"Justice' as "Another Alternative". Concluding My Introduction to Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers'
With 118 Endnotes and Urls of February 2010 closing this Post.
September 20, 2024
Reviewing in 2010 Crimes and Criminals who remain ‘BOUNDLESS’.
‘Global Gangsters, Partnered Plutocracies, Captains of Technology Serving Totalitarian Financiers, and What We Can Do
'I strongly object to the fact that so many newspapers have given the American public and the world the impression that I have only two alternatives in taking this stand--either I go to jail or go to the Army. There is another alternative, and that alternative is justice.'
Muhammad Ali in his statement on refusing induction into the U.S. Armed Forces, April 26, 1967, quoted in The Soul of a Butterfly (written with his daughter Hana Yasmeen Ali), 2004
[We continue with text from the latter part of my Introduction to Kevin’s ‘Demolition Access …’]
‘The stories of John Blitch and ' "Carolina" ' Griffin are small though instructive pieces among the intercontinental cast of characters, Corporations and Governments that Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' presents.
Within this Introduction alone, we've met MORE Executives of the supranational Corporate Government than one mind can easily trace.
Kevin Ryan's far-reaching 'SECURITY' installment brings us SAIC and Kroll, Inc, Stratasec or Securacom, BDM, TRW, Ensec, Komatsu, Lockheed Martin, and MORE.
Kevin’s 'CLEAN-UP' installment gives us Turner Construction and its parent Hochtief. There, too. we meet AMEC Construction Management and Bevis Lend Lease of London, England, and we meet FEMA and NIST, the FBI, the new Mayor of Dallas, and many MORE.
Among 'TENANTS' with exclusive or major occupation of floors in the North and South Towers that were subject to 'upgrades' before 9/11/01, we've met Marsh & McClennan, the Primark Corporation, and Mizuho Holdings. Through these mere three Corporations and their Executives and interlocking Subsidiaries and Board memberships we've encountered connections that are literally BOUNDLESS .
[ … }
And: Now that we know, what can we do?
How can we fight back? How can we get free?
Kevin’s 'Demolition Access ...' offers us keys through its very enormity of details
First, we can see that the Ruling Few are really few.
These few are also really limited in their visions of the present and future. The very lack of compassion that allows them to carry out acts of terror such as " '9/11' " and
" '7/7' " [86], as well as to carry out practices of deceit, theft, bigotry, impoverishment and worse every day, also blinds the Ruling Few to imminent solutions.
These Few. we may see, are fixed in their dooms-bound, pathological characters and trajectory. The question for We Masses in the United States and elsewhere in 2009 is simple: Do we let the Few annihilate us through their acts of Terror and War and their systems of Credit and Debt?
[ … ]
We may look further into specific pieces of our collective history.
"Who owns General Dynamics?" Mr. X, the U.S. Military and "black operations" expert, asks New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in the movie "JFK".
Mr. X prods Garrison in their Washington, DC meeting to probe MORE into "who" had the means, motive and opportunity to 1) assassinate a U.S. President and to 2) cover up their crimes.
Mr. X refers to General Dynamics, builder of the F-111 'tactical strike aircraft’. This weapons-maker’s profits soared during the escalation of the Vietnam War that followed the murder of John F. Kennedy.
“ ‘9/11’ “ and the ‘War on Terror have’ likewise benefited weapons-makers. Contracts to General Dynamics from the U.S. Defense Department nearly doubled in their dollars-amount between 2001 and 2003 … mirroring the gains in Contracts for Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grunman, et cetera [87]
In 1963 General Dyanmics was controlled by the Chicago-based 'industrialist and philanthropist' (wikipedia) Henry Crown. [88]
In 1992 Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway company became General Dynamics' largest share-holder with its purchase of $4.35 million shares--or 14.1%--of G.D. [90]
In 1992 Buffett, the Nebraska-base financier, was also notable for having recently "saved" Salomon Brothers, the speculator Corporation whose descendant Salomon Smith Barney was the Tenant on 36 of World Trade Center Building 7's 47 neatly imploded floors. [90]
We know from Kevin Ryan that the too- big-to-fail bailout-recipient Citigroup wholly owned Salomon Smith Barney on 9/11/01.
Readers may also remember that Warren Buffet hosted the 'charity event' that took place at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska on the morning of 9/11/01. Said 'charity event' included Anne Tatlock, the Chief Executive Officer of Fiduciary Trust, a Corporation that lost 87 employees to death in the demolition of the South Tower. [91]
In 1992, according to Chairman Warren Buffet's letter to more than 20,000 share-holders, Berkshire Hathaway owned 18.2 % of the ABC TV-network, 14.6% of the Washington Post publishing company, and 11.5% of the Wells Fargo Bank, as well as large holdings in Coca Cola and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, along with its 14.1% of General Dynamics [92]
In 2009 Chairman Buffet's letter to Berkshire Hathaway share- holders reported on 18.4% ownership of the Washington Post and billions of dollars of new investment in General Electric (NBC) and Goldman Sachs. [93]
At present General Dynamics remains a favorite of 'guru' fund-managers and other multi-billions-dollar speculators. [94]
Gains to weapons-makers from WARS in the Middle East and Central Asia continue.
In 2008 Lester Crown, Henry's son, a former President of General Dynamics, wrote to 'a large number of Jewish voters' about his support of then Senator Barack Obama for U.S. President due to the Senator's 'stellar record on Israel'. [95]
The increase in U.S. Defense Department spending in the first year of the 'Change' from the Bush to the Obama Ad. has been 12.7%--up from $515.4 billion in the 2009 Federal budget to $663.7 billion in the 2010 Federal budget. [96]
At the same time, DEBT, the most powerful means of profit and control over peoples and nations, has grown at a much greater and MORE imprisioning pace. Over the same span of less than two years, the total projected DEBT of the United States has risen much more than 100%--from $5.6 trillion to $14.078 trillion--largely due to the expenditure of trillions of dollars on the biggest of supranational BANKS and other speculator Corporations. [97]
Proofs pile up. Whether we look at General Dynamics in 1963 or 1992 or 2003--whether we look at Lester Crown or his son--whether we look at Berkshire Hathaway and its stock-ownerships of 1992 or 2009--we see MORE of literally boundless capacities and investments.
A literally BOUNDLESS concentration of financier-based wealth controls a literally BOUNDLESS range of material and Governmental power. This concentration of speculators’ wealth and power is free to engage in literally BOUNDLESS CRIME.
The whole picture grows clearer. We Masses are meant to suffer more for the Ruling Few. They appear to want us buried under more Arms and War and Drugs and Debt.
Kevin Ryan has let us peer into details and shadows behind the greatest crime and lie of the 21st century. We can see the same Corporations and executives as integral to the crimes of " '9/11' ", as these Few are integral to the ongoing theft of working- class and middle-class freedoms and wealth in the United States and around the world.
We can see the Few’s aims in the 'New World Order' headings of multi-national media after the summit of G-20 nations on September 25, 2009
'G-20 to police new world economic order', 'Obama to Usher in New World Order at G-20', 'New World Order: Obama to Widen G-20's Role', 'G-20 to Become Premier Coordinating Body in Global Economic Order') from the London Telegraph to Fox News to NBC Miami to Russia's Pravda [99] [100] [101] [102].
Terror is to shape us. Crises are to bend and break us. We Masses are to be hammered more to fit as Ruling Few's degraded tools.
We Masses of 2010 are to lose national sovereignty as the Ruling Few destroy our economies. Our capacities for nativist resistance are to be sapped and shattered as our Armed Forces are entangled here and there and our means of self-defense are taken away. […}
We're to be taxed for driving and riding and smoking and breathing. We're to feel lucky to board airliners. We're to be strip-searched and irradiated by technology controlled by totalitarian financiers […} We're to be hammered into robots and serfs.
The Ruling Few have yet to see that they need We Masses' genius to sustain any life worth living on this planet.
Kevin Ryan finished his third installment, ''Caryle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence', with a paragraph that stated the core of his immense findings. He suggested that those who seek truth and justice for the crimes of 9/11/01 must turn away from 'al Qaeda' as the culprit for phenomena that 'al Qaeda' could not have caused.
Alternatively, we who seek truth and justice, Kevin Ryan wrote, must look at 'a far more powerful and highly connected system of intelligence and financial networks, represented by organizations like Carlyle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton, that converged upon the events of 9/11.'
Kevin Ryan concluded finally: 'Understanding and destroying terrorism might simply be a matter of understanding and destroying the organizations that continue to profit from 9/11.'
What are these organizations? The ultimate profiteers from " '9/11' " and the " 'War on Terror' " are the Banks that ultimately control national economies.
These same Banks also control the four-legged monster which I identified as G.O.D.D. (Guns, Oil, Drug, Debt) in first writing about the 'Financiers behind 9/11', May of 2004. [103]
Who owns Exxon Mobil? Who owns Chevrom Texaco? Who owns the Corporations that sell " 'swine-flu vaccines' "? Who owns the same Banks that most profit from laundering money from narcotics such as opium/heroin from Afghanistan and Pakistan and coca/cocaine/Crack from Latin America?
These Banks, the world's largest commercial Banks (Bank of America, Barclay's, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Chase, ...) are owned by the same families who control the private and for- profit Central Banks (the Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, Bank of France, Bank of Germany, Bank of Japan, ...) that set national interest-rates and issue national money-supplies. [104] [105] [106]
We Masses need to be rid of these Central Banks first of all.
The step of withdrawing funds from the largest commercial Banks, as in the 'Move Your Money' campaign', is one good though partial turn. [107] [108]
The step of moving sources of Government funding to publicly controlled Banks that can invest without usury in the public's well-being, such as the Bank of North Dakoka with its singular $1.3-billion surplus now does, also makes sense, per the advice of Ellen Brown and Conan O'Brien. [109] [110]
The step of a mass public withdrawal of funds from the largest commercial, supranational Banks in a 'National Strike' is a further, dramatic and radical step. [111]
More basic and life-changing than any of these sensible rebellions and practical alternatives is recognition of the whole picture that Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' helps us to gather and understand..
We can use our recognition to throw off the deeper psychological holds that the Ruling Few have imposed on us.
We can act on what what we know to be true.
We can reject the Big Lie that's basis for the crippling nonsense of the " 'War on Terror' ". We can reject the transparently false pretext for the Ruling Few's wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iraq and Yemen and elsewhere.
We can say aloud to each other obvious truths. "9/11 was an inside-job." "9/11 is a big lie." We can say these obvious truths forthrightly and then build from them to achieve the freedom and prosperity possible for all humanity in the 21st century.
We can proceed forward.
Eight and one-half years is much too long to live under the thrall of murderous lies.
Courage. Clarity. Compassion. Humor. Courage again.
We can thank Kevin Ryan for much heavy-lifting […} We can appreciate his personal courage, clarity, compassion, humor, and the recurrent courage of his decisions. We can thank his family's steadfastness too.
Over six years ago Kevin Ryan lost his job at Underwriter Laboratories for publicly insisting that executives in that Corporation and in the United States Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) not lie about tests' findings as to the resistance against fire of Twin Towers' structural steel.
Kevin lost his job but continued on his truth-telling course. He joined with Steven Jones in proving thermitic reactions in the steel and dust of debris from the Twin Towers' explosions. He listed 'The Top 10 Connections between NIST and Nano-thermites' in another far-reaching and ground-breaking paper. [115] He counseled Naomi Klein and Naomi Wolf and others whose 'Confabulations' deny realities that most threaten them. [116] He thanked the National Geographic Channel (67% owned by financiers' loyal debtor Rupert Murdoch and his News Corporation [117]) for an apology and honesty … that of course never came. [118]
Now Kevin Ryan has given us another great resource.
His 'Demolition Access ...' forms in its breadth and depths and strata something like a cavernous mountain of light that may be seen to face the skyscrapers that were exploded into dust and strewn steel on September 11, 2001.
Ponder the illuminating mountain that is Kevin Ryan's "Demolition Access ...'. Follow its multi-national, multi-ethnic channels and interlocks. Trace the links between the Directors of Boards and the decades-long co-conspirators it names. See who must indubitably be leading suspects for the mass murder in Lower Manhattan on 9/11/01--and see that these few are still intent on burying YOU and US under war and debt and imprisoning uses of technology.
You may feel that a good, brave soul, Kevin Ryan, has more or less risked his life to bring you news that may save your family .
Now that we know, we should know what to do.
Footnotes and urls (many of these links are gone in September 2024)
1. '9/11: Total Proof that Bombs were Planted in the Buildings!'
2. Dan Rather CBS interview with Jerome Hauer at 2:33 to 6:48 of the Brasscheck TV video at
http://www .sott.net/articles/show/146563-The-9-11- Solution-RESTORED-The-Video-Google-Censored
3. Jerome Hauer resume ahttp://upmc-biosecurity .net/website/events/ 2000_symposium-2/hauer/index.html
4. San Francisco Business Journal, February 4, 2002 at http://sanfrancisco.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/stories/ 2002/02/04/story3.html;
5. Forbes Magazine, October 15, 2001 at
http://www .forbes.com/forbes/2001/1015/070.html
6. Excerpt from " '9/11' " / Facing Our Fascist State, Don Paul, 2002, at
http://www .sfcall.com/issues%202002/11.01.02/ paul_11_01_02.htm
7. 'Videos Show Building 7's Vertical Collapse' at
http://www .wtc7.net/videos.html
8. CNN on World Trade Center Building 7 at
9. BBC on WTC 7 at http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=dwqXuwQcZFI&feature=related
122 Animals Are Always Making Music
10. Excerpt from Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11?, David Ray Griffin, 2008, at http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ article20722.htm
11. Jennifer Van Bergen in truthout.org, May 20, 2002 at http://www .globalissues.org/article/342/the-usa-patriot-act- was-planned-before-911
12. CNN, 'Cheney hints at additional ground operations', October 25, 2001, at http://archives.cnn.com/2001/US/10/25/ret.cheney/ index.html
13. 'The New Normal', a traveling exhibition co-organized by Independent Curators International and Artists Space in New York City, June 2008, at
http://www .we-make-money-not-art.com/archives/ 2008/06/the-new-normal-brings-together .php
14. Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton, 'Legislating Tyranny', an excerpt from their The Tyranny of Good Intentions', June 3, 2008 at
http://www .counterpunch.org/roberts06032008.html
15. Glenn Greenwald, 'Backlash grows against Obama's preventive detention proposal', Salon, May 25, 2009 at http://www .salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2009/05/25/ obama/index.html
16. Center for Investigative Reporting, 'Homeland Security USA: Obama wants to hire thousands for 'domestic intel', March 10, 2009, at http://www.centerforinvestigativereporting.org/blogpost/ 20090310homelandsecurityusaobamawantstohire‘thousands’ fordomesticintel
Animals Are Always Making Music 123
17. Washington Post, 'No clear plan for paying for Obama's Afghanistan troop increase', December 2, 2009, at http://www .washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/ 2009/12/01/AR2009120103864.html
18. Russel Amster in truthout.org, January 24, 2010, at http://www.truthout.org/invasion-body-scanners56324'15.
19. January 6, 2010 at
http://noworldsystem.com/2010/01/06/full-body- scanners-increase-cancer-risk/
20. 'Fleischer criticizes Obama's speech as too balanced', June 4, 2009, at http://thinkprogress.org/2009/06/04/fleischer-obama- balanced/
21. Amanda Terkel, 'Poll Shows Palin's Unfavorability Ratings at an All-Time High as Broad Extols her Populist Appeal', February 11, 2010, at http://thinkprogress.org/2010/02/11/broder-palin/
22. Don Paul, To Prevent the Next " '9/11' ", 2005, in The World Is Turning, 2009, pages 197-200, quoting from John Elson's Lightning over the Treasury Building and Bruce Catton's narrative in The American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War and other sources
23. Don Paul, " '9/11' " / Facing Our Fascist State, 2002, in The World Is Turning, 2009, page 127
24. James McMichael, October 21, 2001,
124 Animals Are Always Making Music
25. Jim Hoffman, http://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/ evidence/photos/index.html
26. Jim Hoffman, http://911research.wtc7.net/papers/ dustvolume/volumev3_1.html
27. Jim Hoffman, http://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/ official/fema.html
28. Michael Vaughn Show with Joyce Lynn, Don Paul and Barrie Zwicker, May 31, 2004, at http://www.puppetgov.com/2009/04/09/flashback-rare- canadian-national-tv-discussion-about-controlled-demolition- of-twin-towers/
29. Kevin Ryan, 'Letter to National Institute of Standards and Technology', November 11, 2004 at http://www.911truth.org/article.php? story=20041112144051451
30. John Dobberstein, South Bend Tribune, 'Kevin R. Ryan Terminated at Underwriter Laboratories', November 22, 2004 at http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/2004/Kevin-R- Ryan22nov04.htm
31. David Ray Griffin, May 22, 2005, at
http://www.911truth.org/article.php? story=20050523112738404
32. Jim Hoffman, 'Building a Better Mirage ...', December 8, 2005, at
Animals Are Always Making Music 125
33. Kevin Ryan, 'The NIST WTC Report ...', September 10, 2008, at http://911review.com/articles/ryan/NIST_WTC7.html
34. James Gourley, Tony Szamboti, Richard Gage, Graeme MacQueen, Dr. Steven Jones, Dr. Neils Harrit, Ron Brookman, Chris Sams, Kamal Obeid, Scott Grainger, Frank Legge, Bob Fischer, Justin Keogh, David Chandler, Gregg Roberts, 'Scientists, Scholars, Architects & Engineers respond to NIST', September 15, 2008, at http://www. 911blogger.com/node/17794
35. 'Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?', final version at http://www.wtc7.net/articles/WhyIndeed09.pdf
36. http://www.ae911truth.org/
37. 'Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan Debunk the NIST Report, part 1 of 2',
38. '9/11 Inside Job--The Most Damning Evidence Yet'
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ezIU6ZxYU3A&feature=related
39. '9/11: Total Proof that Bombs were Planted in the Buildings!'
126 Animals Are Always Making Music
40. Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, and Bradley R. Larsen, 'Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe', at
http://www .bentham-open.org/pages/content.php? TOCPJ/2009/00000002/00000001/7TOCPJ.SGM
41. 'Danish scientist Niels Harrit: Nano Thermite (Explosives in the WTC Dust!', Socio-Economics History Blog, April 15, 2009, at
http://socioecohistory .wordpress.com/2009/04/15/danish- scientist-niels-harrit-nano-thermite-explosives-in-the-wtc- dust/
42. CNN, 'Do you believe there is a U. S. Government cover- up surrounding 9/11?', November 11, 2004, at http://www.911truth.org/article.php? story=20041111195501242
43. Washington Post, 'Do you believe of any the conspiracy theories suggesting the U.S. Government was somehow involved in 9/11?', September 7, 2006, at
http://www .msnbc.msn.com/id/14727720/ns/us_news- security/
44. New York Times/CBS poll at Angus Reid Global Monitor, 'Americans Question Bush on 9/11 Intelligence', October 14, 2006, at
http://www .angus-reid.com/polls/view/13469
45. Matt Purple, Cybercast News Service, '9/11 Conspiracy Theories Gain Ground, Study Finds', September 11, 2007, Zogby International at http://www.zogby.com/Soundbites/readclips.cfm? ID=15612
Animals Are Always Making Music 127
46. World Public Opinion.Org, 'International Poll: No Consensus on Who Was Behind 9/11', September 10, 2008, at http://www .worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/ international_security_bt/535.php
47. http://www.ae911truth.org/
48. Don Paul, 'A Brief Guide to Proofs that the World Trade Center Twin Towers Fell Due to Controlled Demolition', 2008, in The World Is Turning, 2009, pages 275-284
49. ibid, pages 275-280
50. Rick Hampson and Martha T. Moore, USA Today, 'Closure from 9/11 elusive for many', September 3, 2003, at http://www .usatoday .com/news/nation/2003-09-03- sept-11-son_x.htm , cited in Waking Up from Our Nightmare, Jim Hoffman and Don Paul, 2004, page 36.
51. Kevin Ryan, 'Another amazing coincidence related to the WTC', January 6, 2008, at http://www.911blogger.com/node/13272
52. 'What Entities Occupied the World Trade Center Buildings' at
http://www .911research.wtc7.net/wtc/background/ tenants.html
53. Michael Mandel, Business Week, 'German and French Banks got $36 billion from AIG Bailout', March 15, 2009, at http://www .businessweek.com/the_thread/ economicsunbound/archives/2009/03/ german_and_fren.html
54. Taku Murakami, 'Using plasma arc and thermite to demolish concrete', July 2, 1996, at http://www.freepatentsonline.com/5532449.html
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55. 'Chief Prosecutor's Record of Findings, Charges, Indictments and Presentments from the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury on the Crimes of September 11, 2001 in New York City', submitted on August 18, 2007 and published by Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, at http://stj911.org/paulCPFindings_SDCGJCharges.htm
56. 'Biographical Information on the Sixteen Individuals Cited by the San Diego Citizens grand Jury as Deserving Further Investigition for the Charge of 'Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder' ...', at http://stj911.org/paul/SDGJ_Bios.html
57. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salomon_Brothers, referencing Michael Lewis' 1989 book Liars Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street
58. Welt Online, 'Citigroup granted 306 billion dollar rescue', November 24, 2008, at
http://www .welt.de/english-news/article2772609/ Citigroup-granted-306-billion-dollar-rescue.html
59. Catherine Austin Fitts, 'Narco-Dollars for Beginners', October 31, 2001, at
http://www .narconews.com/narcodollars2.html
60. 'Frank C. Carlucci' biography at http://www.buddhistpeacegroup.org/pnac/carlucci.html
61. 'Carlyle Group' at
62. Dan Briody, Red Herring, 'Making a mint inside "the iron triangle" of defense, government, and industry', January 8, 2002, at http://www.ratical.com/ratville/CAH/linkscopy/ CarlylesWay.html
Animals Are Always Making Music 129
63. A summary of Henry Kissinger's career is available with links at
64. ibid, quoting from Walter Issacson's 1992 biography,
65. More comprehensive listings of Henry Kissinger's and his associates' interlocking positions are at
http://www .bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/elite/ kissinger_associates.htm
66. 'Biographical Information on the Sixteen Individuals Cited by the San Diego Citizens Grand Jury as Deserving Further Investigition for the Charge of 'Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder' ...', at http://stj911.org/paul/SDGJ_Bios.html
67. ibid 68. ibid
69. Many mainstream media pieces about the Emad Salem/ FBI relationship are available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emad_Salem ,
including an October 28, 1993 New York Times article by Ralph Blumenthal at
http://www .nytimes.com/1993/10/28/nyregion/tapes- depict-proposal-to-thwart-bomb-used-in-trade-center- blast.html .
The Salem/FBI relationship is also discussed on pages 149-50 of The World Is Turning, available online at
http://www .questionsquestions.net/ docs04/0526_donpaul.html ,
and in endnote 18 of Waking Up from Our Nightmare.
70. http://stj911.org/paulCPFindings_SDCGJCharges.htm
130 Animals Are Always Making Music
71. Workers World, 'Protest demands independent look at anthrax threat', July 25, 2002, at
http://www .workers.org/ww/2002/anthrax0725.php
72. Kevin Ryan, 'Another amazing coincidence related to the WTC', January 6, 2008, at http://www.911blogger.com/node/13272
73. Drs. J. A. Puszynski and J.J. Swiatiewicz, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 'Current Projects', 2001, at http://ret.sdsmt.edu/projectdescr.htm ,
cited by Kevin Ryan in 'The Top Ten Connections between NIST and Nano-Thermites' at
http://www .journalof911studies.com/volume/2008/ Ryan_NIST_and_Nano-1.pdf and quoted by Aidan
Monaghan in 'Naval "National Center for Energetics" Records of Pre-9/11 Nano-Energetic Materials, Non-Existent or Destroyed' at http://www.911blogger.com/
74. Turner Green Buildings home-page at
http://www .turnerconstruction.com/greenbuildings/ content.asp?d=2199 , listing 'President Clinton Cites Turner Construction's National Conference on "Greening The Schools", September 19, 2005, at
http://www .turnerconstruction.com/greenbuildings/ content.asp?d=4866 , and 'Turner Establishers Aggressive Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Goal' at http://www .turnerconstruction.com/greenbuildings/ content.asp?d=4866
75. 'Politicization of the construction industry 1933-1945' at
http://www .hochtief.com/hochtief_en/97.jhtml
Animals Are Always Making Music 131
76. Turner Construction homepage, 'Thomas C. Leppert Announces Plans to Resign as Chairman and CEO of The Turner Corporation at Year's End', August 15, 2006, at http://www .turnerconstruction.com/corporate/ content.asp?d=5555
77. FBI press-release, January 31, 2002, announcing promotions for James T. Caruso and Pasquale J. D'Amuro, at http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel02/ mueller013102.htm ,
and The Free Dictionary, 'PENTTBOM', at http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Pentagon%2FTwin +Towers+Bombing+Investigation
78. Micheal Behar, Wired, 'The New Mobile Infantry/Battle- ready robots are rolling out of the research lab and into harm's way', May 2002, at
http://www .wired.com/wired/archive/10.05/robots.html
9. Association for Computing Machinery press-release for its Eugene Lawler Award, March 11, 2002, at
http://www .acm.org/announcements/lawler_2001.html
80. Jim Hoffman and Don Paul, Waking Up from Our Nightmare, 2004, 'the Oklahoma City bombing', page 14 available at http://www.wtc7.net/store/books/wakingup/ samples/page14.html
81. William Jasper. 'Multiple Blasts in the OKC Building: More Evidence', June 1997, at http://911research.wtc7.net/cache/non911/oklahoma/ newamerican_jasper1.html
82. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/10.05/ robots.html
83. http://www.acm.org/announcements/lawler_2001.html
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84. James T. Thurman, Practical Bomb Scene Investigation, CRC Taylor & Francis, 2006, page 197
85. Kerry Kesler, Asheboro Courier-Tribune, 'Conscience called him to help lead clean-up effort at WTC', 2002, accessed through D.H. Griffin Companies website at
http://www .dhgriffin.com/utility/news/courier- tribune-2002.asp
86. ' "Ludicrous Diversion" ' (quoting year 2005 British Prime Minister Tony Blair), '7/7 London Bombings Documentary', at http://video.google.com/videoplay? docid=-4943675105275097719#docid=26930663288557 90599
87. Philip Mattera, Corporate Research Project, 'Presenting Arms: The Iraq War and the U. S. Weapons Industry', April 2003, http://www.corp-research.org/archives/apr03.htm , cited by Jim Hoffman and DonPaul, Waking Up from Our Nightmare, 2004, 'post 9/11: boom times for guns and oil', page 46
88. Joan Cook, New York Times, 'Henry Crown, Industrialist, Dies, Billionaire, 94, Rose From Poverty', August 16, 1990, at http://www .nytimes.com/1990/08/16/obituaries/henry- crown-industrialist-dies-billionaire-94-rose-from-poverty-by- joan-cook.html
89. The FundingUniverse, 'General Dynamics Corporation', at http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/ General-Dynamics-Corporation-Company-History .html
90. 'What Entities Occupied the World Trade Center Buildings' at
http://www .911research.wtc7.net/wtc/background/ tenants.html
Animals Are Always Making Music 133
91. San Francisco Business Journal, February 4, 2002 at http://sanfrancisco.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/stories/ 2002/02/04/story3.html
92. http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/1992.html
93. http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/2008ltr.pdf
94. http://www.gurufocus.com/StockBuy.php?symbol=gd
95. http://www.dailygotham.com/blog/mole333/ obama_vs_mccain_the_facts_for_jewish_voters
96. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 2009_United_States_federal_budget
97. ibid
98. Jim Hoffman, 'The 9/11 Script/Corporate Media Broadcasts Consistent Message', at http://911research.wtc7.net/disinfo/script/index.html
99. September 25, 2009 at
http://www .telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/g20- summit/6229901/G20-to-police-new-world-economic- order.html
100. Kelly Chemenkoff, September 25, 2009, at
http://www .foxnews.com/politics/2009/09/25/obama- usher-new-world-order-g/
101. September 25, 2009 at
http://www .nbcmiami.com/news/politics/ G20-092509-61436387.html
134 Animals Are Always Making Music
102. September 25, 2009 at
http://english.pravda.ru/news/world/25-09-2009/109524- G20%20-0
103. Waking Up from Our Nightmare, 2004, 'Behind Terror and War: Financiers and their G.O.D.D', pg. 38; book available at
http://www .wtc7.net/store/books/wakingup/
104. Ellen Brown, Global Research, 'Who Owns the Federal Reserve?', October 8, 2008, at
http://www .globalresearch.ca/index.php? context=va&aid=10489
105. Hoover's Profile, 'N.M. Rothschild and Sons' at Answers.com
http://www .answers.com/topic/n-m-rothschild-sons
106. Waking Up from Our Nightmare, 2004, pages 39-42, citing Al Martin, Dan Briody, Eustace Mullins, U.S. Representative Charles A Lindbergh, Derek Wilson, Nathan Mayer Rothschild, Burke Davis, Henry Makow, and U.S. Presidents John Adams, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and James Madsion; book available at
http://www .wtc7.net/store/books/wakingup/
107. The Huffington Post, 'Move Your Money Success Stories', January 8, 2010, at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/03/move-your- money-success-s_n_409928.html
108. 'Liz Pullam Weston, msn.com, 'Ditch your Bank for a Credit Union', April 9, 2009' at http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Banking/ BetterBanking/DitchYourBankForACreditUnion.aspx
Animals Are Always Making Music 135
109. Ellen Brown, truthout.org, 'Cut Wall Street Out! How States Can Finance Their Own Economic Recovery', October 31, 2009, at
http://www .truthout.org/1031091
110. 'Conan O'Brien on the mystery of North Dakota's $1.3- billion surplus', December http://publicbanking.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/conan- obrien-on-the-mystery-of-nds-1-3-billion-surplus/
111. 'We, The People, Call For Total National Strike April 15-18' and comments at http://republicbroadcasting.org/?p=6534
112. Organic Consumers Association at http://www .organicconsumers.org/
113. American Monetary Institute at http://www .monetary .org/
114. http://www.puppetgov.com
115. 911review.com, 'Articles by Kevin Ryan' at
http://911review .com/articles/ryan/index.html
116. ibid
117. Freepress, 'Ownership Chart: The Bix Six' at
http://www .freepress.net/ownership/chart/main
118. 911review.com, 'Articles by Kevin Ryan' at http://911review .com/articles/ryan/index.html