Karma Coming for Dr. Fauci with Justice for His Victims. Remembering the Director and the Millions Whom He's Injured and Killed.
As victims of 'COVID-19' 'vaccines' endorsed by Dr. Fauci tell their stories in Nations-wide forums--at last!--we should remember how specific and heinous the Director's Crimes were and are.
November 29, 2024
In 2024 the thousands unto many millions injured and even killed by ‘vaccines’ for ‘COVID-19’ are at last gaining notice in National and International Courts and Media.
The Associated Press, ABC News, the New York Times, … have reported since this past May on Claims and on victories by and for victims of COVID pretexts (one Nurse in Michigan won $12 million+ this month of November for her firing due to her refusal to accept mandated COVID injection) and victims of the shots themselves.
The Jury award in Detroit, Michigan.
New York Times findings last May.
Australia’s Governments had paid out more than $13 million to victims of COVID-19 ‘vaccines. as of last May,
We in the USA can look forward to 50 HOURS of video testimony from the injured and bereaved by COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, beginning next Monday, December 1, 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, on the TV platform of Childrens Health Defense.
Now, then, is a fine time to remember unstinting efforts by Dr. ANTHONY FAUCI to grievously harm Public Health over the past four decades—and even four decades.
We can, in fact, now see clearly that Dr. Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, within the United States’ National Institutes of Health, between 1984 and December of 2022, was indeed the Key Instrument of Fraud and Hype, ‘America’s Doctor’ as Big Media such as CNN, The New Yorker, MSNBC, et cetera relentlessly advertised him from COVID-19’s naming by the United Nations’ World Health Organization on February 11, 2020 onward.
March 14, 2020, CNN.
I tried to keep up with Fauci’s lies throughout Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall of 2020. He headlined my sixth ‘COVID-19’ Post on the Flipping the Script blog over in the vasty, slow-moving reaches of the We Are Revolutions website. April 25, 2020.
Fauci followed Bill Gates by one day, April 6 after April 5, in the Mounting Chorus calling for the ‘must’ of a ‘Vaccine’ to bring our societies back to ‘normal.’
Soon the Doctor’s lies began to immediately direct Patients into poisonous non-remedies such as Remdesivir. … even as we, the People, We Masses, were fast gaining Natural Immunity against whatever ‘COVID-19’ might then have been.
The Doctor’s lies were steady for the next months … as the Sun, the Moon and the stars. His expertise blocked us from benign preventions and cures such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermection, Zinc—working magnificently across Africa and in Argentina and Mexico and wanted by Staffs at New York University and the Henry Ford complex in Detroit—and helped the Trump Administration buy ALL available stockpiles of the already killing drug Remdesivir. COVID-19 #13 reported in August.
And On and On and On … Into the ‘Vaccines’ and the ‘Delta Variant’ of June 2021 and a Closer Reckoning of his Karma for Dr. Fauci. By then my FlippingtheScript blog had advanced from ‘COVID-19’ and its 14 Posts, through ‘The Choice Is Us’ and its 10 or so Posts related to the U.S. Presidential ‘Election’ and mRNA march toward hundreds millions of We Masses, into nine Posts of ‘Refusing the Great Reset. June 9, 2021.
Main points were by then Statements-of-Fact that comprised stacks of Crimes.
Alright, then, and here we are, one day past Thanksgiving in the USA.
Where and how is Dr. Anthony Fauci? Well, he’s enjoying, we may say, perks and protections reflecting his four and more decades of service to a Ruling Few.
Mid-November of 2024, the Open the Books website and journalist Jordan Schactel published a genuine exposé through their use of the Freedom of Information Act.
The information discloses $15 million spent on transporting Dr. Fauci and his team of U.S. Marshals so that protection and suitable amenites were provided the former Director.
From Open the Books and Jordan Schachtel, November 15, 2024:
‘For the past two years, Dr. Anthony Fauci has received $15,000,000 in taxpayer-funded security services – despite having returned to private citizenship. Open the Books discovered the arrangement within a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the U.S. Marshals service and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) via a Freedom of Information Act request.
According to the MOU, protection was available from January 4, 2023-September 20, 2024. The $15 million covers in part:
Salaries and benefits for deputies and administrative personnel assigned to Fauci’s protective detail
Costs related to transporting Fauci
Law enforcement equipment
The MOU states that the contract could be extended, and it is unknown if it has been. We asked the Marshals Service for clarification, and they did not get back to us within our deadline. We will provide an update if they respond.
From 2019 to 2022 he was the highest paid federal employee, and he received lucrative cash prizes from domestic and international organizations that sought to position themselves closely with the man who controlled the distribution of billions of dollars in grantmaking funds. Fauci retired from the federal bureaucracy with a record $480,654 salary. In 2022 Open the Books estimated his pension would be about $355,000 per year, adding to the considerable fortune of $11 million amassed over his 54 years of government service. The President of the United States makes $400,000 per year. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts made $312,200 in 2023.
Since retiring from the NIAID in December 2022, Dr. Fauci published a memoir and accepted a quasi-ceremonial dual-professorship at Georgetown University. He holds the newfound title of Distinguished University Professor in the School of Medicine and is also affiliated with Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public Policy. The longtime NIAID chief has yet to teach a class at the university.’
Thus, we may see, Dr. Fauci awaits his Karma amid appointments that might comfort any conscience. He, however, will receive his Justice with the same certainty that his victims insist that their suffering be answered.
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
Never going to happen. Doc says: oops! I was a complete IDIOT
Dr. Jay for NIH
Making the taxpayer pay for his poison at Warp Speed