knuth, 1944, available at www.themoneymasters.com, pg. 71
46. Lloyd George to the New York Journal American, 6/24/1924, quoted in ... and the truth shall set you free, pg. 96
47. When Corporations Ruled the World, David R. Korten, Kumarian Press, 1995, excerpt at http://thirdworldtraveler.com/Korten/ BuildEliteConsens_WCRW.html .
48. Army Review Board report 10/20/1944, quoted in Pearl Harbor: Mother of All Conspiracies, Mark Emerson Willey, X Libris, 2001, report transcribed by Larry Jewell and up at http://www.geoc ities.com/Pentagon/6315/pearl.html . See also Infamy by John Toland
and Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor by Robert B. Stinnett.
49. http://www.usembassy.de/usa/etexts/speeches/rhetoric/ gbaggres.htm .
50. http://tinyurl.com/5hja5 .
51. http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/ new_world_order_hgwells.htm .
52. http://illuminati-news.com/worldleaders-quote-nwo.htm
Skull and Bones 19th- to 20th-century
53. http://www.aboutsudan.com/dossiers/british_monarchy/ prince_philip_reich.htm .
54. http://www.bilderberg.org/bernhard.htm#Hand. This site links to several worthwhile books, among them Antony G. Sutton's Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Raymond Bonner's At the Hand of Man
238 To Prevent
Peril and Hope for Africa's Wildlife, Charles Higham's Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-49, and Christopher Simpson's Blowback.
55. George Bush/ The Unauthorized Biography, pp. 45-62
56. George Bush/ The Unauthorized Biography, pp. 115-37.
57. Ibid 119-27 and 460-68; Defrauding America, Rodney Stich former Federal Aviation Administration investigator), Diablo Western, 1998, pp. 295. 312-14. See also Dark Alliance by Gary Webb and Whiteout by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair (review by Scott Loughrey at q=cache:ZpfUGAJNx14Jwww.mediacriticism.com/)CIA_Whiteout_1 999.html+whiteout+cockburn&hl=en .
58. http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2005/02/01/ global_warming_methane_could_be_far_worse_than_carbon_dioxid e.htm
59. The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen, '76 Press, 1976, pg. 152
60. State of the World 1991: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress toward a Sustainable World, Lester R. Brown, W. W. Norton, 1991, pg. 3
61. 'How the IMF Props Up the Bankrupt Dollar System'. William Engdahl, http://www.serendipity.li/hr/
imf_and_dollarf_system.htm .opium revenue
62/ http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0301/S00061.htm .
63. http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/Section802.html .
64. 'Cheney's Grim Vision: Decades of War ...', http://sfgate.com/cgi- bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/01/15/MNGK14AC301.DTL65.
65. http://www.notinourname.net/media/brill-15jan04.htm . See also Brill with PBS interviewer Charlie Rose on his new company's Verfied Identity Card and Larry Silverstein's insurance claims at http://www.charlierose.com/archives/archive3.shtm .
66. 911truthla.orgresources.html+fight+back+bugle+part+3&hl=en .
67, http://www.healingcelebrations.com/smallpoxandanthrax.htm . 68, Paul Thompson's timeline at http:// www.cooperativeresearch.org.timeline.jsptimeline=complete_911_ti meline&theme=anthrax, referring often to Toronto Globe and Mail article 'Strange Cluster of Microbiolgists' Deaths under the Microscope' by Alanna Mitchell, Simon Cooper and Caroyln Abraham, 5/4/2003. Later timeline by Steve Quayle at http:// freepress2005.blogspot.com/2005/01/author-theorizes-40- microbiologists.html .
69. http://research.lifeboat.com/cnn.htm and http://slate.msn.com/id/ 2067112/ .See also http://www.cfr.org/pub7410/ robert_l_gallucci_graham_t_allison/ nuclear_terrorism_the_ultimate_preventable_catastrophe.php ,
To Prevent 239
70. http://surviveanukeattack.com/2008/01/21/warren-buffet-on- nuclear-bombs/
71. http://www.insurancejournal.com/magazines/southcentral/ 2003/12/15/coverstory/35033.htm .
71. 'Insurance Industry Stands to Profit from Changes Wrought by Sept. 11', Christopher Oster, Wall Street Journal, 11/15.2001, among articles assembled by Al Martin at http://www.the-catbird-seat.net/ AlliedWorldAssurance.htm .
72. Christopher Story's Winter 2004-05 International Currency Review, pg. 82, quoted at Henry Makow's http:// www.savethemales.ca/000834.html .
73. "The Money Masters" video script, pg. 19, at http:// users.cyberone.com.au/myers/money-masters.html .
74. Foreign Affairs (published by the Council on Foreign Relations) July-August 1995, quoted at http://www.pushhamburger.com/ nov_pearl.htm .
75. http://www.ironwoodpublications.com/pages/856709/, interview with Allen W. Smith, author of The Looting of Social Security: How the Government Is Draining America's Retirement Account, Carroll & Graf, 2003.
76. 'Over 50 Towns in North America Now Have Their Own Currencies', Alain Pilote, at http://www.cyberclass.net/towns.htm . 77. Who Owns the Sun, Daniel Berman and John T, O'Conner, Chelsea Green Press, 1995, pp. 231-33.
78. ‘Wind Force 12 Study’, EWEA, p. 74, http://www.ewea.org/ 03publications/WindForce12.htm, See www.ewea.org and www.awea.org on the growth of power-generation by wind. See http://store.sundancesolar.com/rearerepecrr.html on renewables altogether.
80. See http://www.house.gov/conyers/news_reparations.htm http://www.swagga.com/obadele.htm http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/0830-05.htm
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