Generosity, Gratitude, Justice, and Kindness: Tools to Take Down the World Economic Forum's War Against Humanity
A paragraph of background. The books I’m reading this week are Justin Kaplan’s biography of Walt Whitman, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius as translated by Martin Hammond, Code of the Samurai by Inazo Nitobe, and two given by Maryse for my birthday (73! Who knowing me at age 21, when I wrecked a car, a truck, and an ambulance within a nine-months’ span, three crashes in three States at over 50 miles per hour each crash, would have bet on my lasting so far as 73?), Gulf / The Making of an American Sea by Jack E. Davis, and An American Family / The Shakurs and the Nation They Created by Santi Elijah Holley. Last week, too, I finished re-reading Balzac’s Pere Goriot in a Modern Library translation by E.K. Brown.
Reading such a range of books is itself a boon and bounty, I think—they step into worlds outside our 2023 of Big Technology and Big Media combining for distraction and diminishment. One’s brain opens. Synapses feel like they’re flowering as they meld. Fellow-feeling re-awakens.
One steps in serial directions past the Go-Digital-or-Die programs offered by such World Economic Forum spouts as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Achim Steiner, and Yuval Hariri … Speakers for the WEF’s unrelenting, covert and overt War Against Humanity … The WEF WAH, if I may try for a meme packs together what those would-be overlords are all about.
Books of this past week[s reading bridge in their subjects’ conceptions of ideals. Walt Whitman was one for all-embracing Sympathy as the attitude by which he and Everybody could be free and flourish equably. Marcus Aurelius in Roman palace or frontier campaign sought an island in his his Directing Mind for justice and hence equability and serenity. Samurai in Inazo Nitobe’s early 20th-century interpretation balance Rectitude (another word for behaving with and toward justice.) Like Knights errant and gallant of Europe, Samurai’s evolved code of Bushido finds that ‘ “The bravest are the tenderest, the loving are the daring.” “Bushi no nasaké” …’
‘A well-known bushi defines it as a power of resolution—’Rectitude is the pwoer of decing upon a certain course of conduct in accord with reason, without wavering, to die when it is right to die, to strike wqhen to strike is right.’
Walt Whitman is the source for this Substack’s title. Walt as a near-invalid in Camden, New Jersey, aged 69 by the year of 1888, wrote in his ‘A Backward Glance’: ‘In the center of all, and object of all, stands the Human Being, toward whose heroic and spiritual evolution poems and everything directly or indirectly tend, Old World or New.’
This perspective of Walt’s, this understanding and basis for acting, has stuck with me like one of Baudelaire’s ‘Beacons’ over five decades. “Stands the Human Being’ is also title for my series of pieces, or ‘Blog’, on the website. You are the center. We are the center. And you are one Light among many Lights, ever-changing from Moment to Monent and potentially myriad in your realizations, imaginings, and manifestations as a passage from Beethoven or Cecil Taylor. You are not here to ‘polish robots’, as Klaus Schwab would reduce you. You and we are not born to be crippled as “hackable animals’” as Yuval Hariri would reduce us. You and we are not born to Follow or be Followed within any constriction of 140 or more or less written characters. You and we are born to be godly.
Walt’s ‘A Backgward Glance’ statement stuck with me so strongly, from teen-aged years onward, that it’s featured as the last of six epigrams for a book that took me 15 years to finish (1969 to1984), Good Intentions / A Novel about Revolution.
The first epigram for Good Intentions is from Dostoyevsky and The Brothers Karamazov. ‘That the great idea may not die.’ Father Zossima of the Orthodox Christian Church tells Ivan Karamazov in Dostoyevsky’s chapter ’Exhortations of Father Zossima’ his abding “great idea”, this precept: “We are each responsible to all for all.”
The second epigram for Good Intentions is from Jimi Hendrix, as quoted in David Henderson’s lyric, musical and sympathetic biography, ’Scuse Me While I Kiss the Sky: Jimi wrote on his last earthly night: ’We will guild the Light / This time with a woman in our arms.’
Third epigram is from D. H. Lawrence and his short book of 1929, Apocalypse: ‘For man the vast miracle is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive.’
The fourth epigram for Good Intentions is from Malcolm X / El Hajj Malik el Shabazz and his 1965 Autobiography, as assisted by Alex Haley: ’The only true world solution today is governments guided by true religion—of the spirit.’
Fifth in the list comes from scientist W. Grey Walter and his The Living Brain of 1953: ‘The more elaborate our experiments, the more clearly we appreciate the great range and complexity of human personality, though it bedevils our charts and tables.’
Sixth and concluding, Walt’s statement, I’ll quote whole again, for it so resonates with me as a flashing, presscient thunderclap apposed to would-be overlords’ ‘New World Order’.” ‘Center of all, and object of all, stands the Human Being, toward whose heroic and spiritual evolution poems and everything directly or indirectly tend, Old World or New.’
The old precepts of centuries and decades when men and women had to deal with each other face to face, voice to voice, may serve us well now in years of COVIDopia’s mass-murderous deceits and presumed Central Banks’ Digital Currencies’ removing money from out pockets … when and where our livelihoods and very lives may be cut off by unseen hands through the Internet. They may cut through fog of WEF Speak’s vacuous slogans and virtue-signals. They may shame and rout the money-from-nothing conspirators and despoilers—the WEF’s 100 Strategic Partners among Corporations in particular—who want to use another Scam, another nonsensical perversion of realities, ‘Climate Change’ when Earth’s air and sea temperatures are essentially constant over the past seven decades, to become our final overlords.
Generosity—Gratitude—Justice—Kindness as everyday attitudes can clear our minds of many blinding Big Lies and rid our hearts of fear, the most disabling of poisons from Big Lies’ Psy-Ops.
The more that we share of what we know the more we all can grow. Generosity. We all of the eight billion whom Bill Gates wanted to inject with an mRNA vaccine, far back as April 30, 2020 on his ‘Notes’ platform, have gained crucial knowledge over the past three years. We know from sharing losses and sharing information. We may know that “ ‘COVID-19’ “ the gain-of-function disease must have issued from Laboratories in Chapel Hill, Fort Detrick, Winnipeg and Wuhan and we may know that the COVID “ '“ ‘vaccines’ “ carry their disease’s ‘Spike Protein’ as their congestive and killing gain-of-fucntion, too. We all may be grateful to be alive now, survivors of most concerted attacks ever on freedom for our species, and we may be glad for those who have helped and help us. We may feel as if we’ve been stabbed and we may feel that justice is deserved for those who have carried out the ‘Excess Deaths’ that number more then 20 million over our past 44 months of the “ ‘COVID’ “ wars against us.
We may want now to embrace both the Will and Kindness of Compassionate Warriors. ‘The bravest are the tenderest, the loving are the daring, …’ We need all our hearts to act like wombs and swords for freedom.