Eugenics, Transhumanism, A.I., and Vertus Wellborn Hardiman
Maybe Vertus' Lesson Is: Grow Our Whole.
Four years into the COVIDopia of nonsensical abuse that billions of us have suffered due to Agendas of Bigoted and Callow Elitists, we may want to look back 140-or-so, years when tenets of 'Transhumanism' were headed under the Absurd and Vile 'Science' of 'Eugenics'
We’ll see many parallels. During World War I and that World War’s immediate aftermath, Multi-Billionaires advanced their Agenda of Eugenics with through ]philanthropic’ Foundations and through ‘prestigious’ Universities such as Harvard and (my quasi-alma mater) Stanford.
These earlier (and continuing) Multi-Billionaires, a Banksters’ and Industrialists’ Ruling Few of the Western and Colonial worlds, proceeded in the 1930s to ally with Nazi Germany toward Racist Depopulation.
After the second World War to which these Few subjected and sacrificed us, they gradually guised Eugenics under bodies and titles such as the Population Council.
In our 21st century these same Few of inbred and hence debased families and their Foundations have funded and attached to their ends new Vicious Flunkeys (Jeffrey Epstein) and multi-billionaires (Bill Gates, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk, …) under the ‘project’ of ‘improving the human species’ through Transhumanism (‘Transhumanism is a philosophical and intellectual movement that advocates the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available new and future technologies that can greatly enhance longevity, cognition, and well-being’, Wikipedia tells us) and Transhumanism’s more universally crippling and enslaving Running-Partner, A. I., ‘Artificial Intelligence’, or—as I hope will soon become more or less universally recognized as Few’s intentions for A.I.—Assisted Idiocy.
Our guide through alternative to the Racist Nonsense of Eugenics will be Vertus Hardiman Wellborn.
Vertus was himself “experimented on” during Eugenics’ heyday, a 10-year-old in Indiana, 1928, four years before the Third International Eugenics Congress took place in New York City under sponsorship of the Rockefeller and Ford and Carnegiie Foundations and the Bush and Harrimann families.
I first began to write about Vertus is a collaboration with Bill Jablonski and his site during 2012. Bill’s and my collaboration makes up the biggest part of my fourth ‘COVID-19’ Post on the Flipping the Script blog of my We Are Revolutions site. You can read the WHOLE of that Post, amid the voluminous contents lodging in Tabs over there, with a click, if you like.
Below are excerpts from that Post and then a scan of Elon Musk and Sergey Brin and Big Tech’s new guises (longtermism, pronatalism, …) for absurd Eugenics.
‘Vertus Wellborn Hardiman
In 1928 Vertus Wellborn Hardiman was five years old. He was growing up in the town of Lyles Station, Indiana.
Lyles Station, a former "Freedom Village" on the Underground Railroad, was a small and out-of-the-way community near southern Indiana's border with Kentucky. Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia's summary. 'Lyles Station is one of Indiana's early black rural settlements and the only one remaining. The rural settlement reached its peak in the years between 1880 and 1912, when major structures in the community included the railroad depot, a post office, a lumber mill, two general stores, two churches, and a school. By the turn of the twentieth century, Lyles Station had fifty-five homes, with a population of more than 800 people.'
One morning in 1928 officials at the Consolidated School introduced students to a tool meant to remove ringworm. Vertus Hardiman and nine other Black children were subjected to "a beam" of radiation focused on the crowns of their craniums. The "beam" burned them. It burned each of their craniums for many years afterward.
Riding away from Consolidated on their schoolbus, all ten children who had been irradiated that day held their heads, screamed, and vomited.
Vertus Wellborn Hardiman lived till 2007 and age 85. Graduating with honors from Lincoln High School in Indiana, Spring of 1941, he soon moved to southern California for better employment and for better care of the necrosis to his skull. He began work at the County of Los Angeles General Hospital. He wore a wig or a cap to hide his head-wound. He changed bandages to the wound at least once a day. He served at the Hospital for more than five decades; urged young people to get a good education; and kept his secret.
His steady saving amassed an astounding working-class person's fortune of $8 million by his 70th birthday in 1993. His final church was the First AME (African Methodist Episcopal Church) in Pasadena. In this church's choir he met Wilbert Smith, Ph.D, a counselor to youth across California. One day, Wilbert Smith recalls, Vertus came to him, "sobbing uncontrollably", and unburdened the essence of that which he'd hidden for more than a half-century.
"Five years old," Vertus told Wilbert, "I was experimented on."
Wilbert Smith and Brett Leonard have told Vertus' story in a documentary film that's titled "Hole in the Head: A Life Revealed". Released four years after Vertus' passing, "Hole in the Head" received awards from several Festivals in 2011.
The documentary's specific story and Vertus' statements and dignity are beyond my capacity to express with words. You can see it on youtube and read Comments here. Please consider buying a DVD from Dr. Coleman and thus owning the record without dependence on Internet access that We Masses may soon lose.
"This is not my story. This is OUR story," Vertus says.
Vertus and his nine schoolmates were victimized into lifetimes of pain. They, woe to say, are a handful among thousands and millions "experimented on" in the United States and elsewhere across the civilized West. Vertus suffered the "beam" when the reputed 'science' of Eugenics was funded with millions from the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations and endorsed through Universities such as Stanford. We can see the same families and institutions prescribing 'Population Control' after World War II. In the 21st century they've promoted 'Lockstep' and 'Lockdown' to combat simulated 'Plagues' such as the 'novel coronavirus', COVID 19, of 2020.
You may remember that Ted Turner, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the United Nations Foundation and honored colleague of George Soros, David Rockefeller, and Bill Gates' father William, repeated in 2008 that he thought that the population of humans on Earth should be reduced by five billion.
A History of Horrors: Eugenics from England to the USA to Nazi Germany
The experiments "on" children in Lyles Station went hand-in-hand with programs of 'Eugenics' that were proudly promoted by Governments in the United States, Britain, and Germany from the late 19th century into the 1930s.
The supposed science of 'Eugenics' posited that the human species could be improved through culling of 'unfit' men, women and children. Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, invented the term and its supposed science in 1883. Galton defined 'eugenics' as: 'the science of improvement of the human race germ plasm through better breeding.'
Yes, you read that right: a 'science' of improving 'the human race germ plasm' through 'better breeding.' Sir Francis said further: 'Eugenics is the study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations, whether physically or mentally.' (2)
'Eugenics' and its 'agencies under social control' were thus elitists' wish-dream. Sir Winston Churchill was one Director of the First International Congress of Eugenics, held in London, England, 1912. The second Congress of Eugenics took place in New York City, 1921, year of the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations. This second Congress admired work done at the Cold Harbor Research Facility, funded by tax-evading arms of the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Harriman family fortunes. A central part of the Cold Harbor Facility was the Eugenics Recording Office and its data on the presumable worthiness of millions of U.S. citizens.
Ostensible research and supposed 'scientific' findings preceded U. S. states' laws and methods. In 1911 the Carnegie Institution funded a study whose title was: 'Preliminary Report of the Committee of the Eugenic Section of the American Breeder's Association to Study and to Report on the Best Practical Means for Cutting Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the Human Population.'
Yes, you read that right, too: the Eugenic Section of the American Breeders Association study treated the Human Population as cattle.
One means offered to improve our species' stock, method number 8 in the Eugenic ... Breeders' list, was 'euthanasia.'
Seven years later, 1918, one scientist supported by Carnegie, Rockefeller and Harriman money, Dr. Paul Popenoe, a specialist in venereal disease for the U.S. Army during World War I, co-wrote a textbook that became widely taught in colleges also funded by Carnegie's, Rockefeller's and other robber barons' millions. This textbook's title was: Applied Eugenics.
The textbook of which Popenoe was co-author cited mass-execution as a method for keeping a society's stock strong. 'Its value in keeping up the standard of the race should not be underestimated.' (4)
Leading moguls' funding of eugenicist institutions in Britain, Germany, and the U.S. bore fruit at 1932's third International Congress of Eugenics, held in New York City . Investment-bankers Prescott Bush and Averill Harriman (also brethren from Yale University's secret-society Skull and Bones) gave German doctor Ernest Rudin and other Nazis free passage to this Congress aboard their Hamberg/Amerika shipping-line. Dr. Rudin, a psychiatrist, had previously enjoyed more than $325,000 in funding by the Rockefeller Foundation to Berlin's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and Demography, according to Stefan Kuhl's 1994 book from the Oxford University Press The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism. (8)
The 1932 Congress elected Dr. Rudin to be President of the International Federation of Eugenics Societies. Dr. Rudin soon afterward wrote Nazi Germany's 'Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases' and thus became author of the forced sterilization of more than 250,000 of the 'unfit.' (9)
In 1940 the intertwined cartels of Nazi Germany's I. G. Farben and the Rockefeller family's Standard Oil agreed to employ slave-labor from the Nazis' concentration-camp at Auschwitz for production at the Silesian-American mine in Poland. (10) Prescott Bush and Averill Harriman and their Union Bank partnered with Nazi financier Fritz Thyssen at the Silesian-American plant into August 1942, nine months after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Bush's and Harriman's business at Auschwitz was stopped only by the United States' Trading with the Enemy Act. (11)
'Eugenics' Becomes 'Population Control' after World War II
'Eugenics' and its mass sterilizations were precedents supporting the prison-camp Holocausts that murdered at least eleven million Catholics, Communists, Poles, Jews, Roma, Slavs, Jehovah's Witnesses, handicapped and homosexual people during World War II. (12)
Footage of horrific mass-murder and starvation at these camps played widely on newsreels after the war.
Somehow, however, leading plutocrats in North Carolina and elsewhere instituted the 'Human Betterment League of North Carolina' in 1947. This League, its name reminiscent of Dr. Rudin's 'German Society for Race Hygiene', was founded by James Hanes (yes, of the family famous for hosiery and underwear), Dr. Clarence Gamble (of Proctor & Gamble) and Alice Shelton Gray (of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco).
The Human Betterment League proceeded to sterilize hundreds of Black women in Winston- Salem alone over the next 27 years (yes, into 1974), according to Kevin Begos' 2002 'Against Their Will' series in the Winston-Salem Journal. (13)
Other advocates of 'Eugenics' adopted new names and ostensible policies after World War II.
John D. Rockefeller, eldest grandson of the founder of Standard Oil and eldest son of the donor of the United Nations' site in New York City, co-founded the Population Council with former Nazi attorney and future U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in 1952. The Eugenics Society moved its offices from Yale University to share quarters with the Population Council in Manhattan. The former head of the Eugenics Society, Frederick Osborn, his family partnered for decades with Rockefellers in the supposed 'science', became President of the Population Council.
A corollary effort, Planned Parenthood, one that attracted lawyer and Judge William Gates, Sr or II, as a Director, grew out of both the Society and the Council.
In 1937 Frederick Osborn had praised Nazi Germany's mass-sterilization programs as "apparently excellent." 'Recent developments in Germany constitute the most important experiment that has ever been tried,' Osborn wrote then. In 1968 Osborn recommended guises. His book The Future of Human Heredity stated: 'The goals of eugenics are most likely to be attained under a name other than eugenics.' (14)
And so. And so … We jump to 2012 and Barack Obama as President for further steps between “ ‘9/11’ “ and ‘ “COVID-19’ “.
In 2012, Governments are still passing more overt laws for sterilization and vaccination. In March of 2012 , following a mandate from the Institute of Medicine of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Obama Administration began to offer free sterilization to college-age women. (31) Last November, too, a law allowing vaccination of 12-year-olds in California, without parental knowledge or consent, Senate Assembly Bill 499, was signed by Democrat Jerry Brown. (32)
Australia is part of the acts. In March of this year, too, the Government of Western Australia's Mental Health Commission proposed a Bill allowing forced sterilization of Aboriginal children without parental consent. (33)’
Sergey Brin and Elon Musk, ‘Tranhumanism’ and ‘A.I.’
Elon Musk of Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX, NeuraX, and now ex-Twitter X was a Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum’s Davos Annual Meeting in 2008.
Sergey Brin of Google and hence YouTube and now the umbrella Alphabet and Google’s ChatBot and Gemini Project preceded Musk into Davos in 2004, 2006, and 2007.Brin returned to Davos in 2017.
Mark Zuckerberg followed both Musk and Brin into Davos as a Y. G. L. in 2009. That year’s class is notable for its implementing “ ‘COVID-19’ “ and profiting from that Labs.-made disease and its subsequent “ ‘vaccines’ “.
All of the above lists of Annual Young Global Leaders come from the Wikispooks Website. Go there, type in a Person or Subject for research, and reap multi-fold connections and histories. Wikispooks—Saludos!
In 2010 Google’s Sergey Brin volunteered for a Transhumanist Experiment that was as crude and unaccomplishing as Witless Gush from the New York Times described it.
‘On a Tuesday evening this spring, Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, became part man and part machine. About 40 people, all gathered here at a NASA campus for a nine-day, $15,000 course at Singularity University, saw it happen. While the flesh-and-blood version of Mr. Brin sat miles away at a computer capable of remotely steering a robot, the gizmo rolling around here consisted of a printer-size base with wheels attached to a boxy, head-height screen glowing with an image of Mr. Brin’s face…The BrinBot was hardly something out of “Star Trek.” It had a rudimentary, no-frills design and was a hodgepodge of loosely integrated technologies. Yet it also smacked of a future that the Singularity University founders hold dear and often discuss with a techno-utopian bravado: the arrival of the Singularity — a time, possibly just a couple decades from now, when a superior intelligence will dominate and life will take on an altered form that we can’t predict or comprehend in our current, limited state. At that point, the Singularity holds, human beings and machines will so effortlessly and elegantly merge that poor health, the ravages of old age and even death itself will all be things of the past.’
The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network and Wesley J. Smith, J.D., aptly scoffed, then: ‘Please. We can’t even stop a catastrophic oil leak but in a few decades we will substantially defeat death? I think not. But it is a good myth to create that New Time Religion.’
In 2017 Brin was back at the WEF’s Davos and expressing surprise at the supposedly prodigious progress of ‘A.I.’ .
If you receive the above as stereotypical WEF-based Hyperbole and Vacuity. A.I. here to stay in 2017? A.I. without limits. A.I. with ‘incredible possibilties.’
Six years later in the limitless possibilties of A.I., 2023, Brin came back to Google to help its answer, Gemini, to the admittedly faults-ridden OpenAI ChatGPT, perform at least simple tasks, such as email, without wildly mistaken interpretations, sometimes called ‘AI hallucinations.’
‘ChatGPT and Gemini are largely responsible for the considerable buzz around GenAI, which uses data from machine learning models to answer questions and create images, text and videos [ … ] GenAI is still rapidly evolving, and models don't always return correct answers. Despite the common occurrence of AI hallucinations -- wrong answers generated by AI -- in both ChatGPT and Gemini, the tools are being adopted by businesses and consumers seeking to automate time-consuming tasks.
Why in 2024 would anyone a ‘common occurrence’ of ‘wrong answers.’
Well, Young Global Leader Musk is like his WEF fellows Brin, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bancel, … is hyping ‘A.I.’ without retreat or stint in 2024.
Eight years ago, Musk stated as a certainty that we Homo sapiens must install technology into our bodies to withstand subordination by ‘A.I.’.
The Irish Independent reported in Junr 2016.
‘Elon Musk, the billionaire boss of Tesla and SpaceX, has said that humans need to become cyborgs to avoid becoming “house cats” for vastly more intelligent robots.
Musk said that as artificial intelligence advances, people will need to augment their brain power with digital technology to prevent them becoming irrelevant.’
“Under any rate of advancement in AI we will be left behind by a lot. The benign situation with ultra-intelligent AI is that we would be so far below in intelligence we’d be like a pet, or a house cat. I don’t love the idea of being a house cat. The solution that seems maybe the best one is to have an AI layer. A third digital layer that could work symbiotically [with your brain].” ‘
Musk was by 2016 14 years into a career in Ballistic Missiles and other Weaponry in company with Michael Griffin … of the CIA and then NASA.
Alan Macleod chronicled the partnership in MintPress News on May 31, 2022.
‘From its origins in 2002, SpaceX has always been extremely close to the national security state, particularly the CIA.
Perhaps the most crucial link is Mike Griffin, who, at the time, was the president and COO of In-Q-Tel, a CIA-funded venture capital firm that seeks to nurture and sponsor new companies that will work with the CIA and other security services, equipping them with cutting edge technology.
The “Q” in its name is a reference to “Q” from the James Bond series – a creative inventor who supplies the spy with the latest in futuristic tech.
Griffin was with Musk virtually from day one, accompanying him to Russia in February 2002, where they attempted to purchase cut-price intercontinental ballistic missiles to start Musk’s business.
Musk felt that he could substantially undercut opponents by using second-hand material and off-the-shelf components for launches. The attempt failed, but the trip cemented a lasting partnership between the pair, with Griffin going to war for Musk, consistently backing him as a potential “Henry Ford” of the rocket industry.’
Wikispooks devotes a section to the CIA and SpaceX.
‘CIA & Space X Space X was founded with the help of Mike Griffin, who worked for CIA's venture capital arm and was later appointed as NASA administrator by George W. Bush.[15][16] During this time, Griffin met entrepreneur Elon Musk and accompanied him on a trip to Russia trying to buy intercontinental ballistic missiles. This trip of the two is credited as directly leading to the formation of SpaceX, according to an article by The New York Times.[17]
In 2005, When Griffin was appointed NASA Administrator, twenty aerospace companies applied[18] to a Commercial Orbital Transportation Services program. Only SpaceX (still never having flown and launching a rocket) was given the contract worth $396 million.
Musk was broke in 2008; his Russian-inspired Falcon 1 rocket was 0-3 in launches, having failed again that August. And Tesla, which hit a speed bump with its early model Roadster, "was haemorrhaging money". The $180 million Musk made from selling PayPal to eBay in 2002 was essentially gone, having invested it all on SpaceX and Tesla, while getting divorced in the meantime. In 2008, with SpaceX reportedly filing for bankruptcy, Griffin gave SpaceX a contract for up to $3 billion[19] to work in cooperation with his own enterprises. Elon Musk called Griffin (and his CIA money) directly responsible for saving SpaceX.[20] ‘
A Canadian journalist, Paris Marx, who at age 32 is about 20 years younger than Musk and who identifies as “they”, wrote cogently in April 2023 about the phenomenon that Musk represents most flamboyantly among Big Tech multi-billionaires. Eugenics and its racist prejudices is again a main root of this seeming movement.
Paris Marx wrote in April 2023. ‘Elon Musk has been warning about population decline and smaller families for years. In his 2015 biography, he’s quoted as saying, “if each successive generation of smart people has fewer kids, that’s probably bad.” Musk is explicit that “smart” people need to be having more kids — he has nine living children, that we know of — but doesn’t go so far as to say that other people should be having fewer [ … ']
The narrative Silicon Valley crafts about itself has long distracted us from its history and the reality of the impact it has had on the world. When we look past the rosy stories of innovative founders and groundbreaking tech firms, what we see can be quite damning. In Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World, Malcolm Harris unearths this history, and in particular the promotion and even championing of eugenics by many of the prominent people that set the foundations on which the industry was built.’
We remember Stanford University during World War I and into the 2nd and 3rd ‘International Eugenics Congress.’ We remember the Carnegie Institute’s study on the ‘Cutting Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the Human Population’. We remember how benign were Eugenics’ images and language.
We remember how Frederick Osborn, head of the Eugenics Society and partner with Rockefellers before and after World War II, became President of the Population Council in 1952. We remember Osborn praising Nazi Germany's mass-sterilization programs as "apparently excellent." We recall Osborn’s writing in 1937: 'Recent developments in Germany constitute the most important experiment that has ever been tried.’ We remember that Osborn’s book The Future of Human Heredity stated: 'The goals of eugenics are most likely to be attained under a name other than eugenics.'
We read new terms and concepts that Paris Marx relates are vogues in Silicon Valley, Big Tech and Big Finance: ‘Effective Altruism’ (cited by felon Sam Bankman-Fried) and ‘Longtermism’ and ‘Pronatalism.;
Paris Marx wrote: ‘In a similar way as longtermism seeks to allow the wealthy and powerful to shape the future of humanity, there’s a clear desire among pronatalists to do something similar by spreading their genes — which they believe are superior — throughout the human population. [ … ]
Through effective altruism, longtermism, and pronatalism, they’re trying to have us believe that they should remain in charge and we should let them set the course of our collective future. The idea is that since they’ve built large tech companies and accumulated sizeable bank balances that they’re best placed to set societal priorities. Yet nothing could be further from the truth — and more people are recognizing it.
In recent years, the public has turned on the tech elite. Mark Zuckerberg is a laughing stock, Jeff Bezos is despised, Elon Musk has fallen from grace, and even Bill Gates’ attempts to use his fortune to clean up his reputation aren’t working so well anymore. That’s exactly why we’re seeing them ramp up the pressure to sell us on their superior intelligence and natural place at the top of the hierarchy. But we must reject them and everything they stand for at all costs.’
We may also see parallels in PROFITEERING from the Racist Nonsense embodied in ‘Eugenics’. John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie profited from employing cheap labor among ethnicities and races that ‘science’ held to be ‘inferior.’ Vertus Wellborn Hardiman was “experimented on” because Negroes then could reject such experiments. NAZI Germany profited from slave labor by those tagged ‘inferior’ … the same as I.G. Farben and Standard Oil and Prescott Bush and Averill Harriman and the Union Bank profited.
Maybe we need to outgrow such Venal Nonsense now. Maybe Vertius Wellborn Hardiman offers a Guiding Perspective great as his Example … of accumulating seven million Dollars as a worker at Los Angeles General Hospital and then giving away all of his fortune. Vertus said: “This is not MY story—this is OUR story.”
He meant, I think, not only schoolmates of his who bore necrosis to their craniums from being “experimented on.” He meant, I think, the story of those whose sense of superiority let them do the “experimenting.” He meant, I think, the ‘OUR story’ of ‘guises’ and presumptions such as ‘the smart people’ that are are no way to get “right” in our hearts.
Maybe Vertus’ lesson is: Grow Our Whole. Forget about A.I. and its ‘hallucinations’. Forget about reducing the number of people on Earth to “two to four billion.” Forget about putting shots into “seven billion” people.
Share the gifts of creation Creator give us. “One love.” We can may anything. We can have everything.
Endnotes and Urls to ‘COVID-19, #4: Eugenics, Experiments, … ‘, as the Post is excerpted here.
2. 'Introduction to Eugenics', John Cavanaugh-O'Keefe, January 1995, at EUGENICS.htm
4. Ibid
5. 'A Brief History of Population Control', Jeff Turnbull, June 16, 2011 at
6. ''The Horrifying Roots of Nazi Genetics', Edwin Black, San Francisco Chronicle, November 9, 2003 at
8. The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism, Stefan Kuhl, 1994, Oxford University Press, pp. 20-21
9. The World Is Turning, Don Paul, Irresistible/Revolutionary 2009, pp. 207-08
10. 'Rockefeller, Nazis, the UN, and Genocide', Anton Chaitkin, April 2, 2003 at http://educate-
11. Waking Up from Our Nightmare, Jim Hoffman and Don Paul, Irresitible/Revolutionary, 2004, page 44, available at
12. 'A Teacher's Guide to the Holocuast' at
13. 'Selling a Solution', Kevin Begos, December 10, 2002, Winston-Salem Journal, on 'Against Their Will' webpage at
14. 'Eugenics and Environmentalism: From quality control to quantity control', Daniel Taylor, Old- Thinker News, April 30, 2008, at environmentalism-from-quality-control-to-quantity-control/
15. 'La Via Campesina denounces Gates Foundation purchase of Monsanto Company shares', September 13, 2010, at campesina-denounces-gates-foundation-purchase-of-monsanto-company-shares&catid=49:stop- transnational-corporations&Itemid=76
16. 'Machines of War: Blackwater, Monsanto, and Bill Gates', Silvia Ribeiro, October 14, 2010, La Jornada at
17. '2001' Awards Ceremony' at
18. Bilderberger Ted Turner Repeats Call For Population Curb', quoting from CNBC interview, April 28, 2008, at
19. 2003
20. 'Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation', John Harlow, May 24, 2009, The London Sunday Times, cited in William Engdahl's good overview 'Bill Gates talks about 'vaccines to reduce population' at
21. 'The Giving Pledge' at
24. " '9/11' ": Facing Our Fascist State (2002) in The World Is Turning, pages 75-77
25. peasants-march-against-monsanto-in-haiti-peasant-leader-to-visit-us&catid=49:stop-transnational- corporations&Itemid=76
26.'Take the Flour Back, 27 May 2012 ... Around the world, people are resisting GM and corporate control of our food' at
27. '
28. 'European Commission eurostat' at ess_feeds/iceland_en
30. 'Eugenics in North Carolina' at
31. 'New Obamacare regulation calls for free sterilization for all college women', Ethan A. Huff, March 23, 2012, Natural News, at 035334_women_sterilization_Obamacare.html
32. 'Did Merck buy off California legislators who voted to pass AB499 vaccination consent bill?', Ethan A. Huff, October 12, 2011, Natural News, at 033848_Merck_legislators.html
33. Draft Bill 2011, pages 135-137, at Discussion_Draft_for_Mental_Health_Bill_2011_v3.sflb.ash, also available via http://