Great Haiti: Brilliant Achievements among 'Haiti at the Children's World's Fair in New Orleans'
To serve as Counter to some Candidates' Slurs that Haitians Threaten Communities with their Poaching Cats and Dogs and Ducks.
In 2014 Sticking Up For Children got lucky again. We worked with the New Orleans; Children’s Museums to include Haiti among the 10 Nations featured in that year’s World’s Fair.
More than 2000 children and parents passed through our Exhbit. They made kites. They made Veves. They attended show-and-tell histories. They drummed and danced. They learned about Haitian athletes, composers, painters, poets, Presidents and revolutionaries.
They may have been most impressed by Haitian accomplishments in battles over 13 with Spanish, then British, then French Armies. Former slaves defeated the latter Army last, in November 1803, and co-authored the world’s most inclusive, anti-racist and democratic Constitution in 1805. Haitians’ recovery from the Earthquakre that particularly devastated Port-au-Prince in January 2010 may also have impressed children and parents. The dignity, industry, and Kanaval flamboyance of Haitians may also have excited affections. Most, though, it appeared, children and parents appreciated the WELCOME all around them in Haiti’s Space at the World’s Fair in New Orleans that Saturday.
Thanks of ALL of you who wish the paired Major Parties might give us, oh, just the beginnings of real talk and Honest Discussion regarding our families’ most vital concerns and aspirations. Our true understanding of one another has progressed far too much in the past 60 years for us to accept Candidates who parrot Big Lie premises and pretexts for the W.E.F. W.A.H.—the War Against Humanity still stumbling onward through the World Economic Forum’s 100 Strategic Partners and its Board of Trustees.
Cheers and love to YOU ALL!
Oh, and a look back to WEF-World 18 months past. Pathologies are unchanged. They simply seek vehicles whom they bet will serve to most advance their desttuctions.