October 20, 2024
STEVIE WONDER had it right about Plants. Plants do welcome you into their life. They do offer gifts in the most surprising, gratifying and delightful ways. And they ask so little to feed the yields that they bring forth.
It’s now five weeks past Solstice in New Orleans. The four Mighty Okra standing and rising in the Bed before our Window-Seat of Casa Tropicalia are still bearing Pods (Fruit) through branches and offshoots that are themselves multiplying.
Emerald Green or Spineless—check ‘em out below!
Bountiful band of Emerald Green or Spineless, standing next to Drum from the DRC of Africa, given me six years ago by the Mushagalusa Gallery in Montreal, Quebec.
These 12 Okra greeted me on return from two days of Mixing at Dockside Studio in Acadiana with the superb JUSTIN TOCKET—all 12 Tracks of LOUSIANA STORIE we got done—you can see and hear them over on stickingupforchildren.com.
One Emerald Green on one offshoot of one stout Trunk—Okra so resourceful!
Mighty tall Emerald Green with a Pod (Fruit) as its tip.
Then the Peppers of Autumn!
Tabasco Peppers festoon bushes in the Eastward rhomboid bed.
As hot at they’re red. One of these firecrackers will burn a tingle to your lips no matter how much you drink to cool its heat.
Then the two Hibiscus Plants (or Trees, if size counts) that have this Month bloomed!
White blossoms shade into the most inviting Pink between Morning and Afternoon.
Flowers on a Plate, ready to have their colors turned in Tea.
More of Hibiscus flowers, soon to serve us in Tea!
Thus, today’s encouraging Dispatch about the Bounties we’ve gained through very easy care—daily watering, occasional pruning, and Admiring Gazes and Spoken Praise.
Remember, too, please, how Ignorant we were seven months ago regarding what to do. We have TASHA to thank for her hands on tasks, but our experience since April may show you: ANYONE can garden for sustenance and fun!